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I need advice for a book about crimes with a sense of realism
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>I need advice for a book about crimes with a sense of realism
It may be good to challenge the elasticity of how 'real' can real crimes be.


>What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
I had my revenge.
I could tell you but it's pretty boring.
All that was harmed was a Catholic school and it was only financially.
These people seem like they were tricked into poisoning themselves. What was your revenge?
I would like to hear about it.
I did about 13 different types of crime as far as I can remember. Though only the ones where I was "in the know" and not a participant were actually heinous (I'm talking things such as statutory r*pe, possible m*rder, g*ng activities etc.)
I did lash out violently a few times but in my opinion those aren't the worst ones. One time when I was a kid I scammed ppl out of money on xmas with empty gifts by saying there's a surprise in there - I think that one was the worst cause I was taking financial advantage of kids being naive.
Wow anon those are serious crimes. What makes you so confident in saying them out loud? Are they untrue? Tell me about the murder and r*pe
some bad shit

>beat my ex with a belt
>cheated with her on my then girl, then cheated on her with the previous girl
>stole tens of thousands from friends by selling them drugs that I marked up 2x
>bullied people when I was young and stole their money
>slapped around every gf I ever had so far
>got in fights all the time. I still have a scar above my eye from where I got cut and almost lost that eye
>manipulated two of my friends into beating up someone else by spinning a web of lies back when I was a teen
>stole from my parents
>vandalism for fun

I'm trying to reform now and I'm a better person, but I have a natural affinity with being a douchebag pretty much. there's just something I miss compared to normal people I think
go to a homeless shelter and pay people to tell you crazy true stories
Basically my ex who was maybe 32 at the time cheated on me with some 14 year old black chick from Walmart. He said I can't tell anyone (I was a minor back then too) else he'd go to jail for 15 years and get branded as an offender.

And some guy bragged about coming around 9pm at his victim's house dressed in black, using a suppressed sub sonic 9mm glock

Gang guy was my ex fiance, he showed me a pic of them wearing cameo and motorcycle helmets, each of em holding guns (also got a pic of a pistol that wasn't from google.)

I still own proof of all 3 confessions, but I'm not a snitch.

I'm a psychopath and was too young back then to be charged for keeping this a secret, so I don't really care. Also most of my own crimes are too old for persecution.

Tbh the only thing that keeps me from being a serial strangler of d*sabled ppl is my addiction to the internet and rollercoasters.

One thing you would enjoy: it's easier to steal a strong base from a school with a lab than from an actual lab. Some schools here offer chemisty apprenticeships and have these by the jug.

Heh, they'll never catch any of us lol.
I murdered a frog just for fun as a kid. I was a sadistic little bastard, I'm glad it wasn't a cat or a dog.
Ripped the scalp off a chick who sexually assaulted my partner when he was asleep in our bed when she broke into our house to assault him, always knew she was fucking weird but hey at least I have nice hair while she had to wear a sleeve on her head cause she can’t grow hair at all~
Not the op but GZ
I skimmed about $2,500 from a food stand while working there over the summer.
I drove back into a car and ran away without informing anybody
tell us how you did it grandpa
I unknowingly ruined someones passion project because I promoted it to the wrong crowd. I thought I was helping by bringing it to new eyes, I really did. This is why gate keeping is important
Tossing an empty beer bottle in front of a huge truck that was approaching from a tunnel. It broke to shards in front of its wheels.
The driver stopped and tried to chase me.
I regret being this dumb, I was 17.
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Glad you stopped that guy mr fed
Ur a cyclepath..

I’ll put this all together to make the protagonist the ultimate anon.
Look at trannies and see the shit they do

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