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>This is a bit of a shit sandwich.
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For me, it doesn't cut it, you know.
Completely missed that this lil nigga passed a couple of months ago
*Takes bite of food*
*Chews loudly*
*smacks lips*
*smacks lips again*
first two Kreator albums are superior to anything Metallica ever made

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>50 year occupation
>resentful of peace
>pompous and arrogant sense of worth
>backwards religion that mandated caste system before occupation
>the emissary of the prophets was non-bajoran (cucked)
>wormhole / temple of the prophets in de facto in Federation control
Are there any redeeming qualities for Bajor and bajorans apart from the alleged Eden of a surface?
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Yeah except the part where the prophets disappeared an entire dominion fleet and sent Dukat into a character death spiral that turned him into a cartoon super villain.
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Is that before or after the Dragonball fight?
It was the conclusion to the arc when the dominion took ds9 over season 5 and 6
>forced to poo in the loo
Leeta Prajeet
are you still defending ds9?

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Truly genius shit by genius film makers. Your favourite shots, scenes, character moments, production decisions and factoids.

As far as I'm concerned 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day' is the best film ever made, not even due to the cutting edge effects at the time, but the characters, themes, plot, beautifully executed ongoing action, and EXTREMELY tight script. One of my favourite little character moments in the whole thing though is this:

John just helped rescue his Mom from the psycho ward, and they just escaped the T-1000 by the skin of their teeth. Sarah is still confused and freaked out by Arnie being there helping them, but even in her confusion her priority is John. She motions to him and he thinks she wants a hug but is crushed to discover she's checking him for bullet holes.
It's ALMOST funny, and sets a new tone, but it's not being played for a cheap Marvel laugh. It's setting up their character dynamic, it's fucking great before anyone says a word, and boy does it ever pay off later.
Makes me think of this quote:

But while the Star Wars prequels were merely 'dense' in terms of the amount of CGI crap on screen, and maybe the thickness of this motherfucker's skull, Terminator 2 is efficiently packed with character shit like this while the plot and equally dense action is happening.
It's why Rey is such a nothingburger character in Disney Star Wars - it's the opposite. You don't know jack about her character after she and her mates have been running around doing random shit for three hours.

Also Marvel quips in dramatic moments would benefit from staying more like this. When it's just a joke, that's all it is for better or worse, but when it's a character thing, it's doing double-duty and doesn't matter so much if it's ha-ha funny.
eg. Guy shows up in a ridiculous spangly outfit and starts giving NYPD directions.

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Not 'artsy' enough for you huh faggot?

Eat shit. Cameron brings the same kind of kino genius to other films that are more your speed I suppose, but not his best if you ask me.

One thing that sucks is faggots who can't recongise kino due to their hoity-toity opinon of the genre. Yes you can even get true kino in - shock-horror - capeshit.

Get off your fucking high horse you fucking pseud.
nothing to do with it being artsy. Is it a great blockbuster? Sure. But is it really an important, groundbreaking film in any way with amazing writing, deep themes, amazing top notch characters, that you could consider the best film ever made?

It is literally an above average blockbuster and nothing more. Its stupid cinema for stupid people (like you) who demand nothing more in a film than an A to B story with plenty of action/shooting and that's fine. It is among the best at what it does but what it does is mindlessly entertain, theres nothing original nor great about it. Everything is over the top and there is zero subtlety to anything in the film because its an American blockbuster.

Even tarantino's films are masterpieces next to terminator 2. Are you by any chance 17 years old?
About what I figured. Muh blockbuster somehow equals simple. It has a bodybuilder shooting guns in it and time travelling robots, so it can't be a good story with themes and characters. kys you pathetic piece of shit.
What the FUCK is this LOL
Looks like justice to me.

>from the writers of American Graffiti, Messiah of Evil, and The Temple of Doom
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Messiah of Evil was kino though that has a lot to do with the directing more than the script
Donald needs to watch out. I hear if you fuck that broad you get parkinsons.
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Imagine what dat corkscrew cock did

After watching movies for so long I kinda want to direct one but how do I know if it's an impulse worth pursuing or just something everyone who watches movies feels?
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managing people is a hard earned skill. it is not an innate talent. if you are interested in it just get 2-3 friends together, figure out what youre going to film, and then film it. It really is a lot of fun.
This is probably the best place to start. Don't actually start spending money until you can halfway write a screenplay and shoot it
More important than social skills you need legitimacy. If you know what your talking about, have good equipment and... I stress this HAVE A SCRIPT. people will assume there is a plan in place and will be pretty emmenable to your suggestions.

If you have people just show up in a public park on a windy day where you can't hear the Mic, and you have chicken scratch notes on what you want from them they may walk off.
>just get your friends together
Here is a free script for you!

Link (L): Gee, it sure is boring around here.

The King (K): My boy. This peace is what all warriors strive for.

L: I just wonder what Ganon is up to.

Gwonam: Your majesty. Ganon [gænʌn] and his minions have seized the islands of Koridai.

K: Hmm... How can we help?

G: It is written: only Link can defeat Ganon.

L: Great! I'll grab my stuff!

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>It's another Joe invites a "comic" on his show episode
Is he having trouble getting interesting people on?
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Joe Rogan was cast primarily because his height wouldn't tower over Dave Foley.
I miss Phil Hartman bro
He's become an insufferable faggot and so have his guests. He's an old man who is abusing countless drugs and steroids and it shows. He's not offensively bad nor is he some super liberal so there are worst things to watch but he isn't as good as he used to be then again he is almost 60 years old.
Never let Andy Dick into you life.
Listening to 2 well established comics talk shit is kino

>Don't let yourself be hurt this ti-ACK!

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this shit is so ass
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i distinctly remember the scene where jesse says “science bitch!” I had to pause and pace around my room whispering “it’s reddit it’s reddit” to myself
What's kino to you then?.... just asking so I understand what gauge you use to understanding what it kino and what's trash..
The books were better
nah you're just being contrarian

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How is your YouTube channel coming along, anon?
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Fuck off you degenerate. Fuck off and die!
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this guy has gone through many looks in a small timeframe
I broke 75 subs last Sunday!!!

Why do these people even bother?
Most people on the platform start out like this. Contrapoints used to make fairly lazy philosophy vlog just responding to others youtubers and the comment section with like a few hundred views on each video. Eventually took down the channel, laid low and eventually came back as a tranny.

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Is this the worst asspull in /tv/ history?
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On first watch I always assumed they saw his headphones he’d wear when mowing for the school
I remember we all saw that and laughed because some of us predicted it from seeing the guy earlier in the show and the realization was so lame.
I really liked it, because I love the audience knowing about the killer long ago and the characters getting to him by different means
it should have been red/yellow ears -> maybe it was ear defenders -> photo shows handyman job going on nearby at the time of the incident -> interview the old woman as they did -> link the work to billy childress' business -> errol childress inherited the business
>facial scarring was pretty minimal
Watch the show in HD faggot. yeah maybe your 720p webrips are pixlated as fuck

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>Well McGarnagle, Billy is dead! They slit his throat from ear to ear!
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Hey! I'm trying to drink my Jig-C here!
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>come back, zinc, come back!
haha classic!
C'mon Jimmy, lets take a peek at the killing floor. Don’t let the name throw you, Jimmy. It’s not really a floor.

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Kino is coming
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ok but aside form that?
cool is the plot ok? I like good vibes but they need to be strong af
the show is terrible but it doesn't matter because you'll watch for snood.
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What's the source of this? I tried every variation of "girl licking Jenna Ortega" and couldn't find it

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Alternate Costumes edition

Previous >>198902388
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No clue, never saw it in 3D. I've only seen a couple movies in 3D and that was during the big revival period.
No, it's the shitty 3D anyway. Basically the same as watching it without 3D except everything is a little blurry and the colors are fucked
It's fun enough. The opening credits actually have the best 3D effects out of the whole movie, though.
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yes, but you need to dress like this to fully appreciate it
>tfw no ZAMN movie or tv show
Instead, we get endless TWD spinoffs.

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why is this a fucking masterpiece holy shit
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Season one had lots of David Harbor and Winona Rider, they are far and away the best actors on the show.
When the show began to give the kids more shit to do the quality went down.
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>she got a couple noms from smaller awards and won one.
Like what? Some Fangoria garbage?
It's a massively long list, I'm sure some autist out there has it written down. But just off the top of my head, The Goonies, The Shining, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Alien, Nightmare on Elm St, It, Jaws, Etc.
Basically every popular horror/teen scifi/drama franchise that was popular back then. They call them homages but there is a thin line between homage and rip-off.
Winona > Millie > Maya > Natalia > Sadie

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