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over 26% of the float is short on Virgin Galactic! Their marketcap is less than half of their cash on hand - not including assets and IP. Net cash, no debt. Projections to build second spaceport by 2028, with +500 flights per year by 2026 bringing in yearly revenue that is greater than the current marketcap. They have over two year burn rate and Delta should be in production by Q3 this year. Space is like crypto, shit moves fast.

Most space companies with successful launches are valued in the billions, yet this one is barely pushing 400m. Anyone with a big bag could come along and become Elon 2.0.

I just rotated out of my memecoins to buy this stock. The squeeze is going to be astronomical. Cover your shorts, because where we're going we wont need pants!
Don't they spend like 400m a year on just keeping the lights on?
Anon, you're two years late to the party.

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Amatuers. My portfolio looks like this every day.
That's what you get for buying overvalued shit
>muh growth stocks
This narrative will die with the next bullrun
how do you manage to be 22% down bruh not even me got fucking rekt with this week general dump, superverse got down for like 5%
Tesla's CEO just straight up lies and overpromises about things they said they'd do years ago, TSLA pumps.
Meta's CEO speaks honestly about their ambitious and costly plans to venture into a large new market, META dumps.

Mark needs to be upgraded with an emotion chip that'd finally allow him to lie.
>thread about actual investments
>some mentally deranged retard has to post about his childish shitcoin he put 50 dollars into



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>DOJ fud
>SEC fud
>US govt fud
>cap gains fud
>still pumping
They are getting desperate.
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>step dad had 20 years of savings in cash
>He taught English in a foreign country
>Breaks up with gf over there and wants to travel back to white country
>Foreign government doesn't allow more than $6000 through the airport
Can't he just put it into crypto? I told him funds would be safu.

Is something like this even logically possible?
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Kek gottem

Tell him to just deposit it in a bank account. A boomer who insists on saving in cash is going to fuck up sending the money to and from wallets and lose it all. There's nothing to gain either, there won't be any tax liability as it was earned while a resident of another country. There's no "hiding" the money either as he'll have to KYC to cash out at the very least on the western side.
If its in Asia he can easily find 24k gold jewellery.

3 or 4 necklaces and a bracelet should be enough and its on your person at all times.
This is stupid. Couldnt he even wire it to his cashapp or venmo?
just use binance ffs.
>step dad had 20 years of savings in cash
>Breaks up with gf
so he dumped your mom?

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Thinking of selling all my ETH and putting it into low cap AI tokens. Convince me not to
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Just get squid bro
I'm thinking about doing the same, swaping all my shit into $TRUF, since I've seen a lot of retards shilling that shit here
Just do what works for you, for me am buying more AAST
I have a million dollars, can i just buy eth and get the 2% and live off 20k a year for life?
is it really that shrimple?
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One thing to consider: ETH ETF rejection is likely to happen in May, which will continue the bleeding trend of ETH/BTC that everyone will notice. A couple Bloomberg analysts known for being good SEC tea-leaf readers have been saying so as well. Ethies have been quite excited about the prospect for ETFs in the US and have been saying this is all fud becuase blackcock wants to accumulate, so it obviously isn't priced in and will be quite the shocking blow for them when it is delayed/rejected.

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>email verification
>all ICP threads gone
>SOL threads remained
How did I fell for this scam?
>Ctrl f
>6 results for ICP
Retard has his brain set to M for Mini set it to W for Wumbo
fuck your cabal shitcoin
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I just ran 3 live tests with 100% success rate and made 45% profit.

Yes there must be luck involved. I just wanted to share a progress update and good news on my first live test.

tl;dr; I made a AI strategy pokemon evolution type evolve thingie , that tests strategies and then ranks them, then applies them to solana dexscreener tokens.

This is a progress update thread as Im nearly a first stable prototype.

1 week: Program applies AI strategies ( hardcoded list generated by AI) against live tokens, logs successful simulated trades.

2nd week: Create a report function so I can see which strategies are clearly working. Move the program to a VM so I can get to run in an automated scheduled environment. ( And not piss me off ).

3rd Week:Connected it to Discord, so everyone can monitor all the testing updates live for free (h6DgNf2H)
Added private channel which is simply the filtered "winning strategies"

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This is what the strategy tests look like
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And here are the better strats
THe first trade on each was a test gone wrong, bu t the other percentages apparently!?! are real ( i fixed the bug) I dunno lol, but its the same strat I used tonight on my live test.
Anon this is all very interesting. Could you not use the AI to also help you make decisions about the most effective strategies over time? You could have it continue testing all strategies it comes up with and start to surface "winners" for you to evaluate.

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Chainlink Hackathon Idea Cultivation v1:

ITT anons will help me come up with a hackathon idea for Chainlink's upcoming hackathon.

The hackathon is on April 29th to 2nd of May.

It has an occult theme this time and the hackathon is called 'BLOCK MAGIC': chain.link/hackathon

Now we all know about Chainlink's occult background. Because of this I believe this hackathon will spark some true success stories from it. As a result I need some ideas. Almost everything has been done before.

I am a pro at frontend design/development. Fullstack really but my specialty making cool animations and designs for modern responsive web apps (dApps). All this to say that no outlandish idea is off the table.

- Brainstorm ideas
- Ideas have to incorporate Chainlink's services:

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Wow this may be the best idea ITT that could actually win a prize. Unfortunately I wouldn't even know where to begin. And there is only 8 days to do research and build an MVP.
Well at its simplest, it would be a webcrawler that hashes websites, and the websites that have the same hash would be aggregated as the same. Mmm actually thinking longer about it, im not so sure anymore, its basically indexing it, idk why we would need ccip. I guess making it trustless? Ie making sure you actually get referred to an official website, since a non decentralized indexer could plant fakelinks
Start looking at the world as a contract, it's a good exercise which will take you far in the future of developing smartcontract societies.

There's demand for social justice. You are unwittingly participating in a social contract which you haven't had much say in defining (everything really is jewed). Society imposes its demonic will on you. But also, if you don't seek to serve society, you impose your demonic will on society, at least in the Western world (taking everything and giving nothing paradigm).

I guess the profit incentive would be quite obfuscated. But it comes from the desire for freedom and is also resonant with the positive aspects of the 4th industrial revolution. Which is creating the digital conception of the logos as the only source of free will, and harmonizing the already existing invisible world of contracts with it.

From a fundamental spiritual perspective, free will comes into form, or definition, by distorting itself into desire. By mapping and creating a digital simulacrum of all possible human desires, we could have a transparent reflection of society in the form of an internet of contracts.

Now ALL human desires is a little farfetched. But human desires as they interface with society, especially as its relevant to inequity, seems a bit more realistic. Maybe create a network where people report perceived social inequity to a system that's striving to become a complete simulacrum of society, in the form of digital contracts?

Free will defines itself, quite literally, by its degree of freedom. If smartcontracts are computing that free will is being demonically imposed on others, the network reflects that and proposes solutions that would help restore balance
>Maybe create a network where people report perceived social inequity to a system that's striving to become a complete simulacrum of society, in the form of digital contracts?

Easier said than done. I agree with a lot of what you wrote but practically doing this is not easy, nor will it garner the attention and interest that it deserves. Would need to gamify this tremendously.
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I know next to nothing about how ENS and domain registars work. Would need to do research.

Yeah so I fudged the timeline. The hackathon concludes on June the 2nd!

For some reason I thought it was May the 2nd.

This changes a lot as the scope of the ideas can increase a bit more now.

Keep them coming frens. I have already decided an idea to work on but I am thinking about post hackathon ideas as well.

Thank you all who have contributed with their thoughts!

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Does anyone on /biz/ know about how difficult it actually is to make it as an influencer, financially?

Like a short-form video content creator?

On youtube shorts or tiktok. how much money do you make? How difficult is it to build an audience?
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post vocaroo
Unless I hear it I just think you're being insecure about yourself. You are your own biggest critic, probably paying attention to things no one but you picks up on.

If it's really bad there's AI voice changers these days. Be a fucking vtuber faggot if that's what it takes. Or a drawn avatar like the furfags that talk politics.
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this thread convinced me to take the plunge. writing my first video script today and then will muck about editing it over the weekend

thanks biz
what r u planning on making content abt anon
fuck it ill just record the video anyway and if it gets no views then ill delete it. been spending too long trying to force some perfect recording session thats never gonna happen
You are competing with millions of normies and hundreds of thousands of influencers who already made it years ago when there was no competition.
Today, you are not just competing competing with other youtubers, you are competing with EVERY form of media and slop taking people's attention today. Most web traffic is centralized in a couple of sites/apps like tiktok and it's only getting harder to gain traction as a complete beginner.
Your only realistic chance is buying a channel someone else already built up and leverage that history to grow. That's assuming you have genuinely good ideas that can go viral, or you will still fail.

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>Have 8 job interviews scheduled between tomorrow and Friday

Ranging from WFH analyst jobs to stocker jobs. I'll either be moving up or staying a Walmart wagie
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>Sometimes i feel like i'm cheating because i do nothing but trade
Everybody get its piece... sooner or later.
those guys are filling their fucking feed with lots of giveaways for other games. Why not give free season passes for their users?
you for all of their 15 players?
I'm pretty sure they have more than 15 fuckers....
for being a neet, you need to have no shame.

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I have 40$
What should I do with it?


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Is discussion of bitcoin still allowed on this board?

What do we think of the update to blue? Personally I prefer it to orange, but I accept this change is potentially controversial.
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So, you've been in the game since 2016! If you're not already making gains, it's time to align yourself with those who understand the path forward. DePIN, RWA, and AI are the essential ingredients for success in today's landscape.
I already have green bitcoin
Oh its some retarded shitcoin meme, you gotta be evasive about the fraud of it in every breath I suppose. Naming a coin after Craig Wright would have been funny but not every scam can have a scrap of creativity to it, some will just be straight up boring.

>Sirs we will never ever redeem, we shall be doing the needful every day. Yes madam this is the real bitcoin thank you very much I will be doing accept BTC for it.
why not add a blue one to the collection too? I got the orange green and now the blue one too
Sooo how do you buy the new blue bitcoin? I already own the orange and green one

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avi testnet when? I was promised a testnet.
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Jimmy, what do you think?
or version B
Sorry, you're not eligible, OP. The only testnet I earned from this year is Brillion, and now they've released the v1.
I made solid profits from Pepe, strategically exited my positions, and reinvested in Dua.
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Is the bull run over already?
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it depends on the person i believe. everyone talks about bullrun when BTC does up and down, but that's not all there is. There's multiple coins available, there's alts, ai assisted coins, AGRS$ for example, memecoins and more. There's metas, there's peaks and shit, selling high buying low. People who only think about bullrun are weak minded and simple fools who can't see beyond their triple chin.
Be better, be stronger and be smarter.
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>bull run
He also played friends with glow niggers. Critical piece of information.
nah, many of the things I see in dexview are still pretty green
if you want something to die wait at least 6 months
Steve Jobs was a faggot that loved it up the asshole and Gates is a pedophile. All successful people are sex pests and degenerates

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If the government bans metamask, what happens to all the money?
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what money?
metamask has nobody's money
>sneed phrase
>metamask fud
WTF, they're getting pretty desperate
will this affect the upcoming metamask airdrop?

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>1.3k Linkies
> 2k avax
> 500 chz
>100 RNDR

what is your /gmi/ folio anon?
What will 100 rndr be worth in 2025
many usd
Till what price should I wait rnbr to drop to then buy some?
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My current stack is 60/40 BTC/ETH + a good amount of physical gold/silver, because I’m not a poorfag gambling on shitcoins.

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What are these bots buying 1 cent of Cheeky Dawg every few seconds?
Artificially simulating activity so they can dump on you later.
fpbp and /thread
that's the kinda shit you just avoid like a nigger begging for change irl
shit gets shilled in the daily but its easier to nuke real interesting shit like what satoshisync is doing with brc20 rather than this shit kek

Direct registration your shares to stop hedefunds from naked shorting the stock

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Customizable risk. Customizable yield. Why trust somebody else when you can create your own stablecoin? Once people see how much freedom this offers they won't want anything else. As more people create rtokens, the demand for this will continue to climb since each rtoken will need some to back it. I really think this is the one.
You fags laughed at me 1 month ago for selling at one cent

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