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I own 3 AVAX that I purchased for $7 a piece
unironically one of my most successful crypto buys kek
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Thoughts on COQ.
Market cap possibilities?
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it's going to be magical. the stars are lining up for an avax summer.
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Bump for avax chan
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The coolest crypto mascot.

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Why does holding this feel like pure agony even though I bought at 16 cents?
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The heaviest bags are the best bags, it's a long and winding road to a 100$ buddy.

I bought at a cent and near it. how do you think i feel

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>Holding 200k MC really well
>Good liq
>first token on pumpfun
No big sales, just desperate jeets and redistribution at these levels
It's gonna take some time, but you're holding history
>still #1

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iExec has already been chosen by Vitalik, EEA, NVIDIA, and Intel.

Why are you going all-in on unknown AI projects? The answer has always been right in front of you. Come home, Oiler.
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NAI was just launched about a week ago; still a low cap but with very huge potentials. Dyor
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I smell a curry boy
what is stopping me from getting infinite RLC if i sign up with infinite emails for the privacy pass?
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bought the ixec launch back when it was first on pinksale, haven't regretted it for a single second
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Nothing, your whole village can get into it if you want to. Go for it

Broken clock and all. Hes probably right sadly. Whales are manipulating the market down post halvening to shake out normies. The boom comes months later after everyone is already demoralized.
I've gotten rich by counter-trading him

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avi testnet when? I was promised a testnet.
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>I-I'm j-just stating facts
>not f-fudding, just facts
You'll never get your 0002 entry back, faggot.
stixil cell anemia
I don't give a flying FUCK about that 0.002 entry that you keep babbling about. In fact, I would kill myself if it went that low. I'm stating facts about how slow they are. What are they waiting for? Now they said "oh, biz fudders will kill themselves in the summer wen avi finally starts moving hurt durr". Now it's summer???? I thought we are early spring enjoyers. And what if in the summer the market is exactly as slow as it is now? AVI going ham in the winter confirmed? What is even going on in their heads right now?...
I heard same last year moving goal posts every month. Dunno if they timing with market sentiment or base but they are stalling for something
Exactly, at least they can be genuine and tell us. "Look you fucking retards we are waiting for Coinbase to do x" and I will shut the fuck up and wait. But all these excuses do not pass the smell test, not in my book. If they have an NDA or whatever, at least do it differently, stop stalling the price with the bots, pump it a bit and not even one soul will ask about it anymore. Nobody still in the TG is born yesterday. Ok, we are still here. The sellers left one week ago. Just..god. Hold on, I know for a fact they don't give a shit. They have a schedule to honor and I'm going to stop. Good luck everyone.

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special ama edition
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>No, faggot, your shitty indian coin is worthless
its over
is this real?
>Thanos doesn't own any kda
it's over
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She hasn't for quite some time.
it's fucking over

Help me become less risk averse?
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>So there is it anon, there's information your best tool.

>This is literally the difference between successful people and losers.

based truth
cold feet in bro go to thailand just a knife and try to survive and make it back to america in 30 days.
you can also try some self help books.
self help book are for pussies....

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>/biz/ shut down
>literally zero posts about CCIP on /r/cryptocurrency
>mass legal assault against ETH
>new SEC commissioner vacancy opening up
>Sergey saying "legal clarity is coming soon"
what is this all coming to?
where did serg mention 'legal clarify coming soon'? I feel like i'm in purgatory anon
/biz/ is fixed. Preferably I would like to be the only person on this board.
In this talk:
And I'm pretty sure in his token2049 talk he said that "one of the big obstacles is legal clarity, but that's on its way" or words to that effect.
/biz/ will be fixed when each and every LINK post gets banned
We essentially have to wait until WW3 is passed over and the political situation turns for the better. No one is making big moves until then

in your opinion?
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Absolutely not Kusama. It's a testnet for a dead, almost impossible to use shitcoin.
It pains me greatly to agree with you.
Would be interested to hear about some that have a chance at coming back from the dead though.
The kusama polkadot thing is highly autistic. Seriously, all that mess and for what, it even has less dapps than Cardano.
I can see Rose coming back from the dead but only up to 20c.
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>Which washed up has-beens can make a comeback
PNK for sure.

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>less competition for resources
>less stress on the economy and infrastructure
>less pollution and trash from consumption
Bring on the population collapse and I’ve been telling everyone not to take vaccines since 2007 so don’t blame me
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Immigration has been an issue in this country going back over 100 years
Illegals at the borders was on the news in the 90’s too. You guys are just too young and dumb to realize this.
Birth rates in third world countries are decreasing too and based on the way vaccines are going I think birth rates will start to level off worldwide
Holy shit this schizo lives in fantasy land
Japan might have issues but they still rank ahead of most of the world in many economic metrics.
You’ve clearly never been to Japan if you think there’s a ton of black people. I saw 1-2 my whole month in Tokyo
>Immigration has been an issue in this country going back over 100 years
>Illegals at the borders was on the news in the 90’s too. You guys are just too young and dumb to realize this.

Anon, show me the rates of immigration over the decades. My home town didn't have anywhere near the amount of immigrants it has now not even a decade ago, and definitely not 2 decades ago.
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You see the explosion in growth occurring 100 years ago and then again in the 90’s. It’s been less growth since the 90’s, by decade
Is that legal or illegal immigration?

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Day 1008 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
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Reminder that bobos and nocoiners were predicting that miners would abandon BTC after the halving for other PoW coins. Instead the hashrate is mooning so much the next difficulty adjustment might be +10%. And Jack Dorsey announced that his company Block will be coming up with new more efficient miners that have 3nm chips.

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snail is stronger than ever
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i am with you mumen rider
You should start posting on /bant/ snail anon
Is this about blue bitcoin reaching 100k market cap

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>Bitcoin reaches ATH
>Just stops and crabs for 4 weeks straight after
Has this ever happened before?
Previous ATHs were always followed by either a dump or a pump, right?
Markets be like
Last time (2020) it took a couple months before the explosion.
2017 cycle it took a few months to get going after halving I believe.
Confused. Are we discussing blue bitcoin or orange bitcoin?

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We are going to $32,000 before going back up
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>going back up
>he doesn't know
imagine being such a latefag wagecuck that it even matters to you lmao

btc can go to 100 dollars for all I care
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Nigga I'm no whale, I buy shitcoins on Dexview fuck off
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I was thinking of playing The price is right with /biz/ but I saw my portfolio and the fat -70% so Im not going to. Fuck this. What do I long that doesnt lead to liquidation?
>What do I long that doesnt lead to liquidation?

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Chainlink’s Evolution and Quantum Computing

1. Decentralized Computation Networks: As Chainlink evolves, it might extend its functionalities beyond being merely an oracle for external data to become a platform for decentralized computation. This could include leveraging not just classical computing resources but potentially quantum computing resources as well. The idea is that Chainlink could facilitate access to quantum computers in a way that is verifiable and secure, using its protocols like DECO (which enhances privacy and data integrity) and CCIP (Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol).

2. Quantum Computing as a Service: If quantum computers reach a stage where they can be accessed as a service (much like cloud computing today), Chainlink could integrate these services into its network. This would allow developers and companies to use quantum computing power to perform specific tasks, such as running Shor’s Algorithm, through a decentralized and secure network.

3. Scalability and Accessibility: With the assumption that internet bandwidth is not a limiting factor given a long enough time frame, the integration of quantum computing resources into Chainlink or similar networks could be scaled to a global level. This would democratize access to quantum computing, allowing a wide range of participants to perform complex computations that are currently out of reach for most entities.
so buy or sell chainlink?
Shor's Algorithm

1. Implications for Cryptography: The ability to run Shor’s Algorithm at scale would pose significant risks to current cryptographic standards. This makes the development of quantum-resistant cryptography even more critical. Blockchain networks, including those interacting with Chainlink, would need to adopt these new standards to secure their transactions and data integrity.

2. Verification and Trust: One of the advantages of Chainlink is its ability to verify and ensure the trustworthiness of the computations done through its network. When integrating quantum computations, maintaining this level of verification and trust will be crucial, especially given the potential impacts of errors or malicious activities in quantum calculations.


If Chainlink or similar networks manage to integrate quantum computing resources effectively, they could enable a form of global decentralized computation that includes running algorithms like Shor’s. However, this development would need to be matched by advances in cryptographic security and regulatory frameworks to manage the powerful capabilities of quantum computing responsibly. The prospect of combining cutting-edge technology across different fields to potentially revolutionize how we handle data, computation, and security in a decentralized manner is fascinating, but should be approached with caution. Funnily enough, our current advancements are being spearheaded by individuals who lack the one thing needed for all our sakes: wisdom.
chainlink baaaaad

HBAR full retrace
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Welcome to the XRP experience, enjoy your stay.
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thank god i solded and inmediately proceeded to buy orbs and apu, memecoins saved my life again
Shorting this HBARUSDT.PERP ticker with no survivors.
remember what that one anon said, till you see the word "customer" these news stories don't mean shit.
It's still way up

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Buy alts now and sell in august.
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When is this scheduled for?
WTF why is this thread still up. I got banned for posting Japanese porn 4 days ago. By the way I meant sell alts in august 2025. They're gonna crab for the next 12 months.
What token gave you such gains? Seen a number of good launches lately.
>Seen a number of good launches lately.
Especially on Apeterminal and ChainGPT launchpads.

>What token gave you such gains?
Its NAI; the utility token for Nuklai. Went live on Mexc, Gateio and Uniswap after having its IDOs on Apeterminal, ChainGPT and Weway
Y'all have been talking about this for as long as I can remember. No dates yet? Team ain't serious then.

Do not try to trade crypto, time the market, or invest in shitcoins. I had over 30 btc a few years back and knew we would eventually go to new highs, reaching 100k and beyond, but I got greedy and thought I could outtrade the market. I repeatedly sold at what I thought were resistance levels, traded what I have for shitcoins, and am left with practically nothing now.

Trust me: do no trade, use leverage, or buy shitcoins. It's gambling. Do not go the route I did. I have nothing now because I was a greedy retard. Learn from my mistakes
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This is good advice.
The best thing to do is to just DCA into low-cost ETFs. I personally have almost all of my net worth in Chainlink, but I wouldn't recommend risky behaviour like that unless you're absolutely 100% about something.
>Opting for the former will pay you better and for longterm too
Apart from the obvious large caps, OCEAN and FET, everything else in there is shit
>I personally have almost all of my net worth in Chainlink
Jump ship now before it's too late.
Have you ever heard about AIOZ or NAI? These are much lower caps doing really well; as a matter of fact, the latter went live last week; it couldn't have become a high cap in just a week plus it has been holding up well since launch.
Never seen a newfag admit to be one. That's a first.
Welcome to your most rekt journey ever.

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I don't see anything exciting happening in crypto, and I can't find the right opportunity. Plus, I'm broke to buy again. What the heck is going on?
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Oh come on! The team is fully doxxed and already well know from NXRA days. Tokensniffer and its like are for small and unpopular projects. Kek
Why wait 3years for 10x when I can literally get that in 2days for smaller alts(and memes)?
Is it Same as NXRA? Getting all confused now.
Nah it's not, however the core Nuklai team is made of OGs from the Nexera team; Matthijs the CEO is also the co-founder of Nexera. That's what informs the statement that the team is fully doxxed.
Move along to where? The stock market? That's even worse!

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