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Previous thread: >>10957123

In stores and online currently:
Gargoyles Broadway (Silver Falcon version)
Bear Blood Feral Predator (Prey)
Pizza Club TMNT (Mikey, Raph, Don, Leo)
Mirage TMNT Baxter Stockman, Kirby, Foot Elite, Foot Enforcer, Foot Ninja
Toon TMNT 2-pack Business Casey Jones & Sliced Foot, Samurai Mikey & Space Don
Toon TMNT 4-pack Turtles in Punk Disguise
Ult. Jigsaw (Saw)
Assassin's Creed Ezio (Brotherhood & Revelations)
LJN colors Warduke
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack
Last Ronin Elite Synja Bot
Toon TMNT Evil REX-1
Flash Gordon (Flash Gordon movie)
Ming the Merciless (Flash Gordon movie)
Prince Vultan (Flash Gordon movie)
Ult. John Carver (Thanksgiving)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)
Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Elkhorn
Earl Sinclair (Dinosaurs)
Baby Sinclair (Dinosaurs)
Ultimate The Nun (Conjuring)
Toony Terrors wave 9 (Vincent Price, Tar Man, M3GAN, Fiend)
Toony Terrors Jigsaw deluxe set
They're apparently going hard on Horror this month, we had a neat reveal of "Holiday" Chucky from the TV show.
If they don’t show off Drac Shredder or the foot vampire thralls this event, I’m going to leap from my terrace.
Neca would be foolish to NOT re-release the Dawn apes too, especially with what Luca, Maurice, and both Kobas go for on the secondhand market. Zira goes for decent money these days too, so this isn't a bad decision.
I guess that's cool for those that missed out
I was curious what it was based on, thought maybe the comics but im no alf scholar. I do enjoy alf instructing me on how to navigate the dvd menus on season 1 though.
Kinda felt lame to me, but hey, glad its around if you want it.
Aren't these based on that episode where Alf made a music video to try and woo an underage girl or something?
Nice to see these back out there, hopefully the line does better this time I know they didn’t sell very well the first time around.
>I know they didn’t sell very well the first time around.

>I only bought a couple at the time...
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More likely it’s just a last ditch effort to make the sculpts worthwhile with the new movie coming out. Now or never in Randy’s mind. The necallectors will unite, or apes will fall.
it sold so well that they said they sold miserably and ended the line, only to shove out reissues to coincide with a new movie almost a decade later in a quick attempt to squeeze money out of the molds that didn't make enough money in the first place with zero new investment
i'm soooooooo upset
>i'm soooooooo upset
You -are- still crying and stamping your feet three or four threads later, so, you're not exactly convincing anyone otherwise.
there's a 1/1, get that instead
I can’t
because of the implication
>Remember Alf? He's back, in cheap toy form.
Fuck just lost a bid on Bear blood. I ended at 50 and other guy went 52.50.
I am praying that hot toys come out with a proportional feral without the thin spindly legs of the neco version. He’s far too thin and looks emaciated with poor quality dreads
yeah here's hoping
Didn't they have a new IP or something?
>randy was wrong and lied about the lack of sales and success of the toys he put out himself
sickening levels of cope
i'm not the one throwing a fit with literally randy himself
I stand by everything I have said about that Jigsaw figure's distribution. An absolute blunder and this solidifies it. Cue the responses to this post about how this figure has been plentiful, and a general lead paint-chip-eating perspective on how this is excusable.
How does bear blood being up relate to jigsaw in any way
ive seen every haulathon release multiple times but not one jigsaw across 5 targets
You are an actual parasite in the Target aisles. Explain why this figure isn't up on the website for the last week of Haulathon when it's a Haulathon item. The figure hasn't been plentiful at all and now it's just going skyrocket in price until this shitty company decides to release it, if ever down the line.
The Jigsaw figure is listed on the Haulathon website but was up for international-only purchases during week two. Everyone assumed that it would go up at a later date on the Target website with the bear blood Predator, but here we are.
It has been plentiful, it started shipping a couple weeks ago and has been quite easy to grab. Also you're being a dumbass thinking it's not going to keep shipping out. Holy shit.
Why not make it easy on everyone by putting it up on the online drop then. What explanation is there if jigsaw was put up on the international site but not the domestic one? And for the resident neca lapdog to mock and laugh at necallectors who just want to buy a figure is repugnant.
Ask Target. It's their event and they're the one's doing these drops, not neca. You are such a pathetic dumbass. You deserve to be laughed at for trying to make this a bigger thing than it is.
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Lul, just walked into Target and they've got Jigsaws. Suck it bitches.
As if Neca has no influence whatsoever. Keep lying.
And yet people are still finding it apparently >>10986196

I guess you need to cope more.
They don't, dumbass. They supply the product, Target does the rest. Or do you think Hasbro purposely made it so Warbird sold out in under 2 minutes yesterday? Keep your conspiracy theories on /pol/ where you belong.
6 million Necallectors were starved of their Jigsaws in the Haulacaustathon.
Third Reich Randy will hang in The Hague for this.
it's almost as if their experience isn't indicative of everyone else's, necautist.
Haulathon had a Beetlejuice logo pictured at the beginning, but nothing to show for it at all?
Post the DCPI number, if this is a "Target" problem.
1 out of 10 people saw two Jigsaw figures this week! Wow, there's no problem with distribution or their shitty business practices! We've always been at war with Super 7!
>NECA is putting out a $100 Krampus figure
>Krampus is over 100
>Der Klown is 76
They look fucking great tho, glad to see they're finally coming out.
is it only two points of articulation? lmao
Yeah they look fucking amazing. They come with a ton of stuff too.
Figure was pretty big when they showed it at sdcc, if I remember.
Do his legs move or does the robe inhibit that?
Yeah I think Klown is 10 inches long and Krampus is 10 inches 10? Lot of bulk.
Gonna go great with my Christmas Chucky and Elvira.
Wish there was a Grinch figure.
Hoping we get a Metaluna Mutant announcement this month.
Fuck yes. That'd be exciting.
please… drac shredder
I know they ruined the monsters tmnt line by recycling characters for wolfie and gillman but they promised us Dracula so Randy needs to finish the story
They were hyping this shit for years and it barely moves? Just a statue at this point.
How exactly would anyone articulate that design? It wouldn't work.
Statues are not allowed on /toy/
It's not a statue
It’s essentially a paperweight.
You can see the left hoof in a fixed position in the image, so I'm guessing the bottom half is going to be hollow. I can't tell if the eyes are in there or not and there should be a second mouth since he is wearing a mask.

A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, along with a Quasimodo would be nice too.
You can literally see the joints on his hands in the image.
And even if it had zero articulation it still wouldn't be a statue.
If we aren’t shown drac shredder then can we at least get a killer klowns ultimate tease. I’m not asking for much here, just a long suffering superfan who is dependent on randulf to make my dreams come true
Man these look gorgeous. They said they had an accessory pack coming too right? With the gingerbread men? Dope.
Fuuuuuuck Krampus looks so good.
Legit question, zero disrespect. Why would anyone want this or any bland human figure? I understand its a character on a film some enjoyed, but its so boring on a shelf.
Thought he was based on that cringe as fuck music video he made to cheer Lynn up after she got dumped from the TV show?
Sending all of my energy to materialize Killer Klowns Ultimates into existence.
Funko Poops SUCK no explanation needed.
Toony Terrors are an entire staircase of steps above Funkos but they aren't really for me, and also I've never seen the Klown ones in person.
Trick or Treat Studios are... okay I guess, they're basically statues.
o randy, ruler of Neca
Hear our cries o balding one
We plead with you to deliver us killer klowns ultimate
Please hear us and make our dreams come true
Shut the fuck up you weird cocksleeve. You've never bought a toy in your life.
Well now I wonder if they'll do a release of ALF with a chef's hat. I have that hand puppet.
How do their wired armature dolls compare to Trick or Treat Studios?
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Yes, the daughter.
Ignore the reply by Necanon. ALF made the video because he had a crush on Lynn and was trying to impress her.
>S01E08 Don't Make My Brown Eyes Blue.
>ALF develops a crush on Lynn and starts to sabotage the dates with her boyfriend Scott while trying to come up with something to impress her.
Maybe the puppet is also based on that episode.
It's more likely the figure is based on both the episode and the puppet. The denim cutoff and headband are definitely from that episode and the puppet doesn't have them, but you can't see his t-shirt (if he's wearing one) and the guitar in the episode is definitely different from the Burger King one. So they decided to kill two birds with one stone.
Whose next?
The show with the little robot girl? Gonna be honest I'm drawing a blank on old television characters who aren't just some dude.
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Whats a good body to use for an Amanda Young custom? I figure the robe from Jigsaw might be too big, but it sits kind of loose on her. Im thinking Ill make Red Jigsaw amanda ;black John
Mork and Mindy
Id only be down for an Urkel if we also get mecha urkel too
That I'd buy.
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Eureeka’s Castle?
Oh now you're scratching an itch. I still have the Magellon hand puppet from Pizza Hut. These characters all had awesome designs though, would make for a cool line of figures.
>The show with the little robot girl?
That's "Small Wonder" if you wanted the title.
Looks like those cheap figures you see in a dollar store.
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Any anons have the Halloween Laurie Strode figure? Aside from the bandages on the hand and foot, what's underneath the cloth hospital gown? Is it sculpted undergarments or is it like the Black Series ANH Leia that has a white plastic torso that's not painted?

I want to make a custom softgoods Escape from the Planet of the Apes body for putting the Zira head on (pic related). Laurie seems like best body to use as a base to sculpt fur onto the arms, legs, and neck with epoxy putty, unless there's another mostly unclothed, non-mego style buck I can use. I had considered the older Marvel Legends Shana that was an SDCC exclusive but I think that body might be a tad smaller than the Zira figure, plus it's more expensive.
>Webster has the weirdest boner right now
randy is a very sick man
No torso articulation besides what looks like a waist swivel? Well that's a bit disappointing. Not ideal but I'll be sculpting over most of the body anyways for the fur texture, so I suppose it'll do. Thanks anon!
I wonder if they could branch out to the Animated Series. NECA style Bob and Flo, Sergeant Staff, Larson Petty, all the good stuff.
I only bought the boiler for diorama building purposes. The worm looks janky and I don’t care for the license to begin with.
The boiler does certainly open itself up for more display and photo opportunities
Are they still going to do more figures? I'd like a Part 8 / Part 9 Jason some day.
So what are some things you'd want for an ALF accessory pack (with it being noted that you have the ALF comic series to draw from for content)?

WHAT-IF Machine
Red checkered table cloth hooded cape (for the Fantastic Fur costume)
Flight Belt
Hair Growth serum bottle
The Tanner family cat
The creepy bird from the ALF cartoon that ALF's family owned
CRTV for ALF to watch
Couch for ALF to sit on

Not to mention ALF's ship
Sasha Grey when
I'm sure they want to, but the license is still pretty weird even though it's "settled" right now. I don't think anyone is doing NEW merch are they? It's all previous licensing vefore the lawsuit and stuff.
Hoping they show off more Dinosaurs. I NEED a Robbie.
Grandma needs her chair. Probably a deluxe set.
The black son with the hair skin flaps and letterman jacket
Robbie Sinclair
Left is Spike right? I want a fig of him
Yes, and 100% me too. Great design. Always enjoyed that style of costume-puppeting.

I want Earl's friend, Roy too. A t-rex in a bowling shirt would be so fun.
Man I loved Roy. I'd buy the whole cast I think. Would love to have the boss as well.
I want that newscaster guy.
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Pride dress Elvira is today's reveal. Pretty neat, albeit not the most exciting reveal.
Blainerthings is knocking them out of the park!
Seek help you stalking troll
I think that's cool.
Necamutt is a real designer now
This is the moment necamutt became a real designer
Fuck off bigot
>want to have all the Elvira figures
>don't want fag flag stuff on my shelves
Honestly I'm not even fagphobic. But every person I know is and during my life I've been confronted by family members thinking I'm gay and I just don't want to go through that again.
The giant titted woman doesn't deflect that?
Well she's a fag irl
Just tell them it's Candyland Elvira. She looks hot in this anyway.
No I'm pretty sure that as long as I don't have a girlfriend they'll secretly think I'm gay.
I'm not gay I'm just some combination of neurotic, anxious, depressed and autistic that is detrimental to a relationship.
Well if you stopped having gay sex in public they wouldn't keep accusing you
>fag irl
>fag icon
>wearing fag flag
>designed by a fag
This one is an uphill battle.
Well ended up buying 4 KO's of the TMNT turtles off ebay. They were only 20 bucks each but come on don't say shit is genuine NECA and then ship me shit that says drillbit made in china on the packaging
randy leave money on the table
he leave money on the table
by not re-releasing giraffe neck og mirage turtle
the quality of stolen mold have collapse
in recent year so now is the time
randy hear our call
make our dreams come true
put aside your stubborn way for us
i beg for neco toy
and it’s wrong
i post modest neco toy collection
and it’s wrong
i refrain from posting neco toy
and it’s wrong
No way you can get blainerthings to SIGN the over the rainbow Elvira, don’t miss this!!
What do you want? Your post seemed to be just making a statement about some people screwing you from China.

It sucks, it really does. That's why you have to be careful where you buy from.
please can they just post drac shredder and foot thralls already not this gay pride mumbo jumbo
I mean you can always try to chargeback? You can prove it's not ehat you ordered it sounds like.
Why in gods name did Neca think my gay ass would want a gigantic pair of mommy milkers on my shelf. And even if I did why would I want tranny flags. I like non mutilated cocks and hate tits. And even if I liked trannies and titties why in gods name would I want that ugly fucking dress.

Zira-anon here, after seeing what the foot articulation is like for hospital-gown Laurie (doesn't look like it has ankle rockers nor able to easily accept the ape-feet of a spare warpaint Koba I have) I've decided instead to use Elvira for the body base. I'll have to do a double-mastectomy on the Elvira body to give it a chest size much closer to Zira's in Escape, but the whole body's gonna be redone with greenstuff anyways from sculpted fur, so resculpting the breasts to be smaller shouldn't be a hassle.
Fag hags are a thing y'know. Cher has a huge following.
trooner alert
I'm so tired, bros.
Of what? A toy that doesn't affect you in any way, shape, or form?
>that doesn't affect you in any way, shape, or form?
Every release suddenly appearing before Ultimate M3GAN delays her even further from finding a way onto my shelf.
She is in Wolf purgatory, anon.
>suddenly appearing
Bro, do you even understand how these things work? Not everything is shown at the cons that's releasing. There's also different schedules for when things hit. Elvira is a figure that's already 98% done, a new dress, stickers and accessories and a new head doesn't push anything back, doesn't prevent anything from coming out, and doesn't "suddenly appear."
This is the one. This is the one necamutt will be remembered for. He’s come a long way from just being randy’s houseboy.
Kill yourself you racist fuck
TLDR. Exact release date for Ultimate M3GAN when?
See >>10983284
Women ruin everything. Even tits and the gay.
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I just need to be understood before transformation can occur, vitriol only feeds my hate.
BEAR BLOOD arrives today
Finally a good Megan figure.
I will be buying 2 of her.
I just realized I could stick that rocker ALF with the Out of Their Shells TMNT.
Thanks for the shitpost, troll
I really do love that new face with the face plate tech. Wonder if that will still fit on the first version's body. Hmmm.
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You're gonna use the second one for customizing, right?...right?
Yes it is indeed the middle of Quarter 2 of this year, 2024 and still no sign of her.
>Verification not required
Yay! Very nice man.
Haven't fully taken him out but out of the front sleeve. Looks really nice.
Hard to get a good pic
The packaging is really cool
Yeah I don't keep boxes but this one I will
Do you have kids, anon? Have you even had sex?

Does anyone even love you?
Only randy does
Nah. You can go away now.
You're not even going to have kids, let's be real here.
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Christopher Lee Dracula is today's reveal! It's up for early release preorder on the Necastore.

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