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>laid down in 1941
>japs surrender on her '45
>decommissioned 1955
>RECOMMISSIONED 31 YEARS LATER; lobs shells at Saddam's forces
>Oh yeah and Cher films a music video on it

god damn
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There're 8" and 155mm nuclear shells. For 16" you could have a cluster nuke.
okay, but "could" is not the same as "did"
They did, the W23, a 20kt shell. Also New Jersey experimented firing 8" projectiles out of the 16" guns with giant sabots, which wasn't operationalized but is just neat.
Harvey steel isn't exactly lost tech
That's why Republicans blocked aid to Ukraine.

The ar/k/ is a ~700gb torrent and it was last updated in 2016
For more information on the torrent itself, see >>1158811 on /t/ or the magnet link https://pastebin.com/f2c3bHNB
What needs to be added?
What needs to be updated?
What needs to be removed?
>inb4 oldfag
just because its old doesn't mean its not good
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>the best of the gatalog should be added. Especially the full auto conversions.
t. fed
>t. fed
t. faggot
There were a bunch of machine shop methods of doing it in there already.
Would be best to just compile everything into one big 3.0 version (since the do/k/ument was the original) instead of just adding another separate update torrent.
Fiction needs to be a separate torrent, put all the practical manuals and training/reference materials into the ar/k/ive after curating them for validity.

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wait, THAT's how you're supposed to deal with no safety gunz?
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You wouldn't be shooting people with it in combat per se
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Witch Vasenka's War
>In WW2 trad russian witch from Babayaga's house and her jew NKVD escort officer fight Fascist Invaders using folktale magic creatures
The artist is a jap who is a weeb for WW2 soviet gear and folklore.
why does glock-shit need a trigger safety if a revolver doesn't?
This is why revolvers and 1911s will always be better than the Tokarev
What about a 1911 chambered in 7.62×25mm? I always figured it would be the perfect combination.

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In the book which is obviously entirely based on one side, Prince blamed several things.
He said the State department assigned impossible tasks and NDA’s made it so that they could not publicly contest accusations nor have things like dash cams. Partisan politics hated the war in Iraq and needed to assign blame when you can’t criticize the military. Military contracting was a controversial subject like how when space travel was contracted out to SpaceX, now both are very normal and publicly known things. Also once Saddam was defeated one of the first policies implemented was to disband the Iraqi military, so you now have ~375,000 pissed off jobless soldiers with a bunch of spare time and a stockpile of weapons that went everywhere once they knew they were gonna lose the war, turning Iraq into an IED filled hell hole that was going to have its own plans. All of which seems to check out.
My question is, were there shit decisions made from Backwater’s leadership/business choices that could have resulted in a better outcome for them or was the 2003 invasion, and all the butterfly effects that went along with it, make it impossible for anyone to be seriously involved in any significant way and come out unscathed reputation wise?
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It wasn't the Guard at all. It was Blackwater and both local and state police.
it really is this simple
Democrats trying to do something to curry votes for 08 presidiental electons and the fact they were used as ERTs for the US military.
But mostly they disrespected the rankings
They don't do PMC work anymore.
Also Eeben Barlow has indirectly referred to them as amateurs many times and some other uncouth names.

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How strong is Georgia's military and weapons industry?
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Volkeknigsky lost
which georgia
Country Georgia where Illa Tapioca came from not the state
Peach Pie and Meth Combo too OP
Just another soviet satellite state using leftover equipment
Also Holloway will beat tapioca

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Study the Gerasimov "Doctrine". And your view of many things will change.
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but winnie want more honey
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you must be pretending to be retarded for all these sweet replies
you cannot expect to believe that you are really this fucking stupid
>That doctrine being... what, exactly?
dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
idk about the food question for the Chinese but Russia's TOTAL oil production can't even keep up with China's demand. Russia can only produce 11.2 million barrels daily, whereas China consumes 14.3 million barrels every day.

HYPOTHETICALLY, in a war scenario where the US is blocking China off from the MENA's oil supply, China could get all of its oil needs met entirely by land-based pipelines and domestic oil production. But this would require China to receive the vast majority of Russia's entire oil production and basically all of Kazakhstan's oil production (which is just shy of 2 million barrels daily). Both these countries have oil pipelines servicing China, but they certainly cannot transport enough oil to support Chinese demand. Kazakhstan for example only exported 74,600 barrels to China daily, which is a comically tiny amount given Chinese demand. This "land-based oil only" wartime scenario would also require China's pipelines and offshore oil production facilities to stay intact, which is most likely not happening in a war against naval powers with advanced air forces, especially with the advent of a new era of strategic bombing using super-long range expendable munitions

the problem is that it's not just impossible for the Chinese to stop using maritime supply lines to get their oil, it's that China needs free and fair international trade backed by US security guarantees to get their oil.
incompetence that encourages infighting

How easy/difficult Montréal would be to defend in the event of a siege? Let's pretend Québec declares its independence from Canada and Montréal remains loyal to Ottawa, leaving no choice to Québec but to opt for a military intervention, assisted by 20 000 troops and drones from France.
Literally impossible when America intervenes
>the epicenter of the bloc-quebecois movement remains loyal to the feds while the rural areas who only want to seperate because of montreal
easy as fuck, the obviously already independent western canadian union waits exactly one (1) week for the last equalization gibsdmedats to run out and steamrolls onterrible and quebexico to reunite with their maritime brethren.
also 6/10 bait, interesting concept, burger "let me tell you about your country" delivery
You're a retard
>when America intervenes
You literally have your southern border open for shitskins to pour in, shit for brains.

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How would a Russian invasion into the Appalachians play out?
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This already happened multiple times during the initial stages of the war in Ukraine and the quality of Russia's "organized military" has drastically degraded since than.
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An unarmed civilian demonstration with trash barricades across the road had delayed the fall of Kherson for several days.
t. samefag
If Russia managed to fight their way to the Appalachians, I would say America is properly fubar and they would easily make their way through it.
It is a retarded plan any way you spin it. Might as well take an icebreaker through to James bay and send a landing party down the Moose River to Kapuskasing. Loot as much paper as can be carried, go back and call it a win.
Let's go then faggot.

Most importantly it will be offered in 300 Blackout. Am I interested in this being my first bullpup?
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Tuning it when I put a can on/off, what the fuck else would you get 300 BO for?

Disassembly to change a simple setting is peak retarded. Might as well get a VHS-k2
You're such a moron. He used a LAM that keeps out of the way of the charging handle. Then he used a pressure pad for activation.
You just slide it off in a couple seconds. You'd take more time removing the suppressor.
and this sounds fun to you? when there's guns that don't require doing all this?
Guns that aren't bullpups, or aren't as light, or don't have rails, or can't swap the barrel rapidly, yeah.

You have to defeat the enemy, bring the race traitor to justice and be home in time for dinner. What’s your plan?
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>self defense
is that what we're calling it
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We could eliminate a lot more world problems if we had the political balls to just vaporize India, China and Israel and then publicly hang all of our politicians.
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>Big stupid lanky creatura with dumb cat faces and stinky negro dreadlocks
>Sentient white blood cells at best, hippie caveniggers at worst
Drop an asteroid on ‘em.
Verification not required.
>or someone sticking up for themselves
Can you read or no?
>be in command of 1000 bus drivers with surplus police gear
Nigger the only thing getting hit with an asteroid would be you.

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British 10/22 Edition

Previous: >>61371695
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>Not shooting 22 elr out of it
Do you even self defense anon?
nice weihrauch, in .22 too i assume? have you taken any game with it?
>For those looking to step past 500 and truly stretch the capabilities of this tiny round, the 42- and 50-grain options are the ticket, though they’ll require a faster twist. The 42-grain will need to be spun by a 1/10 or faster, while the 50-grain will need a minimum of 1/7 twist. And as luck would have it, Bartlien did a custom run of barrels for Defensive Solutions who can spin one up for your next .22 ELR Rig.
>While the CuRx line isn’t yet offered in a loaded, off-the-shelf configuration, Cutting Edge Bullets is selling brass and bullet packages so you can roll your own. Their bundles include 200 bullets and the corresponding primed brass. Dies are sold separately and a simple single-stage press and scale is all that’s required to be on your way to sending tiny pieces of copper down range.
nigga I ain't handloading .22lr but that is neat

livery thread
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idk I'm a bit of a Sundowners fan myself
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For me it's nWo Wolf Pack
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I feel that
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Mostly a Bounty Hunters guy though

What do you think of the new MLRs that the USMC stood up.
>light infantry
>mobile ASM trucks
>mobile cruise missile trucks
>iron dome air defense systems
>GATOR radars
To me it makes a lot of sense for pacific operations
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More relevant to US interests than the entire army
> They just need small plots of land to set up missile trucks on

How do you get "missile trucks" on those small plots of land, with no airport or heavy landing craft?
> One prototype on a test deployment to see if it can be moved on a C-17 is an unassailable arsenal of American Power!

You're always fun.

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>this is /k/ related because MREs are military equipment
What should I include in my larp ration for rucks? It doesn't have to be heated and I don't want to spend $20 a piece on overall mid meals.
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You can make your own MREs but don't expect them to last as long, mine expire after 6-8 months.
>instant thai noodles
>instant potatoes
>apple sauce
>peanut butter energy bar
>electrolyte powder
>instant coffee
>beef jerky
>peanut butter
You can also dehydrate fruit in an air fryer and mix it with instant oats for breakfast. They come out to around $8-$10 apiece.
MREs are designed for doing what you don't need if you are not in combat. You can make your own.

instant oatmeal
hot tang with instant tea blended in
wasa crackers
potted meat
packets of meat
dried fruit
dried cod from Portuguese or Asian food store or online - delicious and light.
Take a heavy item like a can of stew and eat it first night out.
Take frozen item like chicken and rice that you make and bag yourself and eat first night.
just look up the average MRE's ingredients & use that
you could go the extra mile & get the volume / weight of each one too
Am I missing something? Why wouldn't you just buy any freeze dried, canned, or retort pouch food you like and stuff them into freezer bags or vacuum sealed bags?
Get HDRs instead, it's a whole day's worth of food in a bag for $3.50. You probably won't be able to pick, but if possible get the Sopakco ones. I haven't tried Ameriqual but I hear it has even less variety than the others. I've had Wornick and unfortunately the vegan chili mac that's in three of the menus is absolutely inedible. I think maybe it has a much shorter shelf life than the other entrees and they've gone rancid in two years, but maybe they tasted like vomit from the factory, I'm not sure.

Everything in the Sopakco HDRs is as good as you can possibly expect from a vegan meal with a 3-5 year shelf life, though. I wouldn't mind living on them for a couple of months at a time.

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purely an aesthetic/budget choice on the part of wannabe badasses, similar to choosing a shitty gun because it looks cool or takes more skill in a video game
all of the supposed pros of revolvers, bolt actions, and pump action are pure fudd, like generals in WW1 preferring smaller magazine sizes so soldiers "don't waste ammo"
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Also it wasn’t awful but I didn’t really care for the reticle, something about the diamonds irked me
That seems highly odd you had a reticle rotation from something that trivial, may have gotten a bad scope.
The mil wouldn't have used them for as long as they did if they weren't robust in that regard.
To be honest the tech has surpassed them and more cheaper options that are decent have came around the past 5-10 years but hard to pass it up for it's value.
Same with my Burris XTR III, especially when I got that on a 25% sale.
>the future is now old man
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Swfa chads show these newfags what they're missing
There is literally no justification for you to be a complete and utter faggot, OP.

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