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Basically the same as this but it had a crying swedish wojak and a smug finnish pepe with wikiboxes about finnisg and karelian pillaging of sweden in the middle ages.

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Goes smth like this
"bach y u r flying plain"
"cuz am have autism"

will dump cool tattoos and edgy tumblr yandere-core until my request is done
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What are the best manga about the apocalypse? Zombies, demons, nukes, etc.
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i did not understand this manga at all
it felt completely random
Yeah, it kind of lost me after the mall arc, but the mall arc was really cool, so it is still worth reading imo.
gonna get ahead of the game here and recommend that you DON'T get into ZOM100 (Bucketlist of the Dead). it's mildly fun/funny at the start and then turns to shit
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Soul Liquid Chambers if you want a short series. The writer is an obvious lolicon which is kinda hard not to overlook.

I heard Sadako at the End of the World was ok its only one volume.
Drifting Classroom.

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I want to host a 24/7/365 home server for an IRC that can hold up to 100 or so people.
I thought building a machine to do this would be fairly cheap but I saw some people recommending some pre-built ones that cost upwards of 700$ (Synology DS920+).
I also saw people saying that your IRC server can be very easily hacked into to access your network.
My purpose is a simple chatroom with file sharing and maybe the ability for embedding images, gifs and video (like discord).
How valid are the dangers and how do I go about it?
The problem is in getting hacked and your bandwidth will then be used.
If you don't know what you're doing, it's probably best to just leave it to someone else.

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Where can I get free 3d models like this?

What is an easy to use and lightweight video editor to recrop the black bars out of these videos?
I only know how to do the basics in Windows Movie Maker and both uploaders I found of this on bilibili have black borers so it looks off when you fullscreen it. You can set the crop to 16:9 in VLC and it gets rid of it, but if I wanna make a webms out of these they still have the borders.
Auto detect black borders worked great for the 6 min video, but I had to uncheck limit so the warnings would go away, but the 39mb file turned into 200mb.
What settings should I put so the bitrate output is the same as the input?
Don't worry about the warnings, that's perfect when you have to meet some file size limit requirement. Just enter the input you want, if you leave it empty, the result will be a "lossless" attempt.

Need help finding a historical armor set I saw a picture of once. It looked like this armor in the pic but the shoulders where shaped like a human face rather than a lion. Face on the pauldrons had a mustache and was in the exact same pose as the lion here. It looked like a real set of armor in a museum or something. I think it may been some king's armor set but I'm not certain.

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Can someone make a guttural roar that sounds most appropriate for this beast?
All I can really think of is this
Beginning of "Curse You All Men" by IX Equilibrium.

Is that Rawhead Rex?

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Is there an easy way to do this or am I in for the long haul?

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Can anyone identify the following piece by Handel?


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ha, was about to make the same thread. Thought it might be Boards of Canada, but haven't found it yet.

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So I tried repairing an original xbox I purchased for really cheap. This xbox had the typical dead capacitors that are common with this console. On removing the capacitors I noticed I also removed the "traces" with the capacitor legs. I'm not sure if "traces" is the correct word for silver rings that are on the board.

Am I fucked and have to buy a new motherboard? Or is there some work around for installing capacitors on a board with stripped traces. I looked up the motherboard replacements and they don't seem too expensive.
>Am I fucked and have to buy a new motherboard?
That can still be fixed, but you probably don't even need to. V1 through 1.5 Xbox's work fine with the clock cap entirely removed. 1.6's do need a clock cap, but those shouldn't leak
>1.6's do need a clock cap
Ok, im pretty sure this might be a 1.6. Since the serial on the back mentions 2005 as the manufacture date. Also the pic I posted is of the motherboard I was working on. All the caps were visibly blown. I should be getting the replacement capacitors later today so I might be able to test out the board with the new installed caps. I think some extra steps are needed for finding traces for C1E2 and C1E1.

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Does anyone have pdf issues of mostly modern Strategy & Tactics, Command, Tactics & Strategy and similar wargaming magazines?
I'm searching for a long time now for those and only found a couple ones on archive.org and some torrent sites.
Thank you very much if you have those and you could share it! I appreciate it.

Got a daughter.
Need these because they are fucking cool and feel they are becoming lost media.
My favorites games when i was a child.

5 minutes to make a thread? what is this?
>5 minutes to make a thread? what is this?
Spam mitigation protocol.
I'll bite, WTF is a pipo?
The plural of "pe'sen", usually used in conjunction with an adjective, e. g.: "Yo, can't stand all dis white pipo"
archive.org has most, if not all of them.

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Besides ogre battle 64, are there games where "some mob character becomes something"?
I remember there was some big strategy game where some rando soldier became a general you could use for special purposes (maybe marrying into your family and getting skills, etc), but I may be wrong about that.
2 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
yeah, I forgot about that, too bad warner bought the "nemesis system" rights and nobody can do anything like that until those rights expire...
Mount & Blade 1 and 2 mods. There are some mods that allow normal units to become named companions. Some mods also have rare units or long evolutions of basic units that evolve into pretty powerful units that are sometimes even stronger than you (especially in mods like Prophecy of Pendor or Warsword Conquest).
And I think you are describing the Bannerlord's (M&B 2) system but the last time I played random soldiers couldn't become named characters/companions (at least without mods).
I may be interested in those mods, how stsble are they?
I rmember installing some other mods following a nexus guide but the game crashed a lot and I gave up.
Prophecy of Pendor (PoP) was developed for 8+ years with the last patch released in 2020 (I think the mod author wanted to port it to Bannerlord or make a separate game but no solid news yet) and is fairly stable.
Warsword Conquest was developed for 10+ years and is still being updated but it was a bit unstable like 2 or 3 years ago with some crashes here and there but nothing gamebreaking. I mean it adds a lot of different units weapons (including aoe explosive ranged weapons) mechanics (like different passive skills and even dungeons) and magic (including aoe dmg/buffs/debuffs/etc.) so shoving all of this into the old Warband engine from 2008 is bound to cause some problems. But even in that state it was playable and could be "completed".
Both are great mods but I would recommend to start with the PoP if you are not familiar with the series because it's more of a complete experience with steady progression (including endgame content) and it's just more balanced and polished overall.
As for installing them I'm not sure how to help because I had no problems with any of them. Perhaps try installing one of them first on a freshly installed game and if you'll have any problems then maybe we can figure something out. And I remember that I downloaded the mods from moddb and manually installed them on a GOG version of the game so I'm not sure if they work correctly with the steam version.

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