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Second batch with 26-50 is out now. Full details about the upscale process are in the Nyaa posts, but basically, this is an upscale of the original SD version of SEED. It was done using a custom upscaling model trained specifically on the HD Remaster.

This version is based on the SD Blu-rays from Rightstuf, so the source is much cleaner than the original DVDs, and it's from hchcsen's remuxes, so they're as good as you can get.
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SD version upscaled 200% for comparison
Would this work with Eureka Seven? Train the AI upscaling model using the later Eureka Seven releases to upscale the original show to 4K then downscale it back to 1080p?
Would you believe I've actually been trying this? The model "works" on E7 but the improvement is negligible imo. There are other models that definitely improve the sharpness dramatically, but they enhance and smooth the background details too unnaturally to be useable.

Needless to say, training models has been a rabbit hole. I've been looking into good training references for the Dynit Sailor Moon DVDs, since my initial version with Topaz was lackluster, looking back on it.
Is it effective on cel shows? I know there's still some old mecha that are still in SD like L-Gaim.
What would happen if you upscale it with models trained from the Bluray rips of FSS or Zeta Gundam (since it's they're aesthetically similar to L-Gaim)?
The thing is, the model has to be trained on the low res and high res versions of identical content. The problem is finding HD versions that are "good" comparisons. Unfortunately, there are many HD remasters that are overly denoised, so the model then becomes trained to remove a ton of background detail.

I've tried creating synthetic downscales of 16mm content (G-Gundam), effectively making my own pretend DVD encodes, then training against the original BD version. I then also added some 0080 DVD and BD comparisons into the training to give it some real world variety, and it's pretty effective, though it can smooth some details too. The 0080 training actually goes a long way towards improving line art though. Let me grab some test screencaps...
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Okay, so here's a raw DVD screencap. I have a few models I've been working on with varying results.
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(In case it wasn't obvious, that was upscaled to 1080p for comparison)

Here is my current "hybrid" model, which combines training data from the synthetic G-Gundam downscale, and 0080's DVD and BD versions. It is definitely smooth and perhaps overly sharpened to the eye, but it is the most consistent so far.
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This is with the synthetic G-Gundam training alone, which retains the grain, and is naturally somewhat softer, BUT it also sharpens the lines in very inconsistent ways at times. It also doesn't alleviate issues with the older transfer like the chromatic abberation and color bleed. On the other hand, the 0080 training data helps a lot with that, since it compared an older transfer to a newer one.
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Lastly, here was my idealistic attempt. Knowing this was a Toei production from around the same time, I figured there is no better comparison to use than the DBZ Dragon Box and the abandoned DBZ Level Sets, which were full of grain.

The problem was that I was unable to find a BDMV or Remux of the Level Sets, so I had to train against a slightly denoised encode. This unfortunately tainted the training, so it removes a shit ton of detail from certain background shots, but it otherwise has a really pleasing look to the outlines (though it doesn't do much anything for the color bleed).
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If you're curious, here's the raw BDMV of E7 (US release. I'm not sure if the JP version is any better).

The upscaling is aliased and edge enhanced, so it's difficult to ascertain the exact source resolution.
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And here's with the SEED upscaling model applied. I've also removed the edge enhancement and done a mild denoise before upscaling since the BD encoding isn't great.
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Well, well, well. How's this?
This looks amazing. How does it look when it's moving? Any quick WEBMs?
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Quick encode of the OP. The credits definitely get fucked from the upscaling, but I think it would be forgivable in the grand scheme of things.
This is how the Blurays should've been
Holy shit this is insane, and I thought the show couldn't look any better.
would definitely pay for Blu Rays in this quality.
Yeah I'm honestly still blown away by how effective it can be. I've been on a fucking spree training models the last three weeks for both digital and cel purposes.
Is it me or is it taking out a lot of the subtle shading and making it look too pixel perfect painted now? Like you oversaturated an image with a glaussian blur or something.
I mean, it's never going to look perfect. There are quite a few models out there that make it look REALLY pixel perfect - like promo art level. Most of those tend to fuck up the blur effects used in backgrounds too.
Oh, no, I didn't expect it to be. I'm just curious if there was anything super wonky with the upscaling (mainly with background stuff)
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a heads up if people are still looking at this thread
the ever excellent ai upscale model for older web and DVD release had finally released
2x_AniSD_G6i1_SPAN_215K and 2x_AniSD_AC_G6i2b_SPAN_190K is what author recommend for most case,and with JaNai GUI running with tensorRT,it is ver possible to upscale video in ver high fps.
I've been following Sirosky's guides for this whole endeavor, and these models look legit. I can't believe I'm saying that they almost seem *too* faithful just judging by the screenshots, but that's awesome that he achieved it. I'll have to try these out sometime today.

I haven't played with JaNai much (I should, it would open up more models to me), as I'm always loading these in via Vapoursynth for other processing, but this might give me a reason.
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Here's the same E7 frame with AniSD. It's nice, but it doesn't feel like enough of a change to justify the compute power.
Imo, the ideal is somewhere else. The quick model I showed in >>22597344 has artifacts in a number of places, but there's gotta be a middle ground....
I've watched your CCA and Big O upscales and have them in my personal digital library; if you don't mind me asking, how the heck do you make these? I'm a programmer and I've been dabbling in AI image generation so I'm not a complete layman, but I'm interested if you have any resources you could share on how to get started doing this kind of stuff.
EG is the OG

He's been doing it for 20 years.
He did a blog back in 2014 if that helps
RX, question: how does your upscaling model do with text? Even my dicking around on Topaz doesn't know what to do with it.
Same shot from the official HD version.
Well... You have already started E7 sooo......
File deleted.
And the next two entries are better to boot!
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Fucking spammer twat. Why do you keep doing this? Why are you so obsessed with posting that stupid rat and... whomever that traced picture is supposed to be?
This is not the first time I've caught you defecating your dumb pictures on Page 10 threads.
You do understand that picture of yours is not offensive? It's just a regular guy.
There's no point, or insult, or even a zinger made there.
>whomever that traced picture is supposed to be?
How do you not know who Stephen Colbert is?
It's just silly, that's the appeal. Power to the dream as Basara sings.
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>How do you not know who Stephen Colbert is?
4chan is an international website. Gringo teevee personalities are unknown elsewhere.

>Power to the dream as Basara sings.
Is it possible for you to reply like a normal fucking human? Or is it a compulsion of yours to add some random non-sequitur whenever you reply?
report the samefagging, spamming avatarfag every time you see it
Neat. Good reading material
Hey, RX. Can you release Zeta and ZZ again without the separated files for the OP and ED? Thanks.
>thought RX retired when he dropped his blog guide
>he's back with AI arsenal
Confused boner.
Would Destiny warrant the same treatment in your opinion? Or is the HD remaster of it good enough?
Huh, I thought this thread died a while ago... I can't take much credit really. The whole infrastructure around this is much bigger and more advanced that I can comprehend, but thankfully there's a very helpful Discord community around training these models, so I followed this guide:


CCA is NOT an upscale. That is a legit 4K remastered source. All I did was adjust the HDR color grade. Big-O honestly warrants a do-over since it was done in Topaz, and I've actually been training cel-oriented models that could handle it much better. The only thing stopping me is the manual stitching work I did on that release to get the OP restored.
God, watching SEED Freedom this week has really made me feel my age. I was involved in fansubbing back in 2003/2004 but didn't do EG stuff till 2006. Life is a beautiful but horrifying thing.

It's mostly okay, but text does trip it up sometimes. This particular model benefits from having a very exact HD source to train against, which isn't always an option, especially with 2000s digipaint. Topaz is impressive at times but it's too generalized to get ideal results.

Fuck I might as well just be open about it. I'm 32 episodes into the encode, remuxing OZC's subs and upscaling from the US BDs. It took me quite a while to get a model I was satisfied with, searching for sources that would not remove background detail, sharpened up well, and maintained a mostly natural appearance in the line work.

I needed 2000s-era sources that had true 1080p levels of detail, clean video mastering, and equivalent low res sources as well. I settled on two movies: The Cat Returns and REDLINE. Ghibli sources are honestly some of the best, BUT, most of their digipaint works have artificial grain over them, which would taint the training results. The Cat Returns was free of grain, *and* I was able to find a DVD ISO of an older release to let the model have real sources to work with. For Redline, I only found a BD source, so I ended up creating my own "DVD-equivalent" MPEG2 encode that was used as a synthetic source to train against.

I hate Destiny too much to bother.
Some pics of the upscale

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