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Previously: >>10954256

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Warbird announced (no pre-order date, Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk announced (no pre-order date, Pulse Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Luke Cage/Iron Fist 2 pack announced (solicited, all major retailers)

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Post the display
Pontificate the Aroma
How much should I buy a Haslab Sentinel for these days and do they all have loose knee problems?
nice knees hasbro
I respect Evolution for doing its own thing instead of just retreading the comics. WATX was kind of trying to do both and just ended up feeling like some weird product of a committee.

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I recently really got into the Tomb Raider franchise after playing the remastered versions of the original trilogy. I had only played shadow of the tomb raider before that, but have always heard good things about the original. Well now I’m hooked and I’ve been researching online there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of options. While her counterpart, Indiana Jones has received several lines of toys, there’s like less than 20 Lara Croft figures I’ve found at least. Curious what people use as their definitive Lara in their collection, because it’s certainly not the toybiz one (picrel).
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kek that article is pretty funny
I swear this should be a sticky at this point...

Anyway, original Lara only has what are pretty much statues from Neca, while reboot Lara has a few Play Arts Kai figures and now a third party 1/6 figure coming out. Basically, there's no good option for 1/12-1/10 collectors.
why does she look like a man?
Lara croft doesn't get good toys. She has the one lowpoly one thats fun and thats it. shit man, she doesn't even get good character design bootleg tabletop miniatures.
How many times are you going to make this thread?

Bandai is hinting at a Tamagotchi Connection rerelease

They're referencing a western Connection V3 commercial, but promoting it in Japan, so the device is potentially an amalgamation of the whole connection/plus era rather than a 1:1 rerelease like what they did for the P1/P2.
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omori tamagotchi tease from last thread, still no news on them

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For people who buy figures, fiddle with them a bit and then A pose them and never really touch them again, what's the logic or the emotion there that leads to this? Is there a way I can understand the reason behind it?
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I collect for aesthetic. I have thousands of figures, they're all around my house. I'm an a proud autistic fuck. They're organised in their appropriate collections for a cool display. Most of them dynamically posed, some attached in flight,it's like artwork on my shelves. Each new figure is a few new brushstrokes to my painting.

I don't fiddle with them much after they're on shelf until it's time to re-arrange (for whatever reason, usually when space becomes an issue and things need to be moved a bit).

I have no sense of play. I give zero fucks about having battles, fig feds, whatever the rest of you cunts do. I also hate mixing displays, there needs to be a theme (and not stupid ones like "all blue figures" or "Egyptian themed"... fucking retards).

What I don't get is people who put them into storage. Fuck you, you should be drowning in your figures you buttholes. If you pack them away then sell them. Probably have ones I can't find in there and you're wasting them.

Also can't stand people who buy 1000 of the same character. Yeah, upgrade your Spider-Man every so often, that's fine, but when I see wrestling collectors with 50 AJ Styles... just... why??

And don't get me started on MOCers. I get them to some degree but those who then shove them on shelves like books with just the "spine" of the box showing... what the actual fuck? You don't display the figure, just collect the damn packaging instead of saving space, you retards.
My collection tends to have static poses because it's convenient and doesn't take up much space. I don't have a dust-proof display case, so I tell myself "why bother with elaborate poses?" especially when I have cats. However, I still collect them because I have an attachment to the character and/or find them cool-looking. I like to think that one day when I have enough space, time, and resources, I can make a cool display area. Right now though, I'm just building up that collection if that makes sense.

>What I don't get is people who put them into storage
I used to have my entire Dragon Ball collection displayed on my bookshelf. After being frustrated with the dust build-up and figures toppling over because of my cats, I opted to put my P-Bandai and the "not as readily available" figures into storage.

>Also can't stand people who buy 1000 of the same character
Thoughts on those, including myself, wanting to build a Spider-verse collection (meaning multiple figures of the same Spider-Man design)? I feel like this whole multiverse phenomenon in recent years in pop culture has given people more reason to collect the same character.
I don't think there's necessarily always judgement behind these questions. Think of it as genuine curiosity and wanting to understand vs "why u like what i do not? ur stuff is bad".

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>Is there a way I can understand the reason behind it?
Have you tried not being autistic as fuck?
personally I buy them so i can take pictures of them fighting each other. But right now they arent really on any shelves or anything cuz usually when i do put them on shelves i end up ruining the display cuz im always taking them out to take pictures. And its exhausting to keep setting them up over and over again when really all i wanna do is take cool pictures of them fighting each other. Its more of a photography hobby for me. When i get a better place to store them i’ll set them up in a cool display. Theyre all in a tub right now so i can access them more easily whenever i have inspiration for a shot. But i dont really display them much.

I’m also gonna take a break from collecting cuz i NEED to save money for a car and move out of my parents house. Action figures have kinda taken too much priority over that lately so the MAFEX Cyclops i ordered for like 118$ a few days ago is gonna be my last figure for awhile until i have more room in my life for this sort of thing

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Found a review that showcases it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiWU27TP0sU All that wizardry and he can't stand with out power.
I did cooler stuff in lego robotics in middle school and it was way cheaper than this overpriced garbage
thats fine
dont call it g1 then
Megatron came with a tank as an action master.
Who the fuck do you think you are. Faggot

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Nov will be anime girl hell for you wallet.
Agent Venom (Marvel)
Herta (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danboard Mini (Reissue)
Iron Spider (Reissue)
Lunagaron Armor Set (Monster Hunter)
Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Spider-Man Ver.2.0 (Reissue)
Buzz Lightyear Ver.1.5 (Reissue)
Supergirl (DC)
Jessie Ver.1.5 (Toy Story)

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weapon pack 2 goes opens POs on may 8th
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>goes opens
brain fart moment
bloodsplatter is selling these, i would never really care otherwise
Aside from the scythe, no real interest in this one.
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New Full Metal Panic Revoltechs confirmed!?!?

Previous Thread >>10931651

>New/Latest Pre-orders
The Vintage Collection:
-Kanan Jarrus - FanCh
-Ezra Bridger - FanCh
-Zeb Orrelios (Deluxe) - FanCh
-HK-87 (Arcana)
-Dark Trooper
-Princess Leia Organa (ANH)
-R2-D2 (ANH)
-Mae (The Acolyte)
-Jedi Master Sol (The Acolyte)
-Enoch & Nighttrooper build pack - FanCh
-Darth Vader (ANH)

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I thought about it, the extra faces on the SHF are definitely tempting since TBS version is so serious looking. However, TBS version is really damn good and can be had for peanuts, so I don't think I'll be replacing mine with the SHF this time like I have with some of the A New Hope figures.
i stole mine so i got mine for free
Yeah I’ve had my Black Series Jar Jar since it came out. One of the only two Black Series I own along with the Gamorrean Guard. Very fun figure to pose, and have enjoyed it for the past 4 years or so I’ve had it but that stoic face really does bring it down a bit for me. I think if I collected more 1/12th scale stuff I’d be more hesistant but since it’s a once in a blue moon thing, I’m willing to ball out for the characters I really like.
Where'd you order from?
Hobby Genki

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Previous Thread: >>10948050

>Eternia playsets should have shipped for most everyone now.
>Sy-Klones speening all over the place
>Extendar expected to be next on Mattel Creations
>Krang hitting shelves at Walmart
>Sla'ker arriving in Target stores ahead of street date (April 28th)
>More Turtle of Grayskull figures coming including; Hordak, April, Alternate Leo, Turtle Armor He-Man, Deluxe Rock Steady/Bebop, Splinter, Stealth Ninja Leo and He-man, and Merman
>Pre Orders for new Origins and Masterverse stuff went up already. Collector and Cringer with Prince Adam CC
>Masterverse Horde Trooper coming in Fall as Mattel Creations Exclusive
>Upcoming Masterverse: Skeletor and throne, Movie Beast Man, Snake Sorceress Teela
>Origins Demo Man and Geldor coming in Autumn
>Crowdfund vote winner is the Snake Lair, Crowdfunding campaign date pending
>Skeletor/Demogorgon are starting to show up, He-Man/Vecna should be next
>Moss Man might be on clearance at select Wal*Mart locations your mileage may vary

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Weird, so same scale and articulation as the already existing vintage figures with updated sculpts. Why not add at least Origin levels of articulation? I would of happily picked up some new warriors to join my Origins collection. Now these figs look too detailed to stand alongside the vintage MOTU while lacking the articulation to match the current MOTU Origins figures.
Same setup ive seen, but no dice yet. Same friggin superstar figures though.
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Tard Bros, our time has come (and so have I)
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Images you can smell

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“There's something out there.
It's calling me... and it's calling you too. Let's go together.”


What is a Nendoroid, you may ask?

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

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fuck this must have gone under the radar for me, is there anywhere you can still preorder him? I’m not finding anything.
Hoy Fucking Cringe you enjoyed this faggot game?
I think I'll drop ami ami for nendos. They seem to be cheaper overall on the eu shop
goodsmile.eu shop?

Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>10932069

>Archived Threads:

>Helpful Links:

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yeah I should have paid, maybe I would have had a chance. This sucks
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full sized pixlings?
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Hope that's not just a custom and if it's real I hope they give em knee joints. Pixlings have such pretty faces that perfectly match the promo art, so full size would be awesome.
It's a regular size one, i think it's another version of faye the fairy

They kinda pixelated irl but league bettter than barbie, those dolls are bound to their potions gimmick so don't expect any major upgrade

Last time on...

>Superstars Series 9
British Bulldog, Kane with 1st appearance cape, Muhammad Ali

>Superstars Series 10
Big Boss Man, Tatanka, Kurt Angle

Superstars Series 11
Rey Mysterio 1st appearance, Razor Ramon with chase, Brutus "the Barber" Beefcake with alt Zodiac clothes

>Powertown Remco Wave 1
Due to ship in Q3 2024. Prices will rise above the pre-order offer for $24.99 singles and $48.99 double packs.

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Dogshit character selection renders the line pointless. Won't give the line money until we get deep cuts like Lumis, Gargano, Ripley, Balor, etc.
Saw the ring playset at walmart today.
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Bone crunching action is back baybeeeeeee
Anybody order the LWO pack? I’m thinking about selling the Rey and Zelina when it comes in
Becky i got for $2 a few years back, its actually just teela/evil lyn aka any female but chyna.

I saw rocky johnson in a 3 pack box set, a cody, and a ultimate roddy. The aew figures still contain a bunch of released guys and a nyla rose. And even with a reset the same old faithful superstars hang on. Which is kinda funny now when i look back at how excited i was to find papa shango way back on release.

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Tyranno Beat My Meat Edition


https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/Beyblade General/


Future 2024:
BX-00 Storm Pegasis
BX-00 Victory Valkyrie

UX-04 Battle Entry Set U

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2 of these are stock combos. are there part restriction for the tourney or are these the only parts you have?
a lot of his opinionated videos are retarded like that one time he was convinced wyvern gale was this OP shit that that TT had to nerf or how he has a crusade against certain parts like leon claw or spike bit but apart from that does get good info and makes easily digestible videos of them
Attack: DranSword 3/5-60F/T/LF
Defense: KnightShield 3/5-60P/HN
Stamina: WizardArrow 3-80B
Balance: ViperTail 5-60P, LeonClaw 5-60P/T
nizuma blader is the only non-retarded beytuber imo, good content too
Singapore already got Tyranno Beat first
surprise surprise, Quake sucks ass here, too.
the fact the whole set comes with 3 of them+Spike is really making me consider waiting and just buying the blades on their own.

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Previous Thread >>10928231



-Now Shipping:
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)
>Action Soldier (60th Anv)
>Big Boa

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Das it mayne
"Kids" don't usually buy anything, their parents and relatives buy stuff for them. Most of the action figures I got a a kid I didn't ask for. Still enjoyed them. Funny enough the ones time I did ask for a specific figure (Mortal Kombat ninjas) I got some Shadow Ninja Joes. That was my fault for not specifying with Joe ninjas I wanted.
Yeah but kids today in general don’t see that stuff as cool.
I dunno, have you seen what actually happens in a Skibidii Toilet video?
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So is there any reason they refuse to print names on the stands for retro Classified figures? And if they insist on not doing it, why not release a 10 or 20 pack of them on Pulse? I could see a lot of people buying them.

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Previous thread: >>10923787

Wasn't planning on making a new thread until about the 21st since that's usually when we get the drops, but Mafex is wily. All we know as of now is this image that they Tweeted or Xed or whatever.

Dates according to Medicom/Ami Ami. Date changes marked in "green". It's been over a year of making these threads and I just remembered it's only green in certain themes. Oops.

>April 2024
201 - BOBA FETT (Recovered Armor)
205 - BATMAN & HORSE (The Dark Knight Returns)
214 - THE JOKER (The Dark Knight Returns)

>May 2024
208 - BO-KATAN KRYZE (The Mandalorian Ver.)
>209 - AQUAMAN (Zack Snyder's Justice League)

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There's a rumor, I don't know where from, that it's getting reissued later in the year.
kek, based
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Mafex Tobey looks good but let's be honest, the SHF is good, this didn't need to be Medicom's first NWH Spidey.
When is Mafex tackling the MUCH needed NWH final swing suit? Neither the Legends nor the SHF are satisfactory.
Medicom hasn't even shown a painted version of the other suit he wears in that movie so it's going to be a while
Right when he gets a new suit for Spiderman 4 lol

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I’m getting worried guys, we’re a week out and we still need 1,200 backers. Finally getting the Sail Barge is a dream come true for us oldies, but it looks as though it might not happen. Even with the inclusion of Yak Face we just aren’t getting the numbers like we need. Did you guys back the barge? Do you think we can reach 5,000 backers in time?

#BackTheBarge #IBackedTheBarge
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Retrospammers on suicide watch lmao. Imagine having to cope so hard because of the recent Scott drama/legal action that they need to bring up this years old bullshit again?

Michael unironically won. Scott lost, Junkman always loses, and OP is and always will be, a faggot.
How did Michael win?
One figure made you back it? Why, may I ask?
By living in your head rent free.
Retro carded yak face has been a big want of mine for a long time

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