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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

Similar programs:
Makehuman: http://www.makehumancommunity.org/
Vroid Anime Tool: https://vroid.com/en/studio
Xnalara: https://www.deviantart.com/xnalara

Hair Creation: (Being reworked)

News: Daz/Tafi new Ai engine with the help of Stability AI - https://www.daz3d.com/ai
Truebones meltdowns got deleted again
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>Truebones meltdowns got deleted again
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>wasting time and resources on AI garbage instead of improving their software
>Xnalara: https://www.deviantart.com/xnalara
Noob question but how do I import stuff from this into DAZ? Is there an easy way to do this?
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Did you seriously expect anything else from DAZ?
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Many characters seem to have very dry skin materials regardless of the lighting setups and presets I've used. This seems mostly from forender characters and totocandy. How would I go about adjusting this? They characters do have spec and glossy maps for the most part but adjusting the values makes little difference in rendered view.
How they could be using AI:
- Conversion of images to Genesis poses
- Intuiting animations from poses
- Face transfer that actually works

How they are using AI:
- Dall-E but worse
Red Dragon - Bruno Lalouette - 2024
He was doing a good job gaining a following, but then went and chipped out multiple times on camera including yelling at an epic games employee over copyright. He can still upload to youtube, but any video related to exposing a company gets the hammer.

They’re planning a 3d ai tool that uses actual Daz models for people who want Daz but don’t want to download it or on mobile. I don’t think they know what they’re doing
Anyone know the name of this character model by chance?
Gordon Freeman
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How can I get sharper images?
Even when I focus the camera properly, or even turn the DOF off completely, I still can't get a really sharp image. Maybe the idea is to render at super-high resolutions, like 8K for example, and then reduce the original image to full HD or something? Or maybe there's some camera operation I'm not using properly? Letting too much light into its virtual shutter or some shit?
post example
changing the pixel filter radius in your render settings can have an impact in the sharpness a bit. The default is set to 1.5, setting it lower will sharpen the image a bit. If you're looking for hard sharpness that is seen in a lot of Daz renders these days, that will have to be done in postprocessing.
So the Pixv bans killed this software, right? Let's be real, Daz exists mainly for one type of content, and now that there's no place to distribute it (or monetize it), it just serves no purpose.
Booru(s), ATF, rule34, /aco/, Visual novels aka Gobos games see F95zone.
wtf the g9 anatomy geografts are so bad. this unified mesh shit was such a mistake
>Pixv bans
You can't post DAZ content on pixiv?
I assume they meant loli related trash
want to get into daz3d (or some other character modeling program), watched a few tutorials but still don't understand the overall usage, specifically when it comes to body types. Are you able to fully make your own body/character on your own WITHOUT dumping money in the asset store? Or are these programs inherently useless without heavy usage of an asset store. My initial thinking was that these programs were akin to a more advanced character creator from a video game, a body with dozens of sliders for reshaping various body sections and that bought characters are just easy ways to get to a specific body type WITHOUT tweaking every little customization, but at first glance that doesn't seem to be the case(?).
Daz3D is worthless if you are unable to acquire assets.
DAZ is just 99% used for porn, isn't it? Or do people actually use it for anything else?
Is there a way to measure things that isn't Measure Metrics of Spyrorue's Mwall? MM isn't working for me and there doesn't seem to be a download link for the latter anymore.
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Is there a way to make daz transfer utility to do not change the position of the shoes I modeled on blender?

I autistically modeled a pair of short boots and made fit perfectly to the feet of my model but Daz insist in slightly changing the position of the boots. I didn't autistically modeled the slight diagonal and heel position for daz to just decide to fuck my auti... perfectionism.

I'm thinking it just would be easier to just parent the boots without autofit, have rigged boots on blender, use the position of the daz boots to position the rigged boots, then just make slight adjustments. I compose in blender anyway.
If you're just looking for height, there are some freebies on deviantart that are essentially just a plane with measurements
My examples are NSFW, but I think the other anon is correct.

Yeah, I guess that helps a bit, but really, super-sharp images don't seem to be possible, probably because the resolution of the textures of the objects, skin, hair, etc., also impacts the final result.

DAZ is apparently widely used in the corporate world. There are also a lot of smaller budget things like commercials, movies, etc., that use assets bought from the DAZ Store because they're so cheap.
Really? There are downloads for some of those? All I can see is an image download that requires you to have an account for some strange reason.
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Yeah, I saw and mentioned that before. There's a download there? I'm just curious since I already just spent the time to make my own measurement wall.
Who are some of the best DAZ artists you know? I just want to see what is possible
I only know about ArtStation.

But know this: Serious artists render with Maya, they don't use Daz.
Take a look at:
Then you can check:

As for the best of Daz, they're employed by Daz itself and are involved in official daz products (Daz Original), like Victoria and such.

How can I remove a breast morph thats built into a character morph?
Is there a discord for Daz?
>If you're just looking for height,...

If you just want to measure height, create a primitive cube of that height and adjust your model to match.
EZ way: use other breast morphs to cancel it out.

Hard way: Reset the effected vertices back to the defaults. Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpCN1jYhc1k&list=PLPcx_LSSGfZenYY9NYEAt8p6I4h2bnOqB&index=23
Thanks anon!
several, varying from nsfw to daz slop defenders.
okay. link 'em
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here's my genesis 8 male magnum opus
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am i missing something with g9? my body morph (left) before breastacular and after (right). why does the geograft look so sad and not suction to my body morph? do i really have to make a custom morph for it to fit where i want the tits to be?
i used the g9 female landmarks texture to make sure the nips are in the right place since there's no geo to go off any more so it's not that
How easy or difficult is it to convert stuff from blender to DAZ?
pretty simple, export the genesis dev shape at the lowest mesh resolution then sculpt it in blender or wrap it in another program then import it back, adjust rigging to fit + erc freeze to make your own daz morph property
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newb here, when adding an outfit (gen 8) and then deleting one of the pieces the skin remains indented from that piece. Is there any way to fix or prevent that?
the creator included a "pressure" shapekey to be loaded in alongside the outfit because they are a PIECE OF SHIT, you just gotta look at currently used sliders on the model and turn it off from there.
why the fuck does every outfit from the daz store include additional sliders to increase the "modesty" of the garment, but no way to reduce the modesty? Every piece of clothing that goes over the breasts/vagina, courtesy sliders for increasing the amount of skin that is covered by the garment.
edit the property to have a minimum lower than 0 then use it effectively in reverse?
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been gone for a while but happy to see this thread is still going
using this headdress, https://www.daz3d.com/axarra-headdress-for-genesis-8-female-s , for whatever reason the headdress part isn't showing up in render, it's visible in iray view but when I render only the horns show up. I hid all of the dreads in geometry edit because they get too much in the way of the chest, but no idea how or why that would make the entire headdress not render. Any ideas?
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might be strand based hair is used and you need to go under that setting when selecting the object. Check "preview hair" options and the "line tessellation" (do not go over 3).
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>Short hair emma
I don't appreciate 98yo Emmas
it is what it is
Is there no hotkey to select the parent object? I.e. if I have the thighs selected and want to select the whole character instead? I can't find anything from googling
Some vfx studio used it for pre-viz once like 8 years for a Marvel project. They never used it again, but Daz is still using this fact in all their promo.
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first time using Daz, pretty neat. I remember hearing from Thundornd that Daz isn't really meant for animation. Any recommendations for a program to use to try out creating your own animations? My goal is to ultimately learn how to design clothing (marvelous designer looks neat but expensive) and also animation (ideally to learn breast physics).
I think most people use Blender for animations
Don't spend money you idiort.
It's free, do you understand?
If you're loaded then go wild but if not, you shouldn't at all.
haven't looked for marvelous designer yet, just looked into it. I tried finding a working crack of CC4, or just CC in general, but the few sites I saw that had it looked very shady and the links didn't work anyway. Plus, with these programs it seems like there is a HEAVY dependency on an asset library, which means having to find working links for those specific assets as well. If there's a regular place to find all of these things, feel free to inform me please.
didn't mean to discourage you, it's just that old emmas hurt my feelings, your creation is cool though
does anyone knows what happen to gansekiiwao on pixiv? They nuked his account!!! Where I can find his stuffs now?
What's going on at Daz? They've added a bunch of artists and are selling licensed look-a-likes for characters, clothing and props. Today I'm greeted with this. Surely it will be used for only work safe renders.
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any recommended tuts on how to achieve that "pulled taut" effect on clothing, so that the garment isn't just hugging their skin but is being pulled by other parts?
learn to sculpt and create your own morphs.
What happened to asillios? They no longer have a pixiv and their patreon is empty.
pixiv and others have become a lot more strict lately. So they properly just got banned and havent found a new place yet.
top kekeros
What I like about the current Daz store is they sell sexy lingerie but to keep their website SFW they put in on a mannequin.
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Last of 98yo Emma
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I'm a big fan!
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Is there any stuff that specifically gets you banned or to watch out for? I don't want to get banned, but these bans seem so random at times
most of the "what happened to" artists seems like they were loli or shota fags. Asillios maybe got some flack for the celeb monster rape? Who knows.
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>Jon fooking snow
How are these mormons managing to deal with so many licenses now?
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nothing left to post that isnt too risky
ive got 3 warnings for nudity / exposed genitalia.
They aren't getting licenses. If they were, it would say "Jon Snow from Game of Thrones." They are simply permitting creators to inch closer to the copyright infringement line.
The sword in the bundle is named longclaw too. Then there was the star trek and battlestar stuff a couple of weeks ago. Surprised some jew lawyers haven't been all over this yet.
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>big breasted Sean Connery
Genesis 9 is still dogshit
I'm new to DAZ. Why is G9 considered bad?
Because all the assets I downloaded are obsolete and now I have to download new ones.
Going for a realistic image with realistic characters seems to be a theme. Even people like HydraFXX got banned without doing loli/shota stuff.
sculpting or modeling them yourselft or using dforce.
G9 is "bad" because it adds nothing to the table but was an attempt to stay relevant and try and compete with the "Direct to UE5/blender" pipeline.
Also the topology is bad for female bodies.
That being said it does have some advantages like a unified mesh between sexes and great for doing humaniod creatures.
Also the massive library of characters and assets made for genesis 8 are now somewhat obsolete while genesis 9 have still very little content. This could have been easily rectified by having a conversion tool from gen8 -> gen9 for characters and clothes but that was not ready by launch (not even sure there is one now).
it has a unified mesh for male and female characters which means there's no mesh topology for the nipples so you have to use geografts which have to be massive to fully replace the tits with g8 style topology
they could have just made g8 but better but they're fucking clown retards who think people want to make disgusting dysgenic androgynous people in their hot bitch dressup simulator
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favorite emma, simple as.
Option A: Create a custom morph in Blender or similar

Option B: Fit Control

Option C: Mesh Grabber
damn, she has been working those deltas. Yum yum
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Damn....wonder how much they paid him to join....
is there any documentation on what daz even does with vram? i took a character who has a grand total of 200mb worth of textures, and daz ate 5gbs instantly. so i added 4 more characters with around the same amount of textures it used... 5gbs of vram. i don't understand. i always assumed vram usage was from bloated files, like 500mb 8k pngs, that could be converted to 50mb 8k jpegs at 80% quality, and you'd never know the different.
which emma model is this? custom job?
I like how it's bad enough to net get sued.
Just the right amount of mediocre.
I'm looking fort suggestions for content creators that do behind the scenes stuff. I love seeing WIPs and the UI and tools involved. Please advise, as I love seeing people's workflows.
I like how it's bad enough to net get sued.
Just the right amount of mediocre.
yeah, its my custom
would it kill you to use the post denoiser? all you need is 10 frames at the end.
Why is DAZ considered bad for doing animations?
porthole needs to be way bigger to be accurate
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How can I make this squish or tightness effect like pic related?
most obvious way would to be to export to Blender and move the vert loop using proportional edit and import back using morph loader. Look for assets with bundled pressure morphs to see how others did the effect
Some stockings come with a thigh bite morph. Only alternative is learn to sculpt.
Who are 1 2 and 3 supposed to be?
1: Just my knight from other works
2. Natalie Dormer
3. Alizée
The folder structure for DAZ custom content is such a mess
Ah, very nice
Try it.
Just try it.
You can manage what appear in your Content Library by editing the folder structure, but don't touch the textures/mesh folders order.
There might be a deeper reason, but the way DAZ automatically updates past frames based on changes you make in a future frame, all the way back to the start, is very annoying.
I'm currently using the G8 character, but I'm thinking of moving to the G9. But does the G9 have any special features? A lot of the data I have only works on the G8, which makes me hesitate.
Wow, even trashworks is selling on daz now. Wonder what renderosity did to lose all these hacks. https://www.daz3d.com/daz-welcomes
How do I fix hair being too thin?
Nothing. Nada. Stick to g8 sonny
hair cards or strand based?
well gen9 comes with a better out of the box expression rig. Its also better for doing creatures and such. UVs are a little better.
but all in all its a side grade and not an upgrade.
I agree uvs are a litt
>hair cards or strand based?
I think strand based? Am kinda new to DAZ
if strandbased then go to surface tab and change the mm root and end thickness in the top.
if the hairs are too spread out then go down to the dforce settings and increase the density (but watch it here as this is very heavy on the GPU).
They will acquire Renderotica next...
>This could have been easily rectified by having a conversion tool from gen8 -> gen9 for characters and clothes but that was not ready by launch
90% of G8 content works on G9 with autofit.
For some reasons some very, very tame Pixiv artists were b&n earlier this year (and later this previous years). Most have no idea why. We're talking as tame as Ganseki.

While some absurdly disgusting guro loli Daz artists were still allowed on the platform. No one has no idea why. The answer from pixiv is more or less "violating our policy", without telling what policy.

It is theorized that "good" (aka lifelike) Daz artists were banned, because they approach the quality of photorealism, while "bad" guro loli rapists were not, because no photorealism while they murder and eat loli, but literally no one knows why.

If you're "good" and only do vaguely underdressed pinup you're fine tho.

Kinda weird policy knowing the kind of absolute degenerate Guro 2d art being present on pixiv, little girls being eaten alive, etc.
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What Genesis is this costume for? I've spent hours looking but my eyes are numb.
Imagine selling on 3dsharts
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Any of you make money doing this shit?
Looks like some of their recent locality-based censorship relates to what tags are on the images. I've had some people tell me that they couldn't see posting in the US, until I removed certain tags, even though the images were clothed and non-explicit.
I've done 2 commissions, made 500 bucks. bought some Gundams with the money. I might do some more.
Porn? 250 per seems pretty high for one commission. You must be good
250 bux for a fucking daz commission? wtf how can you charge that without feeling like a piece of shit
Gen9 is dog fucking shit. How can you guys stomach this trash?
i only persevered because the facs expressions are nicer for blender. it is truly dogshit and if they do another unified gender base mesh they're retarded
What sort of commissions? Simple renders or morphs etc?
How do I get High Heels to fit on custom foot shape/morph? Do I have to make my own morph fix for the shoe or are their other methods?
>High Heels
shit taste
A couple of animations for clothing brands using daz and marvelous designer, made like almost a thousand dollars so far. Sometimes I also get commissioned to do clothing mockups.
>Make my shitty meme scenes in blender
>They'd look better with characters just to give it some life
>Don't have a pen to sculpt characters and I prefer doing hard surface stuff anyway
>DAZ seems to be the way to go to get around that
>No idea how to into DAZ

How easy is this shit to pick up? Is it one of those "free" softwares where you have to buy all kinds of hairstyles and whatnot or is everything actually free? Help me out bros.
>Is it one of those "free" softwares where you have to buy all kinds of hairstyles and whatnot or is everything actually free?
...are you bullying me?
Just pirate everything
Fuck it I'll just do that and watch some tuts :3
no, i answered you.
>Is it one of those "free" softwares where you have to buy all kinds of hairstyles and whatnot
>or is everything actually free?
why are the default g9 normal maps so fucking flat? there's no curvature of the mesh in them at all they're basically just skin detail textures
is there a guide to converting daz characters with diffeomorphic to blender for use with mustardui?
easy answer is that because G9 suck
longer answer is that curvature detail driven completely through HD morphs and subdiv and only micro detail is stored in normals. Which makes G9 suck for low poly stuff ofc.
how dreadful
it's amazing how many shitty ideas they put into g9
Does /daz3d/ have any suggestions for people to commission from? I've used totocandy1 once but the cost and quality was shit.
well what kind of commission are you looking for? Just images, specific characters, models or morphs?
Inb4 poses
Oops, I meant full character. Material, morph and possibly expressions.
>For some reasons some very, very tame Pixiv artists were b&n earlier this year (and later this previous years). Most have no idea why. We're talking as tame as Ganseki.

>does anyone knows what happen to gansekiiwao on pixiv? They nuked his account!!! Where I can find his stuffs now?

I think I may know why. I read their terms yesterday and they do seem to disallow pictures that look "photorealistic" and it says it can lead to the suspension of the account.
It was an image set featuring a character from a porn VN. They wanted more of her. It ended up being about 30 different images. Told a little story. I don't want to boast too much, but I get told my stuff doesn't look like DAZ, which is probably the highest, albeit, back handed compliment one can get. I do allot of custom morphs using Marvelous designer and Zbrush so clothing and skin aren't so static.

There's allot of money in the VN market. I've seen 50 to 80 dollar commissions routinely go to people using Koikatsu and Honey Select ONE.
How did you get approached, like where is your main platform for people to notice you?
Also what is VN?
Fuck, maybe I should learn how to make custom Daz sculpts. Last time I spoke to Toto, his queue was 1 year long.
VN is a Visual Novel.

I float around some f95 VN servers and post here and there. I'd rather just make a VN and post it to steam and collect residuals than have a patreon.

It's not unheard of for a 2 person project collecting 6 figures in a single year.
no way those shitty daz vns sell that much
same as the dating market; a dozen rips all the profits.
>$250 for 30 images is a lot
lol i'm not a dazfag but you guys need to raise your rates
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>>>how can you charge that without feeling like a piece of shit
>>> you guys need to raise your rates
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Here's your new character bro
if it's 30 pictures and not just the same thing from multiple angles i guess $250 is pretty low. there are people who charge $250 for a single picture though and they're shameless
I don't think it's shameless if the image takes a good while to create. If it takes you 10 hours to make it then you have an hourly rate of 25 dollars an hour
5.0 is HERE BROS!!
What's new?
Are there any ways to get stylized eyes like this/the toon generations morphs on daz models? I'm using zbrush, but the move tool can only get you so far and the one toon tutorial is just using already made toon morphs.

This was the only daz related help I could find with mustardui sadly.
how do you morph specific parts of the body
Don't know about specifically eye morphs, but this is a very well done head morph for both G8F & G8M.

These are morphs are also useful for a more Western toon style. If you are using G9, I can't help you because I only use G8/8.1.


JoeQuick morphs:
5.0 just flew over my house!
My bad. I actually meant sculpting the eyes yourself like shane olson, but those morphs you both posted are very good.
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>update to 4.22
>open saved scene
>fatal runtime error after 5 minutes of loading
>open saved scene
>fatal runtime error after 5 minutes of loading
>open saved scene
>fatal runtime error after 5 minutes of loading
>turn 360 degrees and log off computer
If there's one thing I've learned over the years it's that I will never upgrade to a new version of a software if the version that I am using right now works well and does everything I need.
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Vertigo hair seems broken on certain height characters. How can I fix this? Doesnt seem that the ponytail is a separate prop that can be moved.
Replace it with a similar looking hair
move it with mesh grabber, or export the hair, import it to blender or whatever, move it into place, import the hair as a morph.
I didnt consider the reimport option, thanks!
It looks like a bone issue.
You can edit the bone(s) geometry and save the hair asset for future use.
Moving bones around isn't an easy business fair warning.

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