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Is it now time to admit that Blender has "won", /3/?
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And I'm also saying that it must be true that men must have their real brain into their genitals because the jannies are fucking retarded.
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Hey there! I saw your post about 3D rendering and thought I’d chime in. 3D rendering is such a fascinating field because it blends art and technology to create stunning visuals. Whether you’re aiming for photorealistic results or going for a more stylized approach like cel shading, the possibilities are endless.

One thing I find particularly interesting is the way rendering techniques continue to evolve. From real-time rendering in games and simulations to the more methodical approach of ray tracing for film, each method has its own set of challenges and advantages. It’s all about finding the right tool for the job and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

What’s your take on the future of 3D rendering? Do you think we’ll see more AI integration or perhaps new methods that we haven’t even imagined yet?
>cel shading
* incel shading
I reflect your curses back at you Cris because although you were born with significant mental limitations, that doesn't give you the right to harass everybody else.

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Previous >>959310

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
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Use front and side references from here until you develop understanding and u own style
it's a lot easier when you know how to sculpt, it lets you get the shape right without having to worry about topology at the same time
*throws up*
>Hold your hair softly
Everything is going to be ok, I know that you are pregnant and your husband left, but I'm here for you
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How do japanese (and only japanese) blender artists manage to be so good at making anime characters?
Where do they learn?
Japanese anime blender books?
Compared to the west, they have very high-level, high-quality books that teach them how to draw anime and how to model anime in blender, so i would make sense.

I am looking for japanese resources on anime on blender, i want to know if they are as good as they seem to be. Are there torrents for japanese blender books? I could not find much on genesis lib and other places.

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So I'm finally unbanned. /archviz/ was cool but was pruned in the ban I'm no longer in the mood for that.

So /3dsg/ anything 3ds max related. Tell me if you have any doubts using this god awful fucking piece shit of a software, wips, works etc etc.
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Np. Keep posting
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Trying this luma labs stuff for the first time. I've always had problems with kid assets in pools cuz there is not many but this stuff is powerful. The models are not super realistic but with some trickery they definitely work.
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whats with corona scatter?
If you're still here, how would you do it manually? edit. spline then edit. poly and rotate some parts? or is there a way to rotate spline points?
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What's up with it? If you are asking why those lineas appear it's because cscatter uses a poligonal solver and no a uv solver like forest. Try and add a quadify modifier to your soil object.

Literally like that.
> is there a way to rotate spline points?
No spine points do not have an orientation per se, that's what nurbs are for. You'll have to do that poligonally.

I've found that making it manually is a chore but makes the best results. Leverage your modifier stack, use the path technique and then editpoly.

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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It looks like a bone issue.
You can edit the bone(s) geometry and save the hair asset for future use.
Moving bones around isn't an easy business fair warning.
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i made this pic. Its nice to see it being used by fellow anons
Why are you posting that crap?
You think it's good?
toto is goated

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Previous thread: >>973562
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Geometry nodes hair is the way right now I think. check out official demo files, looks pretty cool, at least for non real time, though if I were you i'd just do haircards manually
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I tried it
imo it's definitely not there yet, even for my use (still renders) it's as effort intensive as particles and even less flexible (the nodes can't replace grooming for small touches)
And i already thought particle grooming was like a more cumbersome sculpting
I did hair cards for my first project and swore i'd never do it again, imo it's even more of a hassle
>graswald becomes free
>doesnt work with the newest version of blender
>distribute the assets myself but it's a pain
Anybody in the same situation? I just want to make nature shit
Thank you

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We have this over in /ic. I'd like to see anons portfolios and works. Post your socials.
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>people and women
This makes you look like either of the 2 extremes:
Faggot male feminist
Insincere incel
So you are telling me that you roam on 4chan and still take everything seriously?
4chan is an aspergers website though...
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made $400 on here last week https://becomeamillionairetime.blogspot.com/
>money bag.jpg

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I’m new to sculpting. What tips should I know to help me better understand and visualize the things I want to make?
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Well... it's something.
A constant mistake you're making throughout all your faces, is you're outlining the bottom lip with a deep indentation. Stop that. Just because the lip color changes there, that doesn't mean the geometry is doing all that. Draw the plains as they are, regardless of the color shift.
Thank you. I’m not good at anything yet, but lips and nostrils and noses specifically I know I suck at when making them. Even eyelids too
I don’t know how speedchar pulls out the nose so well, would it be too much to ask for tips on that
Sorry, I can't help you there. But I found a timestamp for one of speechar's videos where he addresses the nose.
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I don’t understand mouths yet since I can’t draw them confidently enough
I was told I have bad sense of using proportions from reference so I do need to work on that as well
Mouths are not in a plane, that's your problem.
When you sculpt always remember what's behind the skin
Your teeths are not in a plane, they are in a curve, so your mouth will set that way.
There's a million other problems with the sculpture, but for the mouth first change this.

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - "You know you guys can make this thread yourselves, right?" Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>980444

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed) (embed)
/3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gbYCEBPuK2
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made some adjustments to the ratios of the bones. Also, here is my ref.

Now, I adjust the bindpose so the tets don't get stuck together and then start building the muscles
so this is the power of smooth shading
Miles ahead of my first car.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do here but rest assured I am following this with bafflement and awe.

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Could AI make rigging obsolete? I'm tweaking right now and obsessed with this idea of creating an alternative animation system that doesn't require rigging. Basically you would just have your sculped or retopo'd character, click a button, and IK/FK handles for animation would appear. But instead of bones and weight painting, which are essentially just constraints, the animation is purely done by deforming the mesh. kind of like fluid animations or blend shapes on steroids. the AI would then automatically constrain the deformation like weight painting would on a rigged character. I understand that this would result in worse performance than rig based animation and also cause problems with UV mapping, but just try to think of the benefits and how things could be 10 years from now. Pic related, my first attempt.
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I partially agree, in fact I'm trying to do something non-erotic that exemplifies the co
cool for hobbyists for quick generic characters but professional rigs are so complex and usually tailored exactly for individual animators needs that I doubt we will ever see an AI rigging tool. it's one of the safest areas of 3D to work in
You should not concern yourself with that because no professional is ever going to let you touch his animation rig.
Anon I understand it pains you to think about this but there are actual talented successful people who work in the industry on this board. Stop coping
That's funny.

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Sup, /3/? I’m sick of Cris shitting up /v/ and all of the other boards with his dogshit models so I have decided to combat him in his domain.
You might know me better as the guy who made that one Jet Force Gemini picture, but I have much more impressive stuff than that.
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Axolotl Men.
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Here’s the enigmatic Warlord, the main antagonist of my game and Fygoon’s nemesis.
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Finally made a new render, and it’s just to shit on the /vg/ crowd.
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No idea why I never uploaded this high-quality render of the Doom Gremlin.
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The women of the Zmeian Archipelago. From left to right: Belinda the Ageless One, Elsara the Weaver, Laura Redwood, Postman Joan, and Vicereine Iris.


Have any of you learned using this series and would you say it's worth the 15 bucks or am I better off just learning on various youtube videos?
I have never learned a single thing from cgcookie in my life.
YouTube is good for the basics and mid-level/hobbyist tutorials, but the quality and availability for tutorials for levels higher than that are relatively scarce. Channels with a good reputation tend to lock high-level stuff behind a paywall, but that isn't to say high-level tutorials don't exist on the site—they would just be from channels that aren't really popular and they don't go crazy with the presentation and whatnot.
>to answer your question directly: the courses in the bundle won't teach you whatever isn't on youtube, but the concepts within them are more throughly demonstrated (e.g., they show every single setting in each texture node). it's only $15 so i'd say go for it
buy a cgpeers account
courses are a ponzi scheme now
>>teach people skills that are obsolete thanks to AI and there are no jobs anyway

does anyone else do this?
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looks like bananas
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im new to 3d modeling p-p
but I have an apple of the same guy
now i love it :>
Hes a tad silly
Just a bit bonkers
A little crazy
you can have another render, as a treat

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I made this low poly 3D model.

Any advice?
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Thanks for sharing your story. I had never heard of that phobia, I'll do some research because it seems quite interesting.

And thanks for your advice. You're right, the setting and shading is very basic. Although this is because this is one of my first 3D tests and that is why I haven't spent much time polishing the stage, I have concentrated on the smiley.

Thank you so much. This is one of my first 3D models and that's why I love it, even though it is deformed and ugly.

PS: The image I share is another model I made.
You fucking pansy.
>Any advice?
you mean do we want any advice from you, right?
you obviously don't need any
masterful work, impressive

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hello, need a bit of help
I'm planning to make an irl coin and for that I'm planning to 3d print a prototype for making a mold out of. Probably will use the light sensitive resin. Anyway
I need to know if I should make my model the same size as the final print or make it bigger. The size of final print is diameter 27.3 thickness 1.78
I only realized how small it is when my low qality ref pics were around 100x bigger than the basic cylinder
tldr: if I want to print something small, should the 3d model be the irl size or bigger
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Sorry. I forgot you've transitioned >>981897
Chris is the
im not cris lmao
You are definitely Cris, don't den
This fucking thread kek

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>I have purposely taught them wrong
>as a joke
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>people knowing donut man past his donut tutorials
I still hate him
Hi cris
Any proof this happened?
The only proof I'm going to offer you is that I wish I had the creativity to make that up.

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