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How come no one is talking about this? Not only is kaspa going to be the fastest chain, but its also has Rust, a much better programming language than solidity, and tokens and smart contracts should be done by Q3. Its going to be the most advanced blockchain in history. SOL baggies are going to cope and dilate when their chain crashes and they can't bridge out.
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You a real one. I have seen for quite some time fighting other chains always with the same avax images. Remember when you were beefing with Solana months back. Respect the hustle
>muh rust
No ones talks about it because faggots on this board were talking about the same shit 2 years ago faggot ass bag holder
Chia has lisp and is more energy efficient. No one cares
Bag holder? I'm up 100x. And rust was just implemented. KRC-20 is coming out now because they figured out a way to implement tokens without smart contracts.
>2 years ago
If you bought kaspa 2 years ago you'd be fucking RICH right now.
Nice self-own, retard.

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>Wake up
>I am $100k richer
Thanks HBAR
Thanks, shorting rnw

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Watching people lose money edition:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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dig up some healthy bugs in your garden to eat instead
Make a pretentious documentary with that theme and make 50k off youtube ad revenue.

>CCJ earnings report on 30th april for q1
>CCJ shareholder meeting 9th may (board recommends vote "for" on all)
>GEV earnings report on 25th april for q1
>UUUU acquires Base Resources (australian REE mining company)

nuclear/uranium play for wagmi:
>spot uranium prices new bottom is around 70$/lb
>taxonomy change in eu to classify uranium as green energy alongside wind&solar etc.
>more future funding if it happens
>china expanding into nuclear to meet domestic energy demand
>kazatomprom (largest U producer, accounts for almost 50% of worldwide production) announced lower production capacity until around 2025 (constricting supply on already scarce uranium stockpile, with slowly rising demand)
>west looking to boost domestic energy production (due to geopolitics) with nuclear as possible baseload

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what about FSB, isnt this a massive first mover advantage? i always wanted a TSLA bag, glad I didnt FOMO in tho.

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HBAR bros, I kneel....
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Get fucked Hfuddies
I knew I was right. You lacked conviction
Even my hbar memes are pumping
the chosen one
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HBAR bros I am so happy. I have my entire net worth in HBAR and APU. God bless this board.
Can HBAR hit $1?
>can HBAR hit a market cap of $34B
Yes anon it could go a lot higher than that. SOL has a market cap of $70B and it's used exclusively for memes and scams. Just surpassing SOL puts us over $2.

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i dreamed about being extremely wealthy when i was a kid. i am now 27 and dream of owning a shoebox apartment one day
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youre just a simp they use for cheap attention
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how am i a simp? i don't give them anything or do them any favors lol. we just lightly flirt with each other and have a good chuckle here and there
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>All of my hope for the future is deposited in dogcoins, memecoins, p2e nft games and crypto going parabollic
im not even kidding here, if $orbs doesn't moon i think im legitimately out of options for a decent future, its all licking cardboard from that point on
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My only financial strategy rn is doing DCA on DexView, i think the market is objectively fucked
My mom spent $2000 on a washer-dryer set

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Do cryptobros really
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>nakamoto coefficient
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meanwhile i have
>Applied Maths PHD
>All college debt paid
>No job but make 30k a month doing buy and sell on pinksale
>Fit (I go to the gym)
>Fairly decent looking
and can't still find a girl, who is this retard and what did he do to find a girl to marry him when he was this much of a dumbass
To quote a wise man; "It's About The Face".
if she didnt want a prenup that just proves her "love" was based entirely on the prospect of taking all of your shit
she didnt care about him or love him, she didnt want to live a happy life together, she was literally just using him because she wanted all of his shit
as retarded as this sounds ETH literally saved him from financial ruin
I'm new and confused as to how do you trade on pinksale, what do I need to do in order to start doing it, since it clearly is a new thing and not supported by 'reputable' platform like binance or bybit.

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discuss shib
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nobody in their right mind is buying this shitcoin.
New shib burn address was posted
Dead coin somehow got itself on major stock exchange apps, how did they do it?
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I'd rather talk about its sister project Toad Killer.

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It’s quiet…too quiet

Is something big about to happen?
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Ah...Someone wants to play!
imagine being filtered by a simple email verification
I just looked over what /biz/ threads are over there. There is /SMG/ and /CMMG/, and the rest are ridiculous low IQ lulcow cults such as XRP, GME, "Silver Ends the Fed" which I would have wanted off /biz/ anyways if I had my way. Then there are a couple threads which I might click on if they were on biz. But since they are mixed with regular bant threads, its just a waste of time scanning through all the debris of the /bant/ catalog. Its not a meaningful solution to migrate there save for anyone addicted to checking a general, such as the irrational cultards.

I'm not going to live in a slum.

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NVDA bros, we won

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This is why you don't let women handle money
The reporter isn't wrong. People buy snake oil all time.
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She was a babe when she was young

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Shitcoins on base quickly turned to shit, it was fun a few weeks ago. Most (all) trending shitcoins on base are honeypots etc. So are we back on solana?
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You don't deserve it anon.
You were late to the party and now you're crying like a bitch cuz u fomo'd green dildos I'm sure.

here i'll throw you a bone, ansem was shilling base for quite a while yesterday on twatter.

Take the chance to buy Toshi for guaranteed x10 and get some other shit like MABA till the elections.
ok ill take ur info. ill get me some toshi thanks for putting us on =]
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Just need to choose the right ones such as rojak (yes it's retarded wojak)
thoughts on that new soda drink shitcoin on Base? Bepsi or so. is this sht going up again or nah?
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Cabal group is planning on launching BOCAT.

I took the initiative and launched it before them. Also took their Twitter handle. Get fucked Jews.

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unless it's in liquid assets it isn't really that impressive anymore thanks to the housing bubble
Same. My family has no idea either
My parents are also (independently, cause they're divorced) millionaires too. It was so easy for them
>be from florida
>get a good job (sportscaster and PR exec)
>buy a decent house
>wait 20 years
>sell for 300% markup
boom millionaire
Yeah mine has no idea. I plan on surprising my parents by paying off the rest of their mortgage within the next 12 months if this bull run goes into high gear.
Both of my parents are close to being millionaires, and jointly own a home worth half a million. After insurance policies kick in they'll leave me multiple millions. Ironically they are incapable of conceiving of themselves as, jointly, multimillionaires. Which is good for me because they're both kind of retarded with money.

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>Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/4cn_woPvjQI?feature=shared


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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vix short still from yesterday, want to close around 15.5, I think correction has ended and line must go up once more
Long term no short term maybe. If options what strike and expiry.
my favorite stock is beef

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Thanks for bumping fren, i appreciate it
It’s up like 60% in the past 24 hours
Bump it more so it can be hidden/deleted.
You're too generous today saar
I'm still down 40% from buying last week kek

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Uhm, excuse me?
Why is CIRCLE rugging??
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please make it stop
Base in general is losing momentum, even big meme coins are dumping today like tybg and toshi.
Imo it's a temporary thing, they will pump again later on.

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Will it spike above $100 again or should I market sell?
wait wait wait, this shit is actually trading? I have over 5 k of them somewhere on old phone lol, don't joke with me sir

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Apu is back at 170m marketcap, meanwhile /biz/ has committed suicide

Face it, apu won
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Imagine if we actually cared lmao, I'm only interested in LRDS and shit isn't even out, kys faggot
it's the meme of memes
the most recognizable character on the internet
100billion is minimum
have fun staying poor
This board is dead
yup, jannies swiftly killed it

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Hey chads. paycheck is almost here and I wish to put it all into alts.

Been buying BTC and ETH the last 5 months . Tell me something that will worth it.

No Solana shitcoins.
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see the problem with link is it never pumps, I bet you pic related will out perform link this next cycle lmao
QAN is worth buying, its testnet launches in a few days from now
SUPRA will outperform it next cycle no doubt
unironically, btc.
I'm all in on $4chan. They have their own cex and swap site that can be used for a lot of other coins, lower fees than uniswap, not under investigation like uniswap, provides 1% back, fees are used for burn or paying for tier 1 cex listings.

Now that the jeets and shills are gone. Let's have a real portfolio rate thread
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No QAN? Cmon dude, you should know better
I just need a 2x so I can comfortably retire in Vietnam or Thailand while continuing to pay my mortgage in the US.
I only have USDT, I'm literally waiting for SSNC to launch, that's the only thing I want in my rektfolio kek
just put 100k into apu now and you'll get that 1.5m in a month
I'm either going to be a $4chad or riding this to the bottom as a $4chud.

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