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We were so close to greatness. Externally powered hyperpressure .50 cals were within our reach.
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Only in America, sure
>Nah the hyperpressure 25mm stuff was more interesting
Its called 27x145mm Mouser.
You all forgot to mention the hypersonics. I for one fear the hypercyber.
>Its called 27x145mm Mauser.
Goated and basepilled 27mm appreciator.

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Monday Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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danke schon anon
Where do I cop?
But that Shop is inactive now.

I just had a "negligent" discharge at home and I just feel the need to talk about it
I put negligent into quotes because it was straight weird retardness that led to the discharge, not negligence, so story time

At home after dinner, wife is tending to the kids downstairs
Realize I haven't checked on my nightstand pistol for awhile, get it, unload it properly
Point at wall, dryfire it for a bit
Look at the ammo I ejected beforehand, notice the bullet has been pushed a bit into the casing
Wonder if it will still chamber properly, but it back into magazine, insert magazine, rack the slide
And then, probably due to muscle memory due to dryfiring just moments ago, complete braindead moment, I immediately pull the trigger after racking, bang, ringing sound, hole in the wall.
Complete oh fuck moment, wife wasn't too pissed, was relieved I didn't hurt myself or shot a window. I'm usually very safe with guns, always double check them etc...I don't know how to cope with doing something so retarded that could have ended horribly. Does something similar happened to some of you ? The ego hit is horrible, it's gonna be a while before I manipulate my guns with confidence again
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my brother had an ND in the house.
i had one at the range.
no one was hurt, no damage to anything important.
neither of us have had one since due to it.
the loose slide with a round chambered in it gets me every time.
I've been handling guns for 30 years now and never once has a negligent discharge. What are you talking about?
The problem, which you can see in any of these threads, is that people will clear their guns and then start fucking around with them and reload them and forget about it and go back to fucking around with them. If you train yourself to never fuck around with guns, you won't have that problem. But most (all?) people can't genuinely treat a gun they "know" is clear like it's actually a deadly weapon. By making sure it's never clear, you make sure you never treat it like it's anything but a weapon.
If u cant remember which of your guns are loaded you're not handling them enough

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I am a fan of primitive and simple blackpowder weaponry, let's have a thread about it.
I especially like early breech-loaders, they show the beginnings of precision machining and how after centuries of roughly the same paradigm (tube with explody powder) the mechanics and technology transformed the entire conduct of war within just a 100 years or less.
I actually recently tried to find a specific breechloading rifle but cant find any info on it. Couldn't find it on Ian's channel but I am not sure he even ahs a video on it.
What I remember:
>Blackpowder, no paper cartridge
>Breech opening was a threaded cylinder that was rotated by the trigger guard
>Ball and powder were loaded into the barrel from behind, then the cylinder was rotated back up again
>Flintlock (I know it wasnt cap because one video showed the shooter wiping the oily blackpowder left on top of the cylinder after closing the breech into the pan)
>The cylinder had several threads so that one rotation of the lever caused it to move a significant bit
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What mesh sizes should I get for homemade 3F and where should I get them?
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i want them
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pretty much any screen will work, I got some soil sampling screens on eBay.
superposed loads always seemed like a good way to blow your own face off

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Competitive edition
What do you guys shoot? What's popular in your country?
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I'll add that I'm jealous of the fact skeet and clays usually have girl shooters there who seem normal. In our "americanized" part of the range the only girls are ugly 30+yo raspy voice masculine girls wearing camo, weird hair colors and loud. Kind like the gym girls of shooting.
Meanwhile with skeet they have nice and cute young girls but they get scared when you pull out an ar15 or something
Oh yeah we also had a schism a few years ago so now I still pay the same membership but I can only shoot there on Saturdays
There's a small number of smallbore autists who threw a fit because the noise of the "milsurp gang" ruined their concentration and they shot a bad group despite having a riced up rifle and 5k+ in equipment.
Had to have a whole club meeting and split opening hours between people who don't care what others shoot and annoying faggots.
Getting a loisens in France is easy but man the clubs fucking suck
I believe once the boomers finally die things will start to change a bit, unless guns get completely banned by Macron the first or the EU in the meantime. Best clubs are generally deep in the countryside, they have 200m+ ranges and don't care about noise.
>I'll add that I'm jealous of the fact skeet and clays usually have girl shooters there who seem normal.
All cute female shooters exclusively shoot Olympic sports or hunt
Service rifle or such only attract the occasional 50yo autist woman
Beyond hunters, sport shooters and cops/securtiy, there are no gun owners officially. Unoficially, though, the country was flooded with black market weapons from comblock storages during the 90's, and I'm not sure how many of those were found or surrendered. Still, expect firearms to be a taboo to the general public, unless someone is a member of the aforementioned group.
You can absolutely forget CCW, or even getting a gun based on self defense unless LEO. While there is no hard ban on assault guns, long rifles (more than 60cm total, at least 30cm barrel length, think regular rifles) are limited to 10+1 rounds, short rifles (less than 60cm total, less than 30cm barrel length, like pistols) at 20+1, no suppressors, ammo needs to be approved by CIP and mandatory gun registration. Honestly, compared to US it's much more straightforward, but I'm not a lawyer so read the law yourself.
Best way to get hands on a gun as a citizen would be to become a hunter or a sports shooters.
>t. croat that found a cache of grenades as a kid

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ITT: Post a gun and a t-shirt

Best combination wins
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You win.
wow very surprised to see this. where did you acquire the shirt? is it an officially licensed piece or a bootleg? awesome
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Bootleg, pretty sure I got it from some gun merch site cause there's some faggy logo on the sleeve
The most boring man alive

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Post guns that aren't typical AR/AK pictures. I know a bunch of you have cool shit in the closet and pictures of weird prototypes.
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I have no idea why it's $650+ now. I don't see any osy shilling them. I see Ian did a forgotten weapons video on them a few years back. It's really not that great and if it breaks, not going to find parts for it since it's been discontinued for over ten years. At $199-299 they're fun and make sense as just something to sling around until it breaks.
Get the extended charging and the rail adapter for the bottom. Worth upgrades before Beretta decides to arbitrarily discontinue those
I was more of a cx4 person than an mp5 person. Kusa dying is funny for me because of all the cope from people who over payed and constantly defending that company. They went years telling people ak101 from psa would be worthless as soon as the kusa 101 would come out. Then theres the micro9.
Right. If I wanted a fucked up looking HK clone I'd buy a ptr32.

I want a proper hk33 looking gun.
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>All of this ree-ing over the PTR 63 2 days later
I hate "but muh needs to take PMags/Glock mags and AR pistol grips" as much as anyone else but I don't think it was ever meant to be an HK33. Real question is if it has a forward assist...

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for what purpose
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The SCAR was issued to the Army Rangers before finally getting canned.
Because since the late 80s you have only 2 stages of pidorussian technology development

Stage 1: Xaxaxa ze rifle/tank/aircraft of the generation we've inherent from the USSR is good and reliable, ze west is wasting taxpayers moneys on overengeniered elektronik toys.

Stage 2: Xaxaxa ze West may had development X but we've development X equipment for 1/4 of its price, India, Indonesia and Brazil are already lining up to buy it, 1917 units operational next year))))

We're just entering the stage 2 of NGSW program,nothing unexpected.
the 75th army rangers are under who? Oh, yeah, SOCOM
It's only confusing if you don't think about it at all.
>You intended to do harm to someone, and as a result, they died
>You had time to think about how and when you were going to do something, which means you had time and faculties to think about -what- you were going to do
>All of those previously mentioned who get to pick their own gear
>they pick the older gun
I hope 101st gets to pick their M4s again after they don't like them.

I'm sorry but I don't have any to share
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>Russian aristocrat on the British payroll was hiding between the pontoons of the barge writing everything down
Those anglo-saxons!
My fucking sides
Check'em trips.
A fascinating story anon.
>seething about nazis
Why? You a wealthy kike or something? A rusnigger?
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It may shock you to learn that the entire board does not share one monolithic political belief.
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>literally just a meteor..b-be..because..because it just is okay!?!?

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I saw this 5 pack of cool old ''blueprints'' but sadly I can't order them since I'm an Eurofag without a creditcard.
Does anyone know where I can download the files so I can print them at work on A0 paper, I've tried googleing for 30mins but was unable to find them.

Also post any other cool old ''blueprints''.
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Anon, if the website doesn't have the qr code thing they just let you make the purchase without it.
t. Shopaholic swede
>no Card Number no Expiry Date no CVV Number.
Are you underage? Because the kiddy card i had before getting my proper card was like that. If you haven't switched from the kiddy card to a regular one in the banks website they might still be giving you kiddy card .
That's not due to it being a debit card, but because you got a really severely nerfed card from your bank. Around where I live such cards are for minors, while debit cards for adults have all the extra info and can be used online just as well as a credit card.
Holy shit I'm retarded, apparently I still have a kiddy card in my 30's I just ordered the normal card.

What else in life I'm doing wrong?
my sides are gone, thanks anon

How accurate is this assessment about Dominican Haitian war?
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Pretty much. They eat dirt. There's no medicinal reason or anything like that, they just like eating them.
how the fuck do you retards turn every single thread into a fucking ukraine one
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>we'll just have to win that one, too.

>gets merced for 20 years
>us gets bored of propping up stani kleptocracy
>we talichad are winners!
Fucking Che Guevara of all people had to acknowledge this when fighting in the Congo. The Congolese troops refused to dig trenches or carry equipment at all. He had trained uneducated peasants in rural Cuba, but he had never seen such a level of incompetence as when working with Africans

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why don't we do this but with bullet proof material?
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zoomers are today's fighting age men
you are old and will only get older
I think it's just one extremely booty blasted guy who refuses to accept American culture is so widespread it's considered the default
ahh yes. bullets. notoriously the biggest cause of casualties unlike puny mortars and 155mm shell completely ignoring armor and rupturing your organs
Wait....actual 3A ballistic plates? Is that safe? Is it not too hard?
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I've seen at least one example of a fancy Hollywood dress that incorporated articulated plate armor.

If it wasn't for the exposed cleavage, this would be just about perfect.
Works on 4plebs machine. Not sure why, but it does. Webbums really have their pros and cons.

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The Mikoyan PAK (MiG-41)
>max speed of mach 4, cruising speed mach 3
>capable of flying at the edge of space
>will carry a laser than an shoot down incoming nuclear warheads
>stealth capabilities exceeding the F-22
>will begin trials in 2025
Tell me again about these western "wunderwaffles"...

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>changed to look more stealthy
I can still see it?
Just whisper some kind words to her, I'm sure she'll take off with you.
>incredibly retarded indians
nah those are just regular indians, the hyper retards are on a different level
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>it's so stealthy no one has ever seen it
>people still shit on it
Why are you like this.
The comment section under video is pure gold

Do shotguns and revolvers still have a place in police arsenals?
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Shotguns, yes
Revolvers, IDK, maybe beat cops wouldn't be so trigger happy if they only had 6 shots
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Do you really need more?
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Wrong pic
But what about a situation were you need to be armed but you will probably not get into any intense firefight and anything less lethal won’t cut it cause it you’ll be dealing with a crack head or something
What about it? Anon wasn't trying to say that a shotgun was good for every situation, he was listing a number of situations common to law enforcement where shotguns would be useful. There's clearly some situations where other weapons make more sense. That doesn't stop shottys from being highly useful to cops though.

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What's the best flavor?
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haha i get it haha cause haha marines are crayon eaters haha wow haha good thread op haha.
I thought he had a bunch of fruit on the front of his hat
good for boofing
An acquired taste.
It's a stout sample.
XDDDD OP made le joke!1!!!

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