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Sell your hbar right now. Top is in
just got another bag, LTO is the next pump
I know it’s true in my heart but I’ll just hold till peak bullrun
I was never built to be a swingie
we get it you shorted like a poorfag dumbass. enjoy the liq
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hts niggers gonna make it

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Shitcoins on base quickly turned to shit, it was fun a few weeks ago. Most (all) trending shitcoins on base are honeypots etc. So are we back on solana?
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Second, base meme meta will run to launchonbase dot today now that we have a pump dot fun equivalent
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How do you guys weed shit out? I spent all weekend looking at recently listed pairs watching which ones rug. It's amazing to me that there are hundreds of tokens that come out, wait for like .03 eth to trade on it, rug and deploy a new token. First because great, you fucking made $96 I suppose your village won't starve this week. But second it seems like it's not hard to make a token that actually goes places. Look at BRETT and SKI, those are do nothing useless coins and they are 30+ mil market caps. We should work together and build a /biz/ coin, since everything else is fake and gay
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Why is ETH/BTC getting cucked so hard?
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BTC is just getting their price fixed, wait a couple of months faggot
also you don't have to spend crazy amounts on gas fees
Yeah I'm not very comfortable trading on a congested network lol
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these are Bobo's last breaths, soon we will be back to the old glory days, even my VINU is looking pretty good after so many bears
ETH is slow and Blocklords (only good thing to come out of the ETH project vagina) still doesn't have PVP available.

Is btc the only crypto you need to hodl? Are people still hodling?
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Kek say that to the 10X I made already on QAN
There several other great projects that we can have on our watchlist like Hydro Online and DEEP on SUI network
Those are the biggest and won't yield millions
I'm also bullish on SUI alongside the projects on its ecosystem
I don't hold a single sat. Anyone who can't settle with a 2x during the bull probably doesn't hold it too.
Why SUI is under the radar?
It’s the safest hold, but a safe investment is basically the antithesis of a lucrative investment. So it’s great if you want an easy place to put your money and see consistent long term growth.

If you want to see short term massive growth and you know wtf you’re doing, invest in memecoins. Most people think they know what they’re doing because they have gotten lucky on one or two shitcoins, but if you want to make a true 1000x you need luck, conviction, and the ability to spot a winner and also spot the scams. So if you don’t know what you’re doing, invest in BTC or become my exit liquidity.

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Between TRUMP and PEPE, which is the better buy?

Broke and basic ass mumus. NGMI

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Should I close my position and go back into crypto? I bought in at $165 last year and I have a feeling this shit is going back to sub-$100.
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FUCK. Pulling the fuck out tomorrow.
nah man, they TOTALLY deserve to be valued 50% more than Toyota. It makes sense. Everyone will own a Tesla and everyone will have them be robot uber drivers while they work. There is literally no downsides. 10x is fud.

you are a fucking dumbass, enjoy the haircut
I sold all my tesla shares today and rolled it into eth you can thank me tomorrow
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do it dude, you don't need to think about it too much and it doesn't require so much micromanagement, there were several times I had something good to eat just by looking at the VINU chart for 3 minutes
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wouldn't reccomend (personally)
it performed so badly last year that im honestly considering qutting investing altogether, or maybe waiting until gravity labs releases to come back

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Is he right?
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yes interviews are basically a flip of a coin if you get someone willing, let alone good at their job. if someone is keen to learn they will be a better employee than someone that is already good. so many good candidates are lost because they cant do x... i have taken on coders that dont know the language over other experienced devs because they have the right attitude.
As someone that has interviewed a lot of candidates for the company where I work, no he's not right. He's implying that people basically perform the same in 90% of jobs, but I've had shitty junior employees and great junior employees.
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When I was a wee lad working in a shipping department the manager could not get the minority hires to put the labels on the corresponding packages to save his life. They would input the dimensions of the box and whatnot, print the label, and then place that label on a totally different sized package. It was an astounding feat of retardation.
This applies to the top 20% of people.
The other 80% can learn something here or there, or are not capable of learning anything useful at all.

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Hello biz. I am now in my 8th month of working at this office job. They match 401k up to 5% I think. Thing is, I only take home 300 dollars a month after all my bills.
Should I invest now or wait until I pay off my car? I have 25 payments left with 0% interest 330 a month so 8k~
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Others have said it, obvious choice is the match. If you think about inflation being 6% each year over the next 2 years (likely more in reality even if the CPI data would suggest less), you'll be repaying the loan with dollars worth marginally LESS than now with each successive payment. Use inflation to your advantage. If you have a 0% interest rate, get the free money from your company.

Also: don't worry about securing a home loan until you have plenty saved up for a down payment, your emergency fund intact, and (hopefully) until interest rates are cut OR home prices fall.
Ok I will match the 401k minimum atleast for my 401k. I will keep renting until market is better or I get paid more.
>you can only withdraw once you're 59
Are you gonna live to 59? With health? Don't be a retard
Ok, I will live to 59 and not be retarded.
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Now you listen to me, Zoomie faggot.
5% match is 5% FREE FUCKING MONEY.
Do we ignore free fucking money?
No, shit for brains. You take it.

>Basic Information

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

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He literally can't, If he tried to give former holders of BBBYQ anything he would get sued by everyone who is a higher class of creditor in the bankruptcy waterfall.
where is it said that
BROS? Did we just make it ?

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Global notes for every single update to the Ch11 proceedings. Confirmation from 'the plan man' that baggies are going to get nothing.
literally 69 dockets filed so far today, from #2989 to #3057. I hope it is over soon but expect it to last until the election season.

Stay vigilant and be weary of hype fatiguing.

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One week until link will beging the biggest face melting run you have ever witnessed. You are not ready for whats about to happen.
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copium = $20
reality = $9
hth :}
I only talk to white people, OP please respond
>u-u-ur not white...
cope, stinkie
you're not, stop talking to me.
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Chainrink isa decentralized borokchain orakru netuwok buirt on sorana.[3][4] the netuwok isu intended to be used to faciritate the turansferu of tamperu-proof datah from offu-chain sorses to onu-chain smart conutrakto.

Seems like just yesterday it was the hot new crypto in town, rocketing towards $20. Now it's just over $11. Would now be a good time to buy? I wanna get in on a new-ish crypto like this, and TIA is the newest one available on Kraken I think. Infinite max supply though :/
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seems like it's speedrunning through an entire market cycle on its own
It's been quite a ride. Glad I sold at $17, but my gut is telling me to buy back in now.
It's gonna be $0 by june
You're gonna get dumped hard by baggies that are in desperation for a bit of extra exit liquidity
Everyone is always so bearish here. TIA is already up 4-5% since posting this thread though.

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HBAR is satanic. Don't touch it. It's designed to be humiliation ritual of crypto. Strong Saturn symbolism - very semitic.
Leemon and Mance are Christian you heathen
>Saturn worship symbolis,
>Satanic monetary gains
>Christian founders
>Techno-accelerationist corporate endgame
God only knows if HBAR is good or not, I stopped trying to understand it

Chainlink Hackathon Idea Cultivation v1:

ITT anons will help me come up with a hackathon idea for Chainlink's upcoming hackathon.

The hackathon is on April 29th to 2nd of May.

It has an occult theme this time and the hackathon is called 'BLOCK MAGIC': chain.link/hackathon

Now we all know about Chainlink's occult background. Because of this I believe this hackathon will spark some true success stories from it. As a result I need some ideas. Almost everything has been done before.

I am a pro at frontend design/development. Fullstack really but my specialty making cool animations and designs for modern responsive web apps (dApps). All this to say that no outlandish idea is off the table.

- Brainstorm ideas
- Ideas have to incorporate Chainlink's services:

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Would need more details as to what your original project is to figure out which Chainlink services you should use.

Or you can just read the different Chainlink services they offer and choose whichever you can incorporate into your project.
Ok, about the project: I have some rental properties that I'm willing to rent for USDT, DAI, even Bitcoin. I want to make smart contracts to integrate into the payment system.
The value of the rent should change based on the feautres of the property, and that is why I might want to use dynamic NFTs,. They allow me to set onchain, the aspects that might change the price of the property.
There are dead mans switch solution already existing, but I am not trusting some centralized email provider with my keys. Or any other crypto solution that is not 100% trustworthy. I trust only Chainlink, theit middle name is TRUST and I guess someone should use that trust and make a solution for a dead man switch (although I don't trust my kids, if they get one time payment, they will sell it right away, that is why I proposed automatic rule payments). I would pay 1 link for each payment (when Link is above 50$ or $50 if it is below). I am expecting LINK to be above $1000 by the time I die, but you never know.
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Human beings are created in the image of God. That is to say we reflect the light of the Logos, and the Logos reflects our light as well.

An interesting idea: Creating smart contracts centered around the ultimate creative energy of the Logos. From an intellectual perspective, the logos, at its most fundamental level, exists as the pure field of free will from which creation manifests.

You can do quite literally anything with that potential. In the context of this conversation, the most relevant and meaningful applications of that potential (imo) would be to create a social contract fundamentally based around free will. This is not only a good idea on paper, it also reflects secular theology (which most people believe doesn't exist).

A social contract centered around free will exposes what some would call a "hidden" nature of reality, which is the existence of angelic and demonic forces. Energy that harmonizes itself with free will is angelic. Energy that infringes upon the free will of another is demonic. Simple.

There would be the logistics of reflecting every single interaction that could occur in a society into a digital system, and also every interaction you could have between one or more people. AI might be able to accelerate the solution here.

I think translating this into the chainlink economy would work itself out so that the in-demand inputs from chainlink DON's are individuals openly expressing their free will, in all forms, to the newly created data economy. These free will inputs would then be worked upon by smartcontract systems, hopefully one in which all of society is being automated in rightful accordance to the inputs of every individual.

And I'll say it more clearly: if this doesn't get worked out, Lucifer strengthens his grip of control over people that should have been free
>(although I don't trust my kids, if they get one time payment, they will sell it right away, that is why I proposed automatic rule payments)
very smart father

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his face was princeless hahaha
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wtf that has anything to do with thread? go shipost somewhere else pajeet
I thought cosas always used a stop loss?
found it. was in the /smg/ OP
actually nm. wrong vid
see, thats the brilliance of OP. always leaving you wanting more.

Anons, does the BRC-20 network still have a good long-term narrative? I'm thinking about buying Ordi.

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Do your parents or family know you own crypto? How was your relationship with them changed since you told them you own crypto, or that you have a large holding it? Does your family have access to your keys if something happened to you? Is it worth telling them about?
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what thoughts must cross your parents' heads when they remember their son at one point in time had 100k and lost it all out of sheer greed, or worse, over pledging alliance to some random internet imaginary coin.

my disgust at my own son would be immeasurable.
I would take that to the fucking grave and not tell a souls about it.
That's nice.
My mum know, and she receives complains constantlyfrom me whenever the price is down
told my parents to buy btc at 3k dip, mom called me stupid

I hate her fucking guts. never have believed in me for anything. dad def mad he listened to her, fuck him too for enabling that cunt my entire life.

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Now that non competes are kill. How will that impact business going forward?
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I was denied a nearly identical role from a competitor that was double my salary because I'm under a NCA for 24 months post job. I look forward to this becoming official and me getting a big pay bump.
based based based
get paid nicker
Get a patent you little bitch

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Give it to me straight, is there any hope for LINK going forward? I unironically have 26.5k LINKies and I'm losing hope.
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No there isn't. Why would there be hope for a project that has failed multiple times to get with the times?
this is all you guys have left by the way. staking. link knows it has nothing and no one cares about iccp so they just became hex.

you are marching to a sub $1 price point.
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>no one cares
pool's closed
sorry FUD cuck
maybe try posting this over and over again every day for another year and see if something changes?

Don't miss the next big thing on base. This could potentially be our sharkcat. BASED AF AUTIST DEV RUNNING SHOW.
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I'm not sure about base yet op, I have my $truf on ETH, since, well its ETH, but I've been seeing a lot of base threads here, it is worth it?
Base is the triple letter agency L2 so it’ll get the most volume out of all L2s.
Memecoin season just getting started on top of that and LOB needs a WIF, coof is base chains WIF.
ETH killers are losing horses. Every Base shitcoin shilled here has been stagnant and bleeding ever since the purge.
What absolute idiots buy this stuff. you will get pump and dumped by the owners

hwo can you be so stupid. How can you be so out of ideas on how to make money
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ok. anyways watch this moon

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