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I deleted important shit including this one. I really need this one back to study for this and whoever gave me just won't answer.

Please. My test is in one month from now.
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The file is 200-301 200-301.examsforall.premium.exam.275q

And it's for the CCNA test. 200 - 301
Did ya find it?
I think this might be it. But I didn't know it was pay for.


Doesn't anyone here have one already??

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Where does she post now? I lost track of her a couple of years ago, but I keep seeing recent social media and OF posts like picrel
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I can't believe this person is male
god I want to make a wife out of him
>Irrelevant cunts
Oh, so you're here to jack off, and your confused why we're not helping
April upload

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Requesting origin of picrel. Earliest I could find was on Wikimedia Commons, and was an upscaled version. Not talking about the one that originated from pokemopolis, but rather this specific version.
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>no replies
ugh :-(
slow board dumb ape calm down
here, sorry for calling you an ape.
ctrl-f 718smiley

Earliest i have of this in 736×736 is from april 2007

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Looking for an image that had an assortment of sprites from a Pokemon fangame. It had the two sprites in pic related, a few other trainer sprites, various fakemon sprites, and a title screen. It was originally from deviantart but must have been deleted.

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I'm looking for page from some super hero comic that has a super buff guy hitting himself with a big punching bag and talking about how it helps him brace against bigger guys trying to tackle or hit him. He calls the punching bag the 'Fat Boy' or something.

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Is there some script that will automatically borrow, then download the encrypted pdf + ACSM file, so I can pass it through DeGourou? Or this something I have to figure out myself? I'm trying to mass download books from a fairly large list I have.
I was originally using https://github.com/MiniGlome/Archive.org-Downloader.git but many of the pdfs came out greyed out, unfortunately. This sucks because I've got thousands of unusable books now.

>mentally ill
>don't qualify for NEETbux
>live with mom
>no car or driver's license
>no friends
>combined work experience of 4 months over 4 years
>no computer
what steps can i take to improve my life? what can i do? what can i afford to do. applying for jobs doesn't work. applying for NEETbux doesn't work. nothing works. i'm stuck. i don't know what to do.

and before offering any advice, please do not underestimate just how poor i am. i likely do not have nor can afford to have the means to follow most of your advice. i'm working with a budget of $0.
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i applied for goodwill (who hire people with disabilities) and they didn't call back. i guess i was too high-functioning. i'm just squarely mediocre at literally every aspect.
Ask about their training programs made for the disabled. I did that with High functioning autism.
>go to the plasma bank a few times and/or do odd jobs. (Learn something online)
>sell your remaining games, headphones and old phone and any technology that you can get money from
>save enough money for a ride to the nearest English speaking city and a hotel
>look around for jobs in the city
>apply for as many jobs as possible.
>get a bike
>get an apartment
Volunteer at a thrift shop
Go read some books at the library
i went to a church today and couldn't find anyone who works there who speaks english.

Anyone got that "I'm a trans girl and I need my diaper speech bubble" ? I really need it right now and I can't find it.
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shtibidi dop dop dop yes yes
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its gif cause discord
what board
idk i found it on discord i just said taht
from /lgbt/, 4chan's laughing stock. check it out sometime

What song is this from?
Looks like mike will

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anyone have any similar gifs to this? like the characters not necessarily the action

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internet won't give me access to porn websites (just specific popular porn websites like pornhub, but not nhentai), I changed DNS servers on both IPv4 and IPv6 and that doesn't work.
it is a network problem since it happens in multiple devices and browsers, (chrome, mozilla, edge) yes I tried deleting cookies, cache etc. and it doesn't happen when I use alternative networks, tracer route stops inside my ISP's servers

however when I tried to enter using Opera mini browser that I forgot I had installed in my phone, it lets me in; no matter the DNS, it even lets me download the videos at full speed, what gives?
when I try to ping one of the sites, all the packages are lost. but Opera displays the site perfectly, same network, same device.
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
I'm not from the US, nor from any other country with laws against porn
besides, how do you explain my ability to access the sites through Opera?
opera routes your traffic through a bunch of servers, also it sells your data
>I'm not from the US, nor from any other country
Good for you spacexir
are you using a vpn?
I've tried a VPN and works fine when accessing from it using another country's IP

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Where is this from please?
That dude that caught the arrow screams Vampire Hunter D, but I haven't watched it in 20-30 years, so I'm not sure
vampire hunter d, bloodlust
lol that wasn't the right link...
was doing a view same search on desuarchive
this is it

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Hi, Does anyone have a download link for the song "GO GET BUSY (KURORO Bootleg)"
I know of three sets that contain a part of the track:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT8YAjZTtww the first minute and a half
https://youtu.be/3KNL9itMUeI&t=1566 at 26:08
https://soundcloud.com/dogfightrec/dogfight-podcast-005-neka at 54:47
The song was originally on soundcloud with a free download link but has since been taken down: https://on.soundcloud.com/YnVCY

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Does anyone know a good Key Remapper program alternative to SharpKeys? Sharpkeys forces you to restart your PC to make its changes. That's fucking retarded. I don't want to restart my PC everytime for vidya.
This >>1460700
Or get a programmable keyboard with via/qmk

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Any students of history here? I need help finding a source for an interesting ancient battle I heard of a few years ago.
I think it was a video by the channel Ancient Recitations (or maybe another one of Sargon's alternate channels), but I can't find it in his catalog, or I can't recognize it if it's still there.

If I remember right, the battle was fought against the Greeks. The armies who fought them were lead by two brothers that were from a family with a history of dying in battle but still being victorious. The brothers met before the battle and agreed that they couldn't win unless one of them dies, so they made a pact that the first one to lose ground must be the one to die.
When this happened during the battle, the brother who lost ground ran out alone against the enemy ranks, which worried and confused them. After he was killed, his and his brother's armies charged and won the battle.
I'm surprised I've only heard of this once, and I'd like to learn more about it, so any help would be appreciated.
Doki Doki Panic
Oh shoot, I thought I was on /v/ and that you accidentally posted there. Sorry anon, my foot is in my mouth. I hope you get a proper answer.
Lmao it's alright, thanks.

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