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What do you think?
What's the selling point of this?

Are these "Target-exclusive" Bandai Stranger Things figures any good? They seem to be sold online for a decent price, and my local Dollarama has them and they're selling them for $5 each. I could get one of every figure tonight if I wanted my local store has dozens, especially if I could sell them for $30+ each
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There is, but it's a build-a-figure.
I find it odd if you have to ask if toys that do nothing are any good, especially if you'll do nothing with them. Unless they're scalper fodder, you're just wasting money even at the bargain you just mentioned since you apparently don't even want them
you're absolutely right. The only reason I would consider buying them is if it was worth reselling them
Buy 50 of each one. Wait for 3 or 4 months, then sell them for $1,500.00 online. Wait go for broke, buy 100 of each one. You'll be a millionaire.
Dumb shit

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Previous thread >>10963871

Where to Buy-

Web Exclusives-

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how will shitposter-kun ever recover from this???
so the shitposter is anthony
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So...the "haters" were right? I think we really do have a reddit problem in this thread.
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Hey guys just updated my pic and wanted to share- ah shit he's back.

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Are Power Rangers toys saved after six years of ineptitude, or has the damage been done?
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>That's how Power Rangers was popular in the first place.

No it wasn't you fucking retard it was new and fresh at the time it has stagnated because the man children want it to remain the same like comics do.
Yeah, kids loved "Saved by the Bell But Sometimes It Cuts to a Different Japanese Show" because it was "new" and "fresh"
Yes retard. It was an effective commercial that doesn't work because children don't care about toys anymore and want funko pops instead.
You're confusing adults with kids again. Is this a reoccurring problem for you?
Power rangers is dead and thank god

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This is one of those collectable things I just never understood the appeal of. Personally, when it comes to trading cards in general, I'm only interested in the cards with an actual game like pokemon or magic, but not for the resells value or whatever.
Why do people actually like collecting things like baseball cards? Is it like an NFT where they buy them thinking they can upsell them and make a fortune? I can understand searching for specific players you actually follow or famous icons of the past, but I see people at flea markets and swap meets with vans full of cards, and they might sell one or two out of their entire collection.

And these things are massive shelf warmers I've seen many stores with shelves just like this video, just packed and overflowing with cards for every major sport, and no one is even looking at them.

If you collect toys, on this toy board, then you should understand the appeal of collecting things (including cards) too, right? Same slippery slopes we fall into.
>Oh I just like Michael Jordan.
>Well maybe I'll get his team too.
>I also like that other team.
>Oh ghey have hockey cards? Well maybe I'll just get my favorite team.
>A new series of Chicago Bull cards? Those new pictures like nice.
>Oh they updated the stats? I should keep my collection up to date!
>5 years pass, have 10 binders full of various cards
The slippery slope is dangerous.
They're one of the oldest things to collect.
A large part of the appeal is that they're basically records for a given season, which is why rookie cards for athletes who go onto be notable tend to be the most valuable
I get that, but why are they so over produced and over priced? There is no shortage of sports cards, the stores are overflowing with them, and everything I find online says they're oversaturated and overpriced, and they're on clearance at just about every major store that carries them.

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Pose challenge:

re-do this pose with the figure of your choice.
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Posted this on another thread like a retard
1k toys Dante can hit the pose no problem
your jacket is holding up surprisingly well compared to every other one I’ve seen
I am honestly very surprised too, when it starts scuffing im definitely gonna kms
>that pose
Not even close
Bump for moar

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What kind of jobs do you people have to be able to afford $100+ toys?
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Is this a data collection thread?
>hey boss I got that data you wanted
>nice how bigs the sample size?
>uh like 15?
>ok what about the quality of the answers?
>well half say they draw furry pornography and the other half say the make six figures working entry level jobs
Yes. But no, seriously. I'm surprised people are going into as much detail as they are.
They could be lying though...
Based. I earn around 300$ dividend very 3 months, so i can afford $100 per month toys (if there is anything I like) without any care.
Seriously based and also blessed.

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Asking /toy/ for help. I'm trying to find a toy I always wanted as a kid but I can't figure out what it was. It's like Mighty Max, but cars. The main 'set' piece was a rover like vehicle with a black dome cockpit that opened into a jungle setting. I thought it was Micro Machines but thats not finding it
There was a toyline I know of that sounds like what you described. I don't know its name either. I had a jeep toy that opened into a playset too.
You said dome, which made me think of War Planets. It isn't that, right?
I think I found it actually. Was it the Hot Wheels Adventures Astro Rover?
Yep, that's it.
FYI Pit bulls will maul your toys anon

Bandai is hinting at a Tamagotchi Connection rerelease

They're referencing a western Connection V3 commercial, but promoting it in Japan, so the device is potentially an amalgamation of the whole connection/plus era rather than a 1:1 rerelease like what they did for the P1/P2.
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waiting for an ID L to come home.

my melodytchi is so cute >w<
Your Melodytchi is just the cutest little Tama! How did you get her on the Uni?
she is in the lovemelo concert dlc. feed your tama lots of yummy sachertorte.
>I still have a Pix and I’ve gotten used to stuff like my Tamagotchi weeping in the corner to indicate that she isn’t happy.
>Have a sad tama
>Give him a party hat
Watching a pix sad tama with a party hat was one of the funniest thing I seen in years.
I bought my first Tama a year ago, but I've never turned it on out of weird anxiety. Its a g2 rerelease if anyone is curious. I really like the idea of them, but some reason I find them also really intimidating... I also have a digimon rerelease I haven't turned on for the same reason.

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Previous thread: >>10954256

Did you order anmything?

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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Look at me, Tony. I'm well sculpted!
i love when retards complain about the crotch when the figure looks like it came out of the big screen. shf got everything right with that fig from aesthetic to proportion and articulation but oh no the big bad crotch!
>the figure looks like it came out of the big screen.
Not with those segmented armored plates over his nether regions it doesn't
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Why you staring at his crotch?
Because Hasbro wouldn't let me buy Ms Marvel so Pete's gonna have to do.

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Looks like Figma finally has some competition. Looks like we’ll finally have a good Kratos.
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>good characters during the PS3 era
what? No. Sackboy is hardly a "character" at all, and most of it was buzzcut generic action guy.
The only good Sony characters are from the PS1/2 era where creativity actually thrived in the first-party space.
Cole McGrath? Nathan Drake?
Nigger that’s what those stories called them.
Fair maiden; beautiful princess etc
You never read a book in your life you illiterate negro?
prove it
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After checking all the Walmart's in town, only 1 had a single Luffy in stock. I took the chance and as soon as I got home, I noticed the box had been previously opened. Wasn't even taped. Whatever, I wanted the figure so I opened it and lift him out of the plastic to find that his arm did not come with him. Someone evidently broke the figure and returned it. Walmart discounted him down to $7 so I have some face plates waiting for Romance Dawn Luffy at least.
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sanji is probably the only one without a glaring flaw, its like theyre going out of their way to retroactively add at least one horrible aspect to every single release
Ive always enjoyed finding wtf stuff at walmart. But it looks like they do carry more niche stuff regularly now.
it was target
Only yourself to blame
Use the contact info for Bluefin on the box there and request a replacement. It usually works out for figures available in the States.

Previous thread: >>10957123

In stores and online currently:
Gargoyles Broadway (Silver Falcon version)
Bear Blood Feral Predator (Prey)
Pizza Club TMNT (Mikey, Raph, Don, Leo)
Mirage TMNT Baxter Stockman, Kirby, Foot Elite, Foot Enforcer, Foot Ninja
Toon TMNT 2-pack Business Casey Jones & Sliced Foot, Samurai Mikey & Space Don
Toon TMNT 4-pack Turtles in Punk Disguise
Ult. Jigsaw (Saw)
Assassin's Creed Ezio (Brotherhood & Revelations)
LJN colors Warduke
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack

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I am praying that hot toys come out with a proportional feral without the thin spindly legs of the neco version. He’s far too thin and looks emaciated with poor quality dreads
Are you still trolling with this same bullshit? That is extraordinarily pathetic.

You still have Friday coming up man, I wouldn't worry too much just yet.
yeah here's hoping
We just started a horror toy month thing, chill out. There's other figures we haven't seen make it out yet too, that shit takes time.
Didn't they have a new IP or something?

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Do you browse other apps/forums/websites? Or do you stay here for all your toy related stuff? What do you look for- Discussion? News? Photography? Reviews?
Im a home body but id try something diffrent. The alternatives seem so focused on one thing or like a gate kept community that id just rather deal with the shit i know.
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I go to MWCtoys to check out reviews and that's about it.
I'll use youtube from time to time if i want to get some comparisons, but i just scrub the video to get to the good parts.

i think /toy/ does a good enough job with toy news.
I watch quite a lot of youtube stuff on figures. Its fun diving into toys I otherwise wouldn't get to experience because I don't have enough of an interest in them. On new releases it can help me decide if I want to get something if I'm on the fence. That being said most toy reviewers are retarded and make poor videos. The ones where they spend most of the video with the camera focused on their nails instead of the toy are hilarious

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*is everything wrong with the fig community in you're path*

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