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>Uh, you don't get to bring friends.
>They're not my friends.

Was this the moment Bane decided to turn evil?

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>The feature is set in the Jim Crow-era South and...involves both vampires and Southern supernatural traditions.


Will it be good?
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Bruce lees son but he’s dead now.
crazy that there are "people" that find this recessed blackcel attractive
I thought she was ugly af in Ender's Game. Now she's still mid but with more makeup
fpbp. this is a skip.
That's the funniest side profile I've ever seen.

I really don't get it. Messianic figures are le bad? That's it? That's supposed to be profound? Not women are bad because they perpetuate
suffering like his mom did?
Chani, what if it's a moral imperative for your people to be subordinated?
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So if someone fatter directed the movie you'd be fine with it
>Money is God when it comes to deciding what entertainment is remembered and what is forgotten
No. Power decides and plebs have fuck all power.
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>Do not touch the 2001 game, it's actual rancid garbage.
I never even knew it existed, but I'm honestly doubting that. I get the vibe it's a weird old PS2 game too strange to be successful. I'm going to have to check it out.
If said fat director had as much talent directing as Ian McNeice had floating around being a glorious ham, then yes, the fatter the better.

Because, you know, that's obviously what I meant. Yep.

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What if I told you this is a better Western design for Godzilla than any of the Hollywood adaptations so far. Should've been this green behemoth breathing fire breath on Kong in GvK
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>an egg-laying reptile with man tits, collarbone, shoulders and so on
>just a t-rex with godzilla spikes
Lame and homosexual
Art for puzzles by HG Toys in the 70s. Since the design shares so many similarities with the big G's Marvel look at the time I just lump them in together.
Speaking of
we already made this movie bud it's called jurassic park 3
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Beer gut incoming.

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What does /tv/ think about Victoria Justice's career? Does she still have potential as a lead actress in a critically acclaimed role?
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link plz
i really like one of her new songs ngl
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>31 years old
I think we're all singers

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when did liking Breaking Bad become uncool?
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El Camino was officially the point where they tried too hard to remain relevant
the moment Jesse gifted Walt a Tag Heuer Monaco. How was Jesse supposed to come up with a gift like that
why they still trying to pass that 50 year old as a teenage wigger?
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When the superior television program, Better Call Saul, made everyone take off their rose tinted glasses.
The bonfire dubstep moment was peak cool, it had nowhere else to go except downhill from there

They're lying about the use of AI in this film. It goes beyond the "be right back" bumper images. After seeing the film, I'm fairly certain that they used AI to write it as well. Something about the script is soulless, even by a bad writer's standards. Its like the uncanny valley, but with dialogue and plot progression rather than imagery. Mark my words, in a few years time it'll be common knowledge that this movie was an AI job from the ground up. If this could slip past the radar, movies are already dead.
It's a satanic anti-human, anti-God film.
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Oh, look! Another thread made by the disabled, tranny faggot who's mad that even the slightest bit of technology was used to replace his/her/attack-helicopter job. Guess what, faggot? A.I. is the FUTURE. Why don't you eat shit and die? That's right. Eat shit. And DIE. I'd throw you to the fucking LIONS if I could.

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>I said 'what do you want from us monster!'
>he said 'I need about tree fiddy'
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So /tv/?
i lose it already at
I wonder if I started a business asking people for tree fiddy, would people do it just for the memes?
If that is the type of business ideas you have, then you'll probably find out when you're sitting on the sidewalk asking for change.

How differently would Twin Peaks have turned out if David Lynch cast a brunette instead of blonde Sheryl Lee?

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>We are the spark, that will light the fire that will burn the First Order down
who okayed this line?
>hope is like the sun
>billions of inhabited star systems in the galaxy
>The Dead Speak!
walked out the theatre
Is this that movie where the mystery meat and the lesbian and the old fat cokehead hang out with puppets?
>who okayed this line?
It wasn't exactly "okayed", it was probably kathleen kennedy scared of overruling the BIPoC writer as to not appear racist

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Let's see Lynch's Dragon Ball Z
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Please tell me there's a part two where she shits Buu out
>See you in 25 years~
Guess I'll have to replay it backwards
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It already happened, just watch the ending of The Return ep 17

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The only true "situation comedy" Tv show.
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You must not know very many people.
She probably has a clit big enough to peg you with. Imagine her posh moans as she pushing into you.
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please yes

This show started me on the path to self-improvement. It went from "haha funny losers" to "oh no I am a loser."

Thank you Mark and Jez for making me a better person.

>takes the fall for Alec Baldwin
That's loyalty
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how do I find myself a thicc latina murderer like this?
Do women really wear porn hairstyle to court?
>porn hairstyle
coom brain
kys scumbag. you will pay for your lies
>porn hairstyle
coomer zoomer retard.

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Femanons of /tv/, do you prefer Alfie or Gabriel?
i love the migrant episode
I'd like to start watching it but I'm a bit unsure, I love tv shows made for teenage girls but not tv shows made for older women. I also like

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Right. Gasoline in - that stops the coca leaves from sticking together.

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