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like is this a potential market, or am I some fossil that's been trapped under a rock
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"normies" do not buy 3d models though
I think he's talking less "normie" like regular people, but moreso internet "normies" that are terminally online and take shit like VR Chat, Twitter, and Discord seriously. Those people absolutely buy 3d models, and they're absolutely retarded when it comes to all things computers.
OP here, and yeah that's basically the market I'm aiming for. I'm not sure if it's as retarded as it was last I checked years ago and if I've been living under a rock with their advancement, but I specifically remember running across some VRChat people bragging about their models having high poly counts and I suspect they have not progressed much beyond that level of thought. It seems like the amount of animations for VRChat player models has a greater preference than I anticipated these days, but eh- not too concerned about that part desu, rushing out the actual mesh bases to slightly modify is what would really constitute the grift part of this and I can basically do anything else manually with probably some ease (which isn't much beyond probably relearning how to not break things in Unity upon importing or whatever).
If you had done this during the height of COVID and the virtual Youtuber boom, you could have gotten away with it. You're four years too late now.
I think the business models sticks and nobody cares because all anime characters look the same anyway. It's an easy solution for accessibility in place of building talent if you don't want to start getting into 3d modelling.

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>GTC happened
>events are literally in person only and not being streamed
Really? That sucks. Not everyone who would benefit from GTC has the means or the opportunity to fly to California.

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What is the 3D equivalent of Drawabox? If you don't know what Drawabox is, it's an art program that focuses on fundamental skills such as line control, perspective, form, and constructional drawing. The 250 box challenge in particular drills into you the mechanical skills and resilience needed to git gud.
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I fell for this trap for an entire one year. Grinded like mad. It helped me jackshit.
When I started to work on my projects, then, and only then, I evolved and the fundamentals made any difference.
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Completely based, grind fundies by making what you want to make and being ok with the product being flawed. The only time you should be grinding something in isolation is when you're trying to do a specific thing and you don't know how.
in 3D it's like someone who studies materials. but have nothing in mind. they just read random stuff you can do with nodes. all of it is useless. However if let's say you wanted to make a table and it's glass at the top, and wood on the legs. You now have context and you can study how to make those materials. That will be more useful than just reading random junk with no situation to use it for.

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Just got announced at GDC. How over is it for material artists?
>Adobe says it can generate “photorealistic or stylized textures” from prompt descriptions, such as scaled skin or woven fabric. These textures can then be applied directly to 3D models, sparing designers from needing to find appropriate reference materials.
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It's neat I guess?
I don't really see the point if all it can do is basic generic textures that there's a million other textures for already.
Most of the work done to the texture in the webm has nothing to do with the generated texture either. It's just standard fare Substance B2M/Quixel Mixer stuff. Which arguably is what's going to make a given texture you find online unique anyway.
So yeah, neat toy, and I can see it being useful for extremely general purpose things, but again, general purpose is extremely well covered. That's why it's "general".

>How over is it for material artists?
About the same as it's been? Status quo hasn't changed with this.
>schizo is so brainblasted by polshit he doesn't know it's called "caucasian" or "light skinned" by not mentally ill people
no, its not.
Keep telling yourself that.
It's not the AI's fault that your mental model is so far off you can't communicate properly.
If it wasn't for sjws trolling you, who are the most out of touch people out there btw, except YOU the AI would have generated something akin to a person wearing clown makeup if prompted for "white skin".
what the hell is wrong with you

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Asymmetry = Soul

just turn it off. Unleash yourself. Be free
Be free
It's been almost a decade. The delegates, Dahnald. Hand them over.

This style is the biggest, laziest meme ever. It's even worse than McMansion. Everyone goes ooo and aaahh over a fucking boolean'd rectangular with glass inside.
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Those are marble stools there are many providers of those. Dining seating are Suit Chairs made by Artifort and go for $1500 euro a pop. They are fucking disgusting but pretty confortable.
In my humble opinion.. yeah not worth it.
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do all threads on /3/ have to devolve into blender-fags (aka blender-poors) coping & seething?
Unfortunately yes.
I just want to slide my knob over that dome.

Post your requests for models/tutorials/software and hope than an Anon will help you out.

Before asking, check these sites:

>rutracker.org - software
>bilibili.com - courses (without project files)

Softwares & Blender addons

A little bit of verythong

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i figured out how to rip the courses, sadly it has my name as a watermark so i can't publish it anywhere :(
does anyone know if wingfox, and especially coloso, can detect screen recording through GPU? i'm not redistributing, it's just that when using the kollus player it disables discord and taking screenshots - i want to document my learning by pasting screenshots into discord, i can't do either of these things when kollus player is running, so i want to follow the course offline instead.

i know that kollus player can detect OBS since it doesn't even let me open it, but recording using my GPU (in AMD adrenalin) i can record just fine. despite it not blocking it, can it detect it in any way? i'd rather not risk getting my coloso account banned.
i'm >>981294
so basically, the kollus player does a string search of running processes to check if any of them are in its blacklist (at least the MacOS app does) you can view this list by disassembling the binary
it likely sees the AMD adrenalin process but it's not on the list of bad programs
if it cannot detect what you're using as a screen recorder the gooks probably can't either lmfao
Does anyone have Voxel Heat Diffuse addon for Blender?
that makes sense, thanks.

is there any ACTUALLY Physically-based renderer that can simulate the wave-particle duality properties of light to recreate the double slut experiment?
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double slit isnt about light, its about particles launched one at a time
Isn't the double slit experiment a demonstration of how light diffracts near edges of objects? Like you see a 'diffraction pattern' traditionally mistaken for a 'interference pattern' even with single photons because even individual photons will diffract along the edges of either slit.
Refreshed my memory, diffraction is part of it but not the entire story, it's basically a demonstration that any interaction with whatever a photon is will alter it's state and have it assume a new state from the point of interaction.

It's cryptically refereed to as 'waveparticle duality' which in my view is a unfortunately mystic sounding way to say that what a photon ultimately actually is will be something that is neither a wave nor a particle but will reveal itself to us in either of those ways depending on how we interact with it.

It's true nature is something from the quantum realm that doesn't really map cleanly onto any concept we experience on our scale.
Kinda like how you can get a vastly different view of what a elephant is depending on what part you touch.

There are diffraction effect renderers but what happens in the double slit experiment is much to low level for how anything models photons in raytracers.
It's ultimately unknown to modern physics since we don't have a complete understanding of how reality operates on that level, any attempt to model it will unravel into theoretical physics.
well, yeah. kiddo. your mum alone is double slut enough for me. heh
>Physically-based renderer
Mainstream render use geometry theory of light
Some papers talking about mechanical wave proprieties some shaders paper include ideas from Electrodynamics.
Quantum Electro Dynamics is unthinking for Computer Graphics.
Computer Graphics is about fake fancy graphics.

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When do you sculpt and when do you box model?
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If you're shit at one you have to do the other
You use both interchangeably all the time and just about every model will use some amount of both. Generally speaking though the more gribbly and organic, more sculpting, the more mechanical and clean, the more modeling. Something like an anime female face will usually strike a balance between the two.
sculpt when you want to have fun and make cool shapes
box model when you want to be autistic and fabricate digital machines

you have to know both
box modelling is a retard variant of 'poly modelling' where you extrude faces out of a box, pretty much never do that.
But you model anything with your favorite poly tools that you need to be very exact, including organic shapes you need to rig like characters.

If you model, sculpt or do a hybrid between the two on characters is a preference that varies from artist to artist there is no one workflow that is correct.
Creating a finished asset is a iterative process that will have you create an approximate version of your character that may be first modeled or sculpted and then retopo'ed
test rigged and work out that all your geometry is correct and deform well, initially it will always have flaws and need to be tweaked and rebuilt to some degree.
You will keep make corrections till you have a good final base, then you'll pump up the resolution of your geo and do a beauty sclupt pass for all the final details to use as normalmaps for game assets or as displacement maps for running sub-d for offline rendering etc.

It's not a straight forward process that is anywhere as ideal as it's typically presented.
High quality assets will be rebuilt and tweaked many times during production til it arrive at the final form and what you sculpt and what you model is ultimately a preference.

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Why are they still not providing a good or even decent product after all these years?
It's pretty good, skill issue on your part
its not good bro
Because they waste all their money hiring the most moronic shills in existence. That is you.

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What do you think about AI generated 3D models?

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Prompts for that proportions?
I have to admit that's pretty good.
It would be easy to fix up the textures and if necessary tweak the topology. Even just as a concept/reference it would be a great starting point.
But with that said, this kind of model would be very quick to make anyway since it's quite simple and uses a skull as a base.
Not sure if i care about the hardships of art personally. Thats not really a problem or a cause for sadness, however.
Algorithms are definitely a tool that can give you something approximating what you wanted. Unless you dont care about the details (or quality if current year). And its the uttermost best at quantity wich has practical uses. It just lacks precision. Even ai engineers i know consider it a tool. As in you need to know when to use it. This might be confusing if you are autistic and therefore lack pattern recognition intelligence (seriously thats why they dont get humor. But they make up for it dw). Basicly human beings have evolved to crystalyze personal experiences through medium using a process on the level of complexity of a quantum computer (human brain). Pepole dont show up to watch a movie about some generic knight in armor with a crest. They show up to see how the author will interpret that story and how the details blend together to create meaningful patterns. This is an actual brain process associated with non autistic high IQ you can see on IRMS brain scans. On top of being a language on self expression. Sort of like an auto biography. Like historical value. There is a reason to worry tought, its that it will eat up commissions work for beginners wich will prevent pepole who arent good enough to show something meaningful yet to ever get to that point. And at worst it could be a mild loss of a language and weaken humanity's common unconscious and cause cultural stagnation since it only uses old data. The potential for interactive world however. That will be actualy awesome even if random, much like nature. And if ITS possible, you could even simulate a quantum computer brain. Then, wire it with pattern recognition arborescent thinking on the same level as us. It would be awesome to see how it would express its own perspective and purpose. But at this point it might be conscious and thats an entirely different can of worms and ethics.
theyre ugly and would need a ton of manual fixing to be presentable unless you're making a shitty mobile game where the screen's too small for anyone to notice
>What do you think about AI STOLEN MODELS ?

LOL will be hilarious if the prompters realize the AI can generate only the same 100 models OVER AND OVER AN OVER!

hi! i need to make a 3d wax seal for my project and I found a simulation of it (https://www.blendswap.com/blend/18170). My question is how do I replace the logo used there and can I transfer the final result to another blender project?
Delete this thread and ask in the numerous other questions, blender, or beginner threads on this board.

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I keep winning chuds.
Now I don't even have to waste hours making my own 3D pixel art models.

I keep winning.
You crabs keep losing.
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And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking inspiration from it, or anything for that matter. Why do you feel the need to police what other people create? Do you think the people who created the “rubber hose” style weren’t working with limitations? People had a concept of cartooning before animation, but it was mostly exaggerated and simplified realism that needed to be drawn relatively quickly so it could be put in newspapers. Animation faced this problem to a more extreme degree since hundreds or even thousands of frames needed to be drawn to create even a minute of animation. The shapes needed to be very simple so they could be drawn quickly, and so the audience could interpret things easier. Every modern cartoon style branched out from the designs of early cartoons and worked with those principles to create things the people in the past never would have thought of. Should animators start using AI to enhance their frames to look like renaissance paintings because they no longer have the excuse to make art that looks “bad”? No they fucking shouldn’t just because technology got better. Limitation literally is what spurs stylization, and you would know this if you had any actual artistic inclinations and weren’t a contrarian shithead who needs to hate on whatever the new thing is, and additionally acts like he’s living in 2009 when the latest and greatest AAA game just came out and everything before it is garbage because it has “bad graphics”.
>And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking inspiration from it, or anything for that matter.
My issue with it is that it's not innovative but derivative.
What about this: Instead of using lowpoly meshes with lowres textures go with a similar amount of geometry for the base mesh and model surface details with actual geometry and no textures, just vertex / face colors. That way you'd be innovating on the style instead of parroting it.
>Why do you feel the need to police what other people create?
I don't mean to nor can do that, I just dislike all media that pretends to be something that was before without being it.
For example I fervently hate startrek reboots, new superhero movies and AAA reboots of video game classics.
While "3D pixel art models" are not as atrocious they give me a similar aftertaste.
>a similar amount of geometry for the base mesh and model surface details with actual geometry and no textures, just vertex / face colors
I don't like the textureless low poly look.
It would be sort of mid poly at that point. I'd experiment some ambient occlusion for depth after that...
Anyway I think I've made my point.

There is a major difference between artists who could to far more, and people who do that art style because it's the best they can do.

I bring this up alot because it shaped how I view art as a story telling medium,

look at the cartoon mission hill, specifically the animatic of episode 16, crap gets in your eyes.

largely there is almost no difference between that animatic and an actual episode, however that animatic may take someone skilled enough do draw it fast a week, while animating even 3 minutes on your own could take half a year

if I want to go from idea to finished product drawing, I could be working on a single piece for weeks, but if I am ok with a well done pencil, I could be done in several hours,

for 3d, let's not kid ourselves, shit takes a retarded amount of time to make something perfect, and if you want animation, takes an even more retarded amount of time to render, so we find out what corners there are to cut and cut them. I look at unreals rendering engine, and honestly would I actually need anymore?

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I installed blender & daz. I want to make Bulges on character models.
>What I do is I just sculpt directly on the leg in the shape of a penis I use as reference. This takes me 10 hours
>Find out other people have a way to do this almost instantly.
>Been googling for 2 years and still haven't figured out a faster way.
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In daz the answer is D-Former
What the tard said would be true if you used a clothsim though. It would lift up on the edges like a real cloth and it would look like a lump.
So like you have a nude model and you wanted to use a clothsim on it, how could you guarantee you'd get the "tucked in" look where there are creases around and also picking up detail? Maybe actually model the clothes that was from the beginning?
Ok since I suggested to use clothsim I'll elaborate.
Best way would be if you use sewing your own clothes with unconnected edges in blender directly.
But that's not strictly necessary. Another way is to enlarge the clothes by displacing towards the vertex normals and the continuously shrinking the cloth as the simulation runs until the level of snugness is archived.
Yet another way is to animate the dick and let it grow into the clothes.
Imagine being too dumb to figure this out on your own, but arrogant enough to dismiss any replies.
Oh thats interesting. So let the sim run, then edit it, then run it, etc until it relaxes in the shape you want.
It also occurs ti me though that if the pants or w/e are so tight like in the op, you dint really need a cloth sim at all. Just model it how you want and rig it.
Use cases might be if the dick is moving around under the clothes, or for a scene where theyre coming off.

my friend is trying to convince me to learn houdini because I know Python and it's a "high demand skill" and I'll "make tons of money". is this cap? I'm looking at the tutorials on their website and I can do almost all this shit in Blender already.
pic unrelated
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You are running out of copes by the month. Would you bet your life that this tech won't take over the industry?
Stop yapping lil bro
Putting your head in the sand won't stop what's already happening. VFX is done.
You're out of line. VFX isn't "done" because of Sora just like Programming isn't "done" because of Github Copilot. Get your head out of your ass.

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