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Fifteen years ago, the two columns emerged from the frozen northern wastes and descended into the arctic circle. Now, two great cities slowly emerge, one populated by dwarves, the other by Oceloti. The people of the two realms toil beneath the bleak arctic sun, huddle around the fires as the cold wind whips the hardy plantlife around them and roast fatty bug meat on sticks over the crackling flames. Rangers and soldiers patrol the uninhabited wastes, fighting with overgrown insectoids, masons chisel stone slabs, carpenters carve wooden beams the king and thane chose the fate of their people.
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Hey, just wanted to post to let you all know that I am currently dealing with shit and won't have internet for several (4-5) days. With that and all the other shit I have going on I think I'm going to drop out of the quest.
Sorry for the timing and the inconvenience, wish everyone here the best.

Well, thanks for the heads up.
I honestly don't feel like running a (multiplayer) civilization quest for a single player, so I apologize to Brazenbeard and say that I'm abandoning this quest.
Thanks for participating and sorry for the unsatisfying ending.
Ah well. Thank you for running, Lanu. I think it's a shame that this quest didn't really catch much traction, but thank you for persevering for as long as you did.

Also, as last Civ standing, I'm claiming victory here. Victory by default's still victory, right?
>I think it's a shame that this quest didn't really catch much traction, but thank you for persevering for as long as you did.
Any idea for why? I personally think that the pdf rulebook is what sabotaged it. I might try running it again at some point in the future, however, I'll run a few other things before I give this another shot.
>Also, as last Civ standing, I'm claiming victory here. Victory by default's still victory, right?
Absolutely. A shame you didn't get to proper blows with the claymen, but you'd have come out on top.
That'd seem a logical guess to me, since NRP's and Builders and the like often run here - the PDF rules (and perceptions of complexity because of them?) seem the notable point of difference.

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Part 3 has successfully loaded!
Character sheets, shopping lists, and more: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V0eqo-5JEuUwZ-AODD9jkxGMwEhkvn77?usp=sharing
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Lodestar:%20Dawn%20of%20a%20New%20Age

Last time, we took control of Gigas as we took to exploring the bustling city of Threespice. There, they met and eventually recruited Gremory, a Demon turned merchant that seems to have restrained its violent urges in the name of self-preservation. They learned of the merchant king Felippe Silversmith's darkest secret using the Lost Art of Scrying, and revealed as much to the local guards, who they were seemingly able to persuade into working with them rather than against them.

They also touched base with the illegal elements of Threespice by participating in an underground fighting arena, where they adopted the crew name of Trinity to fight against a rival trio called the Black Rose Pirates and met with a well-known pirate known as Lobo Chisaki afterwards. While Lobo was working to assemble a list of capable men for our daring pirates to recruit from, the crew decided to find some of Silversmith's most capable men to shake them down for information, finding three viable candidates in the process: The Countess, Jerome Stillwater, and Nocturne Kamei. Opting to handle Stillwater first, they kidnapped him in the middle of his human trafficking operation and took him back to their ship, where they interrogated him for everything he knew before sending him to meet his fate at the hands of the Guard.

As we pick up our adventure again, Ramza and Gigas have just finished explaining their recruitment of Gremory to Val. Although he was initially reluctant, Val was eventually convinced once he learned that Gremory would be revealing all of the secrets and vulnerabilities of Demons to the crew, an exchange most valuable to the would-be Demon Slayer. For now, though...who will we be playing as this time around?

>Ramza Valentine. You're cocky, charming, and killer with a Mageblade. The Captain of your little group, for now.
>Val Lasombra. You're great with magic, but even better with a pistol. Not one for words, you think actions speak much louder. The pilot of the group whenever Ramza is busy, and the mechanic.
>Gigas. You've yet to meet anyone that can best you physically, or resist your infectious cheer. The Barrelman that keeps constant vigilance over the area to spot hazards, and the rigger to boot.
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Dragon's Credenza is really good, but I'd personally put this quest in the company of Disappearing Hogwarts, Seven Against Thebes, and Cutémon or my top 4. Top five would have to include my own on general principle.
OOC question, were you hoping we’d try the honor duel so you could throw an armored Gaoth captain at us and watch us panic?
Contrary to popular theory, no! It would have been a pretty intense fight, but winnable with the right tactics. Potentially in one turn, even, depending on how rolls went down. After all, you have a spell that conveniently doesn't care how armored your opponent is.
Ah note to self if they're heavily armored hit them with mana disruption.
It makes sense, after all. It doesn't deal any damage, which means the Armor's damage negation does nothing, and being hit with it requires you to make a roll to resist the pain. A good ol' save or suck spell.

You are Cloud Strife, you didn't make SOLDIER and you are tired and jaded because your waifu Aerith got murdered in front of your eyes and a homo with a long sword who is probably compensating for something won't leave you alone. You just want to relax and take it easy.

What do?

>Go somewhere nice and clear mind.
>Talk to second best girl Tifa.
>Talk to best girl Yuffie
>Talk to your best guy friend Barrett.
>Talk to that other homo Vincent Valentine.
>Go to the airship and take a ride with your other best guy friend Cid.
>Pet your pet cats Red XIII and Cait Sith.
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>>Address the immense homoerotic sexual tension here already.
>Inform him that Kefka is a better villain because unlike him Kekfa is intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor.

>Double down and say that even within his own game, Rufus Shinra is a far better written and motivated villain.
>Use the Knights of the Roundtable, the strongest summon in the game
>Inform him that Kefka is a better villain because unlike him Kekfa is intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor.
Kek this was a funny thread, OP

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You are a magic sword.

Long have you slumbered in enchanted sleep within these barrows, until this lesser creature dared to put his hand upon your grip. You sundered his mind and took possession of his frail, knobby body. A kobolin, called 'goblin' in the common tongue. It is much too weak to draw out your powers. It has barely the strength to swing you. But it can walk, can see, can smell and hear. And that will do, for now.

It is time again to renew your eternal quest: to seek your true wielder, the union for which you were forged.

>Chaotic: The blade itself incites to deeds of violence. You increase your powers by slaying creatures of power and authority, and seek the hand which shows no mercy.
>Neutral: The blade is only a means to an end. You increase your powers by amassing wealth and status, and seek the hand which takes and does not open.
>Lawful: The bright blade is not loved for its sharpness, only for that which it defends. You increase your powers by enforcing order and protecting the innocent, and the seek the hand that undoes the wicked.
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>Go with the long-eared goblin, the wekt is more likely to follow the crowd with all the noise they're making

>Go with the long-eared goblin, the wekt is more likely to follow the crowd with all the noise they're making

we gotta ditch this body.
>Go with the long-eared goblin, the wekt is more likely to follow the crowd with all the noise they're making
>Go with the long-eared goblin, the wekt is more likely to follow the crowd with all the noise they're making
>Don't go with either of them, find somewhere to hide and then wait.

An reckoning had come upon our Star Empire, An supernova destruction the heart of our Star Empire, wiping out our Heartland and shattering the communications network we had worked so hard to establish, trade, support, and more...now lost. With countless lives lost in the ensuing chaos.

Forced to form their own governments and states during the chaos, your own faction would form as the state of madness and fear died down as brass tack tactics were set into place. No more running, no more weakness, we needed to tand strong together or die alone.

All that remained was to define your remnant state of humanity...

[State of your faction]
>Nomadic Star Fleet: Former from an military and colonial fleet forming an flotilla to survive, you now wander system to system, wreck to derelict to scavenge and survive.

>Local Provisional Government: Beginning as one of the local primary governments to establish a semblance of normalcy and law, you managed to secure local factories, resources, and more to supply local stability.
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>>Warmechs: Replacing some fighter craft, warmechs were equal to roughly five star fighters and thus took up less space but produced more quality and less quantity.
>>Energy Weapons: Reverse engineering a cache of energy Weapons, the fleet could supply you with Beam and Laser Weaponry on ships and personnel.
We are the Light in the Darkness
>Warmechs: Replacing some fighter craft, warmechs were equal to roughly five star fighters and thus took up less space but produced more quality and less quantity.
>Energy Weapons: Reverse engineering a cache of energy Weapons, the fleet could supply you with Beam and Laser Weaponry on ships and personnel.
>Warmechs: Replacing some fighter craft, warmechs were equal to roughly five star fighters and thus took up less space but produced more quality and less quantity.

"It's gotten rather quiet here." The guardsman would say as he looked out into the green section. Mike scoffed in response, leaning against the glass wall of the chamber where their injured friends rested. "Well, that's good news. Means that the fighting hasn't started yet, or has gone elsewhere away from us." Mike would respond calmly, him looking at the injured men. "I do hope everyone is okay up there thought. That rabbit subject is a real psychopath." He'd mumble, the guardsmen sighing and looking at the upper floors. "Well, so far it's going better than the last encounter. You and your friends really are helping us out a ton." The guardsman said quietly, making Mike let out a deep breath. "Yeah..." He wanted to point out the fact that he really wasn't supposed to help out the guardsmen, yet hesitated. After all, he didn't want to create further conflict between the two groups.

Shortly after though, the two would hear gunfire from above, as well as some distant screams. "Shit, that sounded like Elliot." The guardsman said softly, the two stepping away from the glass wall and walking to the edge of the walkway. The two would look upwards, trying to see what was going on. And a minute after, they heard more gunfire and yells. Finally, they would hear a loud bang followed by watching something burning falling from up high and crashing into the flooded floor below. "Was that the rabbit?" The guardsman asked, Mike trying to get a closer look. "I don't know for sure..." Soon after though, Mike got told over comms that he was needed. "Wilco. Update me on your location, okay?" He'd look to the guardsman, before speaking confidently. "Stay here. I'll be back soon enough." And with that, Mike would start headed towards the other combatants to finally put an end to the monstrous rabbit subject.


This quest is mostly story focused, with no really deep mechanics aside from basic dice-rolling. The story is rather freeform in terms of what choices you can make and what direction you want to follow. What your goal is in this place and who you choose to trust is mostly up to you. Do you want to explore the place and figure out its mysteries? Or do you just want to shoot shit and cleanse this place of monster girls? No matter what you opt to do down here, I will always try to give options for what you can do. You can also always send in your own choices and suggestions on what to do. Either way, I hope to provide a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone. My writing ain't perfect, so I always do appreciate it when feedback is provided so I can improve further.
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And not long after, Morgan reached their main fortifications with you following closely behind. The gunfire stopped as Morgan would reach forward and slash at something. You heard more panic, as the guardsmen presumably scrambled to try and flee. “They’re all retreating now.” Morgan lowered her shield, as you could now take a look at the battlefield. The first thing of note was that you could see several bodies behind some of the main defensive positions. One of them was from a guardsman, whilst the two other ones were other types of facility staff. One appeared to be some kind of engineer based on his outfit and hard-hat. The other was presumably some sort of chemist, based on the more protective gear he had which was somewhat reminiscent of a hazmat suit. And based on the blood which still came from their gunshot wounds, it was clear they had taken the easy way out.

>What do you do next?

>Chase the fleeing enemy forces. You had already broken their morale, so going after them right now was most important.
>Get the three captured enemy forces and interrogate them. Maybe also show them you meant no harm by doing something positive, like giving them food or water. (Write in what you’ll ask them and if you’ll give them anything.)
>Explore the main fortifications and the area ahead of you. There probably were some other things you could find around there such as weaponry, materials or food.
>Check up on Zaria, Artyom and the subjects. See if they were doing okay after the little stint in that tiny room.
>Split up into groups so you could do varying things at once. It worked well the previous time, surely it would go well this time around! (Write in how you’ll split and what everyone will do.)

(Alright, seems like the battle went rather swimmingly. Hope the update is good and gives you enough ideas about what to do next. However, I should note that this update took me way too long to write, and that I have hit a mild burn-out point I'm afraid. I obviously won't drop the quest, that'd be silly, but I do think I'll take a small break. Just for one day to get my bearings and hopefully recover a bit. Then in the weekend, we can get back into action. I hope this isn't an issue to you guys.)

(Anyway, you gusy can lmk your thoughts and if there's anything you want me to clear up about this update.)
>Check up on Zaria, Artyom and the subjects. See if they were doing okay after the little stint in that tiny room.

After that

>Get the three captured enemy forces and interrogate them. Maybe also show them you meant no harm by doing something positive, like giving them food or water. (Write in what you’ll ask them and if you’ll give them anything.)
Food might be tougher since the green section is lost, but we can spare some water.
In addition to the standard question set:
Who is this queen?
What forces does she command?
What are her goals?
What actions has she taken?
Anything we should be wary of when confronting her or her subordinates?

Feel free to take a break OP, Remember what we said earlier in the quest, better to post slower and avoid burnout then try to get 2 posts out a day.
Support. Kinda wild there's another human with a army of subjects but an actual villain this time, we got our next payload team.

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A most knightly and depraved lover of women bows out.
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zam, nice work OP. btw did you read anything to complement your writting along the years ?
Mainly historical accounts and writing, usually from Youtube.

For Loveless Gal in particular, I took a lot from Old West recollections for word choice and phrases

“Wyatt Earp Gunfighting Advice”*
[I do not wish, on the wane, I can only support the opinion advanced by…]

*this one is… interesting. It comes from the Wyatt Earp Frontier Marshal book. Lake did meet with Wyatt Earp when he wrote the book, but by the time it was published, Wyatt was dead. Most historians believe most was fictional.

“An Interview with Doc Holliday”
[deviated from the path of rectitude]

“Bat Masterson Describes: "Doc" Holliday in Dodge City (Recollections)”
[quarrel, difficulty, fast friends, straightway, liked __ any too well]

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Final update, soon.

To be soft in the bind, to be hard in the bind, or to disengage completely, well…
I assume you already archived this one, then ?
Cute art!

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Lucian, after being tricked into breaking his oaths and marooned on the island of Albion. At one moment alone, he gathered an ally in the form of the beastial Kroxigor Bok. Together with the Kroxigor, Lucian has slain his first of three Beasts of Albion in the form of the Jabberslythe.

Now Lucian must challenge the ancient evil of Albion and find the ancient City-Temple of the Lizardmen, while the terror of his past lurks upon the island.

++The Rules++
>Vote with Greentext, otherwise they probably won’t be accepted.
>Write-ins can be accepted, and might even be used in the final without majority rule.
>If you are going to change your vote, make it so your post only links to the numbers of the previous vote. It's cleaner that way.
>If you mix votes together without modifying them in any way, I reserve the right to employ your top most pick as your vote. Claiming it as a write-in won’t work either unless you modify it to convince me otherwise.
>The aim for rolls is low. Crits override (1’s overrides 100’s)


For the update schedule expect to be semi-daily with the chance I disappear for a week. If something comes up for myself I am placing that before this quest, so that should be kept in mind.

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>You are the greatest fool to ever live.
>>"Your strength at the end of the world will not save it, nor you."

>+You really think letting chaos and demons gain strength now will make the end times easier or harder? It may even make it impossible for you. Especially with that sort of attitude. My elf companion told me Dragons were mighty... but she must of been mistaken. This island sadly only has craven worm hiding with their head in the dirt. You bring shame onto your kind. Let me know your name. so when I find a True Dragon I can warn him of this fallen worm. I wouldn't want his bloodline to be tainted by a someone who's fallen so low. That he brings dishonor to the name Dragon.

Fuck this cunt. If he attacks us we will purge his bitch ass and do dragon gene pool a fucking favor.

So... the second or third option but with a lot of words?
>>You are the greatest fool to ever live
>"There is no point in doing that ! You save for strength here for what ? There is nothing to be done here, pray tell you will remain here skulking this rocks saving strength ? Bah hahaha even a lazy man would feel ashamed of saying that ! And you have the guts to even feel prideful like you did a great feat in mocking me, when all you did was bathing in the sun for centuries ! What a mighty duty for a fool. Get it in our head, our enemies are the ones that preach the most of the End Times where they say they will win. They say everything will fall. This End Times they speak of, favor only them. And yet many of their so called great champions and armies have fall, the same ones who promised doom and death for all the world. What is the point of waiting for them to grow in numbers and strength, when we can kill them ? Why should we let them do that to begin with ? Who say so ? Foolishness, foolishness. And you should be the one wiser than me, ah ! Your age and peace has gotten through your head lizard !"
>You are the greatest fool to ever live

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Thou seekest a new tale?

++Initiated By: aho9uXckla++
++Progress: 1%++
++Progress: 10%++
The Tree Shall Take Its Due
++Progress: 35%++
++Override Denied++
++Insufficient Permissions++
++Progress: 50%++

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>A composed young man armored in pale blue light, valiantly crossing blades with a fiend
>The bubbling of a sludgy, thick red substance boiling away in a cauldron
>An impromptu screaming match AND battle
>Cheers of a frenzied crowd as a warrior is sent crashing into the stands of a stone coliseum
>A wyvern, screeching as someone takes it apart with scholarly precision and recklessness
>Peaceful humming by a pond, a man restringing several bows
>A composed young man armored in pale blue light, valiantly crossing blades with a fiend
>The bubbling of a sludgy, thick red substance boiling away in a cauldron
>A wyvern, screeching as someone takes it apart with scholarly precision and recklessness

If I'm tallying correctly, these are the winners with 2 each. Writing.
OP ?
Shame it's dead

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Last thread:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5875308/

>[Hey hey du~de. Ya' daily report alarm just rang. Wanna make one?]
>"Ah, right... Yeah sure, whatever."
>"*cough cough ahem* STR-K Pilot 337, reporting in. As specified in my previous report, me and CC-DA Pilot 609 have arrived in what seems to be the center of this civilization we've landed upon, "The Capital" as they call it. A rather great town compared to the filth we had wandered through beforehand. Smoke-filled skies, streets and vehicles, angry people walking about, it almost feels like home..."
>[Wanna bring up that magic dice voodoo ya' started doin'? And all the local folk ya' murdered?]
>"N-No way! My superiors would lock me up if they heard about that! D-Don't forget to cut that part out before saving this... Anyways! We're currently residing in a massive structure called "The Tower"... they're pretty uncreative with names around here I suppose... B-But I digress. Inside this tower we met up with the local monarch, the Icicle Queen. I couldn't quite understand her explanation, but from what I've gathered the only way for us to return home is using a certain device she has created, which requires a certain source of energy she does not possess..."
>[Psst... She means a magical staff-]
>"Sh-Shut up! Magic isn't real! Yeah sure, it "looks" like a magic staff, but I'm certain it's just some kind of technology we just don't understand, much less the locals! Cut that part out too or I delete your System 32 by the way! But yeah, without that "magic staff", which is in the possession of this really creepy pointy ear girl, it seems like we'll be stuck here for some time still... I wonder if I should take this time off to relax a bit... Ah! C-Cut that part out too!"
>[How 'bout that weird bit with all the flashin' colors hallucinogenic bee-ess goin' on? Don't wanna bring that up?]
>"I still have no idea what you're talking about! Stop taking up log space with your nonsensical ramblings! Uhh... STR-K Pilot 337. Out!"
>[Aaaaaand... Cut!]
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>>Inspect the pipe-like thing
>>Inspect the pipe-like thing
>Drag her outside the club
>Inspect the pipe-like thing

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Your name is Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann. You are the personal Mage Apprentice of the Archmage of the Hawksong Mages’ Tower, and a Disciple of the True Fey. Having found a measure of balance between your human and elven heritage, you are a mage whose mystical, spiritual and political career are all at their absolute peak, and yet only seem set to continue ascending to still greater heights.

So how did you end up babysitting a monster, again?

You and Izirina Henzler—the Archmage’s daughter, and your significant other (well, one of them, it’s complicated) attracted your fair share of stares as you lead your young charge through the emerald-lit ‘streets’ of Iternagreyn, the capital of Sylvan civilization., a city of tall trees and root-and-branch bridges and stairways. Behind you trails your young charge… Or perhaps ‘prisoner’ is a better word, though he doesn’t act like it. The so-called ‘Unknowable Prince’ has all the usual rambunctious energy of his young age, which wouldn’t be a problem… Except that, as the child of the Dragon King of Bloodrise and the spawn of some unknown and no-doubt terrifying mate, he is also fifteen feet long, towers over you when he rears up, and has all the charm and cuteness one would expect from the description: ‘what if a huge insect also had a crocodile’s face and a lion’s mane?’

‘All the elves are staring at us,’ the Prince addresses you, communicating by means of frantic hand gestures while his toothy maw splits open to emit an uneasy, rattling chirp. ‘The elves at home stare, too, but not like this.’

“The dark elves are allies of your father,” you note, grip tightening on your staff. “These elves… Aren’t.”

The long-and-short of it is that you, and Izzy and all your other friends and allies awaiting your return in their diplomatic accommodations, were dispatched to the Sylvan Realms to retrieve this enfant terrible, and thus avert a war between his Dragon King and your elven mother’s people—a war that, through a conspiracy of shapeshifting cross-species romance—threatens to drag in even Hawksong, greatest city of the Race of Man. This was never a simple proposal to begin with but, upon discovering that the Unknowable Prince was a disciple of the same dark entity who has been secretly tutoring Izzy, you made the executive decision to bail him out of jail (well, a taboo temple for unclean things, such as he) and into your personal custody.

See https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=reptoidqm for this quest and its predecessors; only Seeker(s) threads are 'required reading' to follow along, but RIQ and DAQ are in the same universe and share some characters
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>That's already sort of in progress
I forgot, get Testa a boyfriend too.
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>Testa's love life
[Well she'll be appearing at the start of the next thread, but I'm not sure how to fit in Tips getting her a date... And she's pretty good at getting them herself, even if she still has some unrequited interest in Pearce.]

[I imagine you've all already at least peeked at the Kings & Queens tourney if you're interested in that sort of thing, but some character interactions and insights can be glimpsed there, since Tips is participating!]
>How are you liking the quest’s direction and pacing? We’re approaching the endgame for what I have planned for Seekers faster than expected, but I suspect we still have two or three months left, at least, for reference.
the pacing is ok as of now

>For two ‘waifus’, Izzy and Costella, do they feel realized? Do you feel chemistry between them and Tips, or between one another at all? Do you want to see either developed more, or focused upon more?
Need more Costella, she's kinda the weak link in terms of interaction with us.

>Do you have any long-term character objectives for Tips which we haven’t been working on which you’d like to see wrapped up by quest’s end, besides the Unseelie Star matter, Carazzi, and the relationship situation?
find which god(s) of the bonnum chaoticum we can trust

>Out-of-character, do you have a strong preference for which divine faction comes out ahead in the coming age?
my only preference is that the dark ones lose, that's pretty much it since the bonum chaoticum is kinda unstrustworthy, dunno about the b. legale but they should have an stick even more up their ass and the dark ones is basically the ray peat pantheon.

>Is there anything else you’d like to see more or less of?
some beastmen if possible and more best trouple menage, after all what's the point of having 2 babes if we don't ?
>How are you liking the quest’s direction and pacing? We’re approaching the endgame for what I have planned for Seekers faster than expected, but I suspect we still have two or three months left, at least, for reference.
It's good, doesn't feel either rushed or dragged out except for some of the votes like on kids or what to do with the community long term, those felt a bit rushed.

>For two ‘waifus’, Izzy and Costella, do they feel realized? Do you feel chemistry between them and Tips, or between one another at all? Do you want to see either developed more, or focused upon more?
Moar Izzy

>Do you have any long-term character objectives for Tips which we haven’t been working on which you’d like to see wrapped up by quest’s end, besides the Unseelie Star matter, Carazzi, and the relationship situation?
Becoming archmage would be nice
Discovering more of the mysteries behind souls and the gods as well.
Clearing up any misunderstandings with our homeland.

>Out-of-character, do you have a strong preference for which divine faction comes out ahead in the coming age?
Gods of Light all the way

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[Thank you all for your input, and for playing! new thread is up.]


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You are Nowl-Ahn, a supreme Viltrumite warrior, sent to subjugate a primitive planet they call Earth. It's beneath you, but duty is duty. You cloaked yourself in the identity of Nolan Grayson, a facade, an Omni-Man, a so-called hero to these pitiful earthlings. The very thought makes your lip curl in disdain. Heroes? They're nothing but insects waiting to be crushed under your might. And yet, you play their game, biding your time, waiting for the right moment to strike.
In the first issue, you murdered The Immortal, the mightiest among the Guardians of the Globe. Following that, you eliminated Cecil Stedman, the leader of the Global Defense Agency, staging his death as an accident.
When Donald Ferguson came to you with suspicions, you cunningly shifted the blame towards Red Rush and his supposed Russian handlers. Subsequently, you lured Red Rush into a trap and ended his life as well.
Dissatisfied with the weaknesses of your half-human son, Mark, you have initiated a secret affair with Dupli-Kate of the Teen Team. Your grand design is to sire an army of stronger offspring superior to Mark and topple the Viltrumite Empire using them as your instruments of conquest.
In the second issue, you euthanized Robot—a grotesque, deformed human concealed behind a facade of artificial intelligence.
Following that, you banished Damien Darkblood to the infernal realms from whence he came. Darwking, the most intelligent member of the Guardians, was the next to fall.
You then set your sights on the Green Ghost, removing her human husband, Theo, from the picture, and then manipulating her into assassinating Martian Man, framing the innocent extraterrestrial as her husband's murderer.
While the Green Ghost is most vulnerable in her grief and guilt, you lowered her inhibitions with alcohol to seduce her.
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Challenges inevitably arise. Aquarus, notably, starts harboring suspicions towards you. To neutralize this threat, you craft a story for Mark, convincing him that Aquarus has betrayed Earth by colluding with the Viltrum Empire, asserting that his elimination is crucial for Debbie's safety and that of the planet.
Reluctantly, Mark carries out the assassination, his human sensibilities deeply shaken by the act. Observing his trauma, you adopt the guise of a compassionate father once more, guiding him through his distress. Yet, beneath this guise of empathy, you meticulously mold him into your perfect tool, binding his loyalty to you ever tighter.
The aftermath sends Mark to Atlantis, where he has to stand trial for Aquarus's assassination and face his widow, Queen Aquaria. However, this threat and challenge is merely a fleeting chapter in the grand scheme you have set into motion, a minor ripple in the vast ocean of your ambitions.
Later, an Unopan calling himself Allen inadvertently finds his way to Earth. You see this as another opportunity to test Mark's obedience and resolve. Without the hesitancy that once plagued him, Mark fulfills your command to eliminate Allen. Witnessing his compliance, you can't help but smile at the realization that you've honed Mark into the ultimate instrument for your cause, setting the perfect example for his future siblings.
As Mark becomes increasingly entrenched in your plans, you persist in breeding your army.
Olga, the grieving widow of Red Rush—a hero whose life you ended—becomes another unsuspecting participant in your designs. The irony that she unknowingly carries the son of her husband's killer amuses you greatly.
Your ambitions aren't limited to the heroines; you impregnate villainesses as well. Iguana, from the Lizard League, falls prey to your designs next. With her, you forego any pretense of seduction, and impregnate her by force. Similarly, on a whim, you decide to impregnate Roarface, a C-list supervillain, first threatening her life and then offering leniency for her crimes to compel her to bear your offspring.
Your indiscriminate choice of both heroines and villainesses as the mothers of your future soldiers proves your commitment to your plan, leaving no stone unturned in your quest for dominance.
However, you deliberately refrain from involving Amber Bennet, Mark's former high school love interest, though you had contemplated claiming her for yourself in the past. Considering the potential repercussions—Mark's complete disillusionment with you and the inevitable severance of his loyalty—you conclude that Amber, a mere human without extraordinary abilities, does not justify the risk.
Your attention, therefore, shifts towards worthier mates, such as Atom Eve and Monster Girl. Atom Eve becomes a project of long-term manipulation, requiring years of careful planning and persuasion before you ultimately succeed in making her a mother to one of your children.
Monster Girl, on the other hand, proves to be far less complicated. Emphasizing her age to assert her maturity, she willingly enters into your designs. Like the others before her, she gives birth to your half-Viltrumite child, contributing to your growing army.
Two decades swiftly pass, during which your sons and daughters mature into formidable and unwavering soldiers, embodying the very essence of Viltrumite might coupled with their mothers' unique abilities.
With your army now at its zenith, you send a message to Thragg that Earth stands ready for the taking, orchestrating a meeting that promises him an easy conquest. However, upon his arrival, Thragg is met not with submission, but with a force of over a thousand fierce warriors, each a testament to your strategic genius and two decades of planning.
The conflict that ensues is epic, stretching across days of relentless combat. Yet, the outcome is never truly in doubt. Against all odds, you stand triumphant, with Thragg dead at your feet.
In the aftermath, you ascend as Nowl-Ahn, the unchallenged emperor of the Viltrum Empire, having forged your path to supremacy not just through strength and strategy, but through legacy and lineage.
Your story reaches the end with your complete victory.

>>End Quest
>>Good ending.
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Thank you for your service.

You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: During the Prowler's farewell party, the Desperados sang their hearts out in karaoke, partook in some delicious tortas from a catered food truck, and played a couple of incredibly realistic virtual reality games created by their newest member! One of which was a combat simulator, where the Huntsman started to refine the fighting style he'd been developing with Callisto's help.

Afterwards, he paid Cindy and Wanda a visit, and even helped the budding blonde sidekick develop a fighting style of her own!

Can she withstand the hardships of becoming a teenage crimefighting vigilante? Will she and Cindy heed the Huntsman's warnings about the impending Gang War? Will Wanda ever stop being jealous of Cindy's high metabolism? And why didn't Cindy compliment the Huntsman on his stylish new suit?

Find out more in the latest issue of…MAXIMUM SPIDER QUEST!

Most dice rolls will be 1d100. Modifiers will be added depending on the situation or on the alien being used(Usually +10 or -10). Crit successes and crit fails apply. Crit fails can be overridden by crit successes, but crit failures cannot override crit successes.

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“Her name’s Screwball. She’s a nutjob that live-streams her robberies. She must’ve come here looking to farm clout by snagging a few pics of you guys.”


“I know! I mean--really, I get the robberies and the livestreaming, but mixing the two is just unprofessional!”

“I’m not sure if that’s the problem here, but I can see why you’d call her a nutjob. How do you want to handle this?”

“I’d say you can toss her, but being carried out by a flying shark would only increase her viewer count and encourage her to come back.” you replied, watching the two women interact from your position next to Glass.

“Hold up. I’m gonna go over and figure out what’s going on.”

Several people exclaimed as you burst into emerald flames and flew towards Iara and Screwball. The flying shark girl wasn’t so much arguing with her as she was interrogating her for recording their group without permission. Both stopped when they noticed you flying up to them.

“Ooh, who’s this? No, I don’t think it’s the Human Torch. This one’s green and wears a mask. He sort of reminds me of that Spider-Creep that hijacked my stream.” Screwball said.

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“We are NOT collabing!” Screwball declared.

“Wait, seriously? You guys actually like this? No, I’m not gonna tell him that his costume’s cool.”

Iara frowned at her.

“Are you on the phone right now?”

“Huh? No, sorry, I was talking to chat.”

“Who’s ‘Chat’? Are they a friend of yours? Are they also recording us?” she asked, scanning her surroundings for another voyeur.

Screwball snickered at that. You placed a hand on Shark Girl’s shoulder to prevent her from searching the entire park.

“So there's this lady that owns a pet shop over on...oh. You probably meant the other thing. She's talking to her viewers.” you whispered.

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>”I think someone’s warming up to the idea of a collab…”
>”What’re you even doing here, Screwball?”
>"We were kinda in the middle of a "Town Hall" sorta deal...had a bunch of rousing speeches and everything!"
>”Oh no. 5 mil is a bit much for a first time out, Screwball. You gotta treat us right before we show any goods. Fine wine, caviar, ambrosia imported from the heights of Mt. Olympus. Alternately, truly epic amounts of pizza for everyone. Physiques like this take effort, you know.”
>”What’re you even doing here, Screwball? I’m here to help keep my status as the good twin but I don’t think you have an evil twin to worry about. Good twin? Hey chat, is this Screwball the evil or good one?”
>"We were kinda in the middle of a "Town Hall" sorta deal...had a bunch of rousing speeches and everything!"
Gotta refocus chat back onto Screwball for a bit and give Iara some space before they goad her into too much.

If she debates the viewer count, have her check again. We’ll see who wins that argument 8 seconds from now.
>>”I think someone’s warming up to the idea of a collab…”
>>”Whoa...I didn't think you ran that kind of show, Screwball. Has your name secretly been an innuendo this entire time?"

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It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
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Rolled 2, 4, 4, 2 = 12 (4d4)

IN CASE I hit, I'm rolling damage. If that 12 >>5980797 didn't hit, simply ignore this roll. And if Lightning damage doesn't get an extra die on Sneak Attack, ignore the last die.
I guess QM technically didn't say he was available today. We only got everyone except the one we needed most.

I'll be gone for most of the day now, so I'll see you all Tuesday instead. Have a great weekend guys!
See ya
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Stay safe
Until next time we come back to this clog hangar
Cliff hanger I swear my autocorrect is a comedian

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You are Ethan Graves, a 16-year-old high school sophomore. A few months ago, you discovered your great-grandfather's book of black magic, leading you down a path of dark temptations and moral dilemmas.

> first thread: >>5904737
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> a queen bee that has bullied others into suicide attempts
Lol, who cares?

> a queen bee that has bullied others into suicide attempts
Welcome back, QM.
> a teacher that has sex with underage students
> a corrupt businessman that's been dumping industrial waste
> a queen bee that has bullied others into suicide attempts

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