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I wish America nuked the commies in the 40s or 50s
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Basically, something the falangists hated franco for. Even more so after gutting their cause.
It fuckin' sucked
what year you lived there?
I've lived there for my early childhood, but I still have nightmares of going to queue at 5AM to stay in line for a few hours to buy some milk.
do your relatives hate communism too?

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what's the X axis? Land area?
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They got fucked in the end
relative power or something like that
It was a sham by both Iran and Israel. Some rogue Israeli faction bombed an Iranian consulate. This is not typical Israeli modus operandi. They usually do the targeted assasination. Iran doesn't want to go to war but has to placate her citizens. So they loudly announce the time and date of their "revenge attack" to the world and only target remote Israeli areas. In return, the Israelis do the same. So now they're even.
this thing would be way scarier if it was just normal ass freighter with concealed facilities to launch 1000 shasneed drones

Babe wake up new PoliceActivity kino just dropped
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probably LA/NY/NOLA
I was looking for this
What do you think their boots taste like?
ITT christcuck boomers seething about tats. The degradation of /k/ continues.
You can appreciate a good ass kicking and a professional aftershoot without being a bootlicker.

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rate my plate carrier
Comms and hydro?
0/10 wouldn't battle buddy with
don't listen to the other faggot, your shit is good enough w/o that heavy, useless crap. 10/10

Landships, as cool as a concept they are. Cant really work becuse of ATGM's air support and inability to cross water ecc.
But whata theoritical super modern landship whoud have to be like to be viable?
Armour and anti air can be just upgraded and mounted, same with hard to kill systems. so its basicly a super bunker that can move, but what about crossing large distances, what about water. What kind of implementation do you imagine? Just theory. As irl those are (sadly) super stupid idea, same as (sadly too) heavy tanks
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>combined arms is a stupid idea though will not explain why
based retard
it's a joke autist
Lengthing vehicle many times works for more efficiency in larger scale as seen in 18 wheeled truck and 8 wheeled apcs.
A)the vehicle behind doesn't need front armor, so that part of the weight is saved.
B)the vehicle behind doesn't need to dedicate a driver and commander at all time, leaving more manpower.
C)space between tracks are now fully flush and wide for extra room or open as side door
D)assuming redundancy and fail safe done moderately correct, the combined internal, crew and power trains means it is a lot harder to total it.
E)more complex niche subsystems like hybrid of electric, diesel and turbine is attainable
F)more autistic role can now be practical instead of waiting things to minimaturize/autonomous.
So probably would work on battalion level and above. Once one of the three mechanized small vehicle company get some shit started, the battalions last land ship company slips in armored m1111113 school buses each releasing a full platoon of infanties and m1111a2222 crusiers broadsiding a battery of 120mms from a safer and stronger approach.
On the other hand, the Abrams is practically the weight of two M4 Shermans welded together, and the Bradley shows an M4-like vehicle is still perfectly viable on the field.
if your ICBM launchers are getting rekt by conventional forces you have bigger issues on your hands

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For all my DIYers out there.

This thread is for the sharing of
>load data
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Yes, it's still 50% savings on every load.
I've had good results with blue bullets and black bullets international. Anything using HiTek is fine but I would avoid really fast hot powders as they tend to burn a bit of the coating off. Blue bullets do make your fingers blue after a while...

I have used a little HP-38 for 230gr 45 but ended up going with titegroup for some reason... I don't really remember much about it so it was probably just kind of mediocre and I needed a little more snap for the FNX with a can.
Yes, fuck paying 50 cpr for bare fucking lead ammo that fouls my gun.
>worth it
It's fun. .38 is a very versatile caliber to handload. Anything from very light plinking loads to diy shot shells or heavy loads, or target wadcutters. There's much enjoyment to the hobby of shooting that you miss out on if you think on money alone. That said I've never loaded a .38 that costed more or even same as it would if I bought ammo.
Handloading shouldn't be done to save money, it's a pasttime and a way to develop a more intimate relationship with your firearms

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Contrary to popular belief. Katanas were not efficient weapons and often broke due to poor steel quality composed of iron sand. They were prized for their art not their lethality. Any European sword would’ve snapped a katana’s blade if they collided.
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>. At that point everyone had switched to crucible steel.
>History of production in England
>Benjamin Huntsman was a clockmaker in search of a better steel for clock springs. In Handsworth near Sheffield, he began producing steel in 1740 after years of experimenting in secret
>China skipped bloomeries
No they didn't
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>Katanas were not efficient weapons and often broke due to poor steel quality composed of iron sand.
That's why I prefer tachi over weeb-bait katana.
no your wrong
tsugoi hayai ninjutsu desu
*teleports behind you*
nothing personel kid

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Is Plasma induced lightning a viable weapon? How about lasers that conduct electricity? or plasma toroids in space? Is the zapper real?

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what the fuck is this thing? a FCS radar on the Moon?
Phase conjugating crystals
Is hiding your mom a good defense against her getting stuffed with dicks?
So you know anon. Plasma doesn't indue lightning. Laser induced plasma channels function as a lightning rod. Also, the Zapper probably has very little to do with MAURADER other than power requirements. Also, MARAUDER if it was continued is probably not a space borne platform considering that it required the an entire building worth of capacitor banks from SHIVA STAR to power the thing and you're also limited to number of shots by how much gas your able to store onboard your satellite. If anything is comparable, it would be Project Excalibur except instead of using a nuclear warhead to pump an x-ray laser, your using polaritons as a compression mechanism to juice your probe beam into the x-ray or gamma regime.
>What happens to the wavelength?
>. Plasma doesn't indue lightning. Laser induced plasma channels function as a lightning rod
gotcha posters ruined the internet

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Cavalry is makin a come back soon, i can feel it!
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Do you know someone with a horse?
>Cavalry is makin a come back soon, i can feel it!
Did everyone suddenly forget how to make barbed wire?
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This actually makes me curious, would a mounted infantry brigade or two be of any use to Ukraine?

In 1945, Polish troops fighting for the Soviets utilized cavalry to bypass German anti-tank and anti-infantry defenses at the Battle of Schoenfeld and were resoundingly successful. Perhaps Ukraine could replicate it?
>Battle of Schoenfeld
why are you gay?

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Any advice on under-arm CC? It seems to be the only way for me to carry a black powder revolver with some reasonable stopping power. Not a felon btw, I am an Eurofag and can't get a loicense for a modern gun because of tism, which is a shame since otherwise I could legally carry a normal semi auto pistol.
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CC is a matter of state not federal law, so it'll depend. Lots of states don't require permits CC or OC for any guns at all. Some are super strict, not just for guns either but stuff like pepper spray or tasers. So even an antique gun might well fall under some other non-firearm related regulation precisely because it's not legally a "firearm".

CC though is also about practicality not just law. Just because you can legally OC doesn't mean you might not get negative attention for it of various kinds. Most people will still want to CC most of the time no matter what the legal status.
>Is CC permit required in America for antiques guns?
Depending on its age and whatnot (like if it was a blackpowder cartridge conversion) it wouldn't even be classified as a firearm legally.
But a lot of US states don't require a permit at all for carry. These are called "constitutional carry" states. The idea being that the 2nd amendment protects your rights to keep and bear the arm on your person.
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So basically caring pic related in your pocket would be the same as caring a knife? Legally speaking.
In my states regular semiautomatic handguns are significantly more legally protected, and blade length is regulated. Carrying a big knife would actually be a crime, not a handgun.
Yeah, the law will often say they're a "weapon" but not specifically a firearm. Sometimes it doesn't say anything about them at all and so its like carrying chapstick in your pocket.

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After seeing how the Houthi ASBM's turned out to be a meme, why should anyone be worried about chink ASBMs anymore?
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china's missiles wouldn't be a threat if we could just be friends..
You're always more concerned sparring new new kid who spazzes out versus the guy who's been training for a decade.
Half of those missiles would fail mid-air just like the North korean and Iranian ones.
>that fat women spic giving the presentation
The absolute state of American
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>Literally copy pasted the map created by CSIS from the PPT

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Do you live close to dangerous animals?

Pic related.
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>muh law
Just don't tell anyone. Also piss on its corpse.
Florida man?
i can feel them crawling on me
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>Meanwhile the females are just as fearless, except they'll actively try to get fucked by anything and everything. This deviant behavior extends so far as to the females sauntering up to random humans and presenting themselves.
Love this video, especially at like 6:30 when he starts throttling the dumbfuck bird.

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Where were you when they removed the 155mm AGS from the Zumwalt?
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>what is stored there?
people that chew bubble gum and kick ass... and they're all out of bubble gum.
That's where they keep their pet seals.
>So what does hypersonic weapons actually provide above what already exists?
a tactical missile that is harder to intercept

I admit there's a fine line between a gun-launched missile and a shell with guidance and rocket motor, but there is a line

>the missiles won't be ready either.
double faggot
>cargo ship.

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> can't spot a CVN battle group from orbit.
Get fucked, degenerate. More jobs for me.

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Post /k/ino photographs from any era, though early GWOT would be preferred.
Sidenote: can someone identify what those tan plate carriers these PMCs are wearing?
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Noooo not muh heroinos
>you don’t know anything about SF
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Where have all the good writers gone? Just talentless faggots puppeting around a dead corpse now.
Most good modern writers have a left leaning POV of the world, and thus are ignored by most of /k/. That being said, 99% of soldiers are borderline retarded, and can't write worth a shit. The shit worth reading is heavily edited propaganda, and the other half is borderline commie slop. If you want a good read about all the shit that didn't make it to Hollywood, try Dirty Wars and Blackwater by Jeremy Scahill.
don't care. it was a good read, and was a refreshing grounding from all the American Sniper and No Easy Day slop.
I'm just replying to say I've been going through War and Peace on audiobook. Man, oh man, is it refreshing to read something written by talent writer who was also an actual military officer.
/k/ writers aren't any better. Everyone who was good went legitimate and now it's just those autistic retards who try and push the failing frankasia narrative.
Fankasia was never good.

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