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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Calabi Yau Edition.

Previous thread: >>16109209 (Dead)

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

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>its just a force. if you calculate lagrangian of electric field you get the same results. and if you calculate lagrangian of strong force in 8 dimensions you get the same results. thats the whole idea of the higgs field

r u ok anon?
There is an abacus game app for mobile which helped me understand how to use it. I forgot the name though, look it up, should be easy to find.
I was reading more about this and.. i figure that if i was located in some huge sphere (like a planet durr) i could measure the curvature by measuring triangle angles.
Locally the effects would be null, as these curved manifolds are locally flat by definition, but by drawing ever bigger triangles one would start to notice that the angles dont add up to 180, and the effect if bigger with triangle size.
So this would indicate a scale of how big the sphere was, hence the radius hence the curvature. Very good.
Is nuclear power used in starships, rockets, and whatnot?

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Where the fuck is my assembler edition PART 2
old: >>16157325

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SEVERE geomagnetic storm is incoming, maybe 12 hours from now

Its early in the morning in New York, it likely comes in the evening at earliest, but on 12th nevertheless
Is this good or bad?
the great tribulation is starting

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How would have things changed for humanity if Mars and Venus were as habitable as Earth?
At this point things would either be the same or we'd be in a nuclear war with the Martians and the Venusians. I say war, but it's the intergalactic equivalent of cavemen throwing rocks at each other.
Interplanetary wars over stupid idelogical and religious reasons.
Assuming permanent human populations on each world - with limited intermingling but consistent communication - What general stereotypes would each planet have for the population of the other worlds?
> Earth's impression of Martians: ???
> Earth's impression of Venusians: ???
> Mar's impression of Earthlings: ???
> Mar's impression of Venusians: ???
> Venus' impression of Earthlings: ???
> Venus' impression of Martians: ???

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is she right?
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>trannys are happy
that explains their massive suicide rate and their incessant complaining
That is weird, yes, considering that's not how it works

Those would be the homeschooled ones
Just because schools use a reward system and that dog training uses a reward system, doesn't mean they are the same. Just that they use a similar education method
> Homeschooled children get a better education than what you got
I'd imagine that this would depend entirely on the parent's ability to teach.
But at very least they know what is being taught to their child, and that all responsibility for the outcome rests is on their shoulders.

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B11 Rollout to WDR Edition

Previous - >>16168037
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Anyone who has ever owned a boat can tell you how bullshit saltwater is. Vaccuum is chill as fuck compared to the ocean

>t. Boat owner
Any luck NA bros? I had a walk around and nothing today.
No it's not. She's got English and abbo ancestry.

The space weather isn't supposed to get interesting for another four to five hours.
I didn't see much until after 1am Pacific last night. Nothing so far tonight.

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>Body riddled with parasites as a result of eating raw pork for 10 years.
>Accept it muzzies won this round
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>normal people
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Carnifags wilk swear raw meat is the elixir of life
In reality
Pig is pretty much the cleaniest animal when let free range, tardie.
Pigs are clean and very unlikely to carry parasites when treated right. In my jurisdiction you are required by law to have every slaughtered pig checked for trichinella. The result is meat products that are well suited for raw consulprion and damn is that delicious and nutritious.

>Hey guyz remember when we said it was fully developed vaccine on par with anything that could produced over years of testing???
>About that...
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The vax was a clever scheme to rid humanity of the midwit problem by killing or sterilizing them. Covid never existed, it was all made up for TV and it worked like a charm, just like "War of the Worlds" did back in the 1930s
More of Trump's 1488D chess magic
No, I don't remember. Got any cite?
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>Got any cite?

This means "no".

Bad news sneed oil bros, it turns out that sneed oils are extremely unhealthy and all the 'science' that blamed heart disease on animal fats was completely fake and was made up to fraudulently cast blame for the damage sneed oils do on animal fats
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Sneed oilsisters, this looks like bad news for us
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industries that sell decent healthy products aren't driven to engage in that kind of bribery and fraudulent advertising because their products already speak for themselves. thats why you should never ever trust a scientist when they're trying to tell you what to eat or what else is good for you. they're only telling you that because they're being paid to and they have no consciences about lying so they don't mind shilling poison, they can rationalize any kind of lying in order to get money because they are that greedy
What else is the AHA lying about?
If a warehouse full of typewriting monkeys can produce shakespeare in the span of a millennium, then naturally a imageboard of information-inundated autists would be able to brute force accurate divinations if given a few months.
Its just evolution baby.

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Does the theory of evolution have any holes in it? Is there anything where our classical understanding may be incorrect or skewed?
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if you construct a genetic phylogeny which predicts a split between species x and y at 600kya based on genetic divergence, and then in the fossil record you uncover a species which features traits that manifest as synapomorphies in both species, the most reasonable conclusion is that the uncovered fossil species is ancestral to x and y. All logic suggests this.
>no reason to believe in dating from beyond a million years
why a million? why are you arbitrarily drawing a line there? If you believe radiometric dating can in fact work under a million years through various techniques, why are you drawing the line at one million? Argon-argon dating works perfectly well at this point. Even further, regardless of dates you're missing the bigger picture. If you think the geological age of the earth is as old as current estimates say it is, and you believe in mutation in addition to inheritance, then by default you believe in evolution and the requisite time for all these changes to occur
They range from rock pools where extremes in temperature and salinity change unpredictably to the crushing freezing abyss to crowded coral reefs to the barren expanse of the open ocean. How are they not diverse?
>is directly refuted by possibility of recurring evolution
What is that even supposed to mean? Is recurring evolution supposed to refer to evolution occurring constantly or to repeated convergent evolution, and how does recurring evolution refute evolution if it’s still evolution?
>why is there no explanation for mass variation overtime in controlled environments?
Variation in what, genetic diversity within a tested species? You seem to be allergic to specificity
>I simply have no reason to believe any fossil dating beyond maybe a million years whatsoever
Pretty sure the reason you don’t believe it is because it contradicts your pre conceived world view, because otherwise i don’t see why you wouldn’t believe it when everything about radiometric and other dating methods would suggest so
>Evolution can't stand up to scrutiny
Shitposting is not "scrutiny", Socrates.
Okay why are jellyfish relatively unchanged for 500 million years whereas fish in the exact same region of the ocean appear to have changed drastically?
Because genetic mutation, evolution, and natural selection work hand in hand. The selection pressure on jellyfish is not the same as the selection pressure on fish. Jellyfish float around and effectively filter food that floats into their trap. It isn't entirely passive, but it's not active either. Fish and other vertebrates, however, actively hunt or forage for food - even whales (mammals they might be) that filter feed follow krill swarms.

So to Jellyfish, the question is who is the best at floating around and who has the best venom/best tentacles for trapping prey. For fish and vertebrates it's questions like speed, jaw type, body plan, etc. And there are many fish that find their niche and don't need to change any more. It's not because no genetic mutations are occurring, but because any major deviation from their current genetic profile is actively discouraged.

Imagine a classroom where the teacher is yammering on about whatever. A student raises their hand: "Bathroom please?" The teacher nods, kid gets up. Another student raises their hand. "Bathroom?" The teacher slaps them across the face. Third student raises their hand. "Can I go to the bathroom?" The teacher slaps them across the face. Second student raises hand again. "May I go to the bathroom?" Slap across the face. Fourth student raises hand. "May I go to the bathroom, please?" Teacher nods, kid gets up. After that, all students use 'please' and any other variation is punished. The teacher is the selection pressure, and as you can see only one 'gene' (please) matters.

I am a math major at an R1 uni and a most of the professors and postdocs I have taken classes from or worked with are foreigners who immigrated for or after their phd. A lot are from italy for some reason.
Is this because american unis are better to work at or because america can’t produce enough good math phds locally?
It's because American universities are under pressure to hire fewer White Americans.
White Americans are unlikely to major in math, much less do a PhD.
Your department is a coverup for family mafia business.


the King of mathematics edition
talk maths, formerly >>16135585
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My brother in Christ, you are genuinely retarded beyond saving. Probability theory, Stochastic Processes and statistics are perhaps the most practical of all possible math disciplines for any applied science/engineering field. Probability theory literally forms the basis by which we analytically model experimental uncertainties. That's about as useful as it gets.
That’s not what I’m talking about. The basics of probability theory are useful, but do you honestly believe engineers and physicists are reading papers on probability theory? No, there’s no useful research being done in it, there’s just people using it to get funds and prestige, there’s no point in learning anything about it beyond undergraduate stuff. And for the layman there’s not even a point in learning it at all. What does it matter for the average person whether or not the probability of winning the lottery will be 0.000001% higher if they buy two tickets? What does it matter for the engineer whether or not an extremely obscure theorem has been discovered in probability theory?
> The basics of probability theory are useful, but do you honestly believe engineers and physicists are reading papers on probability theory? No, there’s no useful research being done in it, there’s just people using it to get funds and prestige, there’s no point in learning anything about it beyond undergraduate stuff.

I'm an engineer who focuses primarily on non-linear state estimation and non-linear signal detection theory. Both of these topics are applied in the sense that the fundamentals of the probability distributions relate to radar/sonar, but they are both heavily reliant on some fairly in depth topics in probability theory. In particular large deviations theory is very relevant to signal detection and allows for the primary mechanism of analysis of error rate curves for correlated sample sequences (as you can't use the standard CLT constructions with correlated samples in the sum). Renewal theory and ergodic processes are also central to state estimation for a target moving in the presence of process and measurement noise.

These are graduate level probability theory topics that have a lot of relevance to my engineering field.
Correct, and also why we will never reach the stars. Getting grants to research more useless shit rather than researching shit that matters,
Reading two books in parallel seems like a waste of time, but having several books is very useful
If an explanation isn't clicking for you it's good to be able to go read a different one rather than bashing your head into it
Plus different books will have different advanced/side topics, even if the core content is the same

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> goes to /sci/ because I love space
> scrolls through posts
> sees dumbass antivax bullshit

Fucking really? If you wanna go on and on about vaxs like a retard go back to /pol/

Science is meant for space shit not bitching about vaxs
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NTA but I didn't take it and still find the vax-posting tiresome. It made sense 2 years ago when people were actually being compelled to take them else they lose their profession/enrollment/medical eligibility.

It makes a lot less sense now, when COVID is all but entirely a spectre, nobody except the extremely indoctrinated/Ill are getting boosters and there's no bravery involved in proudly holding either position. Instead you just look like a boomer who is repeating 2 year old Facebook memes to win one over on people who have no connection to the other side of the argument. A lot of people believed the vaccine mandates were messed up and counterproductive, including a lot of progressives and doctors. Nothing will happen as a result of this.
I'm not interested in politics, if I fucking wanted politics I would go to /pol
That makes sense. That's why I said I feel your pain and wish you luck. I dislike (as an example) that the probability and statistics thread has just been /pol/ shit-posting for the last week or so.

I'm sure you'll get to talk about space at some point with people who also want to talk about space.
Far too little has been discussed about the utter failure of The Science © in regards to COVID-19 and the delusion of those right here that believe the scientific method has not been corrupted by financial interest needs the reality check, so the blind trust and suppression of truth does not continue to destroy by actual sciences.

I'm sorry that means your space chat are being pushed to the back by this necessity..
This so much this.
Spacefags can only larp, but science and politics is very related and now more than ever. Most people today even believe vax measures were rational and there was nothing wrong with children ratting out their parents etc. clown world. Clown world

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>if you have one girlfriend your probability of getting sex from her on any given try is 20%... so if you have more, it goes 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%.. and if you have six, it's 120% which is a completely different thing altogether
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hoe math is real
Didn't you just subtract the likelyhood for the path where 2 wins in series ? Wouldnt it be more correct to calculate this like so:
Theres 4 possible paths:
loss loss
loss win
win loss
win win
and we consider all paths with at least one win a win.
The odds for any of all possible paths is 1.
Calculate the odds for loss los:
0.6 * 0.6 = 0.36
Your chance for win thus is: 1-0.36 = 0.64
Am I mistaking somewhere ?
>I want to study STEM now boo hoo
How much does open university costs? 3,736 pounds per year? Or more? I have even found one Pajeet uni that is like 187 dollars.
Why those attention hoes get into a STEM course, perhaps they are just making shit up lmao
>Why those attention hoes get into a STEM course
fuck, I meant why not those hoes just do not get into any STEM course.
>3π or 2π

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