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>Name is Setsuna
>based on the Japanese word "Setsunasa"
>which means sorrow and loneliness
well played
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>Vagina spells as "Va jai na!"
>Bajeena spells as "Ba jee na"
forced meme
>Amuro was "Zerosen"
i don't get it
if you pronounce vagina in English, yes.
What if you pronounce it in the same romance language Quattro came from?
Great names.
It's Japanese wordplay, and there's a step or two in between from Amuro to "Zero-sen".

>Amuro Ray
>Ray sounds like rei (零)
>rei (零) means zero
>rei sen (零戦) aka Zero-sen refers to the WWII Zero fighter


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>Q: In the movie, Athrun used the Strike Freedom Gundam, but I thought it was a machine that could only be handled by Kira's processing power. Why was Athrun able to use it?
>Director Fukuda: That's simply because Athrun is amazing. Kira-kun may be a special coordinator, but he is not Athrun's rival (laughs).

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According to Fukuda, Cagalli is his favorite, which is a fucking lie. The man doesn't know what he's saying. He literally tweets contradictions to the films end.
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>"Amazing" is a generic designation for any unit that's equipped with a Cavalier.
I beg to differ.

>The man doesn't know what he's saying. He literally tweets contradictions to the films end.

We really to compile everything he has said at this point.
2ch has a lot of material in that regard.

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Have you ever read or written fanfiction for /m/ shows? I'm not just talking about the more traditional kinds of fanfiction about characters doing something, but also original stories that are technically set in certain universes created by others.
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A much better show btw. Seriously, the fact that she got so little screentime in the second half was criminal. Not to mention, given how it was written by Ichirou Okouchi, her relationship with Haruto was practically dropped to make way for more melodrama, when it was one of the strong points of the show, not unlike what happened with Lelouch and Kallen's relationship.

Hence why I plan to give those two more scenes in my fanfic.
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Here is the next rewrite of my Megas XLR fanscripts

S5E6: The GodMegas


Wrong Link

It’s like you’ve never seen it.

Criminally underrated. Can't even find any other shows like it.
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Don't degrade Votoms with your shit thread. Change your file name of the picture you literally just downloaded before making shit ass threads next time.
Election year.
watch mellowlink

I mean its a votom spinoff so it doesnt really count but still. Nigga kills scopedogs with a pile bunker bayonet on a giant rifle its great.
This. OP got sighted.
If you want RECs just be honest about it OP.

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Gundam Wing's up on INFO.
Sub but not dub.
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Good, all dubs are shit
>" Um anyway here's a reason why you might be interested in piracy"
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Stream not for gaijin, please understand.

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He's probably one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise. From the outside looking in, I always thought he'd be a stereotypical military dickhead, but completely flipped the script as soon as I watched 79' and Zeta. Bright does not have a easy job at all. He's a 19 year old practically fresh out of the academy and thrusted into one of the most important Federation vessels that single handedly changed the tides of the OYW. Most of his crew are civilians and teenagers. The only reason why he acts the way he does is because it's a matter of life or death if they don't succeed. It also shows it isn't easy for him either. The way he speaks to people shows he's always "on" and refuses to slip up for a second, he knows the importance of his role.
Plus the scene in Zeta where he views the tape his family sent to him. I cry everytime.
Hes the most based Gundam character (next to Amuro)
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Whitebased, one might say
I like how he still has very clear and very human flaws, like being horrible at the whole "husband" and "father" thing.
He still didn't need that shit with emaly

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Which shows have the leanest mechs?
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More of power armour stuff, but Mad Burnish in Promare had pretty nice designs.
>turn A but Vivziepop
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10/10 silhouette
>turn A but Franxx

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Imagawa is.. alive?
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>just give them a png, the few autists who care will make up their own lore about it and convince themselves it's the irrefutable truth and advertise it for us. It's THAT easy.
Because it doesn't fucking need another anime. The original exists and that's enough. Anything extra can be whatever medium aside from an anime just fine. It's not for you to enjoy anyway. It's another title that'll never be translated.
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Oh you're retarded

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Reminder that THIS is the real Tallgeese. Give it up boys Leofags won.
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>Watch the first few episodes of the new Ultraman Quanta anime
>Set in a far future where humans create an interstellar civilization and join the wider galactic community
>The show is if you combined Ultraman with the usual Star Trek formula as the main cast are members of a survey ship and visit various points of interests in the galaxy and survey uncharted space
>MC of the show, Ryu Satsuma, is a 12 year old and literally THE youngest host to an Ultraman and thus very non-standard
>Ultraman Quanta also is non-standard as his form not only is more alien and organic, but some of his powers have him shapeshift his body in order to use them (hell, when he uses his equivalent of the spacium beam, his forearm opens revealing a prismatic cell membrane that generates the beam)
>Quanta seems to be inspired by the likes of Venom and Guyver in terms of how his biology functions (hell, the first episode literally had him, in the form of a silver slime fuse with Ryu in order to save him from dying to a mutagenic virus) and has some physics breaking abilities (light-bending, gravity manipulation, creating wormholes and more) along with the ability to assimilate samples of defeated kaiju and use their abilities and even combine those at the cost of faster energy consumption
>The transformation is much different since the kid literally turns silver fluid after being engulfed in light and morphs into Quanta
Overall the show is very promising. The action is good, the characters have substance and the MC isn't an annoying brat most of the time and it being set in space allows for a ton of scenarios.
But what was the producer's intention with having most of the villains being female and sexy to boot? Even the new incarnation of Bogal in human form is a stacked milf that constantly snacks on something.
But overall will our shota find his abducted dad and will he and Quanta save the galaxy from whatever darkness is rising on the horizon?
Did anyone even like it?
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>Fictional anime that does not exist
So, a good gundam show?
The camp is the good kind here.
Give it a try. It's a really good show.
Whats with people saying a power armor show has no mecha in it.
Im glad you enjoyed the OVA since its so underrated but dismissing the PA tells me you were just here for the Luna Rabbit titties while they ride their bikes.
Earth did nothing wrong, and Triton squad did their best, even if their sacrifice ended up being for nothing.
>Whats with people saying a power armor show has no mecha in it.
Some people don't try to see similarities between power/powered armor and mecha.
The former may very well be a robotic suit which should count as a mecha.
Reminder that Tabula Rasa will take the Vertigo Reactor at Vatican VI and put it in his Neanderthal unit. Dr. Breivel was an engineer on both projects, so they're likely compatible. Or Neanderthal is gonna get fucked up when they attack Vatican VI and they will utilize it in the upgrade.

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How would you fix G-Witch?
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No Yuri.
It's not very good. The people saying it's good are under 18 and have never watched TV before.
It's actually good.
Watch the prologue + first three episodes. I'm a nonapologetic witchfag, and think it's a good watch. However, it has undeniable flaws, and I think it really depends on the person if they'll like it or not.
>colourful cast, easy to find a favourite
>intriguing setting
>cool mech designs and fights
>plot holds itself together quite well
>most characters aren't elaborated on too much
>Season 1 is very slow burn while season 2 rushes things a lot
>many side plots get wrapped up too easily
The ending will either leave you happy, frustrated, or both.
>>intriguing setting
>>cool mech designs and fights
Fair enough.
>colourful cast, easy to find a favourite
Ehhh... Colorful sure, but most of the cast is unlikable or doesn't have a personality. Suletta is alright at first but wears out her welcome with a total lack of development.
>plot holds itself together quite well
NOW you're reaching.

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Are blind people evil?
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anyone who posts a woe-jack variant should be forced to explore titanic in a cheap submarine.
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No, they just look at and see things differently.

What kind of a pussy that needs four shields?
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1. They're in a very asteroid-thick area with tons of space debris, charging forward at enemies who shoot mostly at their fronts.
2. Idiot GM pilots keep ditching their shields. At least this way, they either can't throw them away or even if they throw 1 away, they'll still have another. I swear, so many OYW battlefields must be littered with those shields. Not even broken or damaged, just thrown away and possibly outliving their pilots.
>be daryl lorenz, a newtype
>effortlessly intercept latest warship railcannon rounds by shooting them down with beams

>get arm and shoulder blown off by a plain old cannon shell

Was he distracted or something?
Io should be on suicide watch desu.
>can't put peglegs down with 3 state of the art machines
>a scrapped guntank does the job
Io is using the radio music with the psicommu system (the cloned head of Fuu) to distract Daryl, and Daryl had just killed the G-Bull and two Guncannons that tried to snipe him, and destroyed the hands of the Zeong. He was very distracted
Daryl was fighting a whole fleet.

But honestly, this whole manga the author has been giving Io a bunch of a ton of help and power ups because he's a weaker pilot than Daryl.

The author wants to have this weird "both sides are equal. War is hell " nonsense so he keeps giving the Federation all this plot armor.

Realistically, a fleet of Psycho Zakus should destroy everything in their path. We saw what a single one did when Daryl was the pilot. It solo'd an entire fleet. Yet when the monks actually DO get a fleet of 100 psycho Zakus, they get turned into cannon fodder by the Federation Fleet. Doesn't make sense really.

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Previous Thread: >>22591795

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Kamen Rider geats
top row third from the left is really nice
>Hokuto Trio featured in the chemy
Only heisei is. Showa is for chads.

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So /m/machines, how is your backlog going? Next season looks kinda dead for mecha content outside of that 4 part Code Geass ONA and whatever Kaiju 8 is supposed to be.
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No new thread?
Here you go:
I tried making a new thread but the system thought my post was spam. It seems like we can't link other threads now.

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