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What if we started openly fudding LINK on their own twitter page, hurting their brand and disencouraging investors?

The team would actually have to damage control and fix their shit.
Bullish strategy!
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Well, Dexview says it's the coin is bleeding the most, so we can use that on our favor
>>implying pro-LINK threads aren't also dying
They've been dead for years.
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u just know /our/guy hiroshimoot gained some giga-bullish insider knowledge and went all in on LINK and saved /biz/ in the process
This already happens on twitter retard

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Drop real hard AI gems, no bs
lol "ai generated memes"
you're such a fool
take a look in the mirror

then embrace the future
owned Fetch from 0.22 to 2.5, Openfabric since then
But not all of my money, I just put in 10%.
It would be good if crypto would separate the worlds of memecoins, world revolutionaries and normal business.

While I don't believe that the blockchain architecture is a big advantage in practice,
I'd say renting out IT hardware - like Storj, Helium and others do - is a pretty good idea.
Not world shattering, but worth a few 100M per company if done right.
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none, I only have SUPER, TRX and BTC in my portfolio.

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>biz ads coming soon
>white paper, roadmap being released
>website running
>staking options being introduced for gold holders
>hot narrative on the hottest new chain

We have 150+ biz bros in the project, it’s made by an autistic btc maxi (previously) chad, the last time you were this early to a great base project was Avi. Dev will dox himself, dev is white, gold is gold, digital is better.
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Me too, this is a true alpha and people that are left in this dead board are sleeping on it. This might be their last chance to make it.
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Dear newfags

I’ve created many shitcoins, been in scammer tgs and let me tell you how this goes down

These are all telegram fags who will dump at the end of the pump. They’re shilling here to pump it. They have the official tg for the coin, a secret tg for the team to dump on buyers, and a secret tg for the highest rank team to dump on the rest of the team and buyers. They’ll have the mods become the skeleton team or use alts to shill a community takeover long after they’ve dumped and are already shilling another scam. That way you think the project is still going and they get off Scott free. If you buy, don’t hold after it’s spiked up, that’s when team dumps. Very rare it continues.
Oof did you get priced out already? It's only up breaking the ATH today. It's not even in 1m mcap yet. You got time.
Holy projection Batman. You should go into gmc as you’ve been hurt one too many times.

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which cars you think will win?
The One in to the middle

I'm done, totally burned out on employment. Quitting in fall 100% with the goal of taking a full year off. Sole supporter of a family of 4, wife says she can try to find work but frankly I make about $200k and she will at best get $50k somewhere, so it won't float us. More than likely she comes in around $35-40k and it'll take her time to find something, so I'd say at minimum 3 months of no income at all.

Right now our expenses are around $10k/month on average, so $120k/year, meaning we need a combined $170k or so before taxes. I don't think there's MUCH wiggle room to decrease expenses. We usually take 1 vacation a year for around $6k so there is that, but otherwise are fairly frugal. We'd have to totally uproot to cut COL down more, or send kids to public school which would be I think shitty where I live so the uprooting is actually more feasible.

I have currently about $700k in crypto and $350k equity in home. My plan was to sell like $200k of crypto and live off that (giving myself 2x buffer), but that was the plan when my account was still over $1.2 million 2 weeks ago or whatever. Yea, yea, I should have just sold it then. Too late.

Also original plan was I was going to rent the home, but now wondering if I should just let it go.

What would you do if you were me? Some levers

>Can sell home and move to a lower COL area
>Can sell any amount of crypto at any time.
>Can cash out $50k from a retirement account with early withdrawal penalty
>Absolutely can't work a FT job, but can pick up 10-15 hrs in PT work, probably consulting for around $75-100/hr - though this is really not ideal, want to make as much space as possible to enjoy family time and figure my shit out
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italy or japan
real estate is cheap, good food thats also cheap, first world, civilised, etc
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In your place after quitting id take my liquidationg and strap it onto a LBP recently got into 1intro, and got x4 after ido.

was quite decent if you ask me war times looking good
not a good advice to tell to someone like op
I meet a anon on discord who did like 20x on SOL kek
shut up you fucking shill jeet nigger. This shit doesn't work above 4 figures

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Israel attacked Iran, exit markets before boomers wake up
just cashed out my entire portfolio and donated it to our greatest allies
But don’t you understand anon this is all to fud the halving. Israel and Iran are both doing this to fud retail so they can get lower entries. Everything revolves around crypto’s everything revolves arevthr halving. Everything is about me and stopping me from making it
My theory is Israel attacks - markets don't react because Iran le bad. Iran attacks = beloved Israel in danger - sell, sell, sell.
>fair launched in January and shilled on 4chan since day 1
>hasn't rugged and on the contrary has been continually locking liquidity
>quietly been building a wild plan
>has a gameplan and execution strategy to rip everyone in crypto's face's off
>you saw this at $29k mcap, 1.6m cap, and now at $400k mcap, and in a few months or less things will never be the same again.

jesus can mods ban this guy hes shitting up every thread with dbuy shills. no i wont buy. shill something else do better

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I'm so tired with my current job, and it's mainly due to stupid fucking boomer supervisors and some retards. The other day, we were lectured about how we should be grateful to work in America because it's where everyone wants to be. While the job itself isn't terrible since it pays ok, dealing with my boomer supervisors has become intolerable. I'm still a poorfag but managed to save up 5K, and I want to invest it in whatever inches me closer to depending on my job. Should I just go all in on BTC, or should I consider adding to my poorfolio for dividends? What do I do senpai?

>inb4 kneepads
>inb4 kys
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better to start small to see how you manage your money in the long term, I started with things like VINU and then went for something bigger, it helps to know when to sell
>I'm still a poorfag but managed to save up 5K, and I want to invest it in whatever inches me closer to depending on my job. Should I just go all in on BTC, or should I consider adding to my poorfolio for dividends? What do I do senpai?
5k isn't going to do anything for escaping the cage short of a literal or figurative lottery win. In the extreme case, say that BTC 3xs after the halving. You now have $15k (minus short-term CGT) if you sell. Not materially different to where you are now.
Do you have an emergency fund?
All in BEPSI.
You can diversify and invest in solid altcoins like DUA, FTM, JASMY, and HBAR. That's it anon.
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Another Iran crash and halving dip is gonna make for some zesty slurps guys. What are we grabbing?
I wish real people would reply to these things and not shitty bots or ...no one...
Stupid slurp niggers are going to become major bagholders these next few days.
I just figured geopolitical stuff like this normally cause temp dips in the entire market and halvings normally lead to a dip then pump

>in crypto since 2015
>6 figures in the red
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>in crypto since 2015
>7 figures
>only ever invested in nft and p2e shit
>currently waiting for gravity labs
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I like to imagine that all my years of crypto were worth it and that I never sold anything, that I have my dextools constantly showing me that one my shit pumped or something, but then I come back to reality and I'm just a poor nigga full of debt
You should consider buying solid altcoins to recover your losses anon. RWA gems are what I can share with you.

>You can invest in DUA and wait for their staking event to earn rewards.
>fair launched in January and shilled on 4chan since day 1
>hasn't rugged and on the contrary has been continually locking liquidity
>quietly been building a wild plan
>has a gameplan and execution strategy to rip everyone in crypto's face's off
>you saw this at $29k mcap, 1.6m cap, and now at $400k mcap, and in a few months or less things will never be the same again.

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>>in crypto since 2015
poor you, thanks to SUPER, I'm getting close to 7 figures.

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It's time for a wagecuck thread. Post all of your best wagie images and stories.
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kinda am yeah
if that doesn't motivate you to go back to college I don't know what will
he can't keep getting away with this
>at 3 of them i had to actually make up a rap about customer service as part of our training
Do the rap wagie!
>fair launched in January and shilled on 4chan since day 1
>hasn't rugged and on the contrary has been continually locking liquidity
>quietly been building a wild plan
>has a gameplan and execution strategy to rip everyone in crypto's face's off
>you saw this at $29k mcap, 1.6m cap, and now at $400k mcap, and in a few months or less things will never be the same again.


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I tell you who didn't, me, I'm not falling for that bs lol
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I had 300k and I lost it all too fast.
I didn't even have time to spend it, at that time I had to sleep and then go to work.
it doesn't hurt so much, but now to use my jizzlord as a way to get money back instead of adding up, that really hurts
I'm down too, but I see the 20% drawdown on my QANX, DMTR, and RIO as a potential 10x in the making.
If you invest in DUA alone, you wouldn't be feeling distressed right now, as this gem is a long-term hold in the RWA space anon.

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What's the best way of doing marketing for a token? KOLs, Dexscreener/Dextools Ads, Twitter Ads or like where or what do you do for marketing that actually works and isn't a waste of money or a scam?
Ads and trending are the best in my opinion. Also, twitter is an excellent place. Just have to raid and have a team set up making posts.
Are you able to buy trending?
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the marketing that Satoshisync has done with SSNC, literally nothing

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whatever you say fud c u c k
yes, keep holding
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that is the ultimate gamble my friend

t. they will say we got lucky and there were "many" other pumps and trades we could have had instead of waiting for our "1000EOY"

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what? wtf you shilling bro, this is a link thread gtfo
post halving shenanigas are gonna sink link, remember it.
You didn’t pass the vibe check, sorry
based new hype edit:
where is cuckold poster I have not seen him for a while

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Daily reminder that Bitcoin is an IQ test.
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its gonna hurt
I slurped that dip
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>multi year bull run starts a few months early
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Do TAtards really think prices are a force of nature with patterns like phases of the moon and tides?
Price is the equilibrium point of supply and demand, why would this play out in exactly the same way 7 years later at a totally different price?

post bobos i only have 3. forgot to check my thread yesterday

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I make $600/wk in cash. What can I do with this money?
Shove it up your ass.

Love the ambition of these lunatics.
kek, is that who i think it is
i fucking hate linkcucks
Then maybe SN is the project for you.

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My fellow biztards, i ran the numbers again again and again. Big, i mean BIG, alt season is coming.
>ps. No, i won't run the numbers again.
>ps no2. AI will be the crown jewel of this bullrun
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I'm still waiting for the perfect memecoin in dextools to get me out of this suffering called not having a funny piece of shit coin to talk about with my friends
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what's new in the crypto world, ive been away for 6 months
>ps no2. AI will be the crown jewel of this bullrun

imagine saying this while owning 0 KIBSHI, the first AI-generated meme coin

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alt season? you're crazy, we're going to lose all our money by the end of the month. we're going to die before halving, buy SSNC FAST.

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you mad bro? truf? eth? be a big boy and gable on high risk coins.
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yes baby, al the way down....
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no doge lovers? where are my doge bros

>slurp dip
>slurp dip
and slurp again

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