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Pakistan and Bangladesh make india look like heaven and i have no doubts regarding this. Their men rape, and riot in foreign countries and all of their crimes get blamed over us indians.

Strange fact is, these subhumans on /pol/ never blame pakis for their rape gangs but us indian people. Maybe /pol/ is filled with muslim subhumans these days.

Anyway, how can we make Russia nuke both of these shitholes to death??
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>Maybe stop fucking them...
Of course, let your daughter turn 12 first.
Literally no white man has ever raped a poojeeta.
Poo women love BWC and handsome white men have multiple poo women they fuck on different days of the week.
Bloody benchod bastard!!
As long as we have the unlimited supply of under 15 white girls, you can bang as many poo women as you want. Once they turn 18, they're worth less than a goat anyway.
he's a pakistranny

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>McKean County, PA - Main Street was transformed into a sea of red, white, and blue as an unexpected parade erupted in support of President Joe Biden's 2024 reelection campaign. What began as a quiet morning in the typically tranquil town of Bradford turned into a jubilant celebration, with residents flooding the streets to express their newfound enthusiasm for Biden.

>Banners waving, music blaring, and voices cheering, the parade featured an eclectic mix of floats, vintage cars, and impromptu marching bands. The spontaneous display of support was a stark contrast to the usual laid-back demeanor of the Bradford residents, who are more known for their relaxed, small-town charm than for political activism.

>"I've never seen anything like it!" exclaimed Emma Johnson, a local café owner. "I've lived here my whole life, and I've never seen our community come together like this for a political cause. It's truly heartwarming."

>In the crowd was lifelong Bradford resident Hank Miller, seen waving a Biden 2024 flag with unprecedented vigor. "I've never been one for politics," Hank admitted, grinning from ear to ear. "But there's something about Biden that just makes me feel hopeful about the future. Today, I felt compelled to show my support."

>The parade drew participants of all ages. Children adorned with patriotic face paint darted between adults, while seniors, who have seen many elections come and go, beamed with excitement. The atmosphere was electric, with chants of "Four more years!" echoing.

>One particularly enthusiastic participant, high school teacher Linda Harper, expressed her surprise at the day's events. "I was just on my way to the grocery store when I saw people gathering. Next thing I knew, I was holding a sign and marching! It's amazing how quickly the spirit of unity and support for Biden can spread."

>As resident Jim Perkins aptly put it, "If we can come together like this for Joe Biden, just imagine what we can achieve in the next four years."
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North Korea tier bullshit propaganda.
is this AI or did you really write this out? get a hobby big dog
I get that Biden is being astroturfed, but Trump is still a zionist shill and won't do anything to improve the lives of white people.
>source: when he was elected
There is no political solution.
>impromptu marching bands
Top fucking kek. Suuuuure. Lemme just get my uniform and giant fucking tuba o keep on hand out of my car.
Could the make the astroturfing any more obvious?
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a bunch of flute playing, drum banging kikes don't just show up out of nowhere for impromptu

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how did a scrawny 15 year old girl managed to do this to a brown adult male? surprised she wasnt raped again
> Now the girl, her boyfriend and three brothers are suspected of the murder, which according to the prosecutor "took on the character of an execution", reports the Swedish newspaper Fria Tider.
They did nothing wrong.
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>life in prison in Sweden for killing a rapist
oh i agree, he was just asking how she did it, the article says she had the help of 4 men

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Where is she?
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In the tunnels
Under gag order from her previous employer the daily zionist
In a dumpster where she belongs hopefully.
She's a kidnapped Israeli. You'll find her once the IDF shoot her.
threads like this make me miss /g/

Was the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) a mistake or is it social media’s fault that cripples have become entitled monsters who get free gibs to travel the globe and be waited on hand and foot by slaves and then complain about the service?
>This is me, being carried down a flight of stairs in a broken aisle chair - no armrests, straps that wouldn't tighten enough to keep my body in, and front wheels that were busted off.

>You can see from my face how distraught and absolutely terrified I was. The individuals that were sent to help me disembark this plane likely had very little training on how to do so; they kept having to place the chair down from not having the correct grip, and they were holding the chair completely sideways (hence my dad trying his best to hold my head so it didn't completely fall over).

>We didn't speak the same language so they continued along without understanding my repeated "no's". Never in my life have I felt so out of control and so disconnected from my body.

>I was never informed that this would be how I would have to disembark the plane, and it never crossed my mind given that this airport DOES use jet bridges. In fact, all of the other planes around us were pulled up to them.

>I love sharing my travels as a wheelchair user because I truly believe that there is so much in this world is accessible and I want to inspire people to experience that. But, this is one of those instances where traveling with a disability is, unfortunately, not so glamorous.

>It's 2024, disabled people deserve a more dignified and safe way to fly
Unfortunately being a woman is not considered a disability.
>not safe for anyone involved
No one got hurt. Dumb disabled bitch. Would love to see her try to run away when I rape her
Disabled people don’t get enough hate

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60% of young males are now sexless and it's only increasing. Let's not even get into the mental health and loneliness epidemic that is being kept under the rug for years now.

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Women are awful and relationships are for ugly lonely types. No thanks.
After a certain age, men don't feel lonely/care anymore. The government/media worry about it because it means those men won't prioritize making Mr. Judenberg more money or see the value in paying taxes to a globohomo-tranny state.
>every guy I know caved during the Covid bullshit
Oh, they took percausions when a novel virus was around? How dare they.
>didn't have my back when I politely declined the vax
Be more specific.
I just want someone to care for me. Id quite literally become a fucking mat for a woman to walk on and a fucking slave to her every whim so long as I know I have at least one person in this world that actually cares about me.
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no mens-only spaces because it's sexist and racist
this will keep getting worse until we do what needs to be done.

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lol Demiurge is based.
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Atheism can only exist in a controlled environment of theological illiteracy that excludes Pantheism
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Muttoid Christcuck pretending to be on the side he hates in order to undermine it. Wonder who taught him that tactic?
>>>>>>I don't engage with retards like you

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What are Russian soldiers dying for?
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492 000 russians died so far. How is that coping going?
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Saving Ukraine from the (((CIA)))-installed Kiev Junta
See that Rocher chocolate nicely plugged in a fork?
That level of comfy, that's what they're dying for
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is that some proofs I see there?


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ITT we share /pol/ approved political music
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Thanks for your support, fren
They can't debunk music
I intend on visiting the Lofi Girl's apartment in France when I go there. She lives in Lyon.

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Just have a low bf% below 20% is a good start
>launchpad McQuack
those are brown kakis he is wearing and a pilot cap from the 1920s
only women, simps, and bald people care about their hair. i buzz mine for that buddhist aesthetic
>you can do it yourself
>good against lice
>+1 to masculinity

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>And the biggest traitor in European History award goes to....
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That the history of this family is something anyone can look up with minimal effort in this day and age and yet they still maintain relative secrecy and their people as a whole the sympathy of most of the modern world is nothing short of astonishing as well as horrifying.
This man contributed to the Bolsheviks taking power in Russia. Moronic liberal and British Zionist agent.
Why do these things look like niggers???
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I don't believe in an afterlife but if there was one I hope this chain smoking fat fuck is in eternal suffering and pain.
Charlemagne actions literally have almost no effect or consequence in Europe as it exclusively are local and de jure laws because centralization doesn't existed in that time compared to Cromwell times and because Jews lost all their rights ith Charlemagne sucessors so this is purely pagancuck and kike speculation and fanfics.

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Mongols were chill until you killed their ambassadors and/or refused tribute, didn't interfere with religious and linguistic matters. Sogdians and Khotanese were few and far between by the time the Mongols expanded.
Except with the ban by Yasa of Jewish/Muslim animal slaughter but he considered it rude for Mongols had certain taboos about spilling animal or noble blood.
Finland is not going to start a war with Russia, just because they are in NATO.
If we look at how the Balts behave once in NATO, then you can understand why Russia can't accept the Ukraine in NATO.
If it was up to me, the Balts would be expelled from NATO, as they are warmongers when they feel safe.
> worship a jew or die
> ukranian
yea thats about right
Why do Ukrainians act like American prison gangs?

Is New England the best area in the US? (excluding Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island)
why would you exclude massachusetts? that's where all the most talented new englanders flock to
Its okay if you can afford it

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Abandon this shill farm.
You'll thank me

Hundreds of thousands of people are being forced to flee, once again, after more than half of Gaza’s population took sanctuary in the border town of Rafah. This is part of Israel’s sadistic playbook.

Run, the Israelis demand, run for your lives. Run from Rafah the way you ran from Gaza City, the way you ran from Jabalia, the way you ran from Deir al-Balah, the way you ran from Beit Hanoun, the way you ran from Bani Suheila, the way you ran from Khan Yunis. Run or we will kill you. We will drop 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs on your tent encampments. We will spray you with bullets from our machine-gun-equipped drones. We will pound you with artillery and tank shells. We will shoot you down with snipers. We will decimate your tents, your refugee camps, your cities and towns, your homes, your schools, your hospitals and your water purification plants. We will rain death from the sky....

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral - https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow - https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's - https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) - https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) - https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" - https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/78iGs

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That definitely explains everything, thanks for the deep analysis and thorough investigation.
highly cultured bear-kun - at first opportunity got a whiff of her nice ass.. well done, bear-kun.
Why would Russians kill civilians, innocent people who have no influence in the war? It isn't like Russia has been bombing Ukrainian homes in Kyiv since the start of the war. It is hard to imagine people can be that evil but the existence of the massacre proves so.
Funny that, the number of residential buildings hit reached a total of 0 following hohol AD also reaching 0.
And I'm sure you'll tell me that the mariupol theatre bomb was a Russian plot, despite people warning about Azov planting one the day before
>Google it who did the Bucha massacre

Do you have a report from an investigation to give us?

France sent a team of forensics experts from the Gendarmerie to spend weeks investigating. Do you have a copy of their report? IF NOT, WHY NOT. Please answer this last question.

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Biden had a rally in Atlanta and he filled the room. Drumpf is finished, poor cheeto boy.
We just vote. We’re not in a cult

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Death toll rises to six in New Caledonia riots as unrest spreads
Hundreds of heavily armed marines and police patrol the French territory’s capital Noumea after a night of violence.


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lol what? the ones protesting are the ones who voted for him.
they're out there in red maga hats singing from the river to the sea
oh and that NRA rally speech they were flying so many palestinian flags the jews totally hate trump now
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No, Biden got a 4 yr lawn.

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>armored core

the machines in armored core zip all over the place with little jetpacks attached to their feet and backs. Nothing like this exists in reality, to put a significant amount of thrust behind an object that weighs 50 tons
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When will we see henshin devices used in war?
The proposition system was designed to get the morons that chose tank treads that made the immobile while under attack.
Prove me wrong
As you scale up there isn't a metal strong enough to support the weight.
That's why the Japanese called all their robots chogokin - which is basically magic metal.

It's a physics problem.
Cheap shit china mech vs 11 year old with a rocket launcher

Fuck off anime nigger. Grow foreskin.

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