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in your opinion?
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Absolutely not Kusama. It's a testnet for a dead, almost impossible to use shitcoin.
It pains me greatly to agree with you.
Would be interested to hear about some that have a chance at coming back from the dead though.
The kusama polkadot thing is highly autistic. Seriously, all that mess and for what, it even has less dapps than Cardano.
I can see Rose coming back from the dead but only up to 20c.
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>Which washed up has-beens can make a comeback
PNK for sure.

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Day 1008 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
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Reminder that bobos and nocoiners were predicting that miners would abandon BTC after the halving for other PoW coins. Instead the hashrate is mooning so much the next difficulty adjustment might be +10%. And Jack Dorsey announced that his company Block will be coming up with new more efficient miners that have 3nm chips.

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snail is stronger than ever
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i am with you mumen rider
You should start posting on /bant/ snail anon
Is this about blue bitcoin reaching 100k market cap

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>Bitcoin reaches ATH
>Just stops and crabs for 4 weeks straight after
Has this ever happened before?
Previous ATHs were always followed by either a dump or a pump, right?
Markets be like
Last time (2020) it took a couple months before the explosion.
2017 cycle it took a few months to get going after halving I believe.
Confused. Are we discussing blue bitcoin or orange bitcoin?

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We are going to $32,000 before going back up
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>going back up
>he doesn't know
imagine being such a latefag wagecuck that it even matters to you lmao

btc can go to 100 dollars for all I care
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Nigga I'm no whale, I buy shitcoins on Dexview fuck off
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I was thinking of playing The price is right with /biz/ but I saw my portfolio and the fat -70% so Im not going to. Fuck this. What do I long that doesnt lead to liquidation?
>What do I long that doesnt lead to liquidation?

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Chainlink’s Evolution and Quantum Computing

1. Decentralized Computation Networks: As Chainlink evolves, it might extend its functionalities beyond being merely an oracle for external data to become a platform for decentralized computation. This could include leveraging not just classical computing resources but potentially quantum computing resources as well. The idea is that Chainlink could facilitate access to quantum computers in a way that is verifiable and secure, using its protocols like DECO (which enhances privacy and data integrity) and CCIP (Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol).

2. Quantum Computing as a Service: If quantum computers reach a stage where they can be accessed as a service (much like cloud computing today), Chainlink could integrate these services into its network. This would allow developers and companies to use quantum computing power to perform specific tasks, such as running Shor’s Algorithm, through a decentralized and secure network.

3. Scalability and Accessibility: With the assumption that internet bandwidth is not a limiting factor given a long enough time frame, the integration of quantum computing resources into Chainlink or similar networks could be scaled to a global level. This would democratize access to quantum computing, allowing a wide range of participants to perform complex computations that are currently out of reach for most entities.
so buy or sell chainlink?
Shor's Algorithm

1. Implications for Cryptography: The ability to run Shor’s Algorithm at scale would pose significant risks to current cryptographic standards. This makes the development of quantum-resistant cryptography even more critical. Blockchain networks, including those interacting with Chainlink, would need to adopt these new standards to secure their transactions and data integrity.

2. Verification and Trust: One of the advantages of Chainlink is its ability to verify and ensure the trustworthiness of the computations done through its network. When integrating quantum computations, maintaining this level of verification and trust will be crucial, especially given the potential impacts of errors or malicious activities in quantum calculations.


If Chainlink or similar networks manage to integrate quantum computing resources effectively, they could enable a form of global decentralized computation that includes running algorithms like Shor’s. However, this development would need to be matched by advances in cryptographic security and regulatory frameworks to manage the powerful capabilities of quantum computing responsibly. The prospect of combining cutting-edge technology across different fields to potentially revolutionize how we handle data, computation, and security in a decentralized manner is fascinating, but should be approached with caution. Funnily enough, our current advancements are being spearheaded by individuals who lack the one thing needed for all our sakes: wisdom.
chainlink baaaaad

HBAR full retrace
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Welcome to the XRP experience, enjoy your stay.
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thank god i solded and inmediately proceeded to buy orbs and apu, memecoins saved my life again
Shorting this HBARUSDT.PERP ticker with no survivors.
remember what that one anon said, till you see the word "customer" these news stories don't mean shit.
It's still way up

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Maybe the best crypto and investment strategies could be derived from the Bible!


Prove me wrong, atheists.
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maybe this is a test.
if I use this knowledge selfishly, then I could become extremely rich, but instead I should share this knowledge to anyone who will listen. Will anyone listen? You heathens won't listen. Everyone is so cynical. I can lead a horse to water but I can't make it drink.
>Romans 12:2
you're actually right because Jesus understood that money means nothing in the end
that's interesting. everything eventually ends, though. What matters most, then, in your opinion?
Attaining the Kingdom of God, that's where you invest.

Matthew 6:19 Lay not up to yourselves treasures on earth: where the rust, and moth consume, and where thieves break through and steal.
20 But lay up to yourselves treasures in heaven: where neither the rust nor moth doth consume, and where thieves do not break through, nor steal.
21 For where thy treasure is, there is thy heart also.
>maybe something can be done
>I dont know how or what
>in fact im not even elaborating
>anyways atheitsts, prove me wrong!
you're so fucking retarded just like every other christcuck.

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That doesn't look like Hitler...

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Get in mining ETFs right fucking now
>right fucking now
XME;PICK are not strong buys at this time
The beauty of removing spam bots is that my thread will still be here in 6 months when XME is up 50%
I didn't say never will be, but I can't see that value.
That's quite an unrealistic target. Care to show your working? But yeah, nothing against you - hope it does work out for you.
>buying mining stocks after the halving

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A father owns a very successful business. His children work for him in management positions. As he reaches retirement age, he debates a question:

>should he sell the business to a competitor, getting top dollar for the company's value and being able to retire easily, but leaving all his children basically unemployed


>should he pass on the business to his children, getting pennies on the dollar from his children who obviously are unable to afford it, but giving them the chance to keep the company going for future generations

what do you guys think?
this is a real world business problem I am dealing with in real life IRL
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Why would he not keep the business within the family? He has no retirement funds? Then open up an advisor role for him so he can get a salary for next to no effort.

>the man wants to retire lavishly and giving it to his children would prevent that.

Hmm... under what circumstances would he feel comfortable not selling the business outside of the family?
>I mog you
okay but I'm straight so I still win
now kys
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Okay, look.
Lot's of people in this thread said the father could do whatever he wants with his business. We all get that, hopefully.

The idea that somehow government would or should mandate anything different than how it works now WOULD be fucking socialist.

That's what would be socialist.

Do you get that now?

Also, this whole "you didn't build that" discussion came up under our Socialist dictator Barrack Obama who still secretly controls a sad, old man named Joe Biden now, illegally.

You wouldn't remember it because you're a young fuckhead.
You've never built anything.

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what about the case where the kids were dragged in and actually helped build up the business.
Im in this case, and honestly got kindof fucked (on the value of my time by my father)
he needed tonnes of help and i sacrificed alot to help him
now a decade of my life is gone. Ill inheriet his money (well half) but I lost years, and gained very little besides doing the honorable thing. Im primarily salty because my sister got loans from him at the bottom of the real estate market to go buy some rentals, shes almost retired off of it. I was busy running his real estate for him. Now she will get half of my labor for nothing, while she also got that huge leg up for nothing. So it goes.
I don't talk to the cunt for many reasons, this isn't even one. Wouldn't bother me if she wasn't a woke liberal who hadn't crossed me a few times.
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Congratulations. You were born in the most prosperous era in American history, and what will you do with your newly acquired wealth? Perhaps create an investment trust that could spawn generations of wealth as well as passive income? Be heralded in the family as the pioneer to a new future without struggle your bloodline? Nah. Waste it on those flashy slot machines and some cruises. I wish covid finished the job on some of you old fucks. This has nothing to do with socialism you bumbling oaf. YOUR generation built this shitstorm of inflation, shutting down economies, and mandated janbies. What will boomers say when you stand before God?

>Tfw successfully rode eliot wave that I charted for the first time

Am I pro trader now ? Ta actually works ?!
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I can check the graph while I'm working, and usually set stop loss if pattern is obvious and breaking it would mean wild waters, or if BTC jumps around too much I don't do stop loss and instead try to do martingale, ie when LTC drops on BTC move, I buy double the size of previous bet.

Since we are in bull market, stonks go up and it's relatively sure thing that LTC will recover from the dip.

If not, of course I would get fucked, but I own like 2300 LTC on spot and gamble with 200 on coinm Futures
>Part of risk management is choosing LTC, it literally cannot go below $69.69

oh you sweet summer child of course it can go there.

you are only one (1) black swan scam wick away from liquidation.
I am, not gonna go all in with rest of my 2300 LTCs, just a gamble on the side, also if history repeats, after retest of MA(99) we can start LTC bull run
Current situation for illustration purposes only
After retest of this cup and handle, I would suggest we are going towards 90-95$

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>Blackrock confirms what everyone else already knows
that they are the masters of the world?
first dead rather than getting into a LINK stacking
>and neither have we

Except they have: >>58429190
Vaporware projects in crypto do this type of shit all the time. Open 50x long with tens of millions of dollars, announce a fake partnership with tradfi giant that is open for interpretation, ride the scam pump up 100%, lock in profits before it inevtiably gets out that the news was based on false information, claim it was a misunderstanding, wait a few months and then do it again.

Crypto being the wild west means it attracts a lot of snakes who can’t do this with stocks without going to jail. They know exactly what they’re doing and they’re profiting immensely from it
> Except they have: >>58429190
In proper scammer fashion, the CEO of Hedera has deleted his tweet ( which was at https://twitter.com/ShayneHigdon/status/1782774674897645770 ) after the harm was done.

A legitimate mistake would have come with an apology, not a deletion and a denial it ever happened.
They are scum, and they know it.

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The notion of operating cashier-less stores may seem like a revolutionary leap into the future of retail, its practical implementation reveals critical vulnerabilities that jeopardize its financial viability. The absence of human oversight introduces a glaring security loophole, whereby malicious actors could exploit the system by simply pilfering cash from unattended registers, thereby inflicting severe financial losses on the establishment. This scenario not only undermines the profitability of the store but also erodes customer trust and confidence in the security measures purportedly in place. Despite the allure of streamlined operations and reduced labor costs, the susceptibility to theft poses an existential threat to the sustainable operation of cashier-less stores, necessitating a reevaluation of security protocols and risk mitigation strategies to safeguard against such detrimental outcomes.
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Sorry I mean is in crypto
why would these stores take cash?
Walmart is seeing so much theft from the self checkout that they’ve closed a bunch of them in my neighborhood
Everything is locked inside Walmart now
It’s the worse shopping experience I could imagine
Bring on robo stores and let the mass theft commence

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It's dumping again...
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it’s the 26th and this thread is still up?
yeah i’m thinking biz is cooked
we bought fake internet money with funny names... what are we doing with our lives?
>8 day old thread with 40 replies
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It's dumping again...

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Now that non competes are kill. How will that impact business going forward?
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I didn’t say that
How about you read a fucking book before you talk to someone with my intelligence
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>I think that intellectual property can be patented, bought and sold.
>This some how makes me a communist.
I don't think you know a whole lot about communism anon.
>Patents Bad!
Commie detected! Begone with you! You'd see a man starve as long as he couldn't profit off his own ideas.
Bullshit. Your the one holding people back from profiting
IP laws are routinely used to hold people back and keep the entrenched in power

Everyone here knows this. You just want more politicians to make more laws to keep you feeling safe.

We’re all smarter than you here. Everyone one should be able to profit off their inventions and ip laws are used more often to steal patents and hire lawyers like Apple and Microsoft. Not to mention the defense department taking anything related to energy or potentially a weapon.
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Actually fucking based

More regulations equal more bureaucratic burden for small and medium-sized businesses, it's over, US became a shitty third world country like Venezuela or Cuba and we just cuck-watched it while we play vidya like Blocklords

You disgust me, retarded ancap
>supports ancap ideas
>shits on anarchocapitalists

what the fuck is wrong with you schizos?
You can’t act like govt regulations are bad and then support govt regulations like intellectual property laws
Patents are literally designed to steal inventions
Look at what tech companies do now. They use patents to sue everyone and force competition out by paying millions in lawyer fees

Holy fuck this board is retarded

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Remember proof of weak hands from 2018?

I kind of did a reboot, but differently.

There's no token to cause unnecessary hacking risk (exactly what happened to powh).

Just pure ETH on Arbitrum and pure fun.

It's a platform to host or join ponzi games.

You get ROI paid by subsequent players until the game expires (your funds are only released once you fulfill the ROI set by game host).

The innovative thing I added is the jackpot function which collects all of the unreleased funds when the game expires and sends them to the very last player to join.

The jackpot can grow exponentially over time which incentivizes users to join indefinitely.

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Based too bad they killed this place

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Where were you?
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Probably dead, currently accumulating $orbs. To chads like us these macro crashes are irrelevant
most likely playing shadow of the colossus on the ps2, I'm still using that thing after all these years, although I plan to use my retardio just to buy the ps5
it doesn't even have many games that interest me, I just want the prestige of having it
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probably making another x2 on a launch in pinksale or jerking off, one or the other
she's a grandma now
fml this thread is days old with 34 replies. Biz has moved to bant, try there

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Anyone has the video of Ben Bernanke 2010s speech on Quantitative Easing in symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I can't seem to find this shit anywhere on the internet
That is ancient history in todays understanding of time. You might get luckier contacting c-spans archives
Someone help this anon

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>DOJ fud
>SEC fud
>US govt fud
>cap gains fud
>still pumping
They are getting desperate.
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this gave me enough time to get all the MAGA I needed, although I squeezed my wallet a bit on it
I'm still going to eat well next month

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