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Our Masters edition

Previous: >>61395356

Lying about criminal history = BAD
Lying about medical history = GOOD
Marine Corps = BASED
Intel/Cyber = POZZED

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (Short version)

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the standard I gave is on flat land.
at sfas the ruck will be 80 lbs and the routes are a series of sandy hills. expect to ruck about 200 miles total throughout the 3 weeks, 30-50 miles of which you'll be carrying about 120 pounds of other shit on top of the 80 pound ruck
what are the odds of them finding out i have asthma? i have no symptoms anymore but i have a few hospital appointments for it from when i was younger like 6-12yo or thereabouts
my bro's frat they would force Freshmen into extreme drunken state they force them to accomplish tasks of skill and strength, including of course driving.

This was serious professional training to simulate otherwise degraded state using safe and proven booze.

You don't want to be attempting a carrier landing at night all dizzy from loss of blood and concussion be the first time you've been a little light-headed.

You don't want a surgery that got "complicated" and suddenly stretched into 18hrs be the first time you've had to "suck it up" and power through.
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thanks for the kind donations
remind me of what this tranny did that got its ticket pulled by Ukraine Govt

Canards have both important advantages and drawbacks in modern fighters. Many fighters use them, and many don't.

Has anyone thought of hinged canards that fold out? They would be significantly easier to implement and maintain than other variable geometry designs, and allow a plane to have the advantages of both types of delta design. The only design to ever implement this concept that I know of was the Tu-144 supersonic airliner, which used retractable canards to maintain stability and slow the plane down on landing approach.
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>you'll want at least 12MB of memory
640K should be enough for anyone.

Nobody needs a fully semiautomatic computer with big clips.
>Hey guis let's copy the Tu-144
>16 built
>3 years in passenger service
>2 crashes
Lol, no, let's not listen to Russians OP
Those were damn cool on the F-14. Shame they got deleted. Much like it is a shame the F-14 never realized its full potential because the Navy and the DoD are retarded.
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ofc it's been thought of, drawn out, and archived away
the issue is will it work when someone fires back? will you be able to maintain it in a foreign country? will you be able to maintain it long term? etc etc

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would an interchangeable chamber be possible for hot ammo?
that way once the chamber is inevitably burnt out, it would be easily changed, instead of completely trashed?
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i could imagine a rifle with a very long barrel, like 27" or whatever, that way whatever the cartridge eats is taken up by the length
seems alright to me i guess?
Yeah, build it and post updates
i don't have a machine shop, but one day i'll commission it i guess, many years from now, so sorry about that
it'll happen though, unless someone else does it for me
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You've got it backwards. A liner made out of something extremely durable like Stellite goes in that area. Sometimes they were even recovered from trashed barrels and reused.
why didn't they keep using it?

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>look underneath
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>high explosives
>check on them
>not intoxicated
>look inside
>no ogre, just rocket
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>launch maverick
>look inside
>ejector seat handle
>suicidal tendencies
>check tendies
>they’re all alive and well
Because it's ogre for Germany, you dingus

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Post gear, discuss gear.
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Nike sfb, Danner tachyon, Rocky sv2 I think
The sticky side on my shotgun unsticks ever so slightly on the edge that is just where the receiver curves. Bit annoying, it's ontop not on the side so ripping a card doesn't pull it out more or do anything and yeah they work great that is my only complaint I could change it and do it with another sticky piece but I'm leaving it to see how ages. I don't regret and would recommend.
>My camelback hose is broken
going to annihilate your mind here but you can buy replacement hoses
Nice - I was gonna affix some of the retard-strength Velcro on the gun. Thanks anon.

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so the hope is that the FPV doesnt go off and bounces off or something right? there is no way a pg-7 warhead doesnt penetrate a ural even from a meter standoff
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>soldier of <strike>fortune</strike> luck
AI revolution is truly upon us. AGI in two weeks
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>its an obscure jeep variant from WW2 instead of one of the most common vehicles in the russian army
hmm yes, seems very likely

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For me its the Baba Yaga
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Why are krauts pushing this meme calibre?
Can't quite tell what that IFV is. Is that the Jap one with the 35mm?

30mm airburst does the job good enough where it makes sense to use on something based on a wheeled APC like Boxer, Piranha or the GD LAV series. heeled APC. But if you do have a bigger vehicle to work with, like an MBT hull, then 35mm is definitely the better choice. Nothing wrong with the 40mm L/70 Bofors either but nobody has made a revolver cannon using that ammo.
There's 35mm version.
Imagine hydrogen powered drones, using hydrogen fuel cells to fly even longer than they ever could with a battery

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Beretta edition, my 12 week 4-8 week special optic cutting operation is over

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik (embed)

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This is the first time I've seen a picture in this thread and was hit with wanting it for myself. Thanks burt, you actually made me feel something
If they're on sale, and you just want flush-fits.
If you want 140mm or 170mm extendos, there's literally no factory option (despite the 34 literally having been designed to fit in the Production box), and the 24- and 33-round mags are closer to $30 (again, on sale)
Why don’t you just use a nice aluminum baseplate
Looks like this guy never sold his 10 years ago. You just need an Officer 1911 to go under them
Bookmarked, but I'm probably just going to buy a 92 next (or a prodigy based solely on aesthetics)

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>Thermonator is the first-ever flamethrower-wielding robot dog. This quadruped is coupled with the ARC Flamethrower to deliver on-demand fire anywhere!

*snythwave cover of It ain't me starts playing*
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Fuck, imagine one of those leaping through your closed window in the middle of the night and just lighting your shit up before you can even open your eyes.
Nightmare fuel. You should have put a spoiler.
Trying to hit an actual dog going in for the attack is hard enough, this little fucker wouldn't even care because he only has to get within 20ft or so, has no self preservation and WOOOSH
God help us if they can make them jump really high, there will be panic!
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I would not be surprised at all if DARPA has shit that could do that and more at this point. Hell, they could load them up with whatever classified AI models they've got as well.

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>Machine gun that shoot fast bullet try kill you

What kind of training is needed to reinforce resolve in the face of 1200RPM?
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They were right about ammo consumption and the amount of troops needed to haul ammo. Additionally if the German squad lost their MG42 due to the gunner being killed/suppressed or running out of ammo then they were FUCKED. The fact that the average German infantryman was still equipped with a modified 50 year old rifle was absolutely insane, and the Brits and Russians were even worse off.
>but the part they very deliberately leave out is that despite a (notionally) lower per-shot accuracy, the higher rate of fire of the MG42 produces more shots on target for a given amount of trigger time.
the improved hit-rate wasnt high enough to actually matter in combat conditions
which is why no other GPMG other than the MG3 has a rate of fire above 1000RPM
firing several short, fast bursts over 1 long burst doesnt actually matter in the infantry role
Yeah, I don't mean to be dismissive of the video as a whole, I guess I just have a pet peeve about that particular point. It is, ultimately, a piece designed to reassure the infantry, which means that sometimes you just leave something out and hope they don't click it together on their own.
The main takeaways are:
>don't panic
>flank it
Everything else is tactical optimism.
Is the cow okay?

I was looking into training aids and I came across a story from last year about robotic targets that can talk via ChatGPT. An air assault unit is using them. Are there other examples like this? Is this a good idea?
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Finally! Now I can erotic roleplay while at the range!
Does nobody here have opinions on CQB drills? Is my thread extra boring?

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I've taken a grinder to it to make a fuller and ever since it's looked like this. How do I make it look professional?
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Angle grinder? What tools do you have? What steel is that? That handguard isn't welded on, is it? And the tang of the blade goes all the way through that handle, right?

Anyways, this is what you need to do to the blade:
>Mark and grind the rough profile
>Heat treat (exact process depends on the steel you're using)
Remember, you have to use abrasives (like sandpaper or grinders) after heat treating. If you are using files, for example, you'll have to do that all before heat treating.
>Grind fuller using bench or belt grinder
It is possible to make a fuller with an angle grinder, but doing it freehand is a recipe for disaster. There are plenty of other ways to do it too so look into them.
>Grind bevels, ideally using a belt grinder/sander
This is very difficult and hard to get right. You might be better off just taking it slow and using a file. Don't forget your blade geometry here. The blade should be thinner towards the tip than at the hilt, both in width and thickness.
At first I thought this was a reference to mongols
how did you make this? Is there no point? whats it supposed to be for? wha tinspired you
STFU noob. Your demands are not worthwhile
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Terminus Est maybe

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Why the fuck was the M60 so big? And are there truly thousands of them in storage?
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I was on a1s, was not aware of gun tube stabilization. Drove and shot them.
If it was mentioned at AIT I dont recall.
What was emphasized was the driver making smooth but short stops. Gunners appreciated not having the scope in their eye.
We were told that russian tank crews were chosen for short height. I'm 6'1 and fit in comfortably. Later years got to play around in the 11th Cav's museum at ft Irwin, the russian tanks were quite cramped.
Jews joked after the 73 (?) war, whats the difference between a zippo lighter and an M60? M60 lights first strike everytime. The hydraulic fluid supposedly got changed from cherry to lemon sometime after that.
Not an expert, just a grunt.
>I was on a1s, was not aware of gun tube stabilization
it was added on after the 70s, a 2-plane stabilizer
the original M60A1 didnt have a stabilizer at first, since the army didnt think that adding a crappy stabilizer for a marginal bonus on shortstops was worth the cost of replacing every single one of them later on with the real stabilizer

even the add-on stabilizer wasnt perfect at firing on the move, it was supposedly only rated to do so at short range as mentioned, it was mostly for keeping the gun on target so you can fire immediately after stopping
the A3 with digital ballistic computer was absolutely capable of firing on the move though, since it took relative motion into account
The turret design is a good idea, but the gun is pretty shitty.
Starship with a 105 or 120 would be badass though.
Underrated post
This and the M48 are literally some of the most soulful kino tanks that have ever walked this Earth

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Was thinking about picking up a concealed vest and maybe one of those backpacks with an insert for a plate, interested in anybody's thoughts and experiences with wearing this on a common/every day basis.
Any recommendations/tips would also be greatly interested.
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I'm use to wearing multiple layers in hot humid conditions for work.
Plus I prefer being outside more in the winter + at night anyways so heat is less of an issue.
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You will unironically get more protection out of a retard helmet than you will out of body armor. Odds of you being shot in the upper torso are miniscule compared to the odds of you hitting your head somewhere and suffering brain damage.
Unironically, the same also applies to concealed carry, but at least a gun can give you a power trip whereas body armor is just uncomfortable to wear in all seasons.
Skewness is a retard filter, anon.
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Brain in the skull, one of the most exposed areas of the body is unironically a piss poor design.
Frankly, I'm not sure how anybody can observe a human body and believe that a hyperintelligent deity actually put thought into it's construction.

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Be honest /k/

Are you responsible with your firearms?
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>Are you responsible with your firearms?
very, but to fudds and noguns it will look otherwise, most people who are overly safe with firearms, don't know how to really use them either, high drag fat types
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I legitimately am responsible with them. Guns are a privilege, not a right.
But I tend to be irresponsible whenever I fuck ya mudda.
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Biggest fag on the board.
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Generally yes. I'm a talking ape made out of meat so mistakes happen.

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