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Mazin Go, Aniki
Mazin go, aniki
Mazin go, Aniki

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>Western mech fans insist that their mechs are 'more realistic' than eastern mechs
>Their mechs either end up being clunky goofy shit, or just being ripoffs of Japanese mechs
Every time...
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that format is supposed to be a joke...
These threads always give me the feeling that its all one guy talking to himself.
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That's likely because
>we've had east vs west threads for some time to the point where we can hit on certain agreed upon facts and conclusions repeatedly
>/m/ is a small, niche board

Don't forget you're here forever.
it always boils down to either stolen from Japan or less obviously stolen from Japan
Sadly the joke was lost and only made things worse.

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It is time to make a thread about some less known anime.
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why was this 5-day old reply suddenly deleted 30 seconds ago
It's baby's (OP's) first OVA.
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First seems like a stretch, but to each their own
fuck off you fucking avatarfag
You're the guy that bumped this from the bottom of page 10. No complaints needed yo.


After a Summer of Love, the mecha's campaign of Winter...did not go as planned. With the Orbital Ring firmly in the hands of a ragtag group of wrestlers, the Council has decided on some tough love for the team. Stripping away at some...amenities for the team, /m/ enters Spring playing refuge in order to promote back to Summer. Their first challenge, defeating the Robots of /r9k/ can they accomplish this? Find out today!
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Well that was fun, see you all next weekend.
Don't forget, the draw is coming up soon as well! A lot of good matchups on the table like:
>vs /u/
>vs /tg/
>vs /y/
>vs /vp/
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Asking to either have this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAPQCdPT5V0
or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Paa3QrMVfYE
as hyp videos
(bonus point for both)

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Second batch with 26-50 is out now. Full details about the upscale process are in the Nyaa posts, but basically, this is an upscale of the original SD version of SEED. It was done using a custom upscaling model trained specifically on the HD Remaster.

This version is based on the SD Blu-rays from Rightstuf, so the source is much cleaner than the original DVDs, and it's from hchcsen's remuxes, so they're as good as you can get.
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You do understand that picture of yours is not offensive? It's just a regular guy.
There's no point, or insult, or even a zinger made there.
>whomever that traced picture is supposed to be?
How do you not know who Stephen Colbert is?
It's just silly, that's the appeal. Power to the dream as Basara sings.
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>How do you not know who Stephen Colbert is?
4chan is an international website. Gringo teevee personalities are unknown elsewhere.

>Power to the dream as Basara sings.
Is it possible for you to reply like a normal fucking human? Or is it a compulsion of yours to add some random non-sequitur whenever you reply?
report the samefagging, spamming avatarfag every time you see it

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Zeonic just released the final update on volume 2, making the collection complete. Uploaded the PDFs on MediaFire because his site is prone to getting DMCA'd and random server crashes:
Volume 1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a4d0bczax5rot50/
Volume 2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/944ag1uohlssi5h/

Also, please, please, PLEASE, no bullshit arguments about "canon". You know exactly who you are.
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>shounen vs faggotry
your mom was wrong for letting you live.

It's right there
00 Raiser wins because Setsuna can telepport and has Super Trans-am.
>And what role is that? Mop-up in the rear echelon after the zone has been secured already?
The Millennium can only be in one place at one time. It's best to have a few powerful ships that can deploy peacekeeping troops to a war zone.
>It's best to have a few powerful ships
In what little we saw of it, the Archangel was relegated to mop-up or patrol duties, while the Millennium took to the frontline.

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I haven't been watching Gotchard but is there any actual reason for Zein to be in it? Is he actually part of the plot now or is he just a cameo to remind people that the next episode of Outsiders is coming out soon?
not really they don't even explain how/when he jumped dimensions.
It’s fucking garbage. Why are you so fucking stupid
Just marketing for the mini-series. He didn't even meet any of Gotchard's cast, just defeated a one-off enemy (who had already lost and was attempting to escape) and then left.
>doing their finishers together
They're basically married at this point

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I‘d be interested to know if there are any drawfags on /m/ that designed their own Mecha, or variations of existing mecha.
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Good to see the thread coming along, I‘m pleased to see so many cool mechs.
Here’s another one of mine. I‘m trying to give my mecha a more androgynous look without slipping into full on gynoid territory. Making the armor on the torso lighter was one thing, I’m trying to cone up with good ways to give extra armor to the thighs to make them look thicker.

Mecha really are kind of fashionable, any image with a human subject just looks cooler with a random mecha placed next to them.

Cool design. Kind of makes me want a Star Fox with humanoid mecha.

Love the “horn” sticking out of the chest, thats so cool.


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you have a really nice eye for how to shape aircraft
>The upward facing wings and propellers are a cool concept.
nta but it's not super uncommon
Didn’t know, cool plane fact. Maybe I‘ll reference those if I ever draw some planes.
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later than human sized
it’s more the inner frame and skeleton that i’ve drawn, without the armor that would protect it
hence why it’s so frail looking. i just find that easier, when i try drawing armor first i feel like it looks weird
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>you have a really nice eye for how to shape aircraft

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I need some wallpapers for my PC, and all the ones I have are from the 3:4 aspect ratio era. Please post wallpapers or other high-resolution /m/ art that looks awesome and could be converted into a wallpaper.
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How do you do, fellow Gundams? Let's get that filthy Zeon scums for the Federation!
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Why the long face?
The problem is that we know what happens as the universal century continues. Nothing gets better. Headshotting Zeon caused Spacenoids to get systematically holocausted and Newtypes to be abused as human batteries. Wiping out the reminants that *side with the space nazi's* causes even further Newtype experimentation. By the time Unicorn comes around the Earth Federation is even more corrupt than ever and FF has a plan that would force humans to travel to space and become enlightened as new types... But our heroes, including the literal Princess of Spacenoids, says fuck that and shatters any hope of humans emigrating to space by giving even more power to the earth federation... Then twenty something years later we see Hathaway and Earth is a genuine cesspit. Twenty years after that and there's still no progress. Heck!! Where's the one place that *does* develop over the universal century? Jupiter!! Who are a prestigious empire by the time of Crossbones!
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Gee I wonder ((((who)))) could be behind this post.
>I’m from Melbourne
don’t forget to take your PrEP, faggot

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ITT we post mecha gore and carnage. Bonus points if it's not a vehicle.
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Yes you are.
The filenames are different though.
I just wanted to make a thread and that pic seemed like a good idea to use.
There's already a thread based on that subject matter.
Yes, it's the thread the fucking picture came from. OP saved the picture, which saves as, added an m to the end, and made a new thread.

They did the same thing here:
with >>22607532
which was another thread the avatarfagging samefag spammer was infesting.

Just report them. Every time you see them, report them.

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What a mess

What went wrong?
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not sellable
I liked it.
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Tomino is one note and should have retired decades ago, but his ego doesn't let him and has the gall to criticize and put down other directors that are actually more successful and diverse than him.
Just started it and I'm enjoying it
This is not a Gundam

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Post your continuity breaking cash gra- I mean, obscure prototype and limited deployment mobile suits from MSV
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Only Re-GZ I actually like.
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as classic as it gets and still lovely
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Based fellow Gelgooner
what’s wrong with nagano?
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Why did it fail?
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The most important aesthetic aspects of mecha are really difficult to communicate. The proportions and geometry of the mecha, how they move, the scenes in the cockpit, these all make or break a mecha show/movie. These are all difficult to express, mecha fans may have a feeling of when these are done well or poorly, but to the avg person PR1 was no better or worse than a Bayformers movie (some of which had redeeming qualities)
PR1 nailed all of them. Particularly the piloting system, the idea of pair piloting and the drift was such an amazing vehicle for interpersonal drama (and PR1 didnt even really make full use of it)
You can tell just by comparing the designs of Gipsy Danger to Gipsy Avenger that the film was headed by people without the requisite taste level to make good mecha
Pacific Rim 1 makes every motion of the machines an event. Gypsy Danger's got so many moving parts, and so much care and thought put into it's design that every time it does anything it's visually and audibly exciting. There's all of these wonderful little flourishes to its movements. A really good example is during the Knifehead fight, when it does the two fisted smash. You hear this sound like a winch or cable being pulled taught, and as the sound reaches it's highest pitch, and the arms lock back, the forearm guards lock down to the elbows, signifying that it's locking it's joints down to withstand the impact. That stuffs almost completely absent in Uprising.
For me, it was mecha design and the way they moved being worse in the second movie.

For one, Jaegers in Uprising were too mobile. Yeah you had Red Typhoon in the first that was super mobile, and the Australian one could run with a turbo booster, but still everything had weight to it. They remembered these are literal walking skyscrapers that weigh thousands of tons. Meanwhile Uprising had them pull acrobatic maneuvers, everything felt weightless and free of inertia and less special. There's "tech advanced ahead" and then there's bs.

Boyega is a less charismatic actor overall, killing off both heroes of the first movie shot them in the foot.
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You'd think Pacific Rim would actually be able to make cool robot designs, but once they figured out people only cared about Striker and Gypsy, it was all recolors from there

Or like 343 era Halo armor where it's just a visual mess where everyone looks like they're wearing techno football armor
i thought the russian mecha looked really cool

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Mighty Orbots
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I look like this and talk like this.
Its literally what happens when Transformers writers meets Osamu Dezaki's animation team.
Thirty-nine years ago, the Friday night before Orbots premiered, a friend called who was all excited that Godmarz had been dubbed. He was going off the description in TV Guide about six robots uniting into one. Man was I disappointing the next morning to see how wrong he was.
This from a pamphlet which Mattel distributed at the industry's Toy Fair expo that year.
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And here is ABC's promotional photo.

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