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>Still the smartest show ever written

How did they do it?
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That would be Seinfeld.
That would be The Office.
That's Tumblr: The Sitcom though
>Thinks a show that primarily makes pop culture references makes something smart
Meant to refer to >>198636038

>In the wake of an environmental collapse that is forcing humanity to shed 20% of its population, a family dinner erupts into chaos when a father’s plan to enlist in the government’s new euthanasia program goes horribly awry.
>Directed by Caitlin Cronenberg
Jeez... wonder how she got her start in filmmaking?

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What the *heck* was her problem?

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being a minor distraction in the most over-rated movie /tv/ has ever lost its cred over
filtering plebs
Just kill yourself you shit taste having retard
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to have his revenge on Leno

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Is this show literally you because it’s LITERALLY me.
half of the fun was watching it with /co/ and trying to figure out the mysteries
I can't believe its been 12 years already

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What are the most kino episodes?
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Leannes Saga
I Don't Want to Wait
Get Your Freak Off
Goodbye Normal Jeans
To Spank with Love
Junkie Business
Meet the Propaniacs
Luanne Virgin 2.0
Twas the Nut Before Christmas
Kidney Boy and Hamster Girl
Hanky Panky/High Anxiety
Peggy's Headache
I don't remember the episode but the one where Boomhauer gets put in a mental institution, and Bill and Dale get stuck in there trying to get him out.
and that was only the side plot of the episode
fuck you're right, that's gotta be the best B plot in the series

How come out of all the 90s Nick live-action shows, this stuck around the longest on the main channel (not counting spin-off channels) in reruns? It reran until 2007, even though it ended years prior. It outlived Clarissa Explains It All, Kenan & Kel, Legends of the Hidden Temple, the first 6 seasons of All That (which stopped rerunning on the main channel when a completely different cast was introduced in 2002), Salute Your Shorts, My Brother and Me, The Secret World of Alex Mack, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Nick Arcade, Figure It Out, Guts, and Are You Afraid of the Dark
Amanda was the favorite Dan girl

and here, nearing the completion of his storied directorial career, your eyes are now finally opening and adjusting to the real genius of Quentin Tarantino....
Pulp Fiction is one of his best looking movies so I guess it worked.
its an undisputed masterpiece of cinema veritas.
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>Because here's the thing about FILM, okay?
>It actually costs a lot of MONEY, alright?

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Why is everybody in The Sopranos fucking retarded?
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Because mobsters being stupid thugs and not suave criminal geniuses is the entire point of the show.
and fat?
They're a glorified crew.
Mr Chase is a self hating italian. It's one of the most sensible archetypes around. He probably sees the cast celebrating their past and talking about how great italian food is, leaning into their loud italian chattering, hands flipping and bouncing all over the place and how they were like a family and imagines breaking bottles over their heads and macing their bleeding eyes.
They compromised

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evening farmigabros
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The Nun 2 sucked
It could’ve been better but you could say the same about the first movie.
Some sickly lookin motherfuckers.
They’re cute
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For me it's sickfu

>Kino gets enhanced if you watch it at 2-5am
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I used to wake up at 4am and Married with Children would be on. It was a kino time.
Its good
>4am and Married with Children
while sober??
Yes anon, people sometimes have to wake up early.
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It's how I saw the original The Day the Earth Stood Still. First time I saw and older black and white movie and was captivated by it wholeheartedly as a kid. Then the fucking shit remake came out and I regret ever seeing that.

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brtfb edition
Bump for awareness
I've noticed a new thing in pop culture is to replace G-d for slogans. Pure coincidence, I'm sure.
stop making this thread you aren't going to get a steam game till next Friday

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N _ _ _ _ _
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Walton Noggins
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Nalyar snobbig!!

Olivia Wilde
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Why are hot chicks so fucking insane?
For me, it's the anons that claim to have met her back in her unknown OC days. When she would have one night stands with whatever random guy was next to her at 2 AM.
Drunk with power and a lust for revenge. You'd be cray cray too.
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>flash sideways

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