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File: Ligier vs AJR.webm (3.73 MB, 1280x720)
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this is antithesis of /o/
that was the least exciting thing I've watched this week
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At least post something interesting.
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It's sad how SHITTY and NORMIE NIGGER filled Formula1 has become.
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Important to lube your pole
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CIA hit?
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Outta sight outta mind.
I saw her testicle
Gassy knoll?
Is that sarah n tuned?
Best engineered GM product
Lol you see war videos with vehicles getting hit by RPGs and it looks less brutal than this.
Dude what's the context on that???
Motorcycle racing of all varieties is so much better to watch
took out two trees too
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Looks like The Woodlands
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That's a broken neck for sure.
fucking RAD
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>holy shit it's going sideways
>it's flipping
>oh man please tell me it's gonna get stuck balanced on its nose like Stonehenge
>PLEASE stay balance
>aww man it fell
>it fucking bursts into flames instead after a perfectly timed pause
just the tire bouncing along would be pretty funny but then watching it completely destroy some j**p makes it even better
this webm is not nearly long enough
I never knew the can opener bridge has a curb kink on the other side to throw cars into traffic coming the other way, too. Amazing.
what a fucking flex. skills
what a fucking retard, oh my God. this is worse than gore
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he's dead
That white Zupra in front pulled a chad move but also killed millions
damn this was cool
At least trugg bros go out like a man
hilarious, are there any regulations against pulling this of on purpose?
Straight outta gta.
please tell me there's a story about this i need to know if he survived that
Is he ok?
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I thought that only happened in GTA
The city needs to put a radar alert sign that flashes if it knows the truck is gonna be too tall. My shitty midwest city has it for our local can opener bridge - not sure how much it helps cause I've seen a truck get peeled lol
lmao bet NASCAR spotters aren't so gay now
The truck at the end:
>maybe he's dead now
Is he ok?
>killed the Trumptard
OK, Kansas, and a little bit in Missouri.
Remind me to get some kneepads for when I get my bike back on the road.
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Best crash ever <3
What shoots out when he falls? Looks like red fluid.
Drunk troon crashed his shitbox and was so uncooperative he needed to be cuffed before going to the hospital, the full video with audio is funny as fuck but I can't find it, it's on youtube
>Surer returned to Arrows in 1986 but eventually retired from Formula One halfway through the season due to serious accident at the 1986 ADAC Hessen-Rallye in his Ford RS200 severely injured him and killed his co-driver and friend Michel Wyder.
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is it though
is this china?
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true rove
9000 iq
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It’s his pint of wine shandy.
crashing like a man
extremely based
I think he was dead before he even started the bike.
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Did the white car do that on purpose?
>Cagies jealous of lane-split Ch-ACK!
this is a different bridge from the actual 11'8+8 bridge, this is its evil twin. they did eventually open up this bridge significantly. og can opener does have warning signs and everything, but theres only so much you can do to save idiots from themselves. at some point you just have to point and laugh at them.
apparently those prices are for four people...which still makes it extremely jewish
can someone explain to a retard what the point of this webm is
the bike fell on an invisible cat
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Holy shit.
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goddammit i can hear it
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what fucking magic is this
>Cuts someone off
>Slams on his brakes when they honk
>They honk again so he pulls out a gun
>Brake checks again for no reason
>Immediately starts shooting as soon as the guy goes around him
>Scares himself in the process of shooting up his own car
>Guy coincidentally threw a slushie at him at the exact same moment he started shooting so he spun a yarn about how he thought he was getting shot at
If I remember right, this guy got off, too. Truly the most scholarly black of all time.
really? just shorts?
red lights on the scooter
Tonight, On TOP GEAR
I die
Richard Dies
James drives a Dacia Sandero.
fuckin' retard spilled the Powerade
$200k worth of shocks
Seatbelt PSAs should just use this clip
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>15 seconds to pull gun out
If he actually needed it in an emergency he'd be fucked.
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what >>27636135 said, either 50k or 200k in suspension. This is what happens when you have the budget for a truly good suspension.
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We’re all fucked anyways because that trigger happy retard has a gun.
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and not speed limit in the pits
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i got you, senpai
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why would you even do that lmao
you'd think that fucker was being kicked by a horse flinching like that, what a giant fucking retard.
death penalty just for being willing to take someones life while having the brain of a child.
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hey why is the md5 hash on this one different?
it's no longer contributing to my image recount number on 4plebs
stop changing the hash of the web wtf
>average /o/ RWD manual sports coupe enjoyer
Can't park there, mate
>you will never get to have this much fun on your daily commute
Got a full video?
>Not my problem
>Car #13
>Is actually very lucky
Based Xavier enjoyer
>hmm, this dragster with tires covered in literal glue slipped on something on the track
>I'll ignore it and drive right over the same spot on a bike
This dude rules
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to clean the cooling system - duh, did you see how much gunk came out of there?
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>he actually died
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fucking hell. it wasn't even the container that killed him, it got him on his right ribcage and the flip caused him to land on his neck. fucking rip
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We used to do that as kids with roller carts with bearings for wheels.Not on a bussy street road, ofcourse. They even have official races nowadays. Can't even tell you how many pairs of sneekers i burned through.
God, I love Chyna.
How you can be a motoring enthusiast with tyres that bad
>ninja radish.
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I recognize the thumbnail and it always makes me flinch.
these trucks do hard corners on asphalt on 3 wheels. its not so much an expensive magic suspension as it is optimized for this kind of terrain
what causes this
failed balance shaft?
Looks like an ovg sim race
absolute madman
aww, poor dude threw all of his earnings into the car
damn, the red car turned right first then left to avoid the slow car, nasty stuff
Happened to me once, thankfully didnt ruin my car in the process.
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every time this pic is posted and the filename is not "ravenwest.webm", a puppy dies
why did they do it
>Make a wish
>V6s are ballanced
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i don't get this
>hey no you HAVE to stop we were in the lead
This is just so fucking boring I can't even
NPC crowd on repeat animation, shame.
Really incredible driver tho, restores my faith in humanity a little
We were so close to this board being better.
Could be many things, the timing could have jumped, balancer sheered off.
Still trying to figure out what direction I'm looking at the engine
Don't get it either
Why didn't he overtake normally, like they usually do in Baja and other endurance offroad racing? The road was wide enough for that.
>the smoothest V6
we do it intentionally to spite you
there's a secret /o/ discord where you aren't allowed and we plan all this stuff years in advance

god hates furrys
everything about this is amazing
from the hood letting the can ramp, from the angle off the wall like a pool ball shot, to the unfortunate idiot who got smacked
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Because it's very difficult to overtake someone through dust clouds, and the buggy jumped the start deliberately to block the passage of the mitsubishi.
Schlesser and his partner cut infront of Masuoka before the start of the stage and started ahead. They expected a time penalty, but figured it was worth it.
Masuoka actually already passed one buggy, decided to go offroad to pass the other, but hit a tree stump which wrecked the suspension. That's why at the beginning of the webm, you see the car dancing around, the car was already fucked. They had to pull over and throw in the towel.

If I remember right, the race stewards were sympathetic to Masuoka and the penalty was more severe than expected.
oh right, so masuoka was in the car thaat went off the trail. makes a lot more sense now
seems like schlesser got penalised 1 hr, as well as masuoka's co-driver (guy who hopped out, apparently wanting to complain)
when has f1 ever been niche and hipster
nice, that's two fewer pieces of american trash on the road
holy shit i flinched so hard
God fucking bless Jean Ragnotti
>Because it's very difficult to overtake someone through dust clouds
But not impossible. Just watch some Baja 1000 or similar endurance races, they do that all the time on even narrower paths.
>the buggy jumped the start deliberately to block the passage of the mitsubishi
On what second of the video?
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It's not on the webm, but you can see it on youtube and look up the incident, but anons summarised it here.>>27651693
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>No-one posted the classic yet
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Truck drivers could never.
He had plenty of room.
Any tips on how to avoid this? Make sure I’m on a perfectly straight road if I want to floor it?
car has no reverse
>no reverse
He just made his problem worse.
ID on the car? And which event?
What am I looking at?
How fucking fast was this chink going?
I did not expect him to receive the quickening at the end.
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You wouldn't expect this accident to be recorded in such detail...
Not the point when there's a pair of twigs standing there.
I get it. If you got it, flaunt it.
My car's 3600lbs, it'd be a bit challenging to lift.
Consider that one of those twigs was probably the owner of the moped that parked right in front of the car, considering that he's holding a helmet.
no idea unfortunately, i just stole it from somewhere
lpg tanker leaking. lpg is heavier than air so it flows like water downhill, into the ditch beside the road. the car's exhaust was hot enough to ignite everything
Should have picked up the moped and chucked it at the faggot.
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If you know your car has a lot of torque and you're on tires that don't hook well you have to feather the throttle in low gears instead of stomping on the gas. Also don't "powershift" or whatever the boomers call it, you're just asking to break traction at that point.
Guys does anyone here have a webm of a blue A63 celica drifting at some twisty track? I seen this webm a long time ago and I would like to see it again
It prefered the suicide path before having to turn right
>no rollcage
>no modified aerodynamics for going over 186mph
>everybody's surprised that he crashed
fucking idiots
RIP co driver.
>dick dastardly.webm
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its a fiat panda, it absolutely has a reverse gear
100% a stancefag
It was a different era, man. These old timers had balls of steel, cocks like donkeys, and valued comfortable clothes over getting a small burn or scraped knees. Granted, the science of modern pit teams is faster; but they might as well replace them with machines at this point.
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>Front engine
>Push Rod
>Longitudinal layout
>Manual Shift
>Rear Wheel Drive
>Absolutely destroys multiple super-engineered german race cars and any other euro thing

When will MOPAR boys ever lose? They keep winning, no matter what. Chrylser makes the best performance grade engines. I bet they are faster than every single Honda F1 engine.
American Flag
Also wins during 911 one year anniversary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUNEc3cHfCg
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Further proves my point.
MOPAR vehicles can win all races. They probably can whip every single F1 car's butt. When don't they supply engines to F1 before the alternative fuel mandate in 2025?
Back when we still had lead in the petrol people weren't capable of giving a fuck
nerve gas
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slow car should be fined, why is it still in the racing line and not out of it on the left or off to the right out of the limits. that driver is more at fault than the others here
>classic sonic in the stands
Was Sega/Sonic team a sponsor?
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Yes they were
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very cool, thanks for sharing anon

are they still active, or not really?

>no pit speed limit
Based. Who the fuck is walking around in front of race cars anyway?
I never understood why Tag Heuer and Rolex sponsored these events. F1 and Le Mans are literally all about the performance, and those fancy watches get outperformed by a $2 F-91W in timekeeping accuracy.
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No Sadly. At least their promoting in motoGP



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