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What should I know if I have ~3 nights here - dangers, scams and overlooked stuff? I'm brown and speak some French.
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>Kek you'll be seen as a local.
>they'll just assume you're merely a poor nobody
lol, no. That's not how it works. The locals can tell whether you're one of them or not.

So tourist scams are a thing but it is not really dangerous. Bring small, exact change of west african francs... for everything? I assuming things like chains or hotels will accept credit card or am i wrong?
>I assuming things like chains or hotels will accept credit card or am i wrong?
Lots of places take cards. Smaller places no, but plenty of places no problem.
>brown skin
You’ll probably be killed by a speeding vehicle at night as there are no crosswalks, no streetlights, and half the vehicles don’t have headlights. I’ve never felt more unsafe crossing a road. Maybe smear your face with reflective paint to heighten the contrast so drivers can see you.
I've see the phrase "sept places" for buses you have to haggle for a spot in until they have enough passengers to depart... seems like a perfect spot for tourists to get scammed or worse?

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Thinking of heading to Colombia next month
What am I in for?
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Colombia is a shit hole not worth visiting. If you don't speak Spanish you are easy prey. Don't be like the "passport bro" niggers who go there for cheap sex. You will get drugged, robbed or killed.
Been through the city, I came across the highlands from Pamplona by bus. It looked modern and well-kept by Colombian standards. Bus terminal was great. Climate is warm but not oppressively so. It rains a lot there, almost every day. On that trip I only stayed in rooms that cost under $10/night, and I couldn't book anything for that price in B'manga, so I headed on to San Gil.
>tourism industry in Mexico is DEAD
Outright confabulation. 42 million tourists visited in 2023. https://www.datatur.sectur.gob.mx/RAT/RAT-2023-12(EN).pdf
Mexico is busier than ever, and prices have gone through the roof in much of the country. Hostel bunks are now selling for $20 a night in Puerto Vallarta.
Oaxaca de Juarez is full of white people in the winter. Walk downtown and you see as many white people as oaxaquenos. And yes, gentrification is a real problem. Everywhere you look there's some boutique restaurant charging $20 for a plate of food. Of course with the strong peso, it's foreigners who are getting price-gouged these days, so Mexicans aren't seething like they were back in 2021. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the airbnb-dwelling digital nomads in CDMX have packed up and moved on to cheaper pastures.
>cheapest country to visit in South America
>comfortable highland climate, pick your elevation
>amazing natural diversity and unique landscapes
>plentiful tropical fruit
>cheap flights from the USA
>polite friendly service in businesses
>fitness culture
>great place to learn Spanish
>dangerous fun available
sounds worth visiting to me

>Mexicans aren't seething like they were back in 2021.

You can't be American in Mexico anymore.

>42 million tourists visited in 2023.

Doubt it, and let's address all of the NGO workers bullshitting on the visas that aid human trafficking north, and include all of the Russians and Chinese doing the same shit and worse. How many of those 'migrants' are being issued tourist visas by the $5/stamp border guards on the southern borders as well?

>Hostel bunks are now selling for $20 a night in Puerto Vallarta.

The 'hostals' are full of tattoo'd up Mexicans that are laundering drug money into the businesses. There are 2 or even 3 cartel soldiers laundering through the hostals for every 1 foreigner. The tattoo'd browns and the brown guys coming in at night with backpacks are all tax mules and unless you're the Hilton then your business is a cartel front VIA extortion or choice.

>And yes, gentrification is a real problem.

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All the housing has been taken up by gringos running their AirBnb businesses. This is a problem both in CDMX and MDE and the locals are pissed about it.

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I want to go overseas and teach foreigners English. I have almost all of the prerequisites finished. Where should I go?

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Why do airlines charge you seemingly randomly throughout the year? Even during the holidays, sometimes you can get a cheaper rate pending on when you buy.

But then you get stupid shit like this where you spend less time flying, but are charged more for the EXACT same flight path/trip.

Why aren't price regulations a thing with the airlines? They ALL do this, which heavily implies price fixing.

I guess a side question is, how do you afford air travel? What is the cheapest way to buy a plane ticket without an absurd layover?
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>Why do airlines charge you seemingly randomly throughout the year?
Because you don't have an access to data they use in order to set their prices. That's why it's random to you and to them it makes perfect sense
Pricing algos can be weird
Recently I noticed that some airlines charge as much, if not more for booking 8-12 months ahead as they do for 2 weeks ahead
I can't say I understand why, but I have taken advantage of the cheaper tickets on short notice in these cases, I hate planning things far in advance
You have a mix of (I assume) Machine Learning algorithms predicting the amount of customers within a certain time frame combined with Operations Research optimization algorithms solving to achieve optimal results for certain goals some strategic management guys came up with, taking into account dozens if not hundreds of variables and constraints. The fact that things are dynamic out there makes it even more whoozey.
>Why aren't price regulations a thing with the airlines? They ALL do this, which heavily implies price fixing.
Because it is a fairly competetive market and thus already favours the customer quite heavily. Look at shit like "privatized" train companies, which are highly regulated. You always have delays, bad customer service and absolutely staggering costs for even short trips.
Wasn't there a time in the past when last minute tickets were actually the cheap ones since the air line would rather sell cheap than have empty seats?
>Wasn't there a time in the past when last minute tickets were actually the cheap ones since the air line would rather sell cheap than have empty seats?
That was way back, then it turned into a constant increase as you get closer to the flight date due to airlines overbooking flights to ensure no empty seats.
Not sure why I started to be able to find cheaper short notice tickets recently to be honest, might have to do with my home airport since it's not a major one and I always need at least one layover for flights to USA or Asia.
I choose the happy median of a couple months before the flight that way my plans are locked in.

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Is it a silly dream to want to travel around the entire world?

I have the instinctual urge to go be a vagabond that never returns home, but I have the sensibility to know it's expensive and/or risky to go out so long, and the novelty could wear off at any moment. At the same time, American work culture's generic "2 weeks per year" shit is not really enough to get a good feel for the world. I just don't want to die without seeing the planet and its people in an organic fashion. Any thoughts?
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Europoor here, will finish my Masters in Data Science soon, but also have a lot of CS stuff.
Which skills would you recommend I grind now in order to land a high paying job, ideally in the states? For that money I am indifferent whether it is programming, software architecture stuff or DS
Also, does the pay increase happen automatically or do you have to annoy your boss every few months?
>in the states
Ask around on H1B/big tech forums, namely Blind.

>Also, does the pay increase happen automatically or do you have to annoy your boss every few months?
I've never asked for a promotion or a pay increase. I've given myself high marks on my self-eval which usually has bonus implications but my biggest bumps have come from job hopping. Job hopping is common for younger employees so they should bump your pay automatically unless they WANT you to leave.
Will check that out ty
>I've given myself high marks on my self-eval which usually has bonus implications
That sounds like quite the broken system. Do you get a higher workload also when doing something like that?
It's only broken in the sense that it's kind of irrelevant. Bonus money is allocated to teams and then it's up to the manager to decide how much each individual gets.

Your manager already knows if you were useful or not by the time your annual review comes around.

The one time I gave myself above average remarks is when I was trying to get one last big bonus for the fuck of it right before I quit (lol). It didn't work, but I wasn't punished either.
It varies from company to company. A decent company will usually have an annual raise review, if not one after your first six months to adjust your pay. Others only do raises upon promotion, some only on protest from the employee. Union raises are typically structured by tenure and position, not skill. Just depends on who you work for.

That's why job hopping is so beneficial, you get realistic pay bumps (10-30%) instead of the marginal (2-10%) bumps you get just to counter inflation and cost of living.

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Is the Falkland Islands worth visiting?
If you want to see large cetaceans it’s good, but the bong homeland is better for that
Isn't this North Korea?

where can I get a job traveling with research groups to middle of bumfuck nowhere? no I am not getting a geology degree
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big store of non-perishable goods, which we'd cook communally every evening. Also some fresher stuff whenever a boat with supplies came every month or so. Also we caught fresh fish
Were you the seabird guy posting above? If so, what sorts of birds are/were you looking at, and what is interesting about them? Are you working on PhD, as some kind of research assistant, or other?

Also curious to know what your day-to-day research activities are like. I have friends who’ve done zoological or ecological work for various government agencies doing stuff they described as “counting fish” and “dissecting bear shit,” among other things, but the details are pretty mysterious to me as someone who, y’know, works indoors.
>t. worked there 2021-2022 summer season
What did you do, and how did you like it? I have a friend who nearly went down to do some kind of food service management role, but he ended up changing his mind and working on cruise ships for a few years, ending up with what I suspect would have been similar complaints about pay, hours, and working conditions, but arguably better weather when he wasn’t on an Arctic or Alaskan contract.

And have you read Big Dead Place, either before or afterwards?
Postdoc here. You should understand something fundamental about the academic research business: Principle Investigators (usually profs) win (usually big, national) money, spend it on postdocs, students in lab, technicians, etc. so to produce publications which bolster the academic's CV that has only 2 sections publications and money won. The cycle repeats and the side effect is a great deal of knowledge (quality varies) is generated all over the world under the exact same model.

Put yourself in the PI's shoes: Why the hell does anyone want to hire you when there's an army of researchers, researchers in training, hired guns with valuable skills, etc. available? Are you exceedingly cheap and your time worthless? If not then you clearly won't beat out a local at the fieldwork site.

/t. geomorphologist
>Were you the seabird guy posting above? If so, what sorts of birds are/were you looking at, and what is interesting about them? Are you working on PhD, as some kind of research assistant, or other?
Yea that was me. Have worked on a variety of different island ecosystem and/or seabird projects. Lots of island species like breeding seabirds are threatened by invasive rodents eating their eggs and chicks so monitoring that is a big part of it. Also done projects where we attach GPS trackers to wild seabirds to see where they feed, migrate, and whether they are affected by offshore windfarms. I was a research assistant for most of these, although PhDs are a good way to get into it, but you'll spend less time actually on location in the field than dedicated fieldworkers.

Day to day activities for the role on that island included walking transects to locate seabird nests and burrows, catching adults and chicks to attach ID rings and take biometrics, surveying for and removing invasive plant species, monitoring native reptiles including injecting ID chips to snakes to determine populations size etc. Lots of maintenance work, plant nursery stuff aswell. It can vary hugely depending on the project

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What is the most touristy city on Earth?
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worst I've been to was Rome
Tokyo was pretty bad tbqh
Dubai, definitely. They serve alcohol in an Islamic theocracy. It'd be like if the Vatican had nun-themed strip clubs specifically for non-Christian foreigners or if Jerusalem had all-you-can-eat chicken bacon egg breakfast sandwich buffets readily available for amerifats.
That is your main takeaway of Dubai being touristy? Not how it's straight up grotesque with the skyscrapers and pointless megaprojects?

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Any particular hikes or tours? I will be in the area a little over 24 hours in mid June.

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What did he do right?
What did he do wrong?
Do you like VH, anon?
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>Why do you base your personality around media that you don't consume?
because its a bot whose goal is engagement and drama
>What did he do right?
What did he do wrong?
surveillance camera man can do no wrong
>surveillance camera man can do no wrong

Hands down one of the funniest things I've ever watched.
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>dude it's like any other camera, lol, why are you mad?
>don't show my face on the internet though pls, I need to be anonymous

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Going to picrel for 5 days next month. What do if I want to eat with and talk to Polish people and avoid filthy tourists like myself
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Also you can't avoid tourists there, you'll overhear people talking in several languages as you walk around. There's a ton of Brazilians and British people there.
I can guarantee you this is no longer the case. Eating out went ~80-100% up since COVID, the cheaper the place the worse it got. 25zł is about right for a medium kebab or chink takeaway now.
Need to give more info on what you're looking for, the things you like, and what you're aiming to get out of the trip.

If you can't provide any of the above, then tourist traps are probably your thing.
i'm looking for underrated but beautiful spots, maybe some you remember from your childhood
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Ok, here goes:

>Nowa Huta & Beksinski Permanent Exhbition
Nowa Huta is the 'communist' settlement which was built for steel miners. Feels totally different to the rest of Krakow. Watch the movie "Man of Marble" to contextualise this. Beksinski was a famous Polish painter who made fucking BLEAK works of art.

There's food trucks around the cultural centre, and you get a very nice view of the city from here. Great place to grab a beer.

A little further afield in this district is Zalew Nowohucki. A lake where people chill. The river's a bit shitty, but you should be able to book kayaks from near here, where you go down a stream to get to the main river.

>Podgorze, Kopiec Kraka & Liban Quarry
Krakow has various mounds around the city. A legendary king is apparently buried here. There's some pagan festivals around place for the solstices. You get the best view of the city from this point.
From here, you can take a path which leads down into the quarrry 'next door'. This is where scenes from Schindler's List were filmed (another film you should watch to contextualise Krakow). There's industrial equipment scattered around here to explore.
After, you'll be able to get into Podgorze - the 3rd touristy are after the old town and kazimierz. Here, there's plenty of restaurants and bars. (Spoko, Drukarnia

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Which island should I visit if I want the following:
- Stereotypical Caribbean island feel (palm trees, exotic birbs)
- Island is bigger than 1 mile. Not sure about the maldives.
- The closer to europe, the better
- Limited death and suffering risk from marine life (sharks are fine, but not sea wasp level)
- No all inclusive resort shit and guards, or at least you should be able to move outside without getting hassled by 1000 scammers other than the average masseur or beach ball sellers
- Focus on nature, no jet skies, paddles and sun lounge covered beaches with current music bars

Usually I go to greek islands, get a basic room and drive around with a scooter while eating sandwiches and local spirits and hiking/swimming. I guess the seychelles are good, but I'm not sure if they are worth it and more for couples and luxury style holidays.
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tip the islanders well
>Limited death and suffering risk from marine life
you are buying into the fear porn. driving or walking around a city is always n^10 more dangerous
I had a friend that trod on a stonefish whilst snorkelling and was hospitalised for 3 months, had to do physio to walk properly again
yeah, that's why I won't visit Detroit or Mumbai. But it's about if the sea isn't full of poisonous jellyfish giving 50 days of pain or bats with rabies in island caves.
Seems harder to get to by plane without using air africa.
I am also looking for a cliche tropical paradise holiday but I want to avoid too many tourists. I have been to the Bahamas which was extremely beautiful but partially ruined by all the noggers and tourists.
I think Sao Tome and Principe along with Micronesia/Polynesia is the best bet. San Andres or the smaller islands off Panama as well.
Seychelles and Maldives just seem full of annoying rich couples

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For those of you who have visited Greece, what were your favorite beaches? Planning a roadtrip with my girlfriend, maybe for late summer. What we care about:
>nice view, sunset view would be nice
>clean water
>shallow enough so she can take a dip, she’s not a great swimmer
>quiet, not overcrowded
>good hotels nearby with parking
>points of interests nearby, cities, historical sites, nature, hiking trails, restaurants
What’s not important
>price of accomodation
>sailing, scuba or snorkeling
>kid friendly, family joints, entertainment
>tourist traps, souvenirs
>nightlife, clubs, cheap drinks
>wild rocky “instagrammable” beaches

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I've been to a few Greek islands. My favorite spot is Mastichari beach along Kos northwestern coast - small chill village, decent restaurants and a huge sandy beach that doesn't get crowded.
Probably not ideal for your girlfriend though, it often gets pretty windy which whips up the waves - also makes the water murky and sometimes dumps a load of seaweed.
Some other nice shallow water beaches down the southern end of the island that don't get the wind, but they also tend to be more crowded.
Only drove there, I stayed in the south, but around Porta Roxa. Doesn't have the swallow beach, it's pretty rocky, but it's like made for couples with that sunset view. Really nice hotels and apartments, but more pricey. The whole west side overall is rocky, but is way more quiet and really clean water. Not that many historical sites other than the average churches and venetian wells.
Thanks again to everyone for all the replies, i was also wondering about Voidokilia. The distance from built up areas would seem to deter small children and drunkards. There’s a Westin Resort about 15 minutes away, surely it can’t be too hard to rent a bike, i hate driving back from the beach, you never get the smell out the car. Anyone here visited? Seems kinda perfect, but the internet can be misleading.
I'm going to come to Greece and fuck your girlfriend
>The distance from built up areas would seem to deter small children and drunkards.
yes, also if there are no sunbeds or bars on the beach. I haven't been there but I am considering it too.

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anyone else enjoy planning their packing for a trip almost as much as the trip itself? it really suits my autism to make sure I have every item I need squared away and accounted for.
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Not the packing itself, but the day I have to pack. i usually gather the essentials a week leading up to the trip and then pack the night before which is pure ecstatic and slight anxiety
Speaking of traveling.
I need to buy a cabin suitcase, are there any specific ones you guys recommend?
55/40/20cm size wise
Absolutely not! I go into "oh fuck what if I forgot to pack the one important thing I need, ahhhhhhh shiiiiit panic panic panic!" mode. (To be fair to me, I mostly travel on trips that include being part of a set of cultural festivals, and the gear I need is part of it and varies from trip to trip. And I'm always hard up against my weight allowance.) But I have gotten much better about it, but it is NOT something I enjoy.
I don't have fun packing because my camera tends to get in the way due to space and weight. Might bite the bullet and do two bags just so I have extra space for souvenirs.
I normally just lay everything out on the dining table I want to take with and then systematically remove things I feel I dont need because I can see I already have something similar.

Having an overall visual of what you're taking helps reduce the guess work and over packing.

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how bad is the actual pickpocket situation in europe? planning to go to Rome next month and everyone on reddit just called me a paranoid schizo for worrying too much without offering any real advice
they prey on unprepared tourists. Just read up the usual scams, and how to carry important stuff safely. Also learn to racial profile, gypsies and arabs look similar, but both should be avoided. Some are eastern european though. Visit websites/blogs about that topic instead of asking on leddit, you won't find good answers there
just keep everything zipped up
no open bags, no wallet shoved in back pocket etc, keep bags in front of you
main problem areas are tube/metro systems, don't let other people stand very close to you if possible
biggest problem cities are barcelona, paris, london. anywhere where there are lots of filthy eastern european types
basically keep your eyes open, you'll probably be ok
Keep your wallet in your front pocket. That's literally it.
ignore everyone approaching you trying to talk to you, keep wallet inside your shirt. Got mine stolen despite being zipped inside a front pocket. Don't carry a wallet at all, just some cards and small cash. You can be there 50 times and nothing happens, but when it does it's really annoying.
I’ve lived in multiple pickpocketing hotspots. I currently live downtown Barcelona, which is probably one of the worst in Europe.

I’ve never been pickpocketed, ever. Not to victim blame, but the people who normally get shit stolen from them are the ones who are blissfully unaware of their surroundings. The ones that keep iPhones and purses sticking out of their coat pockets. Another big one is having your phone on the table whilst out for drinks, or a wallet in your back pocket whilst searching for directions on your phone.

My single best advice is keeping one thing with you, that’s your phone. Maybe your ID and some cash in your phone case. Keep that with you in your front pocket with your hand on it when in most areas.

Another thing is, don’t think that because you’re in a place that you perceive as safe is actually safe. I’ll give a perfect example.

Right in the city centre here I’ve seen several people arrive into the city, Monday morning around 8am from the airport, normally looking on Google maps for their hotel or their bus, a time when most people are heading to work. It’s pretty quiet and seems very safe. It’s not busy, there’s not many tourists and people normally let their guard down a bit. This is a perfect opportunity for pickpockets because they know all of this, they’re not dumb.

The other thing is, if you do notice a pickpocket, don’t ever be afraid of confronting them. They’re sophisticated and are business-minded. They’re there to make money, not get into fights and have heat on their back. Grab them. Confront them. Demand whatever they’ve taken from you.

To be clear, if you’re not a fucking retard, pickpockets are not something you should have to deal with. Just be aware that they exist and operate in every major European city and they’re extremely, extremely successful in what they do.

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