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Welcome, folks to the 2nd thread of Bretwalda Quest. We follow the journey of the young warrior Elfstan, who, having slain a wolf and been proclaimed a man, sets out on a journey to swear himself to the King of East Anglia. However, his path is met with unexpected obstacles in the form of deadly warriors.

Prevailing in his first bout of combat, but not without the loss of one of his party members, Elfstan journeys to a nearby Abbey seeking answers. There, he finds himself embroiled in a power struggle between the great men of East Anglia and must escort the niece of the Abbess (a secret princess) to the capital, Dunwic.

Having experienced a small crisis of self-reflection, a heartfelt talk with his father leaves Elfstan tired and in need of rest. This is where we pick up the story

Character Sheet/Rules

Previous Thread

Man getting this thread up has been a task. It would have been posted much earlier my internet is wacky and 4chan would not let me post. To those returning thanks for coming back, to those new, thanks for stopping by.
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Rolled 7 (1d8)

Rolled 5 (1d8)


I feel your pain, QM - but don’t fret, it was well done
Rolled 4 (1d8)

Glad to read it, looking forward to what this Qst has in store.
One boneless update please.

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Genre(s): Mystery/Supernatural
FCC Rating: [TV-MA(LV)]

Reina Tamura, a troubled Japanese college dropout living at a Shinto shrine run by her grandmother, once considered herself an empty person. Now she finds her mind swimming with impulses calling themselves “Kami.” Alongside aspiring detective Mayumi Ishbel, Reina begins a path of study and solution of the surreal and mystical. But is she truly strong enough to withstand the forces manifesting within Tokyo, or herself…?

Episode #01 - “Reina Tamura and The Blade of Izanagi”
Episode Description: Following a strange dream, Reina Tamura begins to hear her thoughts speak as if separate from her, as she is called upon to perform a cleansing rite for an apartment that has recently suffered a suicide…
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>>That’s cliché. There’s nothing in this dish but raw obligation and misplaced pity. You’re not interested in holding strong as the last two non-incarcerated members of a dying family. You’ve got a life to live…
>That’s cliché. There’s nothing in this dish but raw obligation and misplaced pity. You’re not interested in holding strong as the last two non-incarcerated members of a dying family. You’ve got a life to live…
So we do have SOME honor for our bloodline, if not complete pride.
Sorry for the lack of updates last night. Something came up. All good now though.
I still hold out hope. Was liking this so far!

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Welcome into the stone-ice age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains :
The fire-mastering Blanks of GrassGreen
The Assassin-tamers of Holey Moley Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters feodal lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch blanks of Jupiter
The Merchants of BadBack
The Lunar Dahu and Stove Grove farmers of Whitemane
The elusive trapmaker and History-recorders of Cerulean

The fourth matriarch have reach the end of their life expectancy.
For those of you which held a tribe's fate in your claw...
>How should your tribe develop? (don't forget to claim a name and a trip)

Interrested in joining? No spots yet for tribe. But you can still claim a name including "Lurker" and a trip if you want to interract with the game as events.

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>Jupiter : travel back (picking up Light Moss on the way)
1d100. You benefit from trails on the way - turning DC into 35/70/95

>BurningGrass : travel back
1d100. DC : 40/80

>Whitemane : travel back
Your Dahu helps with locomotion in the Peaks - you thus get a free +10 on that roll.
1d100. Scale is 1-40 : 1 hex; 41-80 : 2 hex; 81+ : 3hex

>Badback : travel there
1d100. You benefit from trails on the way - turning DC into 35/70/95

>Cerulean : Psychic Illusion

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Rolled 100 (1d100)

lets go on an adventure.
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of course. for travel i roll that fucking CRIT 100
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Let's get to work lads! You fancy psyker kids, smooth out that ice! Us Blanks'll do the proper heavy lifting. Hop to it!
Oh good lord my dice. Can't grill, can't roast, can't make armor, can't make a road. Woof, this is rough.

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Gensokyo, an isolated land of Fairy Tales. It is a place where faith is still very widespread in contrast to the Outside World, creating a shelter for many beings lost or forgotten. Sealed away by the vast Hakurei Barrier, many of its Human, Yokai, Spirit, Fairy, Divine, and others are in possession of a wide array of abilities derived from concept.

In spite of the many, many chaotic events that occur within its land, an overall peaceful place. This is thanks to the Spell Card Rules that allow the many turmoils, named "Incidents", to be resolved nonlethally by its inhabitants.

In this world, you are...

>The One that will Cause the Next Incident
>The One that will Solve the Next Incident
>One trying to Prepare for the Next Incident
>One trying to Flee the Next Incident
>One trying to Prevent Your Stuff from Being Damaged during the Next Incident
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I'm assuming some missions will have modifiers that make it easier and or harder. Honestly the fact we got a lunatic difficulty mission in a dc system that encourages lower difficulty missions is insane though.
It seems the universe finds hat switching an abhorrent affront.
Zun has been enraged
Minor update: Work decided to go crazy, ended up needing to work through the weekend to handle something. Updates will be slightly delayed until this mess clears up. Absolute latest date for the next update will be the 19th but I think things will clear up before the 17th.
Good luck with your work, QM. See you then.

Select a role: Place Role and Name in 'Name' slot alongside Level (Choose a number in the 'Base Lvl' range).

Elven Mage/or Wizard (Man) (Infinite Slots) (Base Lvl: 7-50) (No base faction affiliation)

Elven Soldier (Infinite Slots) (Base Lvl: 7-25) (Faction affiliation: Great Elven Military)

Goblin Soldier [Corrupted elf] (Infinite Slots) (Faction Affiliation: The Dark Lord's Military) (Base Lvl: 6-25)

Goblin Rogue (Infinite Slots) (No base faction affiliation) (Base Lvl: 10-15)

Demigod/Deity 1 {Name: Ithyg} (1 Slot) (Giant: Height: 6 meters) (Gender: Male/Androgynous) (Base Lvl: 600)

{ Level simply reveals the general power. Health and Magicka is determined but not measured by Level. Numbers and extreme statistical linearity are not prioritized in this quest, creativity and fun is. Level progression is determined and expressed by QM.

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>You find the missing lady tied up next to a few dead bodies and under some sort of paralysis poison.

What will you do?

>Untie her, tie her to your horse and ride to headquarters with your platoon.

>Kill her and then yourself.

>Carefully steal her mysterious shiny necklace, then ride out to headquarters (+5 Thievery) .

>Get your platoon buddies to do the work for you.
>>Untie her, tie her to your horse and ride to headquarters with your platoon.
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Please select a skill/trait to increase:

• Magicka + Mage Abilities

• Health + Healing magick abilities (A healing spell that heals you by 15+ every second)

• Stealth +Archery Abilities (+10 to archery and stealth skills)

•Your own input [Not guaranteed to be accepted]

[Display your Name as Cloris Strifis, Elven Soldier: Level 23]
[Story Progression Is currently halted. More will come later.]
Rolled 83 (1d100)

Goblin Soldier
Level last number on my post plus 10

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"The Empire of Al-Kimia-- A land once ruled by powerful cabals of alchemists. The Alchemists waged war on each other, driven by hunger for gold and power. With each passing battle, Alchemists slowly drove each other to extinction.

Now, Al-Kimia is a land of adventure, where many people hope to uncover the powerful relics of the Alchemists..."

Your name is Marron. No last name because your family isn't important enough for one. You've got two younger siblings, Aubergine and Carrot, and a loving mother and father. At age 16, you're at the age where your youthful heart is craving adventure.

There isn't much adventure to be found in the sleepy town of Carp River Seis. The town is the sixth of a series of small towns located along the Carp River. Being so close to the river, the land here is fat with nutrients indeed and almost everyone here is a farmer, except for the local carpenter and smith.

You don't have a town doctor, but one frequently travels with the merchants that arrive at every season.

One day, your father says he has something very important to talk to you about.

“Son, I know you're itching to go out in the world. Me and your mother have saved up a small sum. When the merchants arrive here in the Vermillion Season, go with them to Tarrasque. We have enough saved for the merchant caravan to take you there and about a month's worth of spending money.”

> Dad, I can't take this. You're better off saving it for Aubergine. (Stress +1, Family affinity +1, Reliability +2)

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Thanks for running, QM! This was a fun first thread.

Don't forget to archive this thread!
Cute note to leave off on for now. Thanks for running!

It already was a few days ago, anon.

Hell yeah. We scored the 10. Thanks for the quest, QM. Was nice.
Take care QM. I look forward to seeing you run this again. Please do not vanish into nothingness
>I almost thought you weren't interested
>chastises you for making Choux wait for so long
First it's the bandits raiding and escaping the hometown, then it's the training and reading in the big city, c'mon. We had a lot to handle before we could agree to this

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Oh SHIT you've reincarnated as a tree in an isekai world.

You can't do shit besides check a status panel in your mind which says this:


Well shit how do you open that skill thi- oh, with just willing it, you do. What do you pick?

> Drop Apple
> Bloom Flowers
> Grow Root
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damn almost like that isnt what I said, I said give the knives to the wolves, not stab their feet
i'm not a gay furry, let's stick with the catgrill
Honestly, I was thinking of "knife roots" as just sharp roots, not that they literally sprout knives. . . Or am I being stupid?
Well, I understood the knife roots as sharp knife like roots since in past options for growth we're knife apple and poison apple, so I kind of went with that logic.

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Welcome Passengers. It's time to wake up. NIL is a CYOA style quest, with freeform dialogue.
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Inquire what town this might be - who rules here? Maybe we can take over
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Ask for entry.

(You might want to open votes up to multiple players to gain more engagement.)
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NIL is not dead, I'm just making a bunch of content "ahead" of time instead of doing it on the fly. You'll be getting better art and a more cohesive aesthetic. I really want this to play AND look good and haven't been satisfied with the results thus far. Here is a sneak peek at something I'm cookin up. When it's all done I'll be updating the rules and mechanics as well.

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You are The Master watching The Player play The Game in accordance to The Rulebook below:

The Rulebook

The Player (@)
You have 6 health points.
When you hit 0 health points, you die.

You may attack for 1 damage.

When you accomplish things, you gain Potential.

You may try and spend Potential to remove, modify, or establish new rules.

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> Create Goblin spawner.
> Create minable ores
>Create Slime Merging where if two unmerged slimes meet up they merge into a stronger and or combine elements.
>Create blacksmith shop in the village
>Create minable ores
>Create blacksmith shop in the village
>Create Slime Merging where if two unmerged slimes meet up they merge into a stronger and or combine elements.
>Allow merged slimes to consume ores and gain bonuses based on the ore. Killing the slime will drop a smaller, purified piece of ore.
>Create trees
>Create an acid slime capable of destroying environmental objects (such as trees and buildings) over time. Don't include an AI to do so yet, currently it just deals damage when it randomly bumps into objects.
I hope this thread is not dead already
>Create Slime Merging where if two unmerged slimes meet up they merge into a stronger and or combine elements.

One small step for @, but a great step towards slime girls! With that in mind, dump a bandit into a huddle of slimes to see what happens, if nothing else, the bandit’s agony would be amusing enough to make it worthwhile.

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I used to come on here years ago and there were always 2-3 evo quests and i loved them. don't see any anymore. lets change that.


Young planet, only populated with single celled organisms in the oceans. For now, all the species are in the central warm ocean but are free to migrate as they evolve obv. There is no plant life on land (or in the water for that matter; we're pre-cambrian kinda deal), so the green on the map is just to mark climate/precip.


Modify the species slightly for each evolution. You're free to redraw the image if you'd like to make it look better. You must either increment the 'Gen' count on the image OR modify the name so we can track lineage. Each 'generation' is enough for a small adaptation/change, so we can say it's a couple million years.

Please reply to the post that you are modifying from also to keep track of lineage <3

In general, I'll say when something is bad and shouldn't be counted, otherwise assume all the changes you're making are OK (they most likely are; some guys just go a little crazy so i'll put a stop to that if it looks like its gonna derail or anything)

In regards to double-posting, don't worry too much about it and just have some common sense. I won't say you strictly cannot double-post on the same species, but give it some time to breathe. If a species hasn't been touched in a while, feel free to reply to your own post again.

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Spreading out flattening makes catching the surface currents easier and increasing the surface area soaking up gasses and nutrients
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specialized mobility flaps to steer
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directional and a divot where food enters more easily
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catching food before it hit the seafloor increasing area and centralized digestion organells makes filtering easier

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b] You who lack the burden of a most radiant soul

I breathe life into your cold flesh nurtured in the great Syiphr.

The girl with the white book. Protect her lest all hope would be lost. Await her promised arrival.

Protect the seed of divinity within her pure soul so the world above would be free from the Tyranny of the Six.

Forgive me, my sweet daughter.

Forgive me...

This message was on repeat non stop for approximately nine hundred fifty two year, seven months, six days, four hours, fifty nine minutes and seventeen seconds with two minutes as a margin of error inside your head. You always wondered whether your creator was referring to you or the girl as her sweet daughter. It did not matter in the grand scheme of things for your memory and your body had deteriorated over nearly a thousand years in confinement. In the distant past, you were designed to be a weapon of mass destruction. Now, you are but a broken husk stripped of most of her powers.

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Think what you want about the execution, I liked this quest a lot and am very sad to see it go. Thanks for running!
Thanks for running. Indeed, once it turns in a chore it' not worth it.
Thanks for telling us you're dropping instead of ghosting us away.
Liked it much, although the dreaded Personal Life made it hard for me to interract as much as I would have liked.
What would had happen if we enlarged living space and setted up the mirror?
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Did you have any fun with qming? Would you try it again? Did the mechanics tire you out
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Sorry got busy the last few days.
Thank you for playing and sorry again , right idea, wrong execution
We would have summoned a vampire with hemo brand who would have used the invigorating thoughts to increase our health/ power up talents etc.

I had about 7 hub npcs planned. So much for that.


I actually hate rolling with passion. It stalls the narrative. If anything, all the rolls would be behind the scene.
Oh and for our hemo characters, she would have sold blood vials too.

I'm the big bad, equivalent to Morgoth from LOTR; basically a demigod. You're gonna need armies to harm me and it doesn't guarantee my defeat. My habitation is basically Mordor, call it the Blacklands or some shit. There are humans, elves, other demigods, goblins (serving under me), rogue goblins, etc.

Place your name and/or role/title in the Name slot. Start out small, live your chosen lives. You can garden, go to war against evil or be a fucking evil spider, etc. [Linear time]

>turns 35% of all elves (that I have captured) into evil satanic goblins

Get fukt
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thank you.
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[ >>5959655
>>5959655 ]

>Establishes an elven energy farm deep below ground in the Blacklands. All of the energy generated is distributed between all Blackland creatures/servants that consist of Dark Magicka. The Dark Lord Malek is the Overmind of this energy system.
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[Wizard (Name: Gealal) is a playable character, descended from demigods. Level 61. Skilled in all forms of magick, especially illusion and destruction. RACE: Demigod Descendant, Half-Man.

Current Progress: >>5959613 (+ >>5959621)]
>Be me, old as fuck lady
>Some dumbass green kids break my dish cabinet
>Great grand nephew going on about some weird adventure, left home, hope he's doin well
Eeeh, blegh *old lady noises*
I better find some ol carpenter to fix up this home, maybe I should contact my good friend Bealal (Gealal's father), haven't seen him in decades, he was always good at magic tricks and fixing stuff up
>Shuffles slowly to the magic mailbox and ships off a letter to the grand mage

>The corrupting influence of the Blacklands sweeps across the town, you feel a creeping dread and a slight migraine.

-10 magicka

>As dusk hits, you begin to feel unusually tired as strange visions plague your mind's eye. You begin to suspect that conflict is coming ...

Induced paranoia + restlessness ...

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Uncertain continuation

Who can play? Anyone, newggers welcome be at least somewhat autistic though
What is the setting? Vaguely renessaince. (there is guns)

Discord it takes place in: F2Patcf
Updates are saturday every week (expect some breaks)

Diplo is free, 2 actions per turn, don't make building buildings actions. Have fun and RP.
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The glory of war! At long last we have laid claim to our birthright, the entire crimson river! Our enemies have broken and fled rather than face us! And now with rumblings of a great warlord to the north we know even greater battles await us! Good! Let them come! Let them crash against our walls! Let the river run crimson from here to the blood stained coast!

> Study and master the Tulpa Magic of the cat folk and add it to our own!

Catfolk sorcery has plagued the dreams of the illusionists who were at the final battle against them! Mocking visions hound them each night now. But all battles are an opportunity for strength and might! Even now our illusionists alternate studying and battling the demons that plague them! We will capture them! Tame them! Then turn them back on the catfolk of the west armed with nightmares of our own devising! Ahahahahah!

> Mammon: A magical alloy of Vampire Blood and Gold filled with corrupting whispers that drives sapients insane with greed and avarice.

A tragedy has befallen the Gilded Ridge! An illusionist has created something terrible and beautiful, an alloy of Vampiric Blood and Gold that bewitches the senses and fills the heart with maddening greed and avarice! So bewitched by his creation the illusionist hunted his own kin or used the precious metal known as Mammon to bewitch them. Dozens and dozens of vampires threw themselves into the crucible before Soulless Agents were dispatched to put a stop to it. The dangerous, oh so precious, metal has been hidden in a location known only to the Soulless, for only they can handle it without falling to its bewitching allure.

>Action 1: Clear the Ta River
With Zora Merchants now starting to make the swim to Wepta, we start to become aware of a deficiency - though a Zora is supremely fast and Agile within the water, there is not much that he can carry there; and our own boats are fairly simple affairs without much capacity; better suited to the canals of our homeland then the turbulent waters of an ocean which a Zora can swim in quite naturally without their support. Though our Merchants can swim to Wepta, there is not much we can presently carry here; and by agreement with Whales, the Ta may not send their own ships west into the great bay. Therefore, to allow trade between our nations it seems the Zora will need to build ourselves grander ships....

...Fortunately, it seems the Miew of Ta have their own issues; and are willing to conduct a trade. And so a deal is struck; in return for being taught their advanced shipbuilding techniques, we Zora send workers and Water-Mages to unblock the flow of the Ta rivers, so that their Capitol might be drained and the natural waters' flow to the sea might be restored.

>Action 2: The Uses of Copper
There is a veritable humm of excitement through the city of Melaruto as our most learned Zora start to realise what this material might do; for with it we can vastly improve the durability of nearly any weapon or tool within our preferred damp environments, and greatly increase our magical synergy. The first shipwrights returning home after their learning and training in Wepta would also see the value in the metal for crafting ships that tolerate the Ocean waters.

>Fleet Movement?
The primitive and crude ships Zorule currently possesses (If they're even still afloat?) will be called back for a rather thorough refit that will probably be more along the lines of 'building entirely new ships'.
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"It is with great appreciation that the seas to the Zora homeland are now open for trade and diplomacy!"

Mainland City Name (I forgot to do this last time): Port Royale

1. Recruit a unit of Militiamen and whatever Soldiers we can get, support them with animated armours. We must defend against the Goblin threat to our colony! Ready the Heavy-Wand artillery and form ranks and prepare Cantrip Volleys!

2. Walls. Quickly and swiftly, we must use our magic to build walls and defenses for the colony.

3. See about using our Animation magic to develop fast moving Enchanted Carriages. These can carry expert wizard marksmen who can use their acceleration wands to score sniper shots at the foe, moving into range before swiftly pulling away. If animating the entire carriage is too magically expensive, consider animated marrionette horses that do not tire nor grow exhausted.
>I am holding on to the bonus of taking the effect of a action by the Vampires. What kind of thing can I get?

>Action 1: Integrate the refugee camp as a colony
>Action 2: Convert the refugees to the Church faith
With the refugees healed, they can now begin the process of proper integration into society. Negotiations begin with their leaders to possibly integrate the land they settled as a vassal fiefdom to the Kingdom of Albion. At the same time, they are also visited by priests of the Albionese Church intent on proselytizing. Both the royal envoys and the priests are ordered to avoid being forceful; considering what the refugees went through with their last overlords, delicate diplomacy will be needed.
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The lands of Ta ignite with violence once more, as Miew, Hinn and Loyalists hunt down the unruly Kefi clans. A war on the tribal conflicts and banditry. The ironfisted rule is slowly strangling the banditry problem, though they still rally more Kefi to their cause now that they are threatening the Kefi primacy in military matters.

>Action 1: Teaching shipcraft to Zorule. An exchange of expertise.
Returning home with the Miew of the east, Meliton finds a rare sense of relief, having returned from a grand voyage. The Miew nobles do not send anymore assassins, as Meliton is a symbol for all Miew. So Meliton gathers the scattered Depet-Wadj and resettles in Meri's estate. There he meets the Zorule merchants. They talk to him about the strength of Ta ships, able to carry vast cargo, and since Meri was the master of the sea, they had sought her for permission to create vessels for Zorule. Meliton now had the same sway over the Miew, so he strikes a deal. He will have the Miew share their shipcraft knowledge, in exchange for Zorule helping unblock the two rivers, so Wepta may be unflooded.

>Action 2: The ultimate warrior, Nymer's training. Combining the arts of Hinn, Kefi and Lycan.
Having put not just the Hinn under her command but also gaining the Miew of the east, Nymer's conquest quickly surpasses that of her father, except the conquest of the Gebeb-Lycan, the ancestral lands. But Nymer is young and will be faced by veteran warriors in the prime of their life. So Nymer starts training, gathering teachers from across Ta. Speed of the Hinn, Iron of the Kefi and Strength of Lycan, together they create the ultimate fighting style, in the mightiest Pharaoh.

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Hello Again Children.

I Apologize For The Interruption.

Would You Like To Play Again?

}=> PLAY
}=> CODE
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Up up down down left right left right B A
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}=> Rules

This Was A Favorite Of Your Predecessor.
The Game Is Triptych. Observe - Three Spools Sit Above You, Each Containing A TOTAL THREAD. Each Thread Belongs To A Citizen Of Your Kingdom.
All Shall Be Touched By Death Today.
One Shall Be A MARTYR
One Shall Be A VICTIM.
One Shall Be A KILLER.

}=> Your Task

Determine Who Shall Play Which Role. Give Commands To Shape The Course Of Destiny.
Ensure The MARTYR Dies By Fate.
Save The VICTIM.
Sever The Thread Of The KILLER.

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>}=> PLAY
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}=> PLAY

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
INPUT{set}=> RED
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


"-ssionary work in the past, though it proved to be fruitless in the end. Without any potable water, the village was forced to relocate. I told Papa from the outset, to those people, any patch of mud is as good as the next. Why complain?"

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Previous thread here:

All threads:

In the last thread we uncovered a major malicitite smuggling operation on our ship, eliminated virtually everyone involved, as well as earned the (begrudging) respect of our executive officers, with one of whom we are currently playing go.

Ship: Heavy cruiser LDS Vanilla Skyline, Courageous-class
Captain: Commander Sylvia Thorton (yourself)
Crew: mostly undisciplined, enthusiastic
Engine: 88% efficiency (damaged nacelles, undergoing repairs, ETA 13 days)
Railgun Turret A-1: 81% efficiency (broken shell elevator, undergoing repairs, ETA 8 days)
All other systems operating at 100% efficiency. (undergoing maintenance, ETA 18 days)
Current Position: Hys base ‘Granite-Vigil’, Citar Quadrant outskirts

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>"Law is created to serve men, Johnson, not the other way round. What do they say again? Better good men than good law."
>"Law is created to serve men, Johnson, not the other way round. What do they say again? Better good men than good law."
>"Tim, the Directorate is such a crappy place sometimes, isn't it? Maybe my father was mistaken, seeing something that wasn't there."
>"Law is created to serve men, Johnson, not the other way round. What do they say again? Better good men than good law."
QM? Did you get cursed again?

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