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Hello biz. I am now in my 8th month of working at this office job. They match 401k up to 5% I think. Thing is, I only take home 300 dollars a month after all my bills.
Should I invest now or wait until I pay off my car? I have 25 payments left with 0% interest 330 a month so 8k~
if its 0% interest why are you in a rush to pay it off unless you think you're going to lose your job
I just want to pay it off so I can get approved for a home loan, and I want to pocket more money a month. Right now I have 300 left over minimum, I could get 600~ once I pay off my car. Does that make sense or is that dumb?

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memecoin marketing is evolving now we're getting full on anime parodies and shit


this has to be an insider project. crazy high production budge + anatoly + ansem + meltem + every influencer is tweeting about this

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Not talking about the money, but the attitude. I know there's luck and inheritance involved, but that can't be the only reason, if it is, a lot of rich nepo kids would be billionaires.
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if you're over 30 and something isn't right
They're all nepo babies, not that there's anything inherently wrong with that. To think, though, that you can accomplish what they have by reading books is pretty retarded. You have to have a combination of force of will, being at the right place at the right time, and having a major helping hand.
step 1: have a wealthy family
step 2: never acknowledge that having a wealthy family was a major reason for your success
They all have 1 thing in common. They all come from wealthy families with jewish backgrounds.
Read the Michael Burry chapter in the book The Big Short. There's a lot to be said about not listening to "common sense" and mainstream opinion in making your fortune.
>stay in college
>the internet is a meme
Two common mantras when they were creating the foundation of their fortune.

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So what now? Where will ICP go from here?
It reclaimed the mid teens, beat the linkies in price action, and continues to develop new bleeding edge tech.
Was $2,000 ICP actually a premonition?

Normally i’d say “Inb4 fiverr jeets/turks post $.03” but I dont have that concern as those niggers arent able to post anymore, kek.

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Solana is going to receive absolutely zero industrial or state level adoption because people like to gamble with it. You have no idea how useful blockchain actually is for hardening all kinds of systems and absolutely nobody is going to ask “which one has more shitcoin volume” when adoption takes place.
is 6500 piss enough to make it?
Cope and seethe while I make millions off of buying meme coins and nfts while you midwits miss the bullrun
Literally every zoomer retard I know who got lucky on memecoins in 21 lost it all buying the top. Infact there are a few of them who lost more profit than they have ever seen in their lives buying the top of icp and now come here to seethe in our threads like their stupidity is somehow the fault of icp and kvetching about it will somehow turn back time.

Currently Holding:
BTC-- 32.7

I need to hit 10mil$ this year.
I have a USDT hit and miss income of 30k USDT every month (this is not guaranteed a month).

What other coins should I be investing in?

What is the best passive income coin right now to earn 1k$ a month?

What are the best bots right now to be chucking money into ?
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I promise you bro that is not my intention.

I have a list and I just want to add to it.

Please feel free to share some gems so I can do some research into them.
I appreciate your time in sharing this info.
Sell all your shitthat isn’t btc and invest in btc defi. Tons of pre rune coins on big discount such as WZRD, PUPS and PIZA. get Satoshi Nakomoto runes also. Thank me later
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hi portfolio twin (fraternal) (non-identical lolz)
take some risks fren put that btc to work.

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Can someone catch me up on the wzrd ordinal drama? we're switching to some new coin called magic internet money? but dev wants to keep all the money? anyone have details?
how you gonna fumble a project gathering momentum when it's still on this shitty bitcoin dex that's hardly usable at all lol
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this time its different

Yes but now is the time to be buying back in. WZRD down over 50% from ATH
do i buy wzrd the ordinal or do i buy wzrd on solana im confused
Can you explain what you mean by 'steal'? Is there some mechanism that allows them to print tokens or something?
If this is a case of the devs owning a large amount of the supply and wanting to sell, and the community turns into a hoard of screeching retards when they do, I say I've seen this one before and they're going to sell their stack one way or another.
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dev announced migration to rune w ticker "magic internet money" which we all liked, but said he was going to withhold >45% of the supply for like marketing lol. 250mm mcap >45% lolz. that's what we mean by stealing.

btw was anyone here for spell token? lolz

>If this is a case of the devs owning a large amount of the supply and wanting to sell, and the community turns into a hoard of screeching retards when they do
in this case the community owns the supply that the dev wants to sell

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Weekly RSI is maxed out on btc
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based digits
how come you are such a big fan of btcfi and brc20s?
I'm maxed out (in depth) in your mother's anus
hey. uh. fuck your rsi.

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my chainlink investing is doing some
some day you'll find yourself and realize chainlink is bad
Drawn into the backdrop here
You could fade, you could fade away
Bright lights on a starless night
Burn a hole in the dying day
… Looking at life through a loaded gun
Take your best shot, aim it at the sun
Looking at life through a loaded gun
You know you'll find
… You'll find yourself
You'll find yourself alone
You'll find yourself
You'll find yourself

Anyone else selling all their assets and buying btc?

I'm putting 50k in and I'm sitting on it until we moon

1-2years and btc will be 200k a coin

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Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org

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stealths and coincards have 5% fees on prepaid credit cards, at least bitrefill is a bit better but doesn't support Monero. What are the fees like on cakepay?
did the email verification kill the btc cope redditor that's ruined these generals for years now?
probably the most based thing chinkmoot has done so far.
How would you pay with XMR anyway when the payment seems to have to go through Cuckbase or a specific wallet like with the pass?
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Time is a flat circle.

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YOU HAD 7 YEARS!!!!!!!
We made it bros. We survived the bear market.
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Why is the token accruing so much value?
I picture alts like satoshisync surpassing this in 2 months tops. Screencap this
clean it up jannies

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>internet computer
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its a scam donotbuy
literally who
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based Schizo died for our (non-shitcoiner) gains
this retarded propaganda is tired out already from the anti LINK threads and won't work here. try harder.
we all told you this was scam and the only ones holding are terminal hopium holders and jeets
Biz told you to get apu, nvda and ssnc and what did you do? Be a fucking faggot

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>Chart looks like a pump and dump
>1 year later and nobody knows what is this token about/nobody knows what was bought
>no devs on sight
>Shytoshi keeps dumping even at support levels
>dextools and coingecko about to delist/hide the contract (unless you make a direct search) due to scam practices

It's fucking over

Shib is a fucking scam ring of "ecosystem" tokens and partners (quick pnd's)

and the cherry on the top; Shibarium was a failure (we already knew that) but it's likely tl be confirmed
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Shib had it's run, and is likely topped out for now.

I started looking at solana coins, mainly cause I hate gas fees.

Currently got a bag of a coin called NUB to sit on for this year's run.

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It's weird knowing your financial and social future fully depends on what socioeconomic class your parents are at. If you're born into an upper middle class family you'll live in a nice suburbs, go to school with future white collar workers, meet daughters of managers and CEOs, and have higher expectations overall. If you're born in a lower class family, then you're expected to just work blue collar or manual labor or retail, your friends will be of similar jobs, you will only meet women from Walmart or Target or a grocery store, you will think living in a squalor is normal.
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Yeah the whole college thing was a scam all along
It's not a scam at all, as you can't get into these elite fields without education, and you use your high earning potential to build generational wealth and ensure your children go to the best schools.
If you paid attention in history class it's not weird at all. I was born lower class, pattern-recognition kicked in, and then I followed a tried and true path for social class elevation (becoming a military officer). Leveraged that into wealth, but then hopped off the train before I married into a wealthy/powerful family and now I'm just wealthy and unemployed.

At this point I wouldn't even want to marry an upper class girl. She'd want to meet my family and it'd be embarrassing as fuck. They'll be dead inside a decade, but not before doing even more embarrassing nonsense, and by that point I'll be way WAY too old for marriage anyway.
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bro the internet is anonymous and the real transfer
you can be anyone and do anything you are just being a bitch bc u felt like u got dealt a shitty card
everyone did
work past it
Sure, but the best life is being born poor and becoming wealthy.

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Bitcoin to the moon!
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fucking gigapump incoming
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With ETFs coming up for ETH and BTC, those freaking badasses will be mooning. I still plan to restake my ETH on Yield Nest to stay afloat in the next bear market.
I bought ETH instead, good call too. I'll restake on the platform that recently partnered with Everstake to earn amplified yields
Lol we are going to at least 250k this cycle without factoring in inflation
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>Calling an obvious bulltrap an "early halvening"
>They don't know the halve is supposed to be bearish in the first place
I fucking love the citizens of New /Biz/antine. You fuckers are so stupid. Anyways bottom signal I'm going to buy more super and uni.

it could be yours citybo
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europe has been settled over 2000 years, america only about 350ish

so all the land hasn't been settled yet, it's also quite big and a lot of choices

also europe is a communist hellhole doomstate

I've always encouraged white european men to illegally immigrate here along with the mexicans and haitians, what have you got to lose, lol
i have already decided that i will never invest in european housing. im 30 next week and i will spend the next few years finding a american lass to give me the green card. i will only get a mortgage if i have american papers.
incredibly based sir, I salute you
census says 85.1% white, 5% black, is that good?
yea, pretty good, but I would prefer 90 percent white 10 percent mexican

or 95 percent white

hard to find that in florida or the south in general, but people self segregate

it is a matter of perspective, do you want to live in an ethnostate, or near urban attractions

seems to be the general tradeoff

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Let me spoonfeed you. GBTC has 300k bitcoins right now, it dumps approximately 5k of them every day. They can suppress the price for another 2-3 months. Some put the exact end date around july 6th. Guess what happens after that? Mind you the outflow has been constant and has tampered even with the BTC inflows.
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What is all this grayscale dumping btcoins mean? They are saying they are gonna create a etf bitcoin trust or some shit. So they are dumping their btc and then buying again?
Retard here. So Grayscale can only keep up this dumping pace for 2-3 months at best. What's the bull case for the ETF(s) to continue inflows?
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I don't know what a GBTC is, I only know what a BTC, BNB and TRUMP is
Where’s it going? Israel?

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Do your parents or family know you own crypto? How was your relationship with them changed since you told them you own crypto, or that you have a large holding it? Does your family have access to your keys if something happened to you? Is it worth telling them about?
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I told my family I am a multi-millionaire. The only thing that changed is they expect me to pay for my own flight tickets when I visit them now. It's been like this for years and hasn't been a big deal in my case. They aren't pieces of shit. They're just regular retired former white collar workers with regular retirement savings.
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I've mistakenly told my friends that I have crypto, not bitcoin I tell them just alts (which is true)

My family knows I had 100k a few years ago but held bags all the way down.

Now that I'm older, I will tell them all I saved and worked hard for it (which is technically true) when they see a 2022 Civic Type R outside my apartment.
>Hey man I'm rich now
>Really, can I borrow some money?
>Nope, but we can get drinks together later
>Ok, that sounds good
And it's just that simple. None of my friends have ever had a problem if I say "no".
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They know part of my salary goes to MUMU
They don't really care, since it's my money and my life
I got everyone I know into crypto in some capacity or another, starting with my parents and siblings in 2014, by 2017 I had gotten all my close friends in. They all out performed me because they just bought and held where as I tried to beat the market and mostly failed.

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eh if I had to guess 1/50 /biz/ lurkers have a 7 fig port
Add MMON to the portfolio else yngmi. Not a time to snooze on a Solana Memecoin as MEMEMON is about to melt faces and it's capable of becoming the next Dogwifhat on the Solana network
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>no snnc
>no kas
>no avax
>1m only in stablecoins
hey at least he got some bnb!
Shit portfolio so no, I hope you do though. 10M is the minimum (after taxes) to make it.

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Bitcoin halved, you know what that means right?
We're going to the fucking stratosphere this year. 150k at least. Get your longs open NOW, idiots! Unless you hate money.
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imagine loving a retcon of the REAL thing
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cant wait to spend 600 dollars in transactional fees only to buy and move my mega based bitcoin en-ef-tees around. fantastic. down with effirium!
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that would be my wife.
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I don't have that much money to worry about it, I prefer to continue farming in blocklords while waiting for your token and holding some ETH.

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