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I want Sarah to review my tool.
grow up first
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buy an ad
Looks like ol' Harvey is a ball to be around!
>tool shills that also shill other tool shills
>hey did you catch that new tool tool shill did a video on!
i can tell by the eyebrows that she's a man

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Any tips for starting a handyman/residential service llc? I've done odd jobs off and on for the last 5 years and picked up a lot of basic repair skills fixing apartments, but I want to find something that I can get rolling as quickly as possible and have one or two things we can book out in advance with predictable time frames. I was thinking carpet cleaning and powerwashing would be good in this regard but I'm very open to any ideas you guys have had success with. I'm also interested to hear your stories of how you got started if you ever tried something like this.
pic unrelated
Painting is a pretty low-skill requirement job and it could help fill schedule gaps.

Im in croatia and no one does it here.
Bunch if chinese companies but im angling to patent my invention dont wan liu wang stealing it, or anyone else.
No one anywhere near me(where i go personally and see exactly whats done with my 3d model) does ir.
For prototiping i figure i do it myyelf it cant be that hard.
How tho?
I 3d printed a thermoplastic mold, now i just need to melt some silicone or some medicinal rubber that melts before 280degrees and inject it insidr.
I was told to ask the hacker fourchans
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You do realize that Croatia is more white than muttland?
Cant you 3D print it with some hard TPU filament? If thats not possible i think making a mold and then getting 2 component silicone mix is your best bet
You can put a dollup of soften plastic between the mold and sandwitch it.
The nature of the invention is such that it has to be flexible.
Flexible filament cant be used since the scale is too tiny it webs all over the place and is terribly inconsistent and inaccirate.
Yeah but how do i pump that silicone inside? Its a very small mold, can i use a syring or sth?
The mold consists of 10 separate parts that need to be arranged and held in place by a shapeholding element, i guess il make it out of wood, before the rubber is pumped.
Its all quite small thats why its problematic
ITT OP wants to make his own buttfuck dildos

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Wew lad, that’s a bold statement. And Harbor Freight 15 years ago was a lot different than it is today. If he was using nitrile gloves and zip ties and some extra long 3/8” extensions, that’s understandable. But you wouldn’t want to be using the Pittsburgh jaw pullers or screwdrivers professionally unless you like having bloody knuckles.

I readily admit the Snap On truck is a ripoff under most circumstances, but the old cheap HF was mostly very difficult to use much. Maybe you could buy a jack or compressor for 1/4 the price of the mainstream brand, and if you were lucky and it lasted 1/2 as long as the name brand, it seemed like a good buy. A lot of other people would rather buy once, cry once, although it’s debatable whether the Snap On truck is the best choice for that.
"The FTC works to stop deceptive ads, and its Endorsement Guides go into detail about how advertisers and endorsers can stay on the right side of the law.
If you endorse a product through social media, your endorsement message should make it obvious when you have a relationship (“material connection”) with the brand. A “material connection” to the brand includes a personal, family, or employment relationship or a financial relationship – such as the brand paying you or giving you free or discounted products or services"

NTA btw you're just wrong and I hate the way you type all confident knowing nothing.
>pride of ownership
Snap on guys are worse than apple fags.
>Claim no amount of money can buy tools that will make you skilled
>Picture of Eddie Van Helen's frankenstrat with deceptive cigarette burns, but a Floyd Rose bridge.
"Eddie Van Helen received a prototype from Floyd Rose in late Fall of 1978"
So at the time Eddie had the cutting edge tool.

Skill and tool quality are commutative factors. Skill times tool equals productivity.
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Got some deals this weekend, boys.


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A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.
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variable speed is the most important thing on a corded die grinder.

paddles are nice but not ergonomic. slides are ergonomic but you lose feathering the switch.

bait and switch bullshit.

is the literal easiest thing to teach someone to 'weld'.

as in it takes months to teach someone to be even allowed near electric, plumbing etc. vs having someone play with a welder.

If it's free take it.

Tell them you're interested in CNC machining. Very boring. But if you're on this site you're already qualified to get into it. Much easier on your body then welding.

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Checked and good luck, don't turn down a paid tig course but don't rely only on your instructors, I'm telling you from experience because some people don't know how to transfer their knowledge to someone else, you'll get skilled as you work but GTAW is 80% tricks like positioning or torch manipulation to make your job easier.
> variable speed is the most important thing on a corded die grinder.
I saw cheap ones with variable speed but I never had to use it really, I just keep it at max for anything, burrs especially
> is the literal easiest thing to teach someone to 'weld'.
This, I taught my sister in 2 hours, she's good but makes mistakes with torch height like most people, the issue is that some old dudes don't want to teach newbies because they feel years of experience will go down the drain
>Checked and good luck, don't turn down a paid tig course but don't rely only on your instructors, I'm telling you from experience because some people don't know how to transfer their knowledge to someone else, you'll get skilled as you work but GTAW is 80% tricks like positioning or torch manipulation to make your job easier.
Can say that this is true for basically all welding. There's a lot of myths and half-truths that gets repeated while some facts are just completely left out.
For example when you're learning TIG basically the only thing you're told about grinding the tungsten is to do it lengthwise since it produces a more stable arc. The actual impact grind angle has on the arc and the puddle isn't mentioned. You're basically just expected to figure out which angle works for you and when. Even people who've worked with TIG welding for decades will say there's a difference but won't be able to articulate what that difference actually is apart from various possible explanations. But they'll still know that if they're welding a outside corner joint they get the best results if they pick a specific grinding angle, hold the torch in a specific way , have a specific arc length and use a specific size of filler wire, etc., because they've just done it a bunch of times and figured that out. If they tell someone else how they do it, the other person might struggle a lot because even a tiny difference in arc length, torch angle and deposition rate messes it up.
I knew that stuff from the interwebs, when I started welding school to get certs my instructor told me to grind the electrode sideways but I thought I'd look like a retard if I argued so I kept doing lengthwise even when other students did it the wrong way.
> You're basically just expected to figure out which angle works for you and when.
This applies even more to torch holding, I'm in Europe so our torches have switches and you're apparently supposed to hold the thing like a hammer which absolutely sucks for anything and you get zero precision. Another thing I learned from experience with sheet metal is that you definitely can melt the wire first then mix the blob with base metal if it's really thin, it won't fail despite what everyone says, at least for SS or mild steel
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Yeah and I pulled the trigger and bought this 400 watt Makita for 2/3 of the price, seriously the quietest power tool I've ever used. It kicks ass, carbide burrs are accurate, work fast and don't produce as much heat, everyone should have a few of them. Abrasives can suck a dick

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ACK-SHUALLY it's *designing* edition

>What is this and why would I care?
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) are how poor-fags (<7f plebs) can design a complex IC and test it out QUICKLY at home.
You could design a fairly complicated IC for a small project and use the FPGA as an ASIC-lite (with a flash-storage PCB) or to use your design to get an actual IC etched yourself or in a group-funded chip print. (Like https://tinytapeout.com/)
The basic process is: HDL -> Yosys -> nextpnr -> FASM.
You can also use vendor software from Xilinx etc, but it is very locked down. I would argue it's more convoluted as well.

>Open Source Toolchain
Icestorm - Lattice Ice FPGAs, ice40 is very cheap and lots of dev boards.
Trellis - Lattice ECP5, relatively cheap with more power
X-Ray - Xilinx 7 series, Much more money, but lots of advanced features. Not 100% functionality supported with FOSS.


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>Thread died before I could reply
Bumping to prevent this.
is blackfin still a thing or is it dead jim
cool thread, I'm just going to blog a little, I have an Artix-7 I'm doing a synthesizer with it for a uni project I'm learning a lot of using premade IP and understanding it's documentation, I also started a riscv core a few months ago but it's currently on hold, also for any anons that may work on this stuff, how do I get a job in this field? There's a few job postings for FPGA stuff in my country but it's all for defense contractors and I don't want to work in that.
go to the source. apply to the companies that make these chips, be it amd, intel, xilinx, whatever.

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Why are quill stems and underappreciated diy item? They can be used to build all sorts of things yet nobody ever talks about this
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Used scaffolding for one. Used Baker style scaffolds make nice mobile shelving. Scaffolds and their hardware are quite versatile.
NTA but medical furniture like shower/ transfer seats, elevated commode chairs and stuff like walkers and crutches are usually available for cheap at thrift stores and yard sales, and have all kinds of tubing bends and telescoping click lock adjustable parts and brackets and such to be cannibalized, that are mostly in standard sizes and usually made of hard anodized structural aluminum.
every bolt connection is supposed to rely on friction in at least two axis and at worst bolt tension in the third axis
this is one of the reasons for torque specs
if the bolt is getting sheared or bent or if the bolted material is getting cut by the bolt then it was engineered or assembled wrong
Hahaha this fag op asked where to find 100 free quill stems on /n/ and was ridiculed off the board
Nah still werks

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I want to build my own DIY computer from scratch, but I don't really know where to start. The main purpose of it is to learn more about computers and how it all works down there. I'm confident with logic gates, boolean algebra, not so with prototyping. I watched Ben Eater's videos about his project, as well as some other videos to similar topic. What books/other materials will be helpful? What is the starting point for such project should be? Is it better to pick up something like 65c02 and build around it or made everything by myself?
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https://nandgame.com/ is a pretty good resource to learn from, It guides you through all the steps of building a computer starting from relays

Personally, I've been working on building one in minecraft. All the ALU is missing is a circuits for bitshifting and jumps and it should be ready for programming
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i'd love to build an MSX replica but there are too many fake chips out there
an MSX requires many chips to work if any of em turn out to be fake/defective you can kiss your project goodbye
allot of time and money wasted
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Hi OP. I was once played with redstone, I watched all of ben eaters videos, tried ordering a bunch of discreet parts to plug into a breadboard, etc. I ended up going to school for this

I would not try to learn going the ben eater route with discreet parts or ICs. You will swamp yourself with a couple hundreds of dollars in parts, reading each datasheet, and it wont turn on when you run into parasitic capacitance on the breadboard or some shit (idk I'm not a EE).

What you need to do is get an FPGA and toolchain and learn how how to implement things in verilog. If you're not familiar verilog basically lets you define registers and wires on an FPGA with a C-like syntax. You can first simulate(!) verilog code on your computer and then synthesize(!) it onto the FPGA to get any hardware you want in real life. Hopefully you can see how buying 1 $50 fpga is better than drowning in 100s of different parts from weird vendors for $$$. Learn how verilog works with a

For the actual processor design a starting point I recommend is with choosing an ISA. this is like x86 or ARM, I recommend riscV or MIPs (what we used in school) because they are much simpler. What you can look up for inspo is you want to design a Single Cycle MIPs processor. Then you can work your way into pipelining, caching, multicore, etc. MANY college courses follow this route and you can maybe follow one if it's open source

Here are some resources you can look up:
These lectures look great: https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse378/10sp/lectures/
Here's a book I used in college, you can get it on libgen: Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface

I haven't explored the game turing complete. nand game is a nice game, but not something to build a whole project on. Minecraft works and is fun but you're limited by your redstone and creative building tools knowledge as well as compute speed.
Yeah I'm a final year Computer Engineering student and FPGAs are definitely the best way to go if what you want is to make your own processor, they aren't the best if what you want is something that you can show off and looks cool but it's what is used in the real world when you need to prototype some chip, if you have the money the basys 3 development board is pretty comfy
I completed turing complete up until assembly challenges, which is optional.
The game leaves you reinventing everything, it's challenging and sometimes ambiguous when explaining stuff (at least for someone like me who never touched logic circuitry before) but still satisfying, you build an 8-bit computer starting from scratch, you also build another one that is more sophisticated than the previous.

The problem is it won't give you a good overview on how irl components work, so you end up building memories out of a "delay" component, and counters out of adders and a registers. Some components like the "program" one is given without understanding how it works, and irl problems like how to deal with flipflops saving stuff are not present at all.

I say OP is far off better getting a simulator like logisim and a good information source, then moving to an fpga and languages like you said.

Still, turing complete is a fun puzzling toy.

Need a new corded angle grinder with all the safety features, jobsite requirement. What’s the cheapest decent thing that meets all these requirements? I have an old Hilti that’s great, but no brake on it.

I’m suspecting it’s going to be one of the less-high-end Metabos but there’s a ton of models and the filters on the site don’t work well, and it would be great to get something cheaper.

- Dead man paddle switch
- Restart protection
- Kickback protection
- Brake
- No more than 6”, going to be used in tight spaces
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you're one of those retards who takes the guard off because "it gets in muh way" aren't you
It should be like that, but unfortunately that’s not the situation.
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If you have to have all those safety features you're better off with one of these instead
Organize a union then.

any melanated fellers here who do hobby machining in an apartment?
ever get noise complaints? tips on minimizing noise through walls?
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Slick camo method^!

Attractive curtains with blackout curtains behind them are another option and office partitions with the outboard side decorated with comfy shit could conceal machinery. Large cardboard boxes can be had from chain stores for the asking (I use them to lie on when wrenching outdoors and on concrete slabs)
to conceal items on their way inside the apartment.

I used horse stall mats to protect my home tile floors from my weight set (they are now removable outdoor pavers covering my water and power run to my garage) and if you place them atop a stout tarp can protect the floor from dropped metal, tools and drippings. Keeping your security deposit will likely require the most effort. My in-house tools live in surplus Lionville medication carts which are insanely expensive new but cheap used like much medical equipment surplus and are build superbly with display arms, space for battery backup and space for SFF PCs plus plenty of useful sized drawers which would be great for tooling.

Unlike steel tool boxes hospital equipment is QUIET in use, has smooth plastic exterior surfaces kinder to woodwork and has non-marring casters. Of course it's easy to clean. They suit machine shop measuring tools and bits etc nicely and the drawers are in removable caddies so nothing can stick a drawer shut. I have three and want more.

Hoyer lifts are cheap used. I use them for motorcycle engines but they're fine indoors having non-marring casters, fit thru standard doorways, and the legs are adjustable width for stability. They're fine for lifting electric motors and heavy mill vises.

I like industrial plastic carts which don't snag like sheet metal carts, weigh little and work well indoors and don't mar floors. Their sides keep items from rolling off and organize what's on top (for me that's carb parts, motorbike engine parts etc).

I would avoid noisy grinding where practical or do it outdoors.
Welding, grinding, sawing etc are messy and best done outdoors. If OP owns a van or box truck or trailer nasty shit can live in there to help fab and mod shop equipment.

used U-boat dolly carts as used for frozen food are light, strong and narrow. I remove the center non-pivoting axle bolts so I can push mine in any direction inside my shop.

Everyone needs at least one Rigid or similar tristand. I mount a bench vise to some plate welded to a couple feet of 2" tubing then clamp that in the tristand chain vise so I can rotate my bench vise 360 degrees. Tristands are highly stable and fold for easy storage, making them ideal for indoor vise support and for outdoor use when fabbing. They're best bought used.

Chip cleanup is THE major hassle when machining. I haven't had to figure out how to silence a shop vac but bounce house fans are quiet (I use them for forced air around my shops) and move plenty of air. I would experiment with one. A large rolling plastic trash can with lid could store chips and light scrap indoors and be easily wheeled out to your vehicle for dump trips. Alternate options could be plastic trash bags in thicc cardboard boxes to discreetly dispose of chips. They're sharp and a major hassle if they get into carpet or upholstery. I would have some stout fucking magnets and whatever else you can invent to clean up.

I'd use water-based coolant and not much of that. If you have a steel work table it should ideally have a stainless tray to keep shit off the floor. I scored two custom trays from a bro but stainless restaurant equipment has all sorts of slick trays and tubs. I collect steam table tubs for general shop use.

Degreasing can be done with safe cleaners like simple green, pine-sol (I use undiluted for cleaning carbs which I soak in stainless tubs, covered because it's fragrand) etc. Your shower can be safely used for degreasing as can your tub without leaving residue. Plastic carts are safe inside bathrooms and won't bust tile or formica.
The Jew fears the Apartment Machinist
Well you can get sound absorbing material to put on the ceiling and wall. That can reduce the sound. Just make sure your operating the machine in the standard operating hours for your area. Usually 9am to 7pm.
Im getting a small carvera air desktop CNC. It is enclosed but I will probably try to either get it on a platform with anti vibration pads, or I will try and build a whole box enclosure with some foam padding or something.

Hopefully my apartment neighbors wont kill me

How do i make a better electric pressure washer, i don't even know what pump i can use with electric motor running on 115, can't tell if i need 2 or 4hp
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>power washing uses heated water while pressure washing does not.
so you googled that they are different
>I've pressure washed many a house
>never heard the term power washing
barely even heard the term before now
yet still have an opinion?

yeah, never change /diy/ shitters, never changed.
>yet still have an opinion?

Learn what that word means shortbus. No where did I state an opinion. Google is not my opinion. What I heard over the years is not an opinion.

yeah, never change, /diy/ morons. NOT THAT IT FUCKING MATTERS kek.
3 to 4 horsepower water proof motor for 2 to 3 gph pressure washer. 3400 rpm.
>This is why all the electric pressure washers suck in America

You mean bottom tier consumer crap. Every house except for a tiny few ancient junkers has 240V single phase.
i live in a house with tar insulated wires anon best i can do is 50 amps

My wife and I recently lost our little girl. It was a stillbirth but we had some really compassionate nurses that made a hand and foot mold for us before we had to say goodbye. I’m worried that the (I’m assuming) plaster they used is really delicate/fragile. The detail on them is great but I’m eager to find a way to scan or duplicate them to ensure they survive long term. Could anyone give me some advice?
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nah you're just naive. I've been here for many years any seen people larp on the most moronic shit.
Pretending to be injured, pretending to have found an dead body, pretending to have someone dying in the room with them... I mean it just goes on and on. And I'm not just assuming they were pretending - these are scenarios when the OP owned up to his bullshitting after being repeatedly called out. Or course this was a while back when the site wasn't inundated with redditfags and ptg boomers.
>t. schizo documentary watching Christian
Throw away the charm
Yes it can be a charm
A demon attached item
Can't believe the pharmacist witch house offered such a service.
Let the dead worry for themselves and you do the work of the living.
Possibly the demon smote the child, pray to Jesus and get another one. Cast a lot asking Jesus if you should get another one right now, if the lot says get another, then no demon shall touch it, because God has put His hand over it.
/diy/ is one of the better boards, fewer trolls here
it's only a click away from the dingleberry-encrusted anus that /b/
Everyone suggested scanning, but you can try photogrammetry, it's much easier and cheaper to do since you can use your phone or a camera, there's apps for this like Polycam or RealityCam (I had good results with it) or you can do it the old way and take a bunch of photos and use a software like Realitycapture, Zephyr or Meshroom(couldn't make this one work), you will have a virtual representation that you can keep, print or mill

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How do you make an alcohol-powered engine? Moonshining is legal where I live so I'm curious if I could grow ny own fuel.
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>I'm curious if I could grow ny own fuel
How much land do you have? Because you're going to need a lot to create enough fuel for normal day to day use.
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This. There is a reason farmers don't grow their own fuel and buy diesel instead. The main reason everyone uses petroleum products to power everything is it was recognized early on as being the cheapest fuel source and all the infrastructure they've built around it has only made it cheaper.

The reason electric cars are finally staring to have a moment is that batteries are finally starting to be cost effective alternatives. Everything else about electric cars was solved decades ago. Electricity, as a 'fuel' is cheaper than petroleum but the upfront cost is still too much for many people.

OP has done a double whammy on themselves though. They are going to have a huge upfront cost trying to get/modify an engine that can run on their DIY fuel AND they are going to have a ton of infrastructure to produce their DIY fuel. The only real flex fuel vehicles I know of are the US Army's old M35 series trucks. They got 10 MPG under the best circumstances but could run on most common fuels with no modification. They also had a duty rating of 2.5 to 5 tons. Alcohol is specifically not supported but you could more easily produce diesel anyway. Things like basedbeans and peanuts are great for biodiesel.
it's just banter sir, i don't mean that op is literally retarded for not being familiar.
just saying that depending on how well you can familiarize yourself with it, the more options you have and the more viable they become. OP is free to learn as much as is necessary to accomplish his specific goal, which is why i presented different levels of understanding and the options they provide. It's just the cost of spoonfeeding. I let you copy my homework and I get to call you a retard
Literally every single flex fuel vehicle is capable of running on E85 which is 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. You shouldn't change between the two often. Don't forget you need a loicense for distilling fuel!
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>oi yuo gotsa loicense fer putin liquid in a tanker??

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>be journeyman union member.
>get paid prevailing wage to do relatively little work for the wage.
>single, no kids
>can easily pay all of my bills on unemployment insurance
>mfw I work as much or as little I want all year round
>will retire with a pension
>have healthcare as long as I am paying dues, doesn’t matter if im currently employed or not.
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One of my best bros is union electrician - kinda tempted to follow suit. He seems rather satisfied.

I can’t wait for the next general strike so we can start beating up scabs again.
Can they just fire you?
>t. Fuyao speculator
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>be non union election
>work like 4 days a week
>can take time off whenever
>amazing work life balance
>just me and boss so i can decide how work gets done usualy
>can wear whatever i want
>dont have to follow any gay safety hard hat rules
>often its just me on site and i can do whatever i want and blast black metal all day
>not part of a homosexual "brotherhood"
>work in houses and can sniff girls panties if no one is home
is that a pic of your future wife that will marry you because you're a westerner?

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>still trying to make something out of my land

Feels comfy bros
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>What IS permitted (and why did you throw away money on such a restricted piece of land
Most of the conditions just prohibit hobo/gypsy/white trash living. it's in a somewhat nice, residential subdivision. So it will be good for the property value when i actually get my place built. I bought 2 undeveloped wooded lots and had them combined. i have plenty of space to fuck around innawoods without being bothered, and i don't have to drive 20 minutes on unmaintained county roads to get to a grocery store. So it's just about the sweet spot for me. And you better believe I'll still be doing some be doing some hobo/white trash shit back in the woods when it's built up a bit better
>community covenant
You've got HOA-tier shit?
>oh nooooo this faggot didn't put himself $400k in debt for a $40k house I'm so mad
you have to find the queen bee & put her somewhere away from there, bees will follow her.
Will they permit a detached garage (of proper esthetics to fit the cumunity) to be built first? That gives you immediately usable space to work out of when you erect your home.

If they won't permit a garage first will they permit one if you also have a home building permit? Which gets erected first may work in your favor. A very nice garage (placed so you can easily add more bays later on) could connect to the septic tank and drain fields of your future home.

What driveway and paving options do you have? How is the drainage? Have you done a septic percolation test yet? There are many things people can do in small bites in optimal sequence.

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