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Hello lil niggas
I plugged something into the circled holes and now the outlet doesn't work
What did I do? Also there was a buzzing and a spark before it died
Also this happened because I'm gangstalked by jews
Also never going back. I'm going to work 60 hour weeks driving a truck and I'm going to own a Porsche and be a sex tourist and have a motor cycle
Also gonna hike and trek and mtb my fucking ass off and I'm gonna do steroids and slay pus pus bbws included
Cope seethe filthy jews
Anyway thanks for reading
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> I was forced into bad decisions by directed energy weapons

> sorry I'm such a bitch but I'm an asparagus and Jupiter is in Uranus right now

same shit
The wires are probably loose on that plug, after the sparks the wires have stopped making contact
Pinche gringo
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Is that what makes my wee smell funny?

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Hi /diy/.
My parents have passed down to me this Lane coffee table, it's been in my family for a long time. However it's definitely seen better days, and I would like to restore it to it's former glory so I can continue to pass it down. I would like some advice as to how I should go about this, I've never refinished or restored furniture before. Also I will attach more pics showing the damage in more detail.
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True, I really don't want to fuck it up. I have some other worn furniture so I'll probably give that a go first for practice.
both of his veneer videos were garbage that he just removed and applied new veneer stickers. Is there an actual way to save wood veneer that isn't on garbage?
yes you just sand it, but if you sand it you remove wood. it can only be done once or twice (usually once) before you'll sand all the way through the veneer. so if you elect to restore it like that it could be detrimental to the longevity of the piece. you could use citrus strip and some 0000 steel wool, and then refinish it, but as you said you should try some other cheap wood furniture first before trying the piece that carries sentimental weight for you.
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The problem with mine, and yeah it's an heirloom, is that the veneer is bubbling where it's been damaged. I feel like I should do something to stabilize the veneer before I sand.
use steel wool instead of sandpaper and hand "sand"

if the veneer really delaminates you need to use a siringe and thin (hide)glue to glue it back. but i cant tell from the pic looks like damaged paint.

and maybe look into shelack lacker for coating it again. looks good penetrates and stabilises the wood and can be easily removed with alcohol by future diyers

If I want water to get away from the side of my house on the ground(I have no slope really, it's all level surface), should I put dirt, sand or gravel?
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I deal with this kind of person all the time. The only way they will listen is if they are proven wrong through first hand experience. Even in defeat, OP will not admit to it and any solution offered here will become their next "original" idea.
Where is the water going to drain to, OP? Down into the ground? Water follows the path of least resistance.
OP is a perfect example of what happens when youre stupid and buy the last / cheapest lot in a sub division.
Ah. The infamous water schlong
OP what you need is a draw bridge
how's the internet in niggertown?

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You've been here long enough to know when you're making a stupid thread with overused material.
that was the point genius
The point is to make a thread about a picture that everyone's already seen here a thousand times? Kind of seems like a stupid point to me.
There's a guy (me) impersonating tripfags.
my father has made a barn for his farm out of old doors. Cannot recomend honestly. Still looks way better than that yank

Do pumps create flow or do they create pressure?
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flow by creating a pressure difference
but i'd say a pressure difference first that results in a flow since you can have a pressure difference from a pump without flow
like another anon has brought up the voltage and current equivalent, you can have a voltage with 0 current when R is infinite
but do retards really argue about this? bernoulli vs newton that creates lift over an airfoil is similar but far less obvious
how deep do you want to go? fundamentally it's an energy distribution lowering entropy. increased energy in a closed system increases force. force over an area gives you pressure. pressure differential gives you flow. flow gives you sick rap skillz
entropy always increases
Both variables are fundamentally inseparable just like current and voltage. Because they're the same. Look up bond graphs


fuckin nerds

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Any reason it has to go on the roof? Can I just put panels on piles in the ground like a solar farm?
yes you can put them anywhere really
in fact i have read an article that its more effective on a fence

but it has to do with codes regulation and space and how clever you are

you see if its attached to the house grid usually
it needs to be regulated and placed on the roof

but lets say you know how to set up solar units
like the all in one units
you can set one up on a gourney or a trailer
then its a mobile unit and you can lay the panels on the ground

saying this
you should look up how to ground it
The issue is usually azimuth. At certain times of the year you may not get any power at all.
Putting them on the roof is saving space. It is better to put it on the ground (on mounts in the correct angle), especially putting bifacial panels like that improves performance, plus you can clean them more easily if you live in a snowy area.
Roof is dumb.
Ground mount is way to go.
You get exact angle you want
Service is easy
Snow is easily cleaned off
Easy to diy an angle adjustment

Leave your roof alone. It has a job to do, and likely isnt the optimal angle for harvesting kill o watts

Dont overthink it by imitating what companies get idiots to finance. Panel pointed at sun make power.
A big ass stump is effectively the same as a concrete ballast block

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Boxes are usually financed through snapon credit and not off of the truck line of credit (if you get one big enough). Truck line is zero percent, snapon is ungodly even with perfect credit. My last box was $27k. Damn near perfect credit and I want to say I was over 8%, don't want to lie, but I know it was at least that. It is the loan holder's responsibility to establish reclaiming the box. The dealer/driver just drives the truck to pick it up if it is a repo, most times have it sold before even picking up.
I’m a snap-on fanboy down to the point where I have a bahco in my box and have caterpillar tools along side them

But I don’t see any point in having a snap-on box

It’s a big “steal me” billboard

I keep everything in a husky box with those JDM learning permit/elder driver magnetic stickers you put on your car in Japan on it from my many trips to japan
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>caterpillar tools
one of the best kept tool secrets out there. i've switched to buying all williams usa for my duplicate sets because snappy has gone off the rails on pricing. i can live without the bulky magnetic tray to save over half on the same sockets new
Don’t let the dumbass harbor freight guys in on it

They’ll ruin it
Snappy is def better than HF, but ridiculously overpriced for a mild increase in quality over tools 1/4 the price. If you get a big student discount, it might be worth getting down on some of the main tools from Snappy. Maybe you get a full wrench set and your basic sockets, you will be using that stuff daily for decades. But the 1” drive stuff and specialty bent pliers that see use once every 6mos, There are alternatives like >>2789170 for about half the price of Snappy that are just as good.

Also don’t go into mad debt before you start making money. Also you should find out if your workplace has a good Snap On rep. A big chunk of the premium price is for the service of the truck guy. If he’s a sheisty and only shows up once every 2 months, but you have a really good Matco guy, then it will suck if you have all Snap On and can’t get anything warrantied on time.

who the fuck buys these hideous things anyway? it seems like every boomer is buying a bambu to churn out as many ugly dragons and designs stolen from thingiverse as they can as fast as possible because they all think they can get rich or something
I like it
I like it. I'm trans btw.
Maybe some esoteric hippies? They're selling badly to mediocre printed colosseums and cesar heads in Rome these days and boomers buy them up.

I want a geodesic dome addition on my house. I want size picrel. I know this is masochism.

Question is how would you go about this? I was thinking metal frame with premade adapters at the corners to properly angle the whole thing. Pair that with premade triangle panels in wood frame with glass installed. I think this glass part is where the money will end up.
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it wont have any form of insulation even if you use doublepane storm glass and spend an assload it will effectively be an insanely hot greenhouse in summer and refrigerator in winter either way.

they are pretty cool but i would plan on making it easy to isolate from the rest of your house as this will become a thermal nightmare if not.
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they need to be adapted to climate
they exsist in norther climates because even at like regular weather is cold
the greenhouse needs to have a use
i have also seen a video of a guy building it in the ground in a greenhouse
in northern climate

otherwise yes it will cost a lot
the cheapest being wood and polycarbonate

here in souther california
they do make some that are framed and concrete formed
they become fire proof and good for the hot weather
this is cheapest
companies do this
It's not impossible to mitigate solar heat gain and maintain a stable interior atmoshere using glass this way, just expensive.

Picrel is the Salvador Dali museum in St. Petersburg FL which is as tightly climate and light controlled as any other museum, and perfectly comfortable both temperature and light level-wise beneath the glass areas even in the direct midday FL sunshine.

One thing for the OP to note though is that great care has been taken to avoid any acute angles in the exterior surfaces where the glass protrudes from the boxy portion of the building envelope, so that all water is directed away from the joints and no valleys or "bird's mouths" are formed that might direct water anywhere but quickly away from those major potential leak areas.

Just placing a done near a box and having the two intersect does the exact opposite and is a recipe for headaches from rain, snow and dirt/debris, birds nests, etc. or when attempting maintenence and repairs.
Design seems smart, actually stupid.
Very little unable space, huge waste of framing materials, weak structure (yes really)

For a greenhouse like structure build a yurt shape, twice the usable space. Better still just build a regular ass barn.

If you want the round shape for aesthetic reasons consider earth/ cement composite. Strong, cheap, no framing. Then put windows in it.

If you want the transparent dome, consider building a tent. Build a glue together polly structure, put elbows in the joins to spread the load, heat seal some plastic to form a waterproof structure, use guywires to support it, commit to replacing the plastic every few years.

The air coming out of the registers is room temperature. I listened to the condenser outside and it's not making any humming noises, fan is spinning just fine. Could it still be a bad capacitor? Maybe tomorrow when it's light out I could try cleaning the condenser coils. If it's not the coils or capacitor does that mean it's low on refrigerant? The unit is 6yrs old. Tried to do research before posting (lennox system in typical ranch house)
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im glad a2ls are gonna scare the shit out of homeowners so they never take this awful advice. you expect people to do subcooling? fix their leaks? these "people" cant even change an air filter once every 6 months.
I think he took pictures
hey AC experts how difficult would it be to get a 50 gallon drum of ammonia and make a machine to chill my house to zero degrees?
where do you live? i'll pay you 2k maybe 3k to come do that
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I'm retired from repair and maintenance - I still get called to change lightbulbs...

i wish to build a standing desk, but wood seems to heavy for that, any ideas ?
I made mine out of styrofoam and it is great. Except when the wind blows.
i made one out of dried cum. you'd be surprised how resilient the stuff is.
alternatively, one could take inspiration from a variety of african tribes and use dung.
>frogposter makes another abhorrent thread
Have you tried just using the floor?
>Already assembled
>Knows you well
>Always there to support you (and your stuff)
>Wasn't built by a retard
>You don't have to stand
You're welcome
I accept Bitcoin and cum tributes of William Shatner

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>fix things for other people
>99% success rate
>save them tons of money
>fix things at work
>save time, materials, make things more efficient
>only makes other people more money, not me
>fix things for myself
>minor irrelevant shit that doesn't actually means anything
>goes perfect
>anything actually meaningful for improving things for myself
>turns to shit, never works, unobtainium parts, breaks
>completely breaks my morale and just reminds me about the shit that I fucked up or wasn't able to fix even from a decade ago despite it being outweighed in dollar value by the stuff I actually fixed.
This happen to anyone else?
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seeking some kind validation for fixing things in this broken gay world? not gonna happen.
Based on your story, if it’s actually true, you should stop trying to fix important things in your life. Work hard, save money, then buy those things.

Your problem might be that you see 100 things out there you can fix, so you do. But you have a large pool to choose from. You pick things you can easily fix. But the specific problems issues that would save you money.. that’s a much much smaller subset of things. So you are probably stretching your ability ( or just lack experience ).

It’s an easy trap to fall into. I do something similar with helping other people with their businesses.
Your stuff aint broke, sounds like you are just improving which is engineer's job which you don't have a nack for, yet.
Your knack is easily bring 0.7(not running, others see as 0) to 1(0.95 but they don't need to know) by addressing that .3 of broken, but not really able to bring 1 to 1.2 which requires improving bottle necks with much more and complete analysis and bring in parts that isn't there, and most of the time, running one are not worth imrpoving and efficiency has its cost.
For your autism, go haul some broken shit at dirt price for free, fix it and sell/keep it at a fraction of new price and the rest thrown to scrap for them raw material autists.
No for me its the reverse.
I fix stuff for fun and mostly for free. I just fixed a street find lawn mower. cost me $70 to fix, gave it to my poor brother to sell.

fixed a lawn mower a few years ago, gave it to my nephew to sell.

I fix stuff that most people would throw away. often I just donate them to Goodwill.

Would a small 1hp lathe be able to drill a 12mm and 20cm of depth in 4140 steel? assuming the proper drill bit and speed is used?

If not what's the minimum hp needed?
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Anon is making 45acp barrels on the lathe again
there are literally calculators for this, but for anon's sake the hp needed is diameter times length (220mm convert to inch is 8.25 in) and then divide by pi. similar to the surface speeds/rpm calculation you can substitute pi for 4. your calculating the area of metal to be removed and converting to the area of hp needed inside the motor. 4140 vs 1018 vs o1 tool steel only affects rpm/feed rate.
then 8.25/4 is a bit above 2hp needed.
These machines work like a dremel zero torque but crazy fast rpm to remove material
Shitting up /diy/ now?
you can just abuse his trip if you want, paste
Sieg #fuck nig
into the name field

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Pic is Dubai RN, they seeded clouds and created floods.

how do i seed clouds locally on a minor scale?
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>spraying water into the atmosphere would cool the planet by creating clouds.
This were several studies about potential temperature changes on or immediate after 9/11 when all the planes were grounded for three days. the planes make contrials (clouds) that can last long time, and there were thousands of flights over the US, concentrated over the eastern half, then zero flights. Studied revealed it was on average a few degrees cooler with the planes flying creating the contrails.
There was a similar thing recently when they banned sulphur in cargo ship fuel and removed a source of atmospheric particulate that condensed water vapour into clouds over the oceans, and then temperatures rose measurably. I think most of the reporting on it was premature though, there were hundreds of headlines about people pointing out the correlation but no real studies had been completed on it yet, and of course those are all you can find now if you try to look it up. It's not like the early 2020s were business as usual otherwise and removing sulphur from cargo ships was the only thing that changed.
Ionic charging due to a reduced earth magnetic field strength, which is continuing to decline, rapidly, means:

- cloudseeding, if it has any effect, will have a greater effect

- normal airline traffic will have enhanced contrails, leading to more cloud formation

- more precipitation

Get a non-metallic boat. I don't suspect that the massive underground shit, built with the excuse of nuclear war, is for us.
Why non metallic?

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/d/uses, my drain is really really really really clogged with I don't even know what and I don't know if drain cleaner will cut it. How do I fix it? Best photo I got attached, it's like white and brown gunk and shit going down for who knows many inches, min 5 I guess, drains awfull.
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>I don't know if drain cleaner will cut it.
only one way to find out.
Try boiling water down the drain.
Frequently works, minimal costs.
Add dishwashing liquidnwd8m
for improved results.
muriatic acid.
emptying a bottle of coca-cola down the drain actually worked wonders for me and for many people I've met
it's a cheap solution and it might not hurt to try

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