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I've spent years in SEA and never even considered here. Give me everything you know.
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It's the never been to Burma Burma expert again
Also never been to Yemen, Afghanistan or Haiti ofc
Probably been to Cabo with his parents
sirs that picture is borneo not burma
please to be staying on topic thank you sirs
Why do you want to defend the shitholes of all shitholes so badly
Sarawak is the rightful clay of the white man.
infrastructure is worse than in Thailand but not so bad compared to Cambodia and many other SEA countries
the whole country isn't "an active warzone"

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Alright /trv/ I'm going to be doing a road trip in North Dakota and South Dakota that's mostly hiking and camping. After I'm going to spend some days working remote in deep west Nebraska (and hitting up Oglala National Grassland and Nebraska National Forest on the way).

I will see Scottsbluff National Monument at some point but I can do as much driving as needed after work and move around towns.

If I have a weekish where are some comfy towns I can base myself out of with a nice coffee shop to work at? I've been looking at google maps and there's some great options. Is Scottsbluffs city too big to get the TRVE Nebraska feel? I'd prefer to be in some tiny town. I'm thinking Chadron will be the best because it seems comfy, has a good coffee shop and has good hiking to do after work. But any other reccomendations?
I hope you're not a commiefornian or a yankee
Forget what it's called but there's a big ass lake in western nebraska that's a popular summer spot
Even if I was (I'm not) I'm not moving to NE I'll be there less than two weeks as a tourist...
I think you have the right idea. I would say base yourself out of Chadron. It's close to the black hills of SD. You can go to Toadstool Geologic Park which is like a mini Badlands (dont go if it has been rainy, the road is not maintained well). Camping there is like $3 I think and there is hardly anyone there. Chadron State Park is also really good. There are coffee shops in Chadron and some museums in the area.
You can look at the Nebraska passport and the Hwy 2/Sandhills Scenic Byway app for ideas on things you might like to see.
I used to live in Broken Bow is another quaint little town with a bit more life in them than other western NE towns (more decent restaurants and festival type things), but it's more on the southern edge of the sandhills and farther from the things to see and do. But the hills around it to the west towards Callaway are scenic.
Valentine area is good for camping too. You should look into tubing either up near Thedford, Mullen, or the Calamus near Burwell if you want a relaxing thing to do. The sandy-bottomed rivers in western Nebraska are nice to kayak or swim in.
Carhenge is not worth going to, but if you happen to be driving by it's worth stopping for 5 minutes.
Avoid towns on i-80 like Kearney and North Platte. There's nothing to do there except go to Walmart. I can't speak to Scottsbluff as I have never actually been there. You can't go wrong with Chadron though. Good luck!
Lake McConaughey. I've never been but I imagine it would be awfully windy.

Let's talk about Eastern Europe travel here.

Give me your favorite Eastern European spots/suggestions.
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I've never had a problem visiting Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, or anywhere, even when biking/hiking the border. I have a US and EU passport. I usually give them both and just tell them the truth.
Fuck, I'm a retard and read the post too quickly.

Last time I was in Serbia I crossed Sofia - Nis with 0 issues or questions.

Your EU passport/ID is enough to not warrant questions about onward travel. It's asked if they suspect you're going to overstay and be an illegal.

Proof of onward travel isn't an entry requirement, though they reserve the right to ask if they suspect something. Suspicions = fitting the profile of an illegal immigrant, not a backpacker going to what they consider their territory.

If asked, never lie on any border. However, do not use the word Kosovo or imply it is an independent country. Your flight back is from Pristina, which is in Serbia for the purposes of getting into Serbia.
Do you guys have any experience or tips on crossing the Serbian-Kosovo border by bus?

Some sources state that when crossing the border by bus that every passenger has to get out, walk to the Serbian border post, then reboard the bus and the same thing again on the Kosovon side. Other places tell me that the border guards would enter the bus and check/stamp the passports of each passenger individually. And then there are mentions on some travel blogs that the bus driver collects the passengers' passports and handles the border crossing for the passengers.

I'd rather not give out my passport to some bus driver, but if that's normal at the region then fine by me.
Not this specific border, but most others in the region.

Giving your passport to the driver is normal. For added fun, he'll even nominate a random passenger to hand the passports back out, who'll call your name with shitty pronunciation.

Somebody from the border will probably march up the bus and do a face control to begin, and some people may get called out for specific screening or to have bags checked. Very unlikely that EU travelers will be hassled here.

The region is '''moving towards''' creating a mini-shengen zone (the Open Balkan initiative), with tourism being stated as a key part. They're not out to get you.

>On 12 May 2022, Serbian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić talked in Tirana with Albanian Minister of Tourism and Environment Mirela Kumbaro about cooperation within the "Open Balkans" initiative, with an emphasis on removing barriers and reaching an agreement in the field of tourism.[29]
year average inflation was 14% in 2022, 9% in 2023 and is expected to be a normal stable low 3% in 2024 within the inflation target

what you miss is the fact that wages have grown tremendously too. inflation is oftentimes intrinsically linked to economic expansion

An old friend and I are flying to Zurich on Friday, to spend about two weeks exploring the region. Current plan is to spend a few days in Switzerland before heading North by train. The only 'planned' activity is to visit a small town outside Cologne, which is where my ancestors lived before they migrated to the US in the 1850s.

Besides that, we have no real plan or structure around how we will spend our time or where we will go. I am used to traveling domestically in the US, so the scale makes it seem like it would be relatively easy to see Eastern France, Belgium, and Netherlands while we are there. I'm generally interested in avoiding very tourism focused areas, and enjoying whatever the local areas have to offer. Food, drink, scenery, meeting people. I had considered looking for some live music in the cities we'll be in as a way to meet locals.

My only travel outside the US was to Shanghai, which I enjoyed but was very different than I expect this part of Europe to be.

Any general advice or suggestions on how to make the most of our time in the region?
Too late for winter activities and a bit too early for it to be warm summer. What kinds of things interest you exactly? Nature? History? Partying?
>Nature? History? Partying?
All of the above. I love nature, but there is no shortage of that in the US where I have done a lot of traveling. I am interested in nature that is unique to the area though.
I have family in Switzerland and they suggested this time of year as a good time to visit. Weather is getting better and it's a 'low tourism' time so it is easy to find places to stay. Personally I am most interested in experiencing the local culture of the region where my family is from. My friend who I am traveling with will be more interested in partying, so probably some of both. This will be the first time I have had more than one week away from my job in five years so I am just trying to enjoy myself and take it easy.

So far we are planning to maybe see Verdun, Belfort, Porsche and Benz in Stuttgart, maybe the Zeppelin hangar in Friedrichschafen, the Cathedral and catacombs in Cologne.

Any suggestions on other nature or historical sites to visit, and what cities are best for nightlife? What would you do if you ended up with 10 free days in the area, no plans, and plenty of money?
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This is a strange suggestion but if you're in the area anyway you could quickly check out the hambach surface lignite mine. It's a big hole in the ground that, given your ancestry, will no doubt appeal to you
Damn that's a lot of coal. This does appeal to my very specific strain of inherited autism. I visited a large copper mine once in the US and it was equal parts awe inspiring and depressing to see the hellscape wrought by man on Earth.

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What are you supposed to say? I said Tourism and then he asked how long I will be staying and I said 4 weeks and he gave me a funny look but still let me in. I’m working from my laptop btw I just didn’t want to say that in case it caused me issues
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And hang on… assuming your Norwegian detention was in fact COVID related, how did you get on the plane in the first place? Any time I had to fly someplace with COVID restrictions in place, I had to show relevant documents at check-in at my departing airport. Where were you coming from that wasn’t doing this?
gee I wonder who could be behind this post
Usually your own citizens are exempted from a lot of the usual travel document rules.
For example they are able to enter the country with an expired passport or active warrants, but will have to comply with whatever regulations once they pass immigration.
Sure, but this guy was not Norwegian. He would have been exempted from nothing.
well sir im here to leave on the cheap and eat local food hoping it'll trick my neurons into producing just the slightest amount of dopamine so i can postpone my eventual suicide just a bit longer

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Post your travel maps in this thread. Pic related is the official /trv/ Real Traveler's map™, edition 4.0.4

Fill in the countries and subdivisions you have visited, talk about your map and ask others about their maps. You can use the map however you like, the colors are more like suggestions, you don't have to use them, and you don't have to use all of them. You can add or remove colors and change the map as much as you want in any way you want. Don't like this map? Upload a completely different one. Up to you. Despite what some might say, there's no "wrong" way to use the map, and new posters and less travelled people are welcome and encouraged to stay and post :) This map is a group effort by our board, and we can only improve it if people reach out to share suggestions or corrections.

This is the newest edition of the map, edition 4.0.4, updated for January 2024. I'll post the simplified template in the next post. Changelog:

Subdivision changes
>Added Southwest Papua province of Indonesia (located in the northwest of Papua)
>The Central African Republic created three new prefectures in 2020 that I wasn't aware of before now
>Following a referendum in August 2023, Ethiopia's Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region was finally dissolved and split into Central and South Ethiopa Regional State
>Norway reversed some of the merged counties from 2020 and now consists of an unholy mix of 15 old and new counties
>Following the war with Azerbaijan, Artsakh has been dissolved and removed from the map
And this is why we travel lads. A country just disappeared overnight. The old Artsakh has been added as DLC.
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Absolutely based country, with very nice people and culture. I was there in 1998, so peak 90s vibe. My family wasn't rich, but we stayed in the North.

Interesting contrast between Seychelles and Mauritius. The former has nicer/interesting nature, while the latter has better infrastructure/goods. Both are worth checking out.
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>dding zoomed in boxes with the subdivions of the Caribbean, it's something I want to do, but I don't really know how. The times I've tried it never looks nice. Suggestions on a viable way of doing it is more than welcome.
just enlarged islands or down to county level? The islands are quite small except Puerto Rico
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Moving to Asia to coast for a while. Someone recommend me the best places to coast in Asia for a few years.

Also give me your Japan travel recs

So many Eurotravelchads sleep on Iceland, but it's my favorite place I've been so far.

How do you like living in Montana? I've thought about moving out to the Montana/Idaho/Wyoming area a few times.
NTA but don’t move to Montana or Idaho, you’re a bit too late having that idea. Population and cost of living has been exploding in those states and it’s only going to continue.

what would i need to know in order to live in madrid, spain
is it difficult to find jobs there
how is life there, generally?
and do i need to speak french?
Oui. Si vous ne parlez pas français, vous ne pouvez pas vivre à Madrid.
>what would i need to know in order to live in madrid, spain
Study the Quran and obey Shariah and you will rule any European brothel/city you enter

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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

If your question is long or convoluted, it might deserve its own thread.

If your question is specific to a popular destination, ask in a relevant thread/general instead.

Previous thread: >>2600606
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You'd get public transport to Wladyslowowo (base of peninsula). When you're there there's a company called Ottobike who you can rent a bike from and then drop off in Hel (end of peninsula). Route is 40km, should take like 2 hours, and gives you freedom to stop off anywhere on the way. Think it's 50pln for a day's rental.

The peninsula is just 1 big beautiful beach like picrel. Definitely nicer than the main cities (though obviously less people here).

If you don't like biking, there's a single track railway going up there, but that robs you of the freedom to stop wherever you please.

From Hel you then get the ferry back to Gdansk, which is a nice journey taking you past the famous shipyards, etc. Make sure you check this time, or you'll be kinda stranded and will need to sleep the night there.
Sounds extremely based. Thanks anon!
Strange question for 4chan, but /trv/ seems sort-of socially adjusted.
What are the most significant changes in travelling once you become a parent? Besides having to keep kid-friendly activities in the program, of course. Parentanons, did becoming a parent enhance the travel experience or did you feel better off when you could decide exactly what you wanted to do and when?
Other than work Ive stopped traveling completely. Its just not worth it. Too much risk traveling with a toddler and there isnt any point since he wont remember any of it. Im also of the opinion that travelers with little children are just disgustingly selfish.
At what point/age will you consider travelling again? Or have you given up completely?

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How do we fix international traintravel? It never seems to be cheaper or more convenient than flights, using a car or busses.
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Serious question: How are trains so expensive?
Specially when comparing to a plane:
1. Train station + rails vs Airport and related infrastructure
2. Train (the machine) is much much cheaper than a plane
3. Electricity vs Aircraft fuel
4. Subsided vs taxed everywhere (except fuel)

I really don't understand it
That may arrive the following years with smaller, lower capacity electric A/C.

We are talking of maybe 15pax compared to 120+ pax that current planes get.

These planes would have so little requirements for airport infrastructure, safety controls etc that many smaller regional aerodromes could be used, which would be much faster for passengers
supply and demand
Train infrastructure cumulatively takes up more more land and requires much more maintenance and costs a fortune to expand. You can shit out an airport anywhere and that's it, it's in the network.
1. airports are cheap and easy to upgrade and build, rails are not, for example the proposed 3rd runway at heathrow airport would have a cost of maybe £17bn, whereas the now cancelled hs2 high speed rail scheme had a cost of over £50bn. heathrow third runway would add 50% to the airport's capacity, whereas hs2 is just the basic infrastructure needed for even completing journeys. the cost of hs1, a tiny high-speed rail section about 110km long, was £7bn. as >>2656934 said, you can put an airport anywhere and planes from it can travel to anywhere, whereas £7bn was spent on making a high-speed rail connection that has four stations.
2. you need a lot more trains than planes to have a functioning network. for instance the biggest airline in the world, delta, has under 1000. meanwhile, the entire uk has over 15,000 trains
3. the difficulty is in supplying electricity along the entire line, which has to be done by another company, has to be maintained, and then they charge the train company for using it
4. lmao no, airlines recieve massive subsidies in the US and EU, remember in covid how our goverments gave them billions to stay afloat?

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Felix Kjellberg (Pewdiepie) lives in Japan with his Italian wife and their infant mixed race (Nordic/Mediterranean) infant son, Bjorn. However, he’s made a terrible mistake.

Japan is a unique culture. It is a racially homogenous ethnostate. Anyone who is not racially Japanese is considered a foreigner, and can NEVER be truly accepted. You see where I’m going here?

Despite being BORN IN JAPAN, the kid will always be viewed as an outsider. Even though he was born there, he will never be accepted, because he is not racially Japanese.
Imagine being a foreigner in your own country. What will be the psychological effects on the kid, as he realises that he will always be a Gaijan, even in the country where he was born and grows up in.
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Google Jus Sanguinis and you will understand how things work in old world countries.

In most of the world citizenship and nationality are not linked to land i.e. the place where a person is born, but to the citizenship and nationality of their parents.
Apart from the countries in the American continent, this is how things have been like for all of history because borders change all the time, and it's also one of the earliest forms of human rights, once it ensures self determination to people even in case a nation loses sovereignty of its physical territories. And in the old world reality it's necessary to be like this because countries can stop existing like Poland did for more than 100 years, for example. People are protected from geopolitical events like this. It means people don't need to rely on territorial integrity in order to have a nationality.
It's a different reality from yours, and a normal thing specially for Europeans. It's happening in Ukraine as we speak. Do you think they will stop being Ukrainians because of problems with borders? A country's sovereignty can be fluid, but people's identity can survive even if the territory is not under control.
In the old world a nation builds a country, and not vice versa like in the Americas.

A lot of people are being rude to you in this thread because you took for granted a worldview you have that is considered "common sense" in your culture, but in reality your perception of things is wildly different from the rest of the world. The reason they are in Japan and are comfortable with all those things you mentioned is also the same reason why you can't understand why they went there and chose to stay. It's because they live a different reality from you, and being international is a normal thing in the old world. It's also the reason why your country exists today, if you think about it. Because Europeans went there.
>I think only America and Canada are the only exceptions to this, because they don't have their own ethnic groups.

Not true. Traditionally (before mass immigration) Americans and Canadians are white.

They call it "old white stock Canadian" (Anglo)
White, sure, but that isn't really an ethnic group. Anglo-Saxon is an ethnic group, but the Americans have always had other European ethnicities mixed in that were not Anglo-Saxon.
I love Japan so much bros, but Japan isn't for anyone but native Japanese. His kid will be European and that's more than ok.
I like how you left out the part that the kid is RICH

Ugliest cabin crew uniforms by far. Terrible color, unflattering silhouette, and the fabric looks like some cheap shiny plastic/polyester crap you find at a Chinese street market. Who the fucked approved this shit.
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how'd you meet her
The girls themselves are kinda meh too. They choose girls with a certain facial structure that Koreans think is ideal. Round face or something like that.

Asiana airlines girls are way better. They are being bought by Korean air though which is sad.
They look like clouds in the sky, retard. Meant to offer you a sense of having a light, airy, cruise through the heavens.

Makes the aircraft feel less claustrophobic, and makes the service less imposing, as it blends into the landscape. The glossy finish is great at reflecting natural light, too, which is important.
Looks cute and comfortable. Good for them
sorry you got exposed so fast bro

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Anyone ever been to Beppu? I'm there now but not sure what to do. Halp
Hi! Welcome to McDonald's! May I take your order?
There's like 90 Japan threads. What is it with you weeb fags refusing to take a few seconds to check the catalog
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>bumping a thread within the hour on one the SLOWEST boards on this hellscape when there are also dozens of Japan related threads already
beppu :DD

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Planning on trying to visit Egypt in late May to early June. I know I need a visa and my passport is up to date, but is there anything else I should be aware of or reserve before going? Or is the situation in the bordering countries too intense? No itinerary yet either. I appreciate any help.
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>Private tour was fantastic
>Advises people to gtfo the city asap
I recall purchasing a visa on arrival, though you can likely apply for a visa in advance, too.

>I’m American, is there a chance I get denied?
You can be issued a visa and denied entry upon arrival. In either case, you'd likely have to raise several red flags to have this happen.
Any alcohol I should avoid or look out for?
All of it's the same, it's good
This is where I used to get booze in Cairo:

They used to do deliveries to your door, back when this shit was unheard of back home. If you gave the cunt 7 bottles, you'd get a free beer, too. Used to have a nice little collection going in the hallway.

Be discrete when you're carrying bottles out. Also, I was never sure whether I could drink in my hostel, so I put shit in a flask, and played it on the dl. Better not to offend anybody. Drinking in public is a huge no-no.

As you can see on the site, the stuff they sell is no name Egyptian shit, produced locally. Think Heineken do the beer on license, though. (Resorts have specially tagged western booze which is dirt cheap in comparison).

I remember once I was boozing with a mate in some kino bar with sawdust on the floor. He was ordering "Zibiba" which is Egyptian Ouzo. The shit is fucking rough. My mate went to the toilet, fell the fuck over, and smashed his head on the sink after a few drinks of it.

Think I mentioned earlier, bring spirits in luggage (check the limit! think it's 1 or 2 bottles). It'll make an excellent gift for anybody you clock is a drinker, as good booze is a bit of a commodity around town.

In other cities there are "duty free shops". Important to stock up here if you like boozing in your hotel room, or are on a Nile Cruise and don't wanna get gipped.

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1. Can I do a visa run and re enter Japan after being their for 90 days?

2. Are there any good Japanese foods? These udon noodles were slimy and gross, the broth was good. What are some simple foods that are good, like soups or noodles without stinky fish or fatty meats? What should I try that's easily accessible?

3.what are some other comfy cities like nagasaki ? Similar sized or smaller?
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1. Yes you can

2if you don't like undone just eat the regular ramen. Stuff is so good and cheap. Non noodles dishes I recommend the fried chicken the way they season it is so good. If you like spicy or BBQ food that makes it even better. Bbq is a bit more on the expensive side but still delicious.

3 idk. Id say Kyoto, and Osaka. Tokyo is massive and doesn't really give off comfy vibes.


Don't listen to this negative nancy
>Can I do a visa run and re enter Japan after being their for 90 days?
Once a year, up to a maximum of 180 days.
>3.what are some other comfy cities like nagasaki ? Similar sized or smaller?
Matsuyama is comfy like that. Also Kanazawa.
I've only been to Kochi during the Yosakoi festival but that was a pretty nice smaller city as well.
there's no cool down period between 90 day stays?
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Thank you for the comfy city recommendations. I still need some food advice. Are there any good japanese foods?

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>six nights in Tokyo
>six nights in Kyoto

My first time ever visiting Japan. Is this a good itinerary? I don’t want to rush myself during my trip and enjoy both cities at a comfortable pace.
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Anything I should see in kyoto other than the inari shrine then? What type of accommodations did you stay in in Osaka? I am planning a mix of business hotels and hostels. Also a few hotels. Worth trying to get a ryoken in the area?
This 100%
You type like a seething retard, calm down you sperg
I just did Chion-in Temple on Wednesday, it was a fantastic experience, partly because it was the branch of Buddhism Shogun Tokugawa Iyesu showed favor to, so he has his own quarters on the campus that feels a lot like the Nijo Castle tour except way better since there's less tourists and less employees bossing you around, way more freedom to experience it. Walking around on 550 year old "Nightingale Floors" designed to alert the Shogun and his samurai retainers to ninja intruders was a trip.
Osaka is super friendly and open. I love it. Much better than Tokyo imbho.

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