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Is he right?
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(((deserved))) not “did”
He is still a good boy.
Somehow my point still stands.
also, this guy advocates communism, an ideology that has killed hundreds of millions of people. So that is the direction he wants to take the west. He's a bad faith actor who you shouldn't take seriously. Just ignore him.
US middle east "foreign policy" he is referencing happened after 911 anyways, typical mudshits violating causality and other timeline related issues.
Don't know what people see in this guy, he unironically has a richer father than Elon Musk's dad and all he does is stream and have hot shit takes on everything and refuses to fight Sam Hyde.

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Is this true?
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Woman can't drive machines and hijab are only to females.
No because it portrait a female as spy
Yes because it must have been a spy to sabotage.
>woman pilot
>in Iran
Probably pilot disorientation or CFIT considering the low visibility conditions
the helicopter they were in was like a news channel type helicopter
>illegalized nuclear weapons
pissrael is the one with illegal nukes stolen from blackmarked Americans, these 9gag/reddit zio-supporting fascist subhumans are fucking cancer

Can he stage a comeback?
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Let's fucking goooooooo
Imagine thinking this creature is somekind of based shitskin.
>finn mongoloids
you're on the same level as these shitskins
No, this pseudo-right-wing nafo goons sucking globohomo dick and are worse. Different countries, different ethnicities, always were.
Also, Ahamadinejad was a legit and great President.
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He was absolutely fucking based. Yes, absolutely he should, and build a thousand nuclear tipped scudstorms.

Eaten by wolves status?

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the Allah rises
He didn't fly so good
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If i pull that hat off will you die?
It would be very haram
You're a pious guy...

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Always was.

For at least 20 years now.
call me when china sends troops to help
Poo grenades are lethal to non Indians.
they make funny cgi fx
The mainstream media in India just published the truth about the covid vaccine Covaxin, and that many Indians suffered bad side effects from it. This is the mainstream media in India, not some conspiracy websites. Also, only 2 or 3 weeks before, the same mainstream indian media was exposing the OTHER covid vaccine known as Covishield as being linked to blood clots and sudden deaths. So, 99% of indians took the covid vaccine, either Covaxin or Covishield, and both vaccines have been fully exposed as deadly in the past 30 days.

Not feeling too good, indian bro...





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Laugh at these pathetic shitskins
>it was le bibi
No retard, it was their own low IQ shitskin incompetence
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>Hindu shitskin rape rat, the lowest of the low, a literal shitskin
>calling his white Muslim aryan superiors shitskins

topkek Rakesh, but even the poop of the blackest Muslim is whiter than you, filthy Hindu shitskin rape rat
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Iranians got BLACKED and are now all low IQ niggerspawn

Is there a realistic way to fix the hood problem in America?

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Any /pol/tards notice the rise in Math and Physics majors lately?

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How are jews an ally to Christians again?
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Can we... deport 3.5 million Jews from America and Europe?
israel wouldn't do that since they serve israel.

nobody said that. they said that the reason why mud niggers get into the west is because of jewish NGOs funding their boats and ships sending them into Europe.
Jews and Muslims are monotheist, Christians are polytheists. Christians don't follow Abrahamic law (circumcision, dietary restrictions, etc.) but Muslims and Jews do. Muslims are just inclusive Jews.
Yes. Chabad.
They're not, never were. They not only had Jesus killed but also hate Him more than anyone or anything else. All the """judeo-christian""" nonsense is treason against God.

"Hey any of you guys know where nigger mountain is?"
Kids got pazazz

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Fucking finally lol
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It's also called a news cycle. They always hold shit off that happens on the weekend until Monday.
Maybe its is an accident, that will be used as a coup and great satan will be guilty one. Maybe is everything, For sure 72 virgins are waiting for him. Dead or alive.
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Another intresting factor in this is that those mountain regions are inhabited by all sorts of minorities. Kurds, Azeris, Armenians...

Even if you managed to survive the crash... the natives might not be exactly friendly. You might find yourself surrounded by tribals who still remember that little thing you did to them 40 years ago.
You know, the massacre?
You sound like you worked for intelligence based on how much you now about public management. Do you feel ashamed to work for glowies?
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The dental plan is great.

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It is really crime what happened to old London. Picrel is one of locations from my favorite movie "Withnail & I" (1987). In film it was pub called "Mother Black Cap". Not too shabby, eh?
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>Nuh nuh noo, not muh fudruckerinos!!!

Stfu and take your troonpills Baltfag. You're the type of nigger to go to japan and cry about how there's no samurai
They could've preserved Victorian city centre and placed all new architecture somewhere else, but it was all part of free-masonic destruction of historical memory.
I think it was Tony Blair who stated that he wants people not to remember anything from "good old times"
You're right, modern Japan looks to me over-crowded hellhole.
You're clearly a stone, not a sponge.

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When a jewish woman reproduces with any man, that child is by definition jewish, with other races the father decides it, due to this matriarchial structure of the jewish race, does that essentially conclude them as a sort of anti-race kind of race? Hence why they want everyone to race mix?

>pic unrelated
It's because Jewish women bear the seedline of Samael.
Doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, jews do.
That nigger looks just like the Predator.

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Can any of the leftypol bunker troonz tell me what's actually bad about national socialism?
Over the years here I've heard the good points but what are the bad?
And I'm not talking about the alleged actions of the ww2 era Nazis or those of the larping modern day neo Nazis. I literally mean national socialism as a political ideology.

Also to make it fair anons could share some of the good points
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As per usual, any NS thread is immediately bombarded with JIDF and disinfo shills.
not a single real answer to OPs question
>And I'm not talking about the alleged actions of the ww2 era Nazis or those of the larping modern day neo Nazis. I literally mean national socialism as a political ideology.
Forgot your ADHD meds this morning?
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I've been waiting for someone to bring up some argument I hadn't considered or some 'gotcha' question for many years. They never do. Its always touchy-feely arguments or dramatized WW2/holocaust. Never a blow to the core belief system. Which makes me wonder if they know they're wrong deep down but are simply to afraid to admit it.
Lets assume this is true, even though it clearly is not
How would you explain not a single politician, cleric, commander or even low level officer being backstabbed by the people they supposedly oppressed?
The Soviets, with all their secret police and terror, had many rebellions; the US had to control niggers and people of European stock alike - and had presidents murdered. Why then is it, that the Fuhrer and all those close to him, never once experienced mutiny. Betrayal of the highest order, the epitome of corruption... The only corruption Germany experienced was the SA going rogue.
They also did not slaughter their own. You know when 2 millions died? When the jews had their little red revolution in 1918. This is where the now famous jew hatred in Germany comes from by the way. The jew overplayed their hand, as they are doing now.
There is a difference between serving your race, and being a slave to it. But its hard for a lot of people, enslaved by petty mercantile aspirations, to entertain this notion. Germany was built on merit. Not all men are created equal. Untermensch does not talk about an entire race, but elements within the races. If you wish the best for your people, you want everyone to strife for something greater. Untermenschen hold not only themselves, but their families and in the greater scheme, their race back. Neets, addicts and mongols sit on the backs of those that provide for them. They cripple everyone else, because they are crippled.
Germany was so far ahead it was bound to invite war. Foreign nations, all broken by debt and war, saw Germany escape the perpetual bondage. They saw it rise from the ashes. It had all the answers and the drive to challenge the world. Capitalism and communism are two sides of the same shekel, and National Socialism was the answer.
The UK and the US needed the Soviets to defeat this nation, barely the size of Texas. It took them seven years to destroy it, and they all rushed to kidnap the scientists.

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The age of drones is upon us—and we will all be Russians soon enough. Ask not for whom the drone drones bros...

why are they wypipo persians were black

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Japanese larping as nordics.
Do you think this is bad or it's only bad when brown and black people do this?
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Becuase it's a Japanese production for a japanese audience. I wouldn't mind an all black lord of the rings of it was some low budget african production mase for africans by africans and cast that way because that's just what the population is like and they sincerely wanted to make a lord of the rings movie. It's when it's intetentionally forced for no good reason that it's a problem. Productions for european peoples by european peoples in european countries should not be filled with a rainbow assortment of faggotry and 50 shades of brown for the same reason it would be weird for an all japanese production to not have a bunch of japanese looking people in it.
I haven't watched any but it is probably better than Vikings and Vikings: Valhalla.
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The Japs aren't doing it with malicious intent. They legit are fascinated with European history. In fact, its fascinating to look at our culture through their eyes in this way. They mean no harm, and do no harm.

The Jews and niggers on the other hand, HATE us, hate everything that made us who we are. Everything they do is aimed at hurting us, and it shows.
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The difference is that people will buy it.
People don't want to PAY TO LOOK AT GROIDS after 2020. Everyone has nigger fatigue now.
It’s not bad, the Nordic-Nip-Korean connection is wholesome and kino af.

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I really hope you're not normally this way.
jews are the great dividers of humanity, so yes.
What way? Being ESL, but still mastering your native, and only, language better than you?
Not in the slightest, but you do you.
You too, honey boo.

>Just run away, bro. Flee your homeland because our ancestors were pussies who ran away as well. I mean explores. We wuz explorers and shieet so its okay to give up, tuck tail, and run.
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devon is not that redpilled, or even blackpilled.
he still believes in actual magic and gods.
you will be banned for speaking about gods in his chat.
at least reddit has the courtesy to list up bannable rules.
It's never the NPCs that charge anything. The 10% you're talking about is more than enough to change the course of a country forever. The real question is where is the 10%? How spread out is it? How well can it recruit NPCs on side. And so on.

I'm not sure how useful I would be to you given I'm a potatonigger. But here's a way to contact me:

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

Those commands will generate a key pair (two files) on your machine if you have openssl installed. The public key text is what you share with me (it's fine to share with anyone). I will encrypt a message for you using that. Don't share the private key, that will allow you to decrypt the message. If other people have it, they can too.

This way I can write a message only you (or maybe the NSA) can read.

I want to go back to the 1890s. Before the Jews came and started two world wars.
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Go where?
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alright i listened to the stream, there was no meltdown. all he said was whites should start considering themselves a diaspora now, which is what they are.

it is not controversial to say there is no voting your way out of this situation. the united states was conquered in 1913, thats a fact. for over a century, jews have unlimited, unaccountable and unsupervised access to the money printer and have printed infinite money to purchase every asset imaginable all while everyone else have to work for it.

to take back the country would require undoing the damage that christcucks did, which would require a 2/3rds supermajority in congress.
side note: when was the last time that you can think of that congress overturned a law they previously enacted?
on paper that sounds reasonable. but in reality, every single newspaper, television station, isp, radio station, video hosting site, social media algorithm is controlled by jews. meaning every single candidate that is put forth that can even possibly win, is already screened and approved by jews. another fact to consider is youre already a minority in your country. half these people dont even speak english. even if you could get 300 candidates all simultaneously aligned on this issue, getting the votes and the word of mouth out there using none of the forms of mass communication? literally impossible. then theres the jewish algorithms and fraction magic voting machines on top of that.

taking all of this account, there is literally no legal way to take back our country. BUT EVEN WE DID, wed just be taking over 33 trillion dollars of debt, which means the global coalition of jewish banker armies coming to collect if we refuse. the scenario is impossible, legally.

tldr: there is no non-violent solution. there is no legal solution.

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