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73 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
When Russia collapses Ingushs will have a lot of fun with her.
you should ask on a Russian website
He is?

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looking for the original meme. Not sure what to google without getting V&. Tried Anatomy of a gamer relationship meme
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This one?
yes, thankyou


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Does anyone know the source of where this cropped picture of sensei came from? Thanks.

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Useful archiving efforts and other projects to help out with:

HIGH priority (If you don't help archive these automatically, the data will probably be lost forever):

1. Help out automatically archive things being shut down right now by running ArchiveTeam Warrior program (or specific containers) in the background:
Requirements: Few GB of space, some bandwidth and small amount of CPU power, more info: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior

If you learn that a site or any online data is in danger of shutting down, read through this page and contact ArchiveTeam on their IRC if required in order to have it archived: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Projects

2. Help out automatically forward URLs you browse that are not archived on https://archive.org to them for archival with a browser extension:
MEDIUM priority (Important overall)

3. Seed torrents for as long as possible, rare data forever. Make sure to look up a guide for your router to PORT FORWARD your torrent client port, to substantially increase your upload (and your download) speed. In low population torrent swarms, if no one is port forwarded then you might not be able to connect to each other at all and exchange any data despite having it.
Requirements: As much or as little bandwitdh you want (you can set the limits if you need to)
https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent (Recommended client, especially to replace uTorrent)

4. Manually archive pages you want to have a local copy of with a "Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file with a single click"

5. "Capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key"

6. Publish the data that you have archived that isn't easily or at all available online. The easiest way is uploading it to https://archive.org. Once uploaded and edited to what you want, you can download the .torrent file archive.org will automatically always create for all items. This torrent can then be seeded and shared with a magnet link anywhere.
You can also just create torrents yourself in your torrent client and, as long as DHT (Distributed Hash Table, decentralized way to share torrents without the need for any specific tracker) is enabled in settings (on by default), your files will be searchable on DHT by DHT crawlers, local or online (for example https://btdig.com/, where you can actually also search for FILE NAMES within all DHT torrents)
OTHER useful things:

- In your torrent client settings add the best trackers to be automatically added for all of your newly added torrents (helps more easily connect to peers, especially in obscure torrents):

- Look into running a node for I2P (anonymous private network within the global internet):
Requirements: Mostly bandwidth, more info: https://geti2p.net/en/faq

- Look into running Tor/Freenet/IPFS nodes.

- "A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI"

- "ArchiveBox is a powerful, self-hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, and view websites offline"

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
- Additional links to archiving and similar communities:

What are you archiving or want to archive?
Do you have or know anyone who has some rare interesting data or media not available online?

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this 4k tv was in my basement for years. decided to switch it with the tv that I had in a room because this one was bigger PAUSE and looked newer so I was guessing it would look better mind the one I had looked good, they both look good. so I plug it in and I see this thing that looks like it got hit. what can I do that'll fix it? do I need to bring it to a repair place to fix it?(how much should it cost?) btw it shows up sometimes and when you look at the tv from a bit far and straight ahead it doesn't show up.
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Wow, did you go to college for algebra?
Pick up a hammer and tap the problem areas gently. If the problems don't quickly correct, gradually increase the force of your tapping
uh sounds like a troll but also sounds like it could work
new problem. the tv has a flashing red light when I plug it in and the screen turns on for a second and shows "toshiba" but it turns off but has audio. I tried resetting it but it didn't work. would appreciate it if you guys knew a fix and told me.
You haven't even told us what model it is, how the fuck is anyone going to help you without that information?
>also sounds like it could work
Be sure to yell "by the power of grayskull" everytime you raise the hammer
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I'm such a baka

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i'm looking for vegas pro 14 that does not have malware and i do not wanna pay for it.
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are you sure?
Ya, check yourself in the full suite download
>just use piratebay
kek go ahead and do that OP you knob
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dang. they got a newer one now.
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turn out its a m0nkrus install. works okay tho. they also had the magix version of vega pro (version 21).

Need some help finding a specific music track. In FF7 Rebirth, every big region has two "versions" of its theme. When you first enter the region, it will play the first version of the theme. After your do so many overworld quests (not sure but I think maybe the Towers quests will drive it), the theme will change to a different version. Usually more instruments added, more vocals, more bombastic, etc.

The Corel region has this happen. No matter what "Corel theme" music I find, I can only find the second version of its theme. Even the official OST that I found seems to only have the second version. I found several YouTube videos of the Corel theme, but they've all been the second version. I can find the first version of so many others, like the Grasslands and Junon, but not the first version of the Corel theme.

Can anyone help? You'll know the first version by comparing it to the second version. The first version is more low key, has less instruments and key notes, etc. Please, someone help me track this particular track down.
Sorry OP, I know nothing about Final Fantasy, but could it being Japanese have to do with it? Try searching for the theme in Japanese. For example:

Or search the composer's name in English/Japanese:

anyone remembers the name of that doujin that is posted on father's day and seems to be lewd but isn't?
this one?
yeah thanks

Looking for a video of a guy doing a guitar cover of an old blues standard in the rain. I think it used to get posted in feels threads.

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Can someone edit this image so it looks like Kyaru from Princess connect?
Also please remove the text
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this is Kyaru from Princess connect, so giving her green eyes, adding the cat ears, black hair (with that white stripe) and something similar to her clothes
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here's another "more cartoonish" edit of her.
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Not OP but bumping for excellence
OP here, thank you very much
I promise to use it for evil

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I'm looking for an old clip from from an MMA event. After the fight, one contestant brings their child into the ring to greet the opponent after being severely beaten in the face. I can't remember what organization or which fighter were involved. The clip is probably 10 years old or something at this point.
Yeah, that's the one. Thanks a ton!

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Can anyone recommend me any good Android software that I can use like Yomichan on PC? I want to be able to immerse on my phone.
For reading light novels

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I need to fill my reaction folder send me your best work
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I'm looking for an infographic about how women are absolutely terrible at hypergamy.

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i'd like to put together a list of manga to check out where an existing anime adaptation should seriously be avoided. i'm biased towards spending my time watching anime so i usually go for that by default, but it's hard to tell if you're missing out on something good compared to the manga. not so much looking for small issues like "they cut my favorite moment for time" but rather adaptations that leave a bad taste in the mouth on the whole. if a brief explanation of what's inadequate about the anime could be given along with the rec, i'd appreciate that too.
>not so much looking for small issues like "they cut my favorite moment for time"
They cut 75% of the story and randomly stuck an "ending" in like 25% through
Bokorano's manga is better than its anime. For some reason the anime changes the ending significantly, and it's definitely worse than the manga's ending.

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