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What should I know if I have ~3 nights here - dangers, scams and overlooked stuff? I'm brown and speak some French.

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how did you like poland?
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Prostitution/sex tourism
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absolutely based. makes russhits seethe 24/7
Poland? More like POOland! Amirite?
>>2646816 Was 100% accurate. Why did it get deleted? What manner of Reddit-tier faggots are the jannies on this board?
Is a solo trip doable here? I’m a /k/ommando and wanna see their military museums

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which ones will you visit? https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Next-to-impossible_destinations
If you're willing to go for a desert hike you can get a view of Area 51. There's far more challenging places to travel just in Nevada
Here's one destination that you'll never go to: a woman's willing vagina.
Why is north shore, Quebec on that list? It's not impossible to get to, just hard and maybe expensive. I know someone who went to a place called Tete-a-la-Baleine to do an article on the lifestyles of the fishermen in the area and they had no problem getting there, it just wasn't exactly easy or cheap. It's not impossible though.
>War zones: simply don't go there
What kind of pussy wrote this article?

I know some people will say “anon it’s never too late!” but I don’t want to be seen as some old creepy fuck wanting to go dancing.

So unless you’re older and have done those things with positive outcomes, how old is too old to travel and have fun with locals?
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Young dude here.
Honestly don’t mind partying with older dudes since most of you are pretty chill, also idgaf if you hit on young girls as long as you aren’t ruining the vibe. On that note I honestly prefer partying with older dudes than young women. They can get weirdly stuck up and most don’t really have a good vibe, even ones that were previously friendly, they’re just there to get free drinks from simps and dance with their bffs.
I envy the way you got to grow up, I’m very much the opposite of this and hence why I want to explore and meet with people from other countries. But oh god I remember those fur coats lol.

For Tokyo and Seoul what would you suggest aiming for if you wanna go out and party but not necessarily with a young crowd? I guess my insecurities stem from not really knowing what kind of people go out to dances or places where people congregate and hang out or whatever.

I think the music gets better the drunker you get. It’s always been the case for me even if I am a huge music snob when I’m sober lol.

I get you anon, I think I’ve been a little obtuse with my wording and my objectives for going to Japan/Sk/ Europe. I just wanna hang out and have fun and dance, meet new people, etc.

Sheltered might not be the right word, I married the wrong person and I wasted my 20’s and some of my 30’s with someone that hated me/blog. I could never do those things you describe even for myself. A jazz club sounds nice there’s plenty near me I haven’t been to.
>For Tokyo and Seoul what would you suggest aiming for if you wanna go out and party but not necessarily with a young crowd? I guess my insecurities stem from not really knowing what kind of people go out to dances or places where people congregate and hang out or whatever.

Is it possible that you're using alcohol and partying as a crutch to overcome your insecurities? It's not going to work mate. Despite my decade of debauchery I'm still a sperg because I didn't work on addressing my own internal issues. Tequila and EDM may temporarily remove your inhibitions but they're not a substitute to learning how to be okay with being vulnerable around strangers. Did I have a lot of fun? Sure. Did I gain anything other than a quick temporary fix, lighter wallet, tinnitus and damage to my health? Not really. I would have been served better by going on Meetup or Facebook groups to play ultimate frisbee in the park, or group drawing classes, or some weekend hike thing. Some social thing in broad daylight and sobriety where people actually talk, maybe connect over a shared interest and maybe get together for a few drinks afterwards.

I know that's not what you want to hear. Before my current marriage I had another one (married in my early 20s) with a real vapid cunt. So I can relate to getting out of a soul sucking situation and feeling like I've missed out on capitalizing on my youth. But you are who you are at this moment in time. And there's a reason people keep asking this question whether it's weird for an older guy to go clubbing. It's because after a certain age a man should have higher value activities to occupy his time with and we all kind of know this to be true. Going halfway around the world to recapture lost youth doesn't change this. And anyway different people have different perspectives on what lost youth and opportunities mean. For me I wish I would have used that time to maximize my earning potential for the future.
Most people my age make way more money because they didn't spend a full decade dicking around. So my lost youth is me not getting a degree or making any meaningful connections with purpose driven people.

And I have another suspicion about partying. That it's a low quality imitation for the kinds of things that higher value individuals engage in. When you have age, experience, money and a good network you can have great cocktails, professional music performances to enjoy, intelligent discussions with important people, higher quality entertainment (wink wink) and a whole bunch of really great shit. Young inexperienced people with less money don't have easy access to that. A club is in one way a manufactured shittier version of all those things made for the masses.
Having said all that,
>I just wanna hang out and have fun and dance, meet new people, etc.
Just look up event calendars, social media groups, meetup get-togethers etc. Small underground EDM places. Everything is on Google Maps. Fuck, even international parties aren't half bad for connecting with random people and most are looking for an afterparty spot. If you're feeling lonely rent a shitbox in a Sakura House or some other godforsaken dormitory for cheapskate locals and transient teachers.

Or go to Pattaya for a month and get the sour marriage taste out of your system.

Any small pockets of the world that have not been affected by this "Great Reset" lunacy? I'm sick of the floods, war, pandemics, and whatever else they have in store for us.

All I need is a place with wi-fi. I don't care about the culture, food, etc.
>All I need is a place with wi-fi. I don't care about the culture, food, etc.
99.9% of the midwest that isn't a city with a pop over 50k

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>at a bar in Thailand
>Americans sitting next to me
>they start discussing the "tipping culture" in Thailand
>Mutt #1 says he always tips 20 baht minimum, up to 20% for good service
>other says 25%

Holy fuck Americans. Can you not go anywhere without ruining literally everything?
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Yeah its annoying how lots of stuff is better than Europe but they just won't do it because "muh CIA influence" "muh European flavor"
>they never report cash tips
This shit honestly pisses me off. My entitled older sister was a bartender in college and she’d make $500+ in tips in a single dinner shift then complain about her low paychecks from the restaurant. Bitch literally made $80-$90k and claimed less than $35k for taxes
Friendly reminder that I took a big fat smelly liquid shit all over the eurofags ITT in two different posts and they couldn’t respond, because I’m right

They know I’m right and instead of cleaning this shit up, they have to let it stink up the thread because it’s a truthful and righteous dump.

Eurofaggots will never know our big girthy salaries and chaotic freedom. All they know how to do is rub wine glasses on each others buttholes, fart in them, and then shove it to their nose to get a whiff of their own butthole smell because they think they’re culturally superior
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>dated a bartender for a few months
>Asian girl with a decent rack and face
>some sports bar near a golf course+walmart+highway constant traffic
>would only work Friday/Sat/Sun(football+march madness season only)
>pick up an extra day here or there
>would walk home each week with min 1000- in tips alone most unreported
>complained about fair wages to everyone an how tips don't amass to 'all that much'
>mfw I was working IT 9-5, 5 days a week, bringing home around ~1950 every 2 weeks

Sure I had healthcare paid for and 401k, but holy fuck she rarely went over 35hrs a week worked.
>How the fuck do you get great service and then tip, meaning that the tip wasn't the cause of the good service
Some people who are digital nomads, like myself, will stay in areas for 2 maybe 3 months at times. Not sure about other anons, but I often will eat at the same bar or place a few times. I for sure knew in Philippines when I'd tip the service and portions coming back was always better for tipping what essentially was 1 USD (if that).

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what's the best volcano you've seen?
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Vesuvius is quite impressive.
Mt Ngāuruhoe / Mt Tongariro, which was suggested to me by someone on this board when I went to New Zealand.

Epic hike.
No idea why 4chan rotated my image.
4chan strips all EXIF data from uploaded photos.
This is to prevent self-doxing but this also means orientation metadata is gone as well, leading to "rotated" photos.
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Probably Mt St. Helens, while looking at a picture of what t looked like before. More than 1000 feet of mountain is just blown away -- gone. There are more beautiful volcanoes, certainly more magnificent. But there is something awe inspiring about that happened here.

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I'm planning a trip to China this summer. Is it possible to book one of these caves on Airbnb? I'm from a European country and prefer traveling to impoverished communities so I can appreciate the smaller things in life to a greater extent
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Nibba if you just go there and ask with Mandarin from Google translate, or go to a travel agency, they'd presumably have one. You could probably just ask a taxi driver and his mate would know some people who'd let you stay for a couple hundred yuans.
K, keep me posted
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I guarantee at least one of them rocks a flintmobile
not a bad idea

What place would you recommend a bong move to in the USA?
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Washington is simply an amazing state, Brits would feel right at home anywhere in the western parts.
Virginia has the full spectrum of America - boondocks, gigametro DC, uber-wealthy, dirt poor, safe, violent, homogenous, diverse, extreme heat, severe cold, mountains, swamps.
America is very large and diverse in culture and attitudes

New York City area

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Other than Chicago and New Orleans, just write off the Midwest, Great Lakes, and Deep South entirely. You won’t like them. You have to be American to really appreciate them.

That leaves a lot of places and frankly, you’re just going to have to pick at random and see what you like. One person loves Boston, another loves Charleston, one loves Philadelphia, another loves Chicago, one loves Texas, another loves California. It’s basically personal taste.

>Cheap and spacious
>sunny and green (goodbye seasonal depression)
>government isn't run by retarded progressives
>healthy job market; growing economies
>international/cosmopolitan enough that you won't feel out of place or be bored
>people are relatively normal

If you want walkability and public transport, then just stay in the UK because your big cities are designed better; our big "walkable" cities are shitholes that aren't nice to live in (keyword: live; American big cities like NYC and Chicago are still fun for tourism but trust me you don't want to live there).

Wanna fly to Washington DC this summer for some sightseeing.
What are some interesting places outside of DC to check out?
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DC is a good food city. very good guatemalan/honduran. I recommend bicycling a lot. washington national cathedral, the national botanic gardens, and the arboretum are also worth it. don't sleep on DC itself though, especially the lesser visited museums and the lesser visited neighborhoods. if you like planes, head out to udar hazy too. summer is rough to visit but bring a lot of water and you'll be fine.
DC is an absolutely mid food city
t. Lived here for 5 years

Only things I can say is do all the monuments (tidal basin walk), National Gallery of Art is the best museum if you want to go to one. Bangkok 54 in Arlington in a locally famous thai restaurant.
Not him, but disagree. I've lived in Georgetown for 15 years.
it's definitely not NYC or CDMX or São Paulo but DC is definitely a good food city by US standards. I found the hispanic cuisine excellent and was also impressed by the vietnamese. from what I understand DC is much better for $$$$ places which was way out of my price range.
If you want good Korean, Indian, or Thai you have to go into Arlington/Fairfax.
All the American food is run of the mill, and there is about two good Sushi places. Italian selection is low too. I will concede there is good Latin food at smaller joints.

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Do most of you just travel for business or are there some passport bros here aswell? I just don't understand what type of job you could have to maintain this type of lifestyle.

So my main question is, what job do you guys have?
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I don't know if any other healthcare personnel can work remotely. Maybe you can practice as an "alternative medicine" doctor after some fake course and do consultations remotely.
1. Do you need a certificate to do TEFL?
2. What kinds of websites or physical places would you go to to find a job abroad?
Work a job for two years, live frugally, quit job, travel for one year, find new job, repeat.
Literally me <3
>Radiologists don't operate anything, technicians do the dirty work. Radiologists` job is to describe what is exactly seen on the radiological examination

Seems like a prime candidate for something to be replaced by AI

Is this accurate?
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its wrong on Algarve and Costa del Sol at the very least
hotels alone are more than that
I never understood why people get annoyed by tourist or feel like some countries get 'invaded' by tourist until I went to Ubud in Bali. For such a small town in the middle of the rainforest, there were so many fucking white people (and I'm white). So many people that you couldn't even walk on the sidewalk. Or find a place to eat. Or drive. And because it's cheap, you get the worst tourists (AKA bums and idiots) mixed in. I would never go back.
Cape Town isn't close to being the cheapest city in Africa so how is it #2 in the world?
good question dylan
Sunny beach is ass
t. Bulgar

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Has anyone been to Hong Kong post COVID? Is there still soul or has it been completely taken over by the CCP?
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PMQ is cool but Tai Kwun is better as far as restaurants and bars go. There’s a spectacular cocktail bar in it called Gushiki Lounge. You can take the fast ferry from Hong Kong island to Macau. I’m not a gambler so I didn’t do that there but the north island has most of the cool Portuguese architecture.
I'm planning to go to Macau even though I have 0 desire to gamble or go to Casinos (might stand outside and admire the architecture at best) especially since that big fuck off skyscraper is a casino??

heard you can do it in less than a day and spending more time is a bit of a waste, I'm a fat cunt so will be hitting up places for breakfast, 2nd breakfast, lunch, snacks, tea before jumping on a ferry back to HK to throw up in LKF

appreciate your advice for macau, also NTA you replied to
No problem anon, you can do Macau in a day and be back in LKF in time to pregame in front of a 7/11. In Macau it’s worth going to the effort to find Macanese food, it’s a hybrid Portuguese Cantonese cuisine that’s extremely good. If you can find a place run by mixed Macanese people there’s a good chance they’ll actually speak Portuguese as their language too, very few people in Macau actually use it.
literally just a bunch of /pol/ buzzwords and opinions mashed up in the most retarded, incoherent fashion

you are basically ai generated
Nothing is more cringe than white supremacist leftists that want to larp like it's 1705. The sun set for the British nearly 100 years ago.

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Are there any ACTUALLY good places to learn languages online?
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Non-English speakers don't like it when you try to speak their language unless you're really fluent conversationally.

Use Duolingo for the basics without going overboard. And then use your phone when you're actually there if they're unable to switch over to English.
Do you have an actual good profile picture? Are you in decent shape? Are you dressed nice?

Hate to break it to no women, regardless of what country they're from, are attracted to fat ugly neckbeards
on hellotalk i get about 1 every day or 2 who message me but thats also bc i put my japanese as the native bar so they just chat to me in jap rather than in english
im rather average but am blonde blue eyed
>Are there any ACTUALLY good places to learn languages online?
Try https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
Duolingo is one of the worst tools for learning a foreign language to be honest.

Never been to PA, have no interest in civil war shit or trains. I will not go to Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. I've already got a few botanical gardens picked out and I know I'm spending at least one night in Scranton. Recommendations for things like museums, nature preserves, and antique/vintage stores would be appreciated. Also some places to eat. Have a few days to kill so don't mind going out of the way so long as it's worth it.
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Get an Altoona style pizza and hit a state park
Knoebels but it’s a bit off the freeway. Otherwise just keep going until you’re out of the state. The turnpike is an easier drive through and has some more stuff close to it but it costs a lot especially if you don’t have EZ Pass
What the fug
78 is a much better drive than 80 through PA, at least until the Harrisburg area for sure. There are some okay state parks near Pocono Raceway and a place to rent guns, but there are at least two places you can do that on 78 too. The only thing that 80 has over 78 is the Delaware Water Gap.

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