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Has a female standup comedian ever made you laugh?
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do women really?...
>Black guys

Eve destroys paradise when not controlled. Eve lusts for the beasts of the field.
The fact she thinks anybody would believe someone called her and asked her to "repent", and she definitely didn't get ghosted after being used like a cumsock and is salty about it.
hmm... minorities can't be racist sweaty, try getting educated before you embarrass yourself next time
I can't stand listening to women talk for more than 2 minutes so no

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Fuck I want a new Vegas 2 now
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I never had FNV crash once. Maybe get a better PC?
for me it's the genocidal toaster
Yes, also finish at least one playthrough before modding, aside the stability and bug fixes.
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The only time New Vegas ever crashed for me was right at the end of the Someguy series during the final battle where waves of Legion soldiers start assaulting you. I CTD'd like 15 times there before I got through it.
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James Cameron is such a hack
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This. Everyone has an idea. Idea execution is what makes the cash. John Williams made a career at it.
then what's the word for pussified faggot with libcuck fantasies because that's what JC is. He admitted it maybe a pathological trait to like getting emasculated by women.
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>MCUcks still mindbroken by based JC
>sleeps for 1 hour a night myth surfaces whenever sk is brought up.
>authorized biographies clear up the air that he slept 6-7 hours on average.
>why do you faggots never verify beforr you post?

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ITT: the last movie you’ve cried to
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Not a movie. but the episode of Cosmos about the russian botanists who starved to death during the siege of leningrad, rather than eat their own seed vault contents
You are a mexican
Oh my heckin SCIENCE
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>lalala, life is wonderful! I looooove my freaking family! I suuure hoooope they aren’t fucking killed 5 minutes into the first episode. OH NOOOOOOOOOO!

He got absolutely obliterated by an archaeologist. Even Joe Rogan is starting to call him out on his bullshit, how embarrassing:
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Some guy named Flint Dibble categorically cannot destroy anything, as he himself has already been destroyed by his parents giving him such a retarded name.

All he did was state water is wet and that science backs it up all the while bringing up his 'muh dad' this and that, Im not a graham fanboy but the archeologist was just and insufferable cunt.

Verification not required, btw.
I just bought a brand new video game (Grounded for PS5). I have the night off from work and I'm gonna listen to this while I play my comfy backyard survival video and sip monster zero and gin.
These comments bros I havent even listened and I'm dying.
this show was the epitome of that bell curve graph where the retards and genius IQ's like it and the midwits incessantly seethe that there's no le evidence for a show that presented itself as pseudoarchaeology from the beginning
>over 4 hours long
boy, if you don't make a supercut compilation or get the fuck outta my face. lmao

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>best streaming service according to /tv/
>makes their icon into gayness for no reason
I gotta admit, it's still pretty good tho.
It's just a logo, anon
calm the fuck down
I thought this board hated all streaming services?
It's free and it's got stuff /tv/ likes
I think it’s because that color combination isn’t used by any other streaming service

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Did any kid actually like Captain Planet?
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>imagine saying Ted turner was a communist
>The Planeteers learn that the world is very overpopulated and some countries try to slow it down. Wheeler, annoyed at the idea of anyone recommending how many children to have, goes out windsurfing despite an approaching storm. He is blown off-course and is washed up on an island with a miniature city. The inhabitants, genetically affected mice with human characteristics including overpopulation and its resulting polluted land, capture Wheeler for food. Wheeler also learns the mouse civilization is a dictatorship whose junta plans to invade and colonize Hope Island.
>Kwame befriends Leela, a schoolgirl on the island of Mogahl whose parents keep having children, hoping for another son. They get their wish when Looten Plunder and Dr. Blight, looking for cheap labor, turn their cloning ray on Leela's brother Vico, who doubles in number each time he eats. Soon Vico numbers in the millions and, along with an accidentally cloned locust swarm, threaten the island's food supply.
I thought Captain Planet was just "turn off the water while you brush your teeth" type shit, this is literally Orwellian lmao. God Ted Turner is a piece of shit.
Rich people will convince you through whatever system they think will get them more power, money, and control. They give zero shits about having principles.
Best moment from the entire series:

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what's her endgame? why'd she choose to give birth to a son instead of a daughter?
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she's a rebel
I think the Bene Gesserit manipulate the gender of the baby.
She choose to have Paul.
Harkonnens are a cherished genetic line but cannot stop "muh dick" behavior. Jessica, as a half-Harkonnen, was a coombrain like all of them and chose the happiness of the man who gives her good dick over her BG orders.
Basically they can decide the gender of the fetus. The sisterhood wanted a girl so they could marry her off to a harkonen. But Leto wanted a boy, so she made a boy.

Fun fact Pauls grandfather was a Harkonen.
>why'd she choose to give birth to a son instead of a daughter?
Leto asked her to, and she went through with it because she loved him.

>Harry Potter
>One Direction
>Doctor Who
What went wrong?
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c'est que le dif
It's a cool song.
most brits are brown now
but at least they're not speaking german
his song is saying come on come come on?

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The age of capeshit is over. Now is the age of vidya
captcha: ONIONS
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Anybody have the diversity trio vault pic
My grandmother has eyes like that, she has a thyroid disorder. Is this lady okay?
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>remakes and video game adaptions
Do you have to play the game to get it

So all this shit about how in Canada you can "leave your door unlocked" and everything is pristine and safe is gone now, right? You don't hear libtards talk about it anymore now the country is filled with jeets.

I just realized I haven't heard the "oh why can't we be more like Canada" talking points coming from self hating Americans in a very long time.
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It was never true, this “”documentary”” is in that category of dishonest propaganda pretending to be truth-seeking that was so popular at that time
I live in a completely white suburb, but it's very poor and someone tried to break into my home last week. I made a bunch of noise and grabbed a knife and they took off.
Yeah, it's all gone now. The doc is from fucking 2002, it's just a silly cultural leftover now from an era when Canada was still like 90% white. The country used to be a LOT better.
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>grabbed a knife

Might I recommend you the Maverick 88? It's the Toyota Corolla of shotguns. Ever since I got mine I sleep like a baby. I even had a "Madea moment" where when night it sounded like someone was trying to break into my house through a window, and instead of getting scared or anything I was just like "wow I can't believe I'm about to kill someone...hmm" but it turned out to be a raccoon.

If you live in the US and don't have at least a shotgun then you're doing it wrong.
Canada is still great because you can go there and say 'I'm sad' and they'll kill you. All the sad Americans should go there.

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>The jiggly, gross, stretchy, slippery, icky, and strangely addictive substance smells like the butt end of a bad bottle of wine, feels like oysters, and comes in nine strikingly bright colors.

>Wal-Mart sold more than 160,000 units in six weeks at $3 a pop. Gak is outselling Silly Putty, Turtle Ooze, the Batman figures and Crash Dummies, according to Mattel.

Gak movie when?!
I had the solar stuff. Had some sort of reactive dye in it that would change colour in UV light. Was pretty neat when you’re eight.
Is this really why the Barbie movie was such a big deal? Just so faggots can spam off topic nostalgia bait on /tv/ followed by "movie when?" or "cast the movie"?

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Wow. This was painfully unfunny, not inAPPropiate-tier, but closely following.
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What happened to World Peace 2?
You think content cop isn't still funny today?
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This is either bait or youre one tasteless, humorless fucker.
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unironically the funniest skit of all time

Did Gosling save SNL?
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that dumb bitch in the back has emotions?

how is he so charismatic bros
Krasinski status?
he gots that chadlite rizz

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>Laundry Room #346
Because hyperdrives and anti-gravity became ubiquitous, and there's a consensus on limiting AI.
That was originally a rejected design for ANH.
IIRC it was Millennium Falcon before they changed it to the burger design.
Never really thought about this before, but is it supposed to be the (Twin) Ion Engines that make the distinctive noise?

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