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end of the semester for me, anyone want to talk about my favorite mecha anime?
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No, but I will post this
Did you watch the new movie?
Eureka Seven is not a mecha anime, it's an anime that happens to have mecha in it.
I've been getting through it, in the 30s so far. I love it, it just gets spicier every episode. I see why people like it so much.
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Do we have to?

I keep meaning to do a rewatch, don't think I've watched it all the way through since it was on adultswim. Every time I start, the beginning surprises me in how great it is. Just a superb combination of foreshadowing, worldbuilding, keeping Renton "normal" while also showing off how odd his situation is already. Then they get on that fucking ship with all those assholes.
I really like seeing the Gundam inspirations in the structure and how it does its own thing with them.

And yeah, it's a great buildup into things becoming immensely serious. I'm hooked.
yes, because it is also my favorite anime.
>end of the semester
I hope you are in grad school, otherwise I'm impressed e7 is your favorite anime.
I rewatch e7 yearly, and this most recent rewatch was great because I didn't "binge" it, every episode isn't perfect but the 1st half of the story is subtle to a fault. you wont pick up on things unless you really pay attention.
You haven't watched enough mecha anime.
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>giant robots
>sci-fi element
>straight ripoff of the three kids from Gundam 79
>emotionless girl and her angry rival
>protag from a broken family and whines half the time
>anti-war message
I get they never really go into space and there's no char clone (holland is the closest we get to a zeta era char) but the mecha influences are looking right at you
>I hope you are in grad school, otherwise I'm impressed e7 is your favorite anime.
I am, I use to catch this on Adult Swim back in the day.
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Alright, I'll bite.
Best track on the OST?
[spoilers]Besides Days?
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how many times we gotta tell you, it's GET IT BY YOUR HANDS
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>trance ruined
>Tiger Track
the best opening is Days although I preferred Sakura when I first watched it as a kid
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They just don't make them like this anymore
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while i disagree with your choice of sakura over days, i will agree with the rest.
honorable mentions:
>I've Got It
>Draft Any Funk
>Sentou Kuuiki
>Tadou kara no Chouyoku
LOL that you saved a Toonami screencap from 11 years ago. Nice work anon.
There's too many too choose

A Pocketful of Rainbows also had a great soundtrack. Too bad the movie itself wasn't as good.
I liked Pocketful and Astral Ocean more, but first E7 had its moments. All are better than Hi-Evolution.
Shounen heart chads wya?
Did we use to have Toonami threads every Saturday night?
Gundam isn't a mecha anime
Stop parroting this garbage about every show you don't like.
I like this show quite a bit. It's just not mecha.
>I only watch Gundam and I'm proud of it! And only Universal Century, everything else is for filthy tourists!
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the best parts of Eureka Seven was this guy here
Wrong, gundam sucks and it is not mecha.
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I finished it somewhat recently. Really liked the worldbuilding with little details like Renton's uncle being arrested after he stays with him for a few days at the end of that one episode. The visuals also hold up for the most part which is a rarity for shows from the 2000s, especially the first half of the decade.
I also appreciate that the crazy girl was treated as an actual character and not killed off arbitrarily like in so many other works.
She was the best character
>Did you watch the new movie?
why are eureka and anemone dummy thicc now
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Who doesn't empathize with the need to externally express frustration at your ex leaving you by punching her little brother all the time?
I still think about Anemone

>eureka and anemone dummy thicc now
maybe I should watch the movie
>eureka and anemone dummy thicc now
>maybe I should watch the movie
it's like they're completely different people in Hi-Evolution 3.
as a standalone product the movie is good. but Eureka is a weightlifting, whiskey-chugging angry action womyn with size D breasts, thick thighs and a BWB (big white booty). i mean come on, no one changes that drastically in body shape and personality. they should have at least gone for a controlled flatchested beauty look like Michelle Monaghan or something.
I'm content to leave my ending of the E7 franchise as dorks writing love letters on the moon
The original character designer was so put off by hi evolution Anemeone that refused to do hi evolution 3. And why would he want to come back considering the movie takes great pains to destroy anything of value in eureka seven as an ip because the director is mad that nobody liked his original bittersweet ending.
I actually liked the concept of Hi-Evo 1 and 2 (outside of Kyoda raping the original show's happy ending once again)
>1 is a prequel at first, and then a clipshow of the most important arc for Renton's character development, albeit with some weird chronology jumps
>2 actually gives context for 1's weird structure, and sets up the stage for the finale, to be focused on Eureka's reunion with Renton
And then part 3 is the Terminator with Eureka as Kyle Reese that turns into a CCA homage in the third act, while the long-awaited reunion just randomly, magically happens in the end. Absolute trainwreck of a trilogy that COULD have been good.

Outside of the original show, the only work in the franchise that doesn't completely shit itself and turn into a nonsensical trainwreck in the end was Pocketful of Rainbows. It was a genuinely good movie, whose biggest sin was reusing character names and designs from the TV show while completely changing their characterization.
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Im gonna play the PS2 games later this week. What am i in for?
Armored Core but jankier, and with more story presentation.
PhD? Engineering?
I am too, everyone on campus is a bunch of philistines though
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To be fair the younger characters should have been going through a growth spurt in E7, but their designs didn't change much. Depending on how much time was supposed to have passed it would've been likely that Renton and Eureka would have been close to or have reached their adult height.

It's not much of a problem as a standalone, but it makes transitions to adults awkward. E7 setting and ending weren't great for a sequel.
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>E7 setting and ending weren't great for a sequel.
Is there a single other property with so much material, spin-offs, adaptations, sequels, all of which were attempts to "fix" something that wasn't broke? There's a lot of things that have a great initial installment and then a bunch of shitty followups, but Eureka Seven especially seems like they just keep trying to re-litigate the original's themes and they're all just terrible.
Go back /m/rager. And no eva is not a deconstruction.
>gundam sucks
Are (you) that tard that posted that coping "gundam sucks" thread no replied to? Imao/
I enjoyed her, and the Izumo crew in general over the Gekkostate crew. The Gekkostate crew on the whole were really annoying.
Pocketful and AO are horrible even as standalones, what are you talking about?
Both were 10/10 anime while the first series fell short of that.
>its 100% canon that he would eventually nut in her, balls deep
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I often suspect that was somewhat the point. Anemone is of course crazy enough for the whole ship, but there was often the sense that "her" crew otherwise were there to be an actual psychologically functional set of professionals, but on the bad guy side, while the Gekkostate is deranged nest of assholes nevertheless attempting to make things better.
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Anyone remember the PS2 games? Where they any good?
Anon, I have no doubt in me that he did that on the very same day.
As i said here>>22609524 i would try them out and i did. However i dropped the first game like 2 hours in. Unbelievably boring story and characters with kinda dogshit gameplay. Another anon said it was janky AC and i wish it was that.
Although i didn't get far enough for LFO lifting battles, im willing to give it another try if anyone can confirm these are at least more fun than the ground battles.
The first game barely has any lifting battles. The second one has a lot more, but the story won't make sense if you skip the first one. The games aren't very good.
Gekkostate wasn't that bad overall Ken-Goh was stayed professional, Hap, Hilda, Mathieu, Stoner were functional people, but not a professional crew. Gonzy and the doctor did their own thing.

So around half the crew was more eclectic individually than dysfunctional and could function as a ship crew when needed, they just didn't bother with discipline or stayted to their own lanes most of the time. Only time they really have issues is not knowing how to deal with Holland/Rention. They actually ended up helping others on the crew straighten themselves out. Mathieu gave down to earth talks to Renton(which often didn't directly help, but sent him soul-searching), Stoner was able to help Eureka tell the concept of being an orphan to Eureka, Hilda gave sane advice to Tallho, Hap let Holland he was going to far, Ken-Goh tried to make the crew act like a crew sometimes.

On the other hand Holland and Tallho were losing there shit on several angles, Eureka had a sort of fake maturity that comes from being quiet and obedient which fell apart, Gidget/Moondoggie were younger/callow, Renton is essentially a new cabin boy.

The apple duo were largely anti-social most of the time, so they were shown to be eclectic, but didn't function much differently when working than the other crew.

Only the captain, Dominic and the xo of the rival ship got some fleshing out and sort of acted as a parallel for Holland, Renton and Tallho. Dominic has some scenes where he is struggling, but most of it is away from the crew. The captain just waited to the end of the show to have his little breakdown with Dominic. More of a situation where both crews had some members falling apart with one outwardly keeping it together and they ended up at the same destination.
I think the point was to highlight Talho and Holland's immaturity. Sure Talho, Mischa, and Holland know more about the world but that doesn't change the fact that they're avoiding their responsibility and being really immature.
I wish Charles shot Holland in the dick. He has too much plot armor.
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Seriously, fuck Holland.
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I am doing a Comp Sci masters, from what I've seen in academia I don't think I want to do a PhD now

>the sense that "her" crew otherwise were there to be an actual psychologically functional set of professionals
this is what appealed to me as a kid personally. I wanted more structure in my life and I certainly wouldn't get it from the Gekkostate (14 year old me would throw hands with Holland)

I recall it being a poorly designed AC but I think it was still decent. The girl had a good design.

>E7 setting and ending weren't great for a sequel.
E7 was perfectly setup for a sequel. there's so many implications from the ending you could explore.
The government reforming after the second summer of love, the path to the real earth being opened, corallians being revealed to the world, all the refugees that would exist due to the coral disasters.

E7 can easily get a Zeta gundam style sequel that build on these threads. the issue is that all the sequels took the absolutely most retarded path by being AUs.
Story was fantastic, best E7 story aside from the OG. Gameplay is PS2 shovelware tier, but it was serviceable enough for me.
This image itself is an incredibly interesting pitch for a sequel.
So is Hi-Evolution finally over? Did they finally stop shitting on the original show? Even though it's gotta be layered in a thick crusty mess by now.
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>Did they finally stop shitting on the original show?
Congrats. You just jinxed it and they will do an Eureka 7-II now.
The pain doesn't hurt anymore. I just want to know if the attempts to inflict pain are over.
>The government reforming after the second summer of love, the path to the real earth being opened, corallians being revealed to the world, all the refugees that would exist due to the coral disasters.
Any further exploration of the corallians would cause them to lose their mystique and would likely end up being mediocre. Its expecting originality from a largely derivative work. By the end of the show everyone was more intent on settling down rather than going into another conflict.
You don't need to explain the science of corallians with midiclorians or whatever, they can still be a mysterious element, all you have to do is show how the people of the world react to that information. You don't even have to include corallians in the show to do it. You can have a whole series just about people reacting to the revelation and not have a corallian show up until the very end.

>By the end of the show everyone was more intent on settling down rather than going into another conflict.
The worlds of stories aren't static, possibilities exist beyond the pages or frames we're shown. It all just comes down to how imaginative the writer is.
Mobile Suit Gundam wasn't written with a sequel in mind, but Zeta managed to organically build upon what was there. That's what a good sequel does, it naturally extrapolates consequences of actions taken in the previous story.
>all you have to do is show how the people of the world react to that information.
That's essentially hiding from the original ending.

>possibilities exist beyond the pages or frames we're shown
Like going to a parallel universe

>It all just comes down to how imaginative the writer is.
>Its expecting originality from a largely derivative work.

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