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who is she?
Sweet Anita. Some streamer with tourettes.
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Are there any free sites that stream Western shows or movies with Japanese dubs? I want to learn the language with movies I already know.

Alternatively original Japanese shows, but I'm not really into drama / soap opera stuff.

Bonus points if they got Arcane.

I'm looking for a fantasy book/series with a specific scene. I remember roughly what happens but not any names.

Two female mages go into a bad part of town wearing fancy clothes and jewelry. They get mugged, then kill the muggers in self defense. Not entirely sure about this but I think the younger one calls out the older for leading them down that path, but the older justifies her actions by reminding her that those men would have probably raped and murdered them both had they not resisted, so they're better off dead.

I rather like that concept and would like to read more but I forgot all the details since I heard about it. Does it ring a bell for anyone?

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What's the best anime for a super normie teenage girl that was raised on shit like Riverdale and South American dramas and mostly consumes Netflix slop and bland youtube animated stories?
She liked Death Note btw
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what genre / themes would work best? (anime is too broad.) Any content that should be avoided?
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real answer: Hazbin Hotel
answer you're looking for: dagonronpa
Love live
Mob Psycho and Ghibli Movies are safe bets. The new Fruits basket is neat too.
JJBA only if she's already into that.

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Who is this?

Yeah, she is wearing a bikini. Nothing sexual tho.

Totally safe for work.
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Hell no

Fuck you both

That's me boi
Adult film actress Leah Gotti. Took 30 seconds on Yandex reverse search.
Yeah, and you got it wrong like the idiots in /r/.

Sure looks like her.
You BTFO me. I lost.

I've been looking for a solution to use AI upscaling for old videos. I've already tried some cv2 methods, but most of the results just give me an upscaled, blurred mess. I know there are some paid software or web apps that can do it, but I'm interested in free tools. Does anyone have experience with free tools for AI upscaling and achieving good results?
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Your welcome, be aware that it's a really slow board.
I had somebody in another general that does excellent upscales, but unfortunately it's basically only good for cartoons.
Much more limited pallette or something; I remember him mentioning how it just doesn't work on movies, you've probably already tried.
*already tried the program.

There are also specialized models if you have a certain kind of material like film, anime, cartoons, vhs source, etc.
thanks anon I fogot about this one.

thanks anon

Hiya, I'm doing a new fansub for Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters and there's a line I'm stuck on. Is it possible for 可愛 to have a negative connotation? If so, what?

Surrounding lines for context. Speaker A has a severe stammer and wants to be liked as he is/for who he is, but Speaker B thinks that's a naive/sentimental ambition since he's 'deformed' (it's set in old Japan, and Speaker B is also 'deformed' with a club foot and is cynical and nihilstic because of his ill treatment) and that Speaker A should lower himself to using his disability manipulatively to get what he wants:

A: 片輪って... 壊せヘん鏡ちっと見せつけられてるみたいなもんや. [Being crippled... is like being followed by a reflection you can't break.]
B: 君は, 自分が可愛すぎるんだよ. [You know, you're too ??????.] This is the line I need help with.
B: だから, たかがどもりぐらいや, そんなに可哀相に思えるんだ. どうせ. 詩かなんか書くんだろ. [That's why you feel so sorry for yourself over a mere stammer. Let me guess, you write poetry or something?]
A (pointing): 金閣寺... 美しすぎて... 怖いんや. [The Golden Pavilion... It's so beautiful, it frightens me.]

B: なんだ? 坊主か? もう救いようねえな! [What's that? A monk? He's beyond help!]
B: それにしても甘いんだよ. 人に好かれたいなんて思う事自体. [Still, it's naïve. To hope for people to like what we are.]
B: 所詮ありえないん. 認めるんだな. [It's just not possible. You have to admit it]
A: でも… [But...]
B: それさえ認めりゃ, 反対にその弱みを餌にして, 女の気を引けるじゃないか. よし. 見てろよ. [Admit it, and you can use your weakness as bait to attract a woman's attention instead. Alright? Watch this.]
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In this context, 可愛すぎる (kawaisugiru) can have a negative connotation of being too naive, sentimental, or overly idealistic. It can imply that Speaker A's desire to be liked for who he is, despite his disability, is seen as overly hopeful or unrealistic by Speaker B. The use of 可愛すぎる in this context suggests that Speaker B views Speaker A's attitude as impractical or unrealistic in the face of their physical deformities and social stigma.
After consideration, there's two ways I could take this:
-Character B is telling Character A he is spoiling life for himself by expecting too much (holding life in too high a regard)
-Character B is telling Character A his idea of *himself* is too inflated so he is disappointed by the reality (holding himself in too high a regard)

I suppose the cultural difference might fudge there being a difference between these two but does the way this expression is used here lean more towards the first or the second meaning?

Put another way, would it be better to render the line as
"You know, you're pretty full of yourself"
"You know, you expect too much [out of life/yourself]"
Thanks, I hadn't refreshed the page before making my previous post. Looks like it's the second?
& probably some nuance I'm missing in the line after if that's the case? Speaker B wouldn't be downplaying Speaker A's stammer as being meagre if he recognises it has detrimental effects on one's social life.

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Could someone please help me find a Stardew Valley comic where it has a new player who has read the wiki immediately give Harvey truffle oil (I think), because they know it's his favorite, while staring at him with a psychopathic look.
I saw it a few months ago, but can't find it again. My searches turn up nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
Completely forgot it was a video. Thank you so much.

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Is there a site/service with high-effort wallpapers without watermarks, low resolution, wrong dimensions, etc? Wallpaper packs are good but they give you random images. I want something more specific
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how can i search images by aspect ratio on palanq.win?
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Unsplash has a good amount of pictures for free, including wallpapers.
Also has plenty of pictures, but mostly focused on stock footage.
NTA but for this you kinda have to do it manually by searching for the width of the landscape image you want. IE 1920 for 1080p or 2160 for 4k etc
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opee here
found a way to filter for only 16:9 images on google: just add &imgar=16:9


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Hello, good men of /wsr/. I am looking for some seinen depressionkino manga to read--particularly in the context of relationships. Something like Oyasumi Punpun and the like. Preferably one without a happy nor hopeful ending. Though I'd still read if if it had one.
Some of the other ones in this "genre" I've read are No Longer Human, Boys on the Run, Homunculus, Trail of Blood.
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See if any of these click with you. Forgive me if they're not all exclusively bad endings, but there's definitely some in there like that. Hopefully the uncertainty will keep you on your toes.

>Relationships, difficulty relating to others:
Kokou no HIto
Game Club

>General bleakness, misery spirals:
Yamikin Ushijima-kun
Thank you very much!
Misu Misou

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Recommend me Frenchcore artists whose works are accessible. I like vocals, even just screaming and I would prefer more obscure artists, though of course if you see something more popular which is a fit then please tell me about that as well. To name some artists whose works I maybe like and already know of:

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Can someone link to/identify the stock alarm sounds used at the beginning of this clip?
You sure it's stock?
considering I've heard them elsewhere and the nature of the show the clip is from, yes.

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I request a QRD on this tank. Full profile, missions, everything.
Only found two more results for that video.
Good enough. Thank you very much my fren!

Does anyone know what the music playing in the back of this South Park scene is?

According to the credits at the end of the episode, it falls under "additional music", credited to themselves.

I've been thinking for a while about the possibility of having a Yukkuri TTS. I know some Japanese streamers have it where it's used in proper but I was trying to think about it being able to be used in English. The only problem is I'm not sure how to get that connection. It makes sense where it would be a machine learning thing that would see how a word is supposed to sound and then translate that to a similar sounding set of katakana characters for it to read, but I haven't found anything like that thus far. Does anyone know a program that can make it happen or someone who can do this work (can negotiate pay)?

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