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>I have two sides...
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This she's basically the ugly version of lacey xhabert
Terminator 3
Gay and really gay

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>If you had to replace the Dallas in your name for another city, which would you pick?
There are some good ones. My niece is named Aspen, which is good. I grew up in Connecticut where there’s a place called Mystic, so Mystic Connecticut could be fun. Or Bryce Hollywood Howard!

>What was it like making Argylle with such a stellar cast? Do you ever get starstruck?
It’s a completely bananas movie, and that’s what the experience was like making it with this dazzling cast, Versace gowns and doing the whirlybird with Sam Rockwell, Sam [Samuel L] Jackson and Dua Lipa. I get starstruck extremely easily and it’s embarrassing. I blush, I stutter, I say weird things. I get like too excited. I act like a fangirl and it takes a while for me to settle down. I can’t be trusted around famous people is the takeaway.

>Are high heels really the best shoes to wear when running away from a T rex [in Jurassic World]?
Actually, I had the choice to take off my shoes. In the scene, I push up my sleeves and there was going to potentially be a bit where I threw off my high heels, but just being out there in the jungle terrain, I thought: “I’ll do better in heels.”
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She can act
Because she has his face.
Most beautiful woman in the film industry
Did they ask her about her big juicy ass?
this is modern film journalism?

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Got a big enough joint there, Rick?
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this is a cyrus thread now

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Wow that looks really bland and boring. I’m sure it’s part of Denny’s ‘style’
Wow, this post seems really seething and midwit. Hallmark signs of a lynch pseud.
Kek that's just awful visuals.

I'm not a Lynch fan, I've only see The Elephant Man and it was a good movie. But the Op undeniably looks ugly and ridiculously unimaginative.
99% of the movie is CGI made by jeets

Post kinos only white people understand
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hate to have to agree but yeah eggers is the oprah winfrey of white people
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Pete Weir's really burning up a hole in this thread. It seems by consensus he is *THE* most white director.
Is that Steve Brule?
The Ice Storm

Will it actually not suck? dare i hope

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was I supposed to know who the fuck that was?
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That's pretty thick headed
oddly looks like an AI image, even though I know for a fact it's a shot from the movie
>it wasnt calling for the police, it was trying to reach Aprivyat Nonbarr
who was he and why would the mob rely on just one guy to protect their banks?
Typical pleb, he was saying "Ewan, your friends are dead!" Those disguises weren't fooling him.
I wouldn't have any idea, I'd let them explain. And that's what no one did.

Why cant they get medieval armor right in movies?
Why do modern productions look like they are wearing bits of pleather and scrap metal just hot glued together on some modern riding clothes.
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1. Costume designers are usually women, and women notoriously hate history.
2. Black leather is cheaper than full plate armor
Hopefully things will change, I've seen cosplayers make OK looking fake armor out of foam and shit.
Bob Ringwood and Terry English are women?
You 3rd grade reading comprehension having faggot.
Also Terry English, a man, worked on Kingdom of Heaven, Gladiator, and The Messenger, not really movies with the all leather armor problem OP is talking about, is it?
all made early 2000s or earlier
you also forgot Excalibur
Something else, the use of arns and armor.
People just try to bash uselessly at plate armor, as if a sword will cut through iron plate!
There is none of the actual martial art that went into it and trying to get into the gaps, or the wrestling they could switch to as their weapons became locked and they grappled one another to try to take down to the ground.
And speaking of this, as men-at-arms began to wear full plate a special weapon for defeating this called the Poleaxe emerged: it had a hammer for delivering blunt force, an axe head for breaking the seams, and a spear tip for piercing the seams. Never ever seen this in film or tv.

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I guarantee you this guy pleases women all day every day.
get cucked faggot
2014 kek
imagine turning into a bitter fag cause you women are getting stolen and Americanized
You will never be White
She wouldn't make, just look ar her sad tits.

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love this movie
>he can't feel comfy without le warm colors
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I want his life
He peed the bed on purpose. He wanted Kevin to know.

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I don't get it. Why did her head split open and became all demonic for no reason.
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thank me later
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>That quick distortion as she first walks into frame
She was possessed the whole time wasn't she?
That's kind of the point, anon.
Sadly that really seems to be the meaning of the glitch. It was never Lilly.

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This might be the only piece of Scooby Doo media where Scrappy is a welcome addition then.
They want to demoralize anyone who ever had any reverence for this property. >“Oh you’re an adult who cares about cartoons? Well then it’s our job to make you feel like a dumbass for it so that you go complain on the internet and give us free promotion.”
These people only know how to tear down what others have built and call themselves strong for doing so. If they were good at what they did they wouldn’t need to resort to attacking their own audience
holy shit youre an idiot, the way they make women ugly intentionally in cartoons is definitely something to be concerned of
septum piercings are disgusting and I thank god I have control over my women enough to make it clear she will never get one, basically told her i wont find her attractive if she got any piercings beyond ear
lel you cant be serious

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Imagine being so genetically weak that you could get bullied by THIS.
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Here is what she looks like now
girl bullies is also the name of a femdom studio that's pretty hit or miss for me. they subs they used are too attractive and having respectable sized penises and way too much pleasure if given to them. some scenes are pretty good but alas too hit and miss for my taste. for quality femdom with ugly beta subs being verbally eviscerated and physically abused I'll stick with likes the brat princes and club stiletto
he looks like he larps elves
I strongly dislike her hair. You can tell what all her political ideas are with such that hair.
She looks like she walked out of 1998.

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So was this movie any good? Especially for a fan of the original movie
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i have a hard time going to see a musical when I know for a fact that not one song is gonna have the magic or energy of the Pure Imagination song, that enchants me to this day
I just watched it today. it was awful. Paul King must have just got lucky with Paddington 2
Is this real because it sounds like a /tv/ greentext. Whats next, a Labyrinth remake with him playing david bowies role? A Godfather remake?
It was a good time waster plus all the fat people and the cop gaining weight turned me on
Eh it was kinda bland. Timmy doesn't have the same wild eyes as Gene Wilder, he just couldn't quite embody the character. The songs were forgettable. Not much to say really.

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What would be the juiciest lost footage out there?
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Toolbox killer tapes
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she was a psycho
wasnt the Fox news feed on dailymotion?
well well well
It didn't even air on the PPV, only the people in attendance saw it (which I was). It was recorded but the one copy is locked away at WWE headquarters.

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