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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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I believe it's possible to accurately guess characteristics/traits of somebody by their favorite animal
For example,
>If their favorite animal is a fox, they're a furry
>If it's a wolf, they were the weird kid in school
>Horse, they want to be dicked down by a horse
>Cat, they're feminine or a woman
>Dog, they're very basic
What do you think? What are some other examples?
Ah, yes, my favorite femboy writer
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Do Guinea pig
If their favorite animal is any bird they're all of these
Any reptile - potential serial kiĺler
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Dog - gigachad
Dog and cat - gigachad
Cat - autist

Most of the "cat people" in this image also had dogs.
Lenin had a dog and a cat

Confirmed based
Sub 100 iq thread for children
That would be a knock against them if anything
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My favourite animal is marmot what am I?
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>>4778197 shut your fucking face about fox enjoyers ok
Fish and reptile
Ether autistic antisocial relating to the expressionless animals or beast tamer chud archetype
I'd describe myself as a millipede enthusiast
Come on you know it's true
/fox/ is full of furries and foxes are by far the most common fursona
I like black bears.
>cat, they dont care about other lifeforms
easy, disfunctional family and/or home environment
Octopus? (Not into hentai, just think theyre cool)
Lovecraft was a huge fuckin' loser for his entire life my man
You were bullied in highschool.
Marlon Brando wasn't gay, he fucked everything
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True, the Ur-furry was a fox.
Bird chads win again
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Do me
do me:
epaulette shark
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They aren't really that obscure. Pretty much every zoo has one.
Probably not. My cousin has a lion tattoo and he's vegan.
You like watching a certain streamer waste thousands on gambling sites
Binturong? :)
Autism. The "I can accurate describe your personality based on the date and time when you were born!" Animal edition. Go outside and talk to people, covid is over buddy...
Whats with /an/ and hating cats?
Most simultaneously attractive and evil person I met adored snakes. Real Eve in the garden shit.
cats are an environmental disaster, /an/ is supposed to care about nature
Cats are an environmental disaster like carbon is. Carbon isn't doing shit, it's the specific way humans are putting carbon in the environment in combination with other activities that disrupt it.

If you stop letting the cats out, stop feeding them, and pick up the trash, the feral cat population totally vanishes. Once someone did an experiment in the australian outback to determine how invasive cats were. There was a fence, and on one side of the fence, farmers shot dingos and said "no, these are wild dogs not real dingos, actually dingos are a very established invasive species and totally threaten native animals! we should kill even more dingos!". On the other side of the fence, the dingos were left alone, and few people lived.

On the dingo side, the 'invasive' cat population totally vanished for years, only reappearing sporadically, for no clear reason except maybe, someones unfixed cats escaped.
>shoot the cats predator
>release cats "because they will get rid of the mice"
>now you have tons of cats and tons of mice
>keep doing this despite persistent proof the cats have never gotten rid of mice and population surveys show the mouse population actually continues growing
human logic
Newfag tourist that don't know 4chan is a cat website
influx of dog “people” that feel they need to wage a console war
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My favorite is the Gibbon.
What's my horoscope, OP?
man what if I like horses but don’t want to end up like Mr hands?
there’s gotta be something more to it, someone said people who like horses are stubborn
/an/ is a bird board, and cats are a disaster for us the planet. Plus their owners are either NPC tier normals or complete fucking weirdos. Basically cats need to go extinct is all.
my fav is tapir wtf am i
Cat-haters are under the impression that all Cat Enjoyers let their cats outside and don't clean their litterbox because they've met a few disgusting individuals who are like that, and because Cat-haters have the brain of a toddler, they can't even begin to think of a world in which their limited experiences aren't universal.
And so they project onto all Cat Enjoyers their short-sighted expectations and refuse to acknowledge reason and logic. That is, that litterboxes don't smell if you're not a disgusting person, and that reasonable Cat Enjoyers don't let their cats outside. And these are facts that the smooth-brained Cat-Hating individuals physically cannot comprehend.
And, even the unique Cat-Hater who can comprehend such facts, simply refuses to because their narcissistic tendencies encourage the rush of attention and adrenaline they get from being a huge contrarian. 'Other people like cats and understand that they are inherently clean creatures? Well *I* don't and *I* think they're gross and disgusting and dirty because *I* am a very special and unique little boy and more special and unique than everyone else because *I* think differently!'.
To add further evidence to the contrarianism of Cat-Haters, their primary sticking point is that it's 'unhygenic' to have an animal poop in a box in your home. Aside from the fact that you should be cleaning your floors and surfaces if you have any animal living inside, this isn't exactly a bad point. However, us logical individuals know that these contrarians are insincere and don't actually believe what they're saying because almost every pet you can possibly own poops in a box in your home in some form or another. Birds, reptiles, indoor rabbits, small mammals etc. And contrarians will argue that 'it doesn't smell as bad as cat shit', which proves they're insincere, since unclean bird, rabbit and reptile homes stink like shit. They may also argue that it isn't as unhygenic because 'birds and reptiles etc don't track litter and shit throughout your house' which is another lie since normal pet owners let their small pets have time outside their cage/viv every day.
All this to prove that the vitriolic cat hate on/AN is from midwit, low-iq individuals who can't see past their own nose, or narcissistic contrarians who think they're special for disliking an animal for reasons that aren't actually reasons.
So don't pay them much mind.
>Cat-haters are under the impression that all Cat Enjoyers let their cats outside and don't clean their litterbox
tldr didnt read your schizo essay past this but this is most cat owners just like most dog owners leave their dog in the backyard to get dirty and bark 24/7 while they're at work

the sole difference occurs on /an/, where the dog owners are autists who work from home and mostly prefer huskies, gsds, and collies which dont really smell bad and aren't very aggressive especially if trained, but the cat owners dont really change because the same kind of autist that keep a really clean and quiet dog is closely related to the kind of autist that wanted a cat so they'd have more time to play video games, which leads to:
most cat owners on /an/ staunchly defend letting their cat out and insist the litterbox does not need scooped daily or cleaned weekly.

but it does.
>most cat owners on /an/ staunchly defend letting their cat out and insist the litterbox does not need scooped daily or cleaned weekly.
This is further proof of the insincerity of the Cat-Hating low-iq individuals on /an. Most of the Cat Enjoyers advocate for indoor cats only, and cleaning your litterbox as often as possible. And I know this because I can read. This is provable across all threads up right now.
Cat-Haters have to make things up for their arguments to hold any amount of water.
I saw a lot of unnecessary capitalization so I didn't read this post, sorry.
Reptiles are mostly just the autist animal. Everyone knows spiders are the serial killer favorite
Monitor Lizard?
Dolphins or other marine life?
Cleaning litterboxes is for peasants
But that's a tick
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My favorite is raccoon, what does that say?
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For me? It's the humble Tapir.
And yet he didn't have a pet wolf named niggerman
Unironically true for me
pige :D
Not reading the thread.
What does that say?
>beast tamer chud archetype
What is this?
the uggo tapir more like
exactly what it sounds like
I literally cannot fathom it.
Please, anon.
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