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best dark tropical kinos?
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Best I can do is a tropical depression
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The Beach
Infinity Pool
Grandpa it's 2024 we don't use that grossly outdated term anymore.
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Infinity Pool

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joker get ipad
How do I learn to sing like this?

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>this shit made millenials cum, piss, shart and rope themselves from laughing too much
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Millenials are based.
God I fucking hated that shit.
t. 36yo millennial
And thats a good thing. Heres why
This is my STRONG hand!!


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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Clowns of /film/ Edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I missed you
Can anybody on the fancy trackers do a search to see if The Hope Diamond Mystery (1921) is on any of them?
Just need to know if it's out there.

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Oversized Spiders Edition
prev: >>198581790
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Infested would have been way better if it had committed to the relentless spider epidemic and turned into an apocalyptic outbreak where France needs to be nuked or a whole city walled off. Instead it totally deflates itself".
berserk ripoff
Why does the camera pan up? Please don't say "so they could save money CGI'ing spiders in the lower half of the doorway".
Give me your favorites horror shorts
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joe bob last drive-in Walpurgisnacht special at the top of the hour
stream on shudder and here

Will Millie Bobby Brown transition well into adult roles?
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it's over after stranger things
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left > right
>adult roles
does this mean nudity?
she looks like a 40 year old alcoholic slag.

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Krull is KINO
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Based Spaced ref
Fucking. Based.
I love Krull, the music, the effects, the designs, the archetypal characters, it's easily in the top 5 of 80s sword and sorcery kinographs.
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Ha, he says "Pig Droppins", the joke being he eats pig shit. I agree, it's very hard to make out. I've seen Krull 100 times tho.

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>nooo you can't have a nice meal with your family!!!
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thought so
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Fine. If don't wanna talk about mst3k, then I'm outta here.
I do want to talk about it. You're the one who sounds like you don't want to talk about it.

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I don't like my job. I don't think I'm gonna go in anymore
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>work with obese 46 year old
>narcolepsic, will literally fall asleep mid sentence
>slacks off all day long watching Chinese cartoons
>easily irritated because he’s unintelligent
>wears shirts covered with stains only achievable from reclined binge eating
>outlook avatar is anime with accompanying desk figures
>delisions of grandeur
>probably a legit 40+year old virgin
>born before autism awareness was a thing. Undiagnosed and untreated
>generally just a massive wreck of a person

Which one of you is it?
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I get to dick around a lot at work but god dammit I'm tired of being there.
i work like 6 hours a day and take two hour lunches then bike home in 15 minutes
my life still sucks
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I started working for the railroad late last year. I like it so far.
If only things were different in 1945…

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So call me closer tiny South Park
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not really a statement from myside just pointing out the truth that you're a stunned manchild that watches "adult" cartoons.
probably older than you
>that you're a stunned manchild
And you're not? I'm pretty sure I'm posting on the stunted manchild board right now, so I'm not sure where this sperg out is coming from.
Is it a stunted manchild thing?
Damn, I actually read this in his voice.
>I'm pretty sure I'm posting on the stunted manchild board
Depends on what you're posting in and like, but you're either still under 18 or you're a manchild. The comments and quick to anger responses you have given me makes me believe the later
>The comments and quick to anger responses you have given me makes me believe the later
As opposed to the comments that you've made ITT? I hope you're trolling anon, because this is some serious unawareness.
>Depends on what you're posting in and like
No, it doesn't depend on anything. If you post on 4chan at all, let alone this board, the chances are very strong of you being a manchild. I have the introspective ability to recognize that. I am stunted manchild. But at least I'm not a delusional manchild, one who can't even understand his own circumstance.

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>still no Epic of Gilgamesh film despite being more relevant than Odyssey, Iliad, and Beowulf
The story is mostly just a series of tales where some guy either fucks or fights something
So is Greek mythology yet people have made a ton of movies about that
Right I've always thought they should make a bad ass gilgamesh epic movie. Or remake a good beowulf movie, the one they made was shit.
first we need a proper beowulf adaption. not just that cringe 3d thing

It's good and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
Underwhelming and nonsensical at parts, but it's still better than 95% of sci-fi schlock released in the last 20 years, with beautiful production design and music, well executed action, clear-cut villains and heroes and a bonus Ian McDiarmid hamming it up to the 11.
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This, The Last Jedi was pretty good. Rise is where they messed up.
But that's just like, my opinion, man. I'm glad you enjoyed it, tho.
they fly now intensifies
>it's still better than 95% of sci-fi schlock released in the last 20 years
I mean ... you do have a point there. I wouldn't say that that makes it a well-made film though.
The production design is just taken from what came before (the whole LucasFilm apparatus running on its own, basically) and so is the music (barely any new compositions, just remixes of legacy pieces, probably due to the tight and rushed schedule).
They fucked up the story trying to please the prequelfags, but it's still really well shot and acted just like the first two sequels.
>it's still really well shot
I'd argue that it was not. It takes too many default options from the cinematographer's 101 toolbox, including a hillarious Michael-Bay-esque low angle cycling around Finn on the star destroyer surface towards the end.
It's competently, but lazily shot. And the editing was outright sloppy at times. (Apparently they had to edit scenes on set, during shooting, because they were pressed for time.)
Either way, it's nowhere near TLJ's visual storytelling or cinematography. And not as polished as TFA.

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chuds BTFO
>Gandalf said, addresing Israel at the UN.

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Damn, Chucky looks like THAT?
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What did she mean by this?
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How does she combine looking out of shape with looking attractive?
She meant that Seed of Chucky deserves a remake with more fetish content.
Confidence, hot lingerie, and good bone structure/adipose distribution.
reminder that she's being possessed by chucky here and they discuss him being fucked by dudes in her body

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Gumiho edition

What kdrama are yall watching this weekend?

For me it's Welcome to Samdalri. The guy from Healer is always good.
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she literally is, it's a good movie. hee-do is also for muff diving.
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>muff diving
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that's not an unpopular opinion, he's great,and the writer is good at bromance.
Queen Of Tears, been fun.
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yes she is.

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