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This is a Toriko fan quest, taking place after the manga/anime ended.

The world is in the Second Gourmet Age and you are Sterling Pister a student in his final year at Gourmet Hunter Academy.

Alright, your final assignment, which is necessary to graduate, is as you all you know the so called Graduation Full Course. This means that you need to come up with and hunt a full course meal using the ingredients available to this school. As a reminder anyone who successfully captures an ingredient with a Capture Level of 3 will be injected with gourmet cells, though I only recommend doing this if you're confident in your abilities. [/green.]

The moment your teacher is done with his speech you look at the form on your desk. There are of course eight courses in a full course menu and you had a good idea of what you wanted to go for, but the highest capture level is 2. Even your Main Course has a Capture Level of 1.

You have no doubt that your planned full course menu is good enough to let you graduate as is but should you keep it or try to go for the Gourmet cells? Of course as Gourmet Hunter you will get Gourmet Cells eventually just by eating delicious food but that way it can take a while. As you think it over you decide to at least fill in what you're already sure of.

*Hors d'Oeuvre: Almond Cabbage (CL less than 1)
*Soup: Rock River Soup (CL 1)
*Fish Dish: Garlick Crab (CL 2)
*Meat Dish: Bacon Leaves (CL 2)
*Main Course:

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Rolled 9 (1d20)

> Try to fight
Rolled 15 (1d20)

> Try to fight

Let's back up Zongeh-- he already seems to be engaging one of the bandits (?) with his axe, so we might as well.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

> Try to fight
Gas them with pepper spray
>> Shout that there are intruders
They said they don't want attention, give it to them.
> Try to fight
Nice finally some blood sacrifices for Mazela

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A narrative evo game. Pick a creature, make a single iterative change to it that helps it to adapt to its environment.

Your creations may antagonize other player's creatures, defend themselves, adapt to an environment, or meet change through periodic "evolution table" events.

1. Always save your picture as a .png, and never use a soft edged painting tool. This allows other players to easily edit your creation should they wish, and lets less experienced people without developed artistic skill join in.

2. Any player can edit any creature. If two players edit the same creature that creates a split in the evolutionary line, which is great for biodiversity.

3. If a shitpost emerges, instead of complaining, try to herd it full circle back to plausibility. It's fun.
The Cast:

The titular Ramel, a sort of warm blooded repto-insect with a blade on it's face and tail. An omnivore with a preference for delecious ragas berries or the occasional bord. Stupid, territorial, and asocial. A patrician choice for a sensible player.

The noble Ragas. A semi mobile plant that reproduces via berries. A mild acidic secretion allows it to break down soil for maximum extraction of nutrition, as well as any tough carrion, or incapacitated organisms it comes across.

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Rolled 3, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 1, 3, 1, 5, 4, 3 = 43 (12d5)


Rolling for (in order)
Fat Bordstard
Gore fruit
Stinky Runmel
Having run out of prey to hunt in some of their habitats, some Gorebord populations have instead turned to vegetarianism, growing longer arms to more easily pick ragas. This peaceful life has made them more social, to the point that they form small family units that stick together for life, becoming Vegegorians.
To facilitate better communication with one another, Vegegorians have developed little holes on their beaks, covered by skinflaps, to create a variety of whistling noises. These peaceful creatures have little need for weapons violence, returning their once blood crusted feathers back to their original color.

Hornybords are becoming increasingly more intelligent, and in the process, more violent. Having begun hunting Ramels exclusively, by forming packs and ramming their huge horns into them, these malicious carnivores have developed a horn-covered forehead to protect their bigger brains during charges, as well as a fashionable air-sac with which they can communicate longer and louder to coordinate their attacks

Horny Gorebords as well have taken to the hunting of Ramels, but they have little need for nerd shit like "tactics" and "talking" they instead use their newly acquired pack-instincts to turn hunts into competitions of strength.
No longer fighting among one another, the survivors the hunts become buffer and buffer until they are so buff that they can communicate with their fellow hunters solely by the flexing of their muscles.
Because of their impressive physique, these creatures are simply known as Gorelords.

Constantly struggling to survive, the Ugly Bordstard has taken to simply eat whatever it can get its hands on, fighting lesser creatures for their kills, powering through the pain of ragas defense mechanisms, and using its misshapen beak as a weapon to substitute for its dysfunctional horn, resulting in a strong all-purpose beak.
Driven into the night by stronger creatures, the Ugly Bordstard's naturally brown coloring has made them nearly invisible in the dark, and being constantly on the run has given them short, but powerful legs.

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Because of their great success in killing its own predators, Gorefruits have grown larger and managed to save up enough nutrients to develop a large nutrient-bulb underneath, which distributes both stored nutrients as well as nerve signals through the plant's body, effectively making it a miniature brain.
In large numbers, they can interlock and become more than the sum of their parts, developing so much intelligence they become not just self-aware, but fully sapient, earning these plants the name Brainfruit.
Using their enormous intellect, Brainfruit can and will try to kill everything that isn't a fellow Brainfruit, so that they may grow and become even smarter.

To stabilize their bipedal running even further, Stinky Runmels have grown long tails with which they can remain upright without falling over. Their stinkgland has moved at the end of this tail, which has become bright red like a ragas berry so they can sit down and lure stupid Ramels in, so that when they try to eat these "berries" a powerful stinkblast instantly kills them and the Runmel can feed on them.
This bizarre lifestyle has caused them to grow fur to better blend with the environment, but also become warmblooded to survive the winters more easily.
Being as stinky as they are and now also having fur, Stinky Runmels are now Stinky Ratmels
OP, could you compose a lineage tree / mark some of the early versions as extinct (as in there are no more left because all of them evolved to something else), please?
very cool image
Rolled 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 5, 2 = 41 (16d5)

Anon, at first I was going to be a better QM. Then I realized I am pretty much a shit QM, and I said "everything is still alive to evo, but fucking up the latest renditions of things is usually most fun, however some people might like the classics."

Also that chart....man...I am tired. T i r e d. Not too tired to run this quest, but too tired to do things that feel like my regular job.


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By the authority vested in you through the Law On the Administration of Special Military Districts under the Ministry of Defense, you, Lieutenant Colonel Gennady Nasirovich Liptsov, are the sole and final established authority on civil and military matters within Gordon District. All decisions there are ultimately yours to make.

Since arriving in Gordon, you have made it your main priority to establish contact with the security forces stationed in the region. You now command the 7th Glorian Internal Ministry Company, encamped at a local high school, and are searching for radio equipment that would enable you to contact the 216th Independent Motorized Rifle Battalion, stationed somewhere in the distant countryside north of Vadim-Tepe.
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Pushing through the doors into the school, you make a steady line down the unlit hallway towards where you remember the principal's office is located. Around halfway down the hallway, however, you are met by Senior Lieutenant Shcherbin, who is approaching from the opposite direction. Seeing you, he stops and salutes. The Senior Lieutenant breaks into conversation as soon as you are within distance: "Lieutenant Colonel, we were informed of your return. Captain Hasanaliev has not come back yet, but I will assist you in whatever way I can, sir." He looks at you, expectantly; he is breathing heavily, as if he just exerted himself.

No need to keep him waiting on his orders: "We are conducting a clearing operation at a former site of the occupation regime, Lieutenant. Prepare the company's machine gun platoon to conduct an urban clearing operation and have the platoon's commander report to me to receive a briefing on the operation."

Shcherbin lightly taps a waiting private on the chest and audibly whispers: "Alert V Company and bring Lieutenant Rashidov here for the colonel."

You wait for the private to go scurrying along the hallway and then continue: "In additional, prepare one of the rifle platoons. I would like them to drive south and attempt to find the source of the power outage affecting the city."

"A whole platoon, sir? Isn't that the sort of thing that can be done by one or two bitches in a jeep?" Your face freezes in the middle of starting the next sentence.

"No", drifts into the front of your mind, "this cannot be done by 'one or two bitches in a jeep'". It could, if the Internal troops were assisting with a forest fire outside of St. Marmero, but not in unknown and, therefore, potentially hostile territory. Sending one or two men is asking to have them returned home in body bags. There is a reason here to send men out in force, a reason clearly escaping the company's lieutenant.

The short and wide man in front of you instantly senses his mistake - or what he perceives to be a mistake - "So sorry, sir. You know best. I am deeply sorry for speaking out of turn.

He looks up at you, a shred of apprehension leaking into his hitherto docile expression and small bored-looking eyes. He is wondering where he stands with you, Gennady? Clearly, he is used to speaking to his CO in a particular way and unsure how you will react. In short, he doesn't know if you are going to take this Gennady? Well, Genya, are you?

>The hell you are!! Authority flows in only one direction in the military: up to down. The idea of a subordinate talking back goes against the core ethos of military organization. You do not tolerate insubordination or 'advice' from inferior officers and that includes Senior Lieutenant Shcherbin

>You know what, you will 'take this'. Shcherbin may be wrong in this case, but a good commander takes advice and information from all quarters. You have seen senior officers who sit in their headquarters tents and issue orders without regard for the on-the-ground situation - you have even had the misfortune to serve under some of them - and it always ends in a lot more dead boys. This commander is not you, Gennady, you listen and that is what makes you effective.


This is a character-decision and determines the course of some of Gennady Lipstov's future interactions. In particular, this vote will make him more or less willing to tolerate unsolicited advice from his officers, which it turn will impact their willingness to speak their minds freely and to act without your prior approval. It will determine the model of military organization you are running. I will try to have another post up tomorrow so that the clearing operation does not last an extremely long time
>>You know what, you will 'take this'. Shcherbin may be wrong in this case, but a good commander takes advice and information from all quarters. You have seen senior officers who sit in their headquarters tents and issue orders without regard for the on-the-ground situation - you have even had the misfortune to serve under some of them - and it always ends in a lot more dead boys. This commander is not you, Gennady, you listen and that is what makes you effective
He's not exactly defiant, just still thinking like an IM. Needs a readjustment, and his focus should be the mission, not avoiding our displeasure.

Impress on him how alone we are. Messages can cross the old border no faster than mail, the populace has only ever known the old regime, and an entire army battalion is unaccounted for. We are all we have until proven otherwise, and we will act accordingly.

He is not in Antegria, and we are not Internal Ministry. He's free to say two bitches are enough again, but he'll do it with some tact.
>You know what, you will 'take this'. Shcherbin may be wrong in this case, but a good commander takes advice and information from all quarters. You have seen senior officers who sit in their headquarters tents and issue orders without regard for the on-the-ground situation - you have even had the misfortune to serve under some of them - and it always ends in a lot more dead boys. This commander is not you, Gennady, you listen and that is what makes you effective

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Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Disappearing%20Hogwarts
Character Sheets: https://pastebin.com/mTYzU5uL
Twitter: https://twitter.com/head_qm


In the last thread you:

> Got shot at with blanks by Harry Potter

> Snuck into St. Mungo’s and discovered who were the hosts of Rowena Ravenclaw and Godric Gryffindor

> Found the entrance to Avalon and discovered you’d need all three Deathly Hallows to open it before Salazar broke through it

> Discovered that the Beast is actually Merin, fragmented beyond recovery

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I'd imagine slightly smaller than average, but not flat enough for her friends to tease her about it. Definitely noticeable under most normal clothes.

I have a general rule that boob size descriptions should be only included for the same reason as dick size descriptions: when it is relevant to the character’s personality or story, society’s treatment of that character, or strikingly abnormal, otherwise it’s usually just about the author mentally jerking off. Everything else can be left to the imagination of the readers, or specified when the plot requires it.

That being said, the only ones I particularly imagine as busty are Amalia and Helga, and before that Lily, simply because she was meant to be both a year older and also The Hottie (tm). Everyone else varies on the normal range, except for Arty who is a smaller size.

If there’s anything or anyone specific you’d like to know, just let me know

In unrelated news, I have been staring at an empty page for almost two days now, to the point I’m almost fading to black and fading it back in after Elliot magically beats the challenge. I had a pretty good idea of the two other challenges, and I hate all of you for picking the one I had mentally handwaved as “something related to some of the members of the Round Table, I’ll figure it out later” without realizing it was the most complex of all of them. More like hate myself for giving the damn option.

Well, back to staring at the empty page. Sorry for taking so long.
that is a pretty wise rule, no wonder the quest is good, if you manage to set important ground rules like these its only natural the story will be naturally great, as a coomer and resident drawfag you have my respect and admiration for sticking to it

>unrelated news
uff, man, im familiar with that feeling, if there is anything we could do to help you with this part, dont doubt on letting us know, we all want whats best for the quest and you, so take your time and ask for help if needed, im sure somebody could give you some sort of inspiration in someway
>Well, back to staring at the empty page. Sorry for taking so long.

It is fine my man. However, we must hurt you for you to grow.

We also missed out on big titty librarian girl by going for the tiny eternal semi-loli. I think it is a good trade, though I was considering convincing people to try and pursue Amalia since I like blondes and appreciate big tits, even if I like the other side more. Before our micro GF was an option of course. There are studies showing large boobs are less sensitive than smaller ones, just saying. Also, a new idea... a side to side breast size ranking chart. Helga looking smug at the left-hand side. Arty with an annoyed look as she stands at the end of the right-hand one.

I, too, imaged most of the female cast being basically normal, aside from Helga. That was my general experience, when I was in high school, aside from the one girl I knew who choose to get breast reduction surgery due to her tig old bitties giving her back problems.
>boob size descriptions should be only included for the same reason as dick size descriptions: when it is relevant to the character’s personality or story, society’s treatment of that character, or strikingly abnormal, otherwise it’s usually just about the author mentally jerking off. Everything else can be left to the imagination of the readers, or specified when the plot requires it.
Good QM practice
>hate all of you for picking the one I had mentally handwaved
>hate myself for giving the damn option
Bad QM practice

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This story is about a young man working hard to make a living.
What is his occupation? (Choose one)

>1: Farmer. Strong muscles makes tilling the earth easier. (STR+)
>2: Thief. Nimble hands means easier pocketchange. (DEX+)
>3: Doctor. Smart mind finds the cure. (INT+)
>4: Musician. Silver tongue pleases the crowds. (CHA+)
>5: Write in. (Define which stat this would increase)

One night while the young man sleeps tight in his bed after a long days work, something strange happens to him...

What is that strange thing? (Choose one)
>A: A burgler tries to steal from his room.
>B: Wild and vivid dreams of adventure occupy his night.
>C: The moonlight slips through his window, bathing him in mystical light.

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>Let Joergen participate
Sorry for the long gap since last post. Had some irl things to do
I will write soon ish
>Let Joergen participate
Inindur and Joergen interrogates the bandit for a couple hours. When questioned, the bandit replies with insults, jokes about genitalia, and how ugly Inindur and Joergen is.
Joergen remains calm, but Inindur can sense how Joergen is waiting for a good moment to perform some violence.

How does Inindur proceed?
>Convince the bandit to give up information
>Intimidate the bandit
>Let Joergen do his thing
>Try a different method
>Write in

Roll me a d10 with your vote
Rolled 8 (1d10)

>Write in
Perform a blood ritual in front of the bandit, scare the living behesus out of him. Tell him he'll be next if he doesn't give you answers
Rolled 9 (1d10)

>Convince the bandit to give up information

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Sing, goddess, of thirsty Argos, and of the glory of Hippomedon Aristomachides - sing of the folly of Adrastus, of the savagery of Tydeus and of Oedipal transgressions! Sing, O Muse, of Zeus’ designs, which even now come to fulfillment…
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Nice - and there’ll be more than gold in there.

Next update tomorrow night EST!
Hippo was right, these guys were PROFESSIONAL thieves. A shame they had to die.
Not shame, thieves and criminals get what they deserve.
Then I can't help but wonder what Hippo will deserve for his actions in this raid.
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The cart brims with Tegean gold – under the moonlight, it takes on a silverish-quality, but you know the look of it under any circumstances. Goblets, mixing bowls studded with jewels, statuettes , and silverware are scattered within – piles of gold talents drown the bottom of the cart carelessly, and hide further treasures from sight. A silver-nailed sword and gilded scabbard, clearly meant as display pieces, stands against the cart wall in the far corner. In the other corner, a heavy tapestry or rug of some kind is rolled up into a long tube, and bent in the middle to fit inside the crammed cart – it is covered with a white linen cloth of high-quality, glimmering under the light of Selene. You trade excited glances with Chabrianos – this is wealth enough for a commoner and his extended family to live like royalty for decades, if they can hold onto it. Even for you, a very wealthy man, it represents a very significant amount of gold. Your own treasure vault might hold three times the gold, although your wealth in herds and livestock cannot be reduced to a single room. No wonder the men were struggling to get this cart up the hill – you actually have to strain a bit yourself to free the cart from the muddy path; it pops loose with a sucking noise.

For player convenience = this cart is basically worth about 500 cattle on its own. I’d like to make clear that Timae points are not all equal; they are a measure of relative wealth and so the “Timae scale” is logarithmic in nature.

A phenomenal find. you consider, this alone might be success enough for the cattle raid… It occurs to you that you might simply take the cart and head back to Argos; it would be tremendously easier and safer to smuggle a single gold-laden cart home than a thousand cattle, although armies cannot eat gold. As you consider, you inspect the bodies of the slain thieves, who have been brought to the cart for closer inspection:

The taller and thinner of the two men is clearly of noble heritage, although only of average height for a nobleman. His hair is light brown, as is his eyes, but his skin is lighter – likely he hails from the middle part of Hellas. He carries almost nothing on his person, leaving you with few clues as to his identity – the only exception, is a silver ring on his left hand. Removing it, you see that there are markings on the interior surface, although you cannot read them yourself – you’ll have to show the ring to one of the literate Argives that you know to discern the meaning. From his features and coloration, you guess that he is Phocian, although you cannot be certain of it. The second man is found to be a large commoner man, bearded, with rounded belly and thick shoulders. There are millions of commoner Hellenes who have this profile – you immediately assume that he is the Phocian’s thiefly lieutenant.

>2nd half of the update will come later tonight, ran out of time before work...

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In times past, giants walked the earth. Now, they shall awaken and walk again.

The first nuclear weapon detonated in 1945, showering the earth in radiation that had gone unseen for millions of years. The opening of Pandora's Box led to countless explosions, twice against man, and many more in barren deserts and oceanic depths. As the crust of the planet became charged with energy once more, ancient things began to stir.

You play as one of these creatures: A young Kaiju, awakened by radiation and ready to feed on it. As one of many who are emerging into existence, the time has come for you and your ilk to reclaim your rightful place as the rulers of Earth.
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Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d3)

>Action 1: Keep upgrading lair
>Action 2: Descend close to the ground to absorb any energy in there, be it what has been collected by the Thralls or what was already there. Have the Thralls be ready to defend the Hive Mind should there be an assault.
>Action 3: Have the Thralls start producing and distributing weapons as much as possible. Since their minds are linked together, they should all be able to use them. The cult must gain military autonomy to repel attackers.
Meant for >>5986537
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d3)

"Unknown biothreat detected. Analyzing. Threat is not target. Calculating chances of eacape... low. Determining best course of action. Retaliating."
>Spend all actions attacking Gel.
Rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5 (3d3)

All actions: Fight!
Rolled 3, 2, 1 = 6 (3d3)

Revenge! This new enemy is tough, so far it has hurt both Shelob and her precious web. Part of her considers running but this is her territory, her home and she won't give it up.

Action 1: She runs into the bear as hard as she can (Strength)
>Action 2: She stabs him with both scythe arms (Strength)
>Action 3: She bites into the bears flesh (Strength)

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You're a stick with a witches hat. Your name is Mazela. You're a queen of the witches forest.

>Stick around
>Become a bigger stick
>Grow other stick parts
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>Other (write-ins)
Why are we wasting time here? We have houses to build.
>Nudge harder, then check pulse
You better not be dead, we have a crack pipe to sell for mad cash money
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I'll roll now, but do the drawing later when I have time
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Mazela thinks to her "Fuck this shit, I'm tired of this life, I'm tired of doing drugs, getting drunk and going to parties. I'm going to clean myself life, lead a life of sobriety and become a house builder like my papa was". And it was at that moment that the door bell rung. Mazela looked who it is and noticed it's the pigs. "AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW SHIIIIIEEEEETTTTT, just as I'm about to sobber up."

>talk to them, see what they want
>try to wake up Width Stick Mashallah again
>abscond, since fuck this shit
>wait, they'll probably leave
>>wait, they'll probably leave

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Previous chapters: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Heretic%20Cultivator%20Quest
MC info Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/x5rCdZpq
Sect/ disciple info Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0Yghkqs4WxALnnlVJ2uPpphQk9NQ4ME32DzC1qWp7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Folklore: https://pastebin.com/AnbsrDcd

You are Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood), She who touched and dyed the moon red, the rightful ruler of and most impressive amongst all beasts, the heir to the primordial throne of true primordial nobility, an popular amateur writer, the founder and first and current grand master of the palace of natural laws sect (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn) and creator of the cultivation technique following the dao of ghosts and grudges, there heretical art of the Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎl), and you are also the rightful monarch of the kingdom of the buried army of those who dared oppose the order of the heavens, the aggressors and only victims of the bloodless war, a kingdom of graves, tombs and quiet catacombs filled to brim with vengeful spirits, hungry ghosts and ancient warriors turned phantom calamities.

However, the king who has lost his name and been forgotten by all outside of his cursed followers and soldiers trapped beneath the now split mountain you claimed and marked as your own years ago, still holds most of the lands of one of your rightful domain. And while it is but one of the many kingdoms and titles that are rightfully yours, the forgotten king and his toadies have earned your ire and enmity through all the wrongs they have committed against you and yours. They tried to attack you while you were in deep meditation and refining the ghostly essence saturating the tomb kingdom, and during your student's valiant defense of your cultivation chamber, one of those brute's cursed one of poor Qiang's eyes, forcing her to tear it out herself! And since everyone, men and beast alike, mistake her for your daughter, you may as well pay them back for that injury as if she truly was from a litter of yours! And that isn't to mention the insults the governor of his that you've been using like a caged canary and footstool has spat your way. And still is. Even though Yin Zhao has been your prisoner for quite some time, he hasn't once wept or wailed pathetically with the other loyalists you keep caged to sing you pretty and sorrowful songs while you hold court and appease your subjects by alleviating the agony of their wretched and cursed existence trapped here beneath the earth. Not quite in hell, but certainly not alive.

Subjects who are now braying and barking for "blood" and vengeance, the fury they feel towards their former leader for getting them trapped in this sorry state driving them all into a frenzy, even those who are usually cool headed, composed and mostly sane after the long centuries confined here by the heavens' spite.
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You frown, considering the offer before the ghost beneath your paw chuckled.

"Though, where you dug that raging idiot out of, is a mystery I'd like to hear" He cackles, smiling viciously up at you "That is, if the king leaves any fragment of you behind after he's finished with you, you arrogant bi..."

A crack of lightning, infused with blood Qi shoots through his back, making him scream louder than he ever did while being cut apart by your chasing stars. Lifting you smoking paw, leaving him to suffer for his impudence at threatening you on his king's behalf, you trot over him, still contemplating the words before he had the incredibly stupid idea to try and intimidate you.

"You...this...was...a show of..ressspect" The batter ghost hisses, crawling after you. But his babbling annoys you, so you shut him up with another bolt of life infused lightning

What do you do about the Forgotten King's offer of an audience, Huanliuxue?

>Accept it and cut to the chase, you came down here to steal his crown, so this will just make it happen quicker.

>Not trusting it for a moment, tell your soldiers to finish up capturing the floor and lead them forward

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>He may have his audience. But I will take this floor first, Your forces will surrender and mine will occupy my new territories.
>Once we have the floor secure, go to meet the king

I see no reason to refuse. But I also see no reason to not take the floor while We're at it. What's he gonna do, keep resisting?
>Not trusting it for a moment, tell your soldiers to finish up capturing the floor and lead them forward
>Not trusting it for a moment, tell your soldiers to finish up capturing the floor and lead them forward
>Accept it and cut to the chase, you came down here to steal his crown, so this will just make it happen quicker.

Monarch Vs Monarch

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>Art: Dan Mora
>Alt-Text: Comic cover of The Riddler in the foreground. In the background, cut out newspaper letters spell “Riddle Me This” while Superman and Batman leap into action in front of a maze.

Batman: Superman! You have to fight it!
Ivy: The sun doesn’t fight. It feeds.

Clark starts glowing as a field of flowers spawns in a ring around him. The parks shudder and flexes, the ground itself pulsating.

Batman: You are stronger than this! Stronger than most people! You landed on a world of hate and violence and chose to make it better. It doesn’t matter if she’s sapping your energy. Your real power is your will!

Your ally grits his teeth, Failsafe buzzes in your ear about magnetic waves but it doesn't have to bother. You can taste electricity in the air. Leaves rustle, but this is no wind.


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>Waller vs Wildstorm
>Waller vs wildstorm

Damn waller, you chunky bitch. Still the most dangerious woman in the room, eh?
Locking for Waller vs Wildstorm. Update on or before 4/27/2024.

How is the new weekly schedule working out for you folks?
Bothersome, but I know real life is a pain and so you do what needs to be done.
Fine by me, the updates are still good

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Previous thread: >>5952601

The weird thing that came out of the wall can talk. It tells you that she was just in a room like this, and asks you where she is.
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You tell her that she is in the famous brothel Wet Bussy and that you're both bondage fanatics
>"Aaaaarms? I don't know where we are. I'm Derf."
"Where's your bleeding hole?" Of course, we mean the trepanning, what else?
>I have no Idea. Could you please search in my headhole for secrets?

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The great hosts of chaos marched towards Karag Dum. Thousands, tens of thousands made their way towards the ancient ruins of a proud dwarven bastion that had held out for so long. Its cannons had roared, its mithril clad warriors had cut and hewn and cleaved and shot the warriors of chaos. Its forges churned out endless suits of armor, countless weapons, endless stockpiles of bolts. Its mighty walls, placed atop a lone mountain domineered over the landscape, the towers seeming to pierce the very sky and disturb the gods above. And for that, it had to fall. The dwarves fought, and yet, they had fallen to the hordes of chaos. Despoiled, ravaged, raped, as all lands ought to be, sooner or later.
You had never seen the Karag before. And now, only crumbled ruins remained. Maybe, the next time you visit it, it won’t be so far in the future, for the crumbled walls and broken towers more remind you of the rotten jaws of a warhound than of a proud bastion overrun by brave soldiers of Chaos.
As you crest the bleak ocher hill, you see what you long expected. Beneath a burning orange sky, a gathering of armies, warbands and hosts. Spitting on the ground and uttering a oath, then continue forwards, order your host to make camp while you head for the centre of the gathering, towards the lone tent overlooking the countless hordes.
As soon as you step in front of the tent and try peering inside, you feel a shove from behind. Tumbling forwards and already drawing your weapon out, you turn to strike at your assailant, but to no avail, as you fall through the tent flaps, which close shut behind you. A cleave at them leaves your blade harmlessly bouncing from the magical cloth. A rough chuckle emerges from behind you.
“Another one!” A Hung chief laughs. “Settle in friend. We all wait long.”
A quick scan of the massive tent reveals a impressive gathering of warlords, chiefs and champions, of Kurgan, Hung and Beastmen types, all eyeing each other with doubt, suspicion and spite. Yet, all keep their weapons by their belts. They must have been here for long in order to have relaxed so much in such company. A moment of thinking later, you choose to follow their lead, but keeping your gaze on a bestigor with a head crowned with 3 pairs of horns.
You think of speaking to the mob, yet before you can, a female voice booms in the room. “You won’t wait for any more.”
In a flash of motion, every blade is drawn and more than twice that many eyes are anxiously glancing around the tent.
“A whispering on the steppes had called you all here.” The strange cloaked figure spoke as it appeared in the center.
Within a moment, the champions and warlords and reaves and warriors all surrounded the figure, distrustful of each other, but afraid of the figure that just appeared between them.
“I called you here.” The figure continued, concealed by the dancing shadows too thick to be natural. “I called you here so that you may wage war upon the southlands.”
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My HA was supposed to swing around to the edge of my forces to flank the enemy or push on to the villages, & all the rest of my forces should have charged right into the Ungols in a line. How much damage do Ungols dish out?

Chaos Knights push into the Ungols from the two Western hexes, Horse Archers not engaged move behind them to attack the Ungols from behind.

Hopefully the werewolves don't make us fight it out and they surrender before they maul your Minotaur units as well.

I'm basically going to retreat my minotaurs north through the central mountain pass back to friendly Bearsonling territory - they're too expensive to risk in further combat.

It's probably going to be a slog to get through the mountains here, but if Lanu time-skips us to the future, we could run into trouble if Magor or the other players track east in their own raids. So I think we just have to play it out one turn of movement at a time, unfortunately. Or maybe Lanu could have the surrendered Ulfwerenar reveal a "hidden path" of plain tiles through the eastern mountains that lets us move more quickly?
Really wish I could edit files on mobile, my movement has gotten all fucked up.
Cant you just download the picture to your gallery and edit it there?

That is what i did for my movement
If you're using android, pocket paint is a solid app for adding arrows.

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"Wake up." You open your eyes to the familiar, yet always somewhat imposing, stone walls of your room in Blackthorn Keep. Your name is Caden Blackthorn, the eldest son and heir of Lord Edric Blackthorn and his dear wife Lady Agatha. At fourteen, the weight of your future responsibilities as the lord of Blackthorn Keep already presses on your shoulders, a constant, if not entirely unwelcome, companion.
The morning sun barely filters through the narrow window, casting long shadows that dance across the floor. You rise, the cool stone beneath your feet a stark contrast to the warmth of the bed you reluctantly leave behind.
Today, unlike most days filled with the rigorous studies and training expected of a lord's heir, promises a brief respite. It's the day of the Autumn Festival, a day when the entire keep and the surrounding villages come alive with music, laughter, and the scent of fresh harvests.

>A) A strange sense of déjà vu washes over you, leaving you with the eerie feeling that this moment has unfolded before.
>B) Fragments of a half-forgotten dream flash through your mind, hinting at terrible things on the horizon.
>C) Memories of another life, filled with a decade of pain and heartbreaks, the adventures of a prodigal son, flood your consciousness vividly.
>D) Your mind is clear, with a focus solely on the present, unburdened by the past.
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>A) "Let's check it out, but stay close," you suggest, curiosity piqued by the unexpected discovery, cautious yet driven to explore.
Is this the witches hut of our beloved queen?
>B) "We should turn back," you consider, suddenly aware of how far you've strayed and the fading light.
staying far away from anons magical realm
>B) "We should turn back," you consider, suddenly aware of how far you've strayed and the fading light.
>A) "Let's check it out, but stay close," you suggest, curiosity piqued by the unexpected discovery, cautious yet driven to explore.
>>A) "Let's check it out, but stay close," you suggest, curiosity piqued by the unexpected discovery, cautious yet driven to explore.

You're a modern Western man who was transported to 1600's Japan. What isekai powers did you get?
>High stats
>Save scumming
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>>You have a feeling he is lying
>You trust the pilot

What's your deal? Is this your D&D character you're trying to turn into a thing?
its a quest that died immediately after some anon started spamming mazela quest in votes of a lot of other quests
I see. Thanks for the lore, anon.
Watched the finale. New thread will be up soon

Your name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. You have just woken up after your 50TH birthday. It's time to go to the hospital.
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>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)

>>PIZZA TIME. You need some comfort food to get over these depressing results. (+1 HEISENBERG POINT)
>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
>BURGER TIME. You need some comfort food to get over these depressing results. (+1 WALTER POINT)
>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
Start driving like a maniac on your way home.
Fuck it, might as well live a little.

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