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Good morning Good afternoon Good night. I don't know if this is the right place to make a report involving lost media. But I'm looking for a copy or just the pdf of a book called A magia da sobrevivĂȘncia ( the magic of survival) by richard maynard. However, because there is no wiki page about the author or any information about the book, I don't know if the name in English remains the same. I know of only 1 copy existing in Brazil, but the person who owns it is selling it for a price of around 200 U$ and refuses to scan it and make it available digitally.If anyone knows of a link to the digital version of the book, please reply it. The file can be in English or Portuguese.

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What is it? opened with a keyboard shortcut (think it was alt+shift+a or whatever). It's not the normal snipping tool, and it's not the accessibility snipping tool either.
Regardless, I'd like it gone. Anyone know how?

Please webm this news clip with the image thumbnail, and with Dark Souls boss music.


>to hell with captcha
Bump you cunts!

pretty please? uwu

Hey /wsr/, I'm currently looking for scans of this Tamagotchi doujin called Tamatomo Friends, and I'm going to need your help.

So, here's the problem, there seems to be no full scans for this doujin anywhere on the internet that I can find. The only pages that got scans were for the first few pages on an online store, and all listings for the doujin have been sold out. Still isn't stopping me from searching for this doujin, though!

I really hope this doujin can be fully scanned and posted online so that it can never be lost to the sands of time, because it looks promising from the few pages I have seen.
Anyways, care to help me on my quest?
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Found the artist pixiv:

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Good to know that we're making progress!
Here's some info I was able to gather:
This doujin was a C85 and was sold in an event for the selling of doujinshi in December 2013.
This is all that I was able to gather though.
That's interesting, and would explain why it's so elusive.
You wouldn't happen to have the link to that information would you?
Came from the description of this link:


I simply translated said info into English for your convenience.

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I was hoping to get this redrawn as two MTG creatures. Phylath, World Sculptor and Kodama of the West Tree. References in following posts.
The links will show alternate artworks that can be used for reference. The alternate arts don't look the exact same but any version that's easier (or funnier) to use feel free. Thanks ahead to anyone considering.

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i need to fake sick or get an injury for an exam i have tmrw, what do i do???
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Haribo sugar-free gummies.
>i need to ... get an injury for an exam i have tmrw, what do i do???
Contract aids
How did it go?

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looking for the original footage of colbert raving
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oh that's cool to have, but is there sound? is there context?

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ages ago there was a youtube video. It was a OC audio story on a small youtube channel, about a knight who went on to save his princess from a dragon. But the female dragon naturally overpowered him and forced him to become her tampon, audio descriptions and sound effects were very NSFW. Has anyone else seen this fuck old video?
>very NSFW

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Anyone know where I can buy this fucking chips? I was starting to think I imagined them until I found this pic after digging
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Try voodoo chips.
It's not the same
nigga these are korean chips brand i think. search up lays chips online or amamzon?
I got these in Germany. There's African style curry and I think Indian too. Or was
in Germany some 6 years ago, I don't know if you can find them anymore (and if you find them, if they are edible).

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some rooms in the 2nd floor of my house doesn't have electricity and don't have walls. do people get random handy men they know to do home repairs or is there a better way of going about it? I really don't know where to start with this, I would do it myself to prove I'm a man but I'm sure it's a risk if I try to do something with electricity also putting up walls for two rooms seems like too much work for one guy.
Not a request.
>do people get random handy men
No. Hire an electrician, don't fucking touch electrical without knowing what you're doing
>I would do it myself to prove I'm a man
>also putting up walls for two rooms seems like too much work for one guy
Hire a single drywaller and learn that you aren't a man as he easily completes your job. Walls are eazy, a single man can drywall ceilings
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looking for that pic of the japanese dude wearing this, a body suit, and a vr headset
ffs ask for that vid on >>>/r/
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its barely nsfw
found it anyhow
ohh, I thought you wanted the one with the fat guy sitting near a computer
he's wearing something over his eyes and some kind of... contraption, is in his dick and moving back and forth
>this kills the roastie

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Can anyone sing this? (Lyrics are in the OP picture)

Original version - https://youtu.be/kMy8W0j-Slw?si=IHbwqrz0_pUaqLmw
Instrumental version - https://youtu.be/_rztGoWeQVw?si=InSni1U5ekHNhCVt

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does anyone know where i can watch the censored South Park episodes? I've been looking for them for quite a long time but i cant find them anywhere
Dunno, but I complement your request, there were several episodes which were better censored
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Something where someone, likely the protagonist, believes in very out there things like other worlds, supernatural stuff or that they are special or something without proof or evidence at first but what they believe is true or close to it.
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Paranoia agent
Samurai Flamenco
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Big O!
Uzumaki, Kirie's bf.
Haruhi Suzumiya

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I'm looking for doraemon movies to download but there was only about 5 titles available on nyaa with english sub.
anyone know where else to find them? or maybe if you have some big collection maybe make a thread on /t/?
40 replies omitted. Click here to view.
9 anime or zoro tends to have a download button next to the settings button depending on the server that you choose
Gonna be mia for a few days.
Movie 7

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