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If the right is so masculine why do they love guns? Guns are for pussys and beta males
Why not workout and do mma and be a meathead gymbro
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Men love guns. Fools love bullets.
Guess which one you are, if you can't tell the difference.
Thanx to you yes you asshole
Reloading is a manly pursuit. Markmanship is manly like the guy who buys the fast car, vs the guy who builds the fast car.
Beta mass shooters that couldn’t train and fight his bullies

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2021 documentary of a dutch girl attempting to convert right-wingers into liberals through sex finally got released

censored version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMqYHSPggCk

Uncensored versions:
The main whores leaks which also includes the full scenes from this "doc":
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There was actually a Christian cult in the USA that did the same thing. The female cult members would seduce and fuck men as a form of proselytization.
None of you are understanding ot. Both the incel and the road worker both consider themselves right wing. The road worker, being a low class, low iq, prole, fucks like a stud. He is being used as a human dildo, and low IQ types think this is a win for the right. The other guy has all types of neurotic problems, he can't fuck. He has a mommy complex. He learned the hard way that he isn't actually right wing.
Icing on the cake, the fat titted slag got pregnant with the road worker's bastard.
Righty chads fucked lefty pussy. Such is the way of things.

In many cases sure, and that's sadly a win for the left. Being used as a human fuck mule while higher iq types smoke a cigarette and laugh at how retarded you are is not a win. I guess this is the bill and Hillary Clinton effect

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>Israel is LE BAD because they treat muslims like the vermin that they are instead of letting them rape your women and kids with impunity and give them unlimited welfare

Absolute state of /pol/. The more you whine about Israel killing shitskins, the more based Israel looks.

Why do Europeans push their multiculti propaganda and tolerance on Israel so hard?
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no they're vermin because their parasitic relationship with white nations has caused the flood of shitskin migration
>kikes are LE BASED because they do to Muslims what they also want to do to whites
this. why didn't they call the IDF to exterminate these migrants coming into Europe, why didn't they put these migrants in concentration camps???
>Be Israel
>try to send niggers back to Africa
>EU steps in and says you are not allowed, you will be sanctioned if you do it
>Israel says if you love niggers so much , you take them
>EU says ok we will take the niggers

how is Israel the bad one here? EU are the niggerlovers

we gave you land you should kiss our boots dumb gypsy
there it is!!! jews see all goyim as equal. its just jews flock to European nations because they can reap the most benefits there and use them as a host.

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The Mutts are really ostracizing themselves all over the world
>Western Right wingers hate you
>Chinese hates you
>Russia hates you
>Everyone hates Israel outside of the Mutts
This is the fifth African country that has rebelled against Mutt hegemony in this last year
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Only when they are trying to move in for resources or strategic value. There is no love of even their own people, so there is definitely none for blacks and browns.
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I hope the niggers get footage of it. Fucking kike goes to a country that he never heard of, kills thousands of civilians because they wanted to nationalize their resources and then leaves like nothing happened.
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Congo full of big black cock and a new deadlier strain of Monkeypox is currently emerging. This makes the sissy faggot pep pee of bug chasing Mossad hard. the faggots are so delusional they want to take over Congo and turn it into a concentration camp for Palestinians (I shit you not). Palestinians will be worked to death in mines for rare earth minerals while faggot jews running the camp will have BBC buffet. jews are saying Congo is rightful jew clay and Israel needs room to grow and have new land to oppress people under jew apartheid, they call it "Lebensraum".

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Previous >>468518280

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>#Iran: Al-Mayadeen correspondent: Rescue teams were able to determine the location of the #Iranian president’s helicopter crash, but they have not been able to reach it yet
>United States of America: State Department Spokesman: We are closely monitoring reports that a helicopter carrying the #Iranian President may have encountered difficulties.
>#Breaking news: Al-Qassam Brigades: We targeted a Zionist “Merkvah 4” tank with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell next to the Martyr Imad Aqel Mosque in the Jabalia camp, northern #Gaza Strip.
>BREAKING: Helicopter in a convoy carrying Iranian President Raisi crashed, Iranian media reports, Iranian rescue teams started a massive effort to search for the crashed helicopter.


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>fatty from kansas
I believe he also confessed to being a mizrahi.
Kek, all these grifter faggots need to be called out
Like a Monty Python skit if they parodied this war. You just introduced the dysgenic resistance.
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>British speak is quite common here, anfter anll, we are the retarded step child of the British empire.

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Javier Milei: “He has a corrupt wife, he gets dirty and takes five days to think about it.”

>Spain recalls ambassador after Argentina's Milei calls PM's wife 'corrupt

>“It is unacceptable that a sitting president visiting Spain should insult Spain and the Spanish prime minister, a fact that breaks with all diplomatic customs and the most elementary rules of coexistence between countries,” Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said.
>"With his behaviour, Milei has brought the relationship between Spain and Argentina to its most serious state in recent history," Albares said in a video statement.

What's wrong with Javier Milei? First he insult Lula (Brazil), now Pedro Sanchez (Spain) ...
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Our media, hahahahahaha. You made my day, baguette.

The media is owned by our government through institutional advertisement payments. We don't have free speech on TV.
Anyway, we can insult our politicians freely on the streets.
He had jewish ancestors but he was not a philosemite. He was redpilled on kikes and niggers
False. But the spanish minister of transportation, part of the Sanchez administration, called Milei a drug addict.

Oscar Puente, the minister, initiated the diplomatic conflict first.
>the Anglosphere sanctioooned Spain and denied it a seat at the United Nations.
it was the belgians and the soviets, the belgians were mad that we wouldnt kill leon degrelle
during that period onlt portugal, argentina and the vatican had good relations with spain
>What's wrong with Javier Milei? First he insult Lula (Brazil), now Pedro Sanchez (Spain) ...
He doesn't like the communists very much

nigga dead lol
to be fair it was really foggy out and flyin threw mountain region.

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Here is your daily reminder that the Finns are masters at diplomacy.
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Yes - if the Finns weren't capable of showing the Soviets some metal, they would be a recovering soviet satellite state today - like the Baltics.
feels like you trained the ukrainians well in diplomacy as they are doing the same mistake
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It's Free real estate
The LKP won the 1940 Lithuanian parliamentary election
Now post the offers the baltics received from the soviet union and what happened when they accepted

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You are talking about Op Eagle Claw in 1980 you stupid kike worshipping mongrel?
What does she mean E-ran?

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See >>468533333

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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mitchell posters belong in the helicopter crash
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no goth gf for u
bill mitchel has never not been funny

post more of that bill
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BAKA! It's not like I wanted to follow you or anything. The government is making me do it!
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Japanese larping as nordics.
Do you think this is bad or it's only bad when brown and black people do this?
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> Do you think this is bad or it's only bad when brown and black people do this?
Yes, it would be bad if in the show/movie they take already established/historically ethnically white people and race-swap them.
i don't think it matters, they aren't trying to sell it to me as reality
typical memeflag jew trying to drive a wedge between aryans and honorary aryans
However, these 2 posts are correct. The effort is there to preserve the races and cultures that the story is based on. It is done with respect and aims to be accurate, so this Vinland Saga adaptation gets a pass.
>They are trying to make the characters look like how they would look.

But they aren't whites or nordics

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Not saying she's wrong, but why is she going so hard about this?
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>if men are allowed to adopt the role of women, the matriarchy will just be a bunch of men in dresses ruling over women
can't tell if this is based or not....
her hatred for men is stronger than her desire for social credit. she hates you just as much as a tranny because you also have a penis.
Trannies redpilled her for being against them assaulting minors in public bathrooms and the snowball rolled from there.
Pretty funny because 90% of trooners have Harry Potter as one of their comfort franchises
The whole fiasco of her fighting her tranny fanbase is crazy. Like there's an extent to which she is responsible for these freaks and clearly she's in denial over this. Its also nuts how much she's fallen out with the kids that were in her movies, this really wasn't the hill to die on.
>TFW no billionaire milf gf

Im reading about the study of Kabbalah. It is designed to compromise and mind split adherents. Look at this description quote in Picrel.
The fact that kabbalah is designed to be chicken or egg interpretation forces initiates to follow rabbinical slights of hand in circles.
>study the torah first?
>no that makes you think it is all literal history
>study zohar first?
>No you'll only understand it if your rabbi explains it
>study talmud?
>no youre not qualified
The entire purpose of this mystery religion, is to reinforce dependency on rabbis. They don't have to provide answers, and they don't have any, because, like the wizard of Oz, they can always hide the "correct knowledge" behind years more study and secrets.
It is no wonder these people descend into schitzophrenia. The "truth" never shows up, nor any deeper understanding of life, since the whole course of mystery religions is to convince people that they can gain godlike ability of knowledge, like in Darron Aaronofski's film Pi. In the course of this goal, however, adherents do favors for each other, commit various grey area crimes and and engage in schemes of fraud and mischief to undermine the people whom they or their fellows already hate. Therefore Kabbalah study becomes just another sort of free masonry, or perhaps freemasonry is just a form of kabbalah.
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>designed to compromise and mind split adherents.
>The fact that kabbalah is designed to be chicken or egg interpretation forces initiates to follow rabbinical slights of hand in circles.

Pretty much this. Very well put, judaism is all a fraud and mind breaks adherents like a cult.
They think they can trick God, of course they will trick each other as well.
But I attained what you call alchemical gnosis without having read the torah, or any other books of the nose at the time.
Only singing some american music.
As for moses, I thought we were being somewhat serious. Next you will mention the historicity of Jesus.

You speak of advancement but it's only just another hermetic layer of obscurantism in more modern lingo that's already outdated. Gay shit that leads to insanely gayer shit.
But here you are throwing fallacies and showing your biases.
All mystery religions go back to sun worship. Even Plato used the symbol of the sun in his cave allegory as the symbol for truth/good/logos/god.
Masonry is absolutely full of sun symbolism.

Press S to spit. TMD
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Alas, this.
Yeah right out of the sky lmao
mudshits BTFO
Don't worry Muzshit, you'll be meeting your faggot martyr in hell soon enough, along with your child and goat diddling false prophet
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>Another martyr fallen

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Fuck jesus christ

Fuck every sandnigger religion under the sun
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Not a fed. Feds don't have the balls to do what I do.
Feds get paid to do what you do, FED.
see you in church
Will you hold hands and sing hymns you fucking faggot?

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Spacing out and listening
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and here?
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>the freaks meet up in the 4th / 5th dimension while sleeping to communicate so it's untraceable
receiving a new firmware update from the jews
Hoping he doesn't get incinerated by divine hellfire while in church, obviously.

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if only you faggots listened to AL GORE then none of this would be happening. all you had to do was stop eating meat, driving cars, use AC in your house and eat bugs. Gretta warned you too, but you were too Drumphed up to listen
she looks good
I hope that the "people" behind these "studies" get rounded up and then fucking KILLED.
No I intentionally stay as pale as possible.
I’ll still get out in the sun but if I die of heart failure it’ll most likely be from the Covid vaccine

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Why don't you join a Christian intentional community instead of being an outraged failed normie?
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Hope you don't bring your kids to public school.
Yeah nah... Sexy 25 year old teacher lady gagging on a high school boy's dick and making him bust like never before is not the same thing as old men forcing themselves up the assholes of prepubescent boys.
They race mix all the time. Death to judeo-christianity!
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>Christian intentional community
Not sure what that is.
How do they feel about or saviour, Adolf Hitler?
That is the definition of failed normie. Potential chads turned retard virgin christcuck who eternally smells of milk

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Why does nobody find it weird that Ukraine is literally ruled by Jews and Americans and not Slavs?
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There was literally an Islamic terror attack a few weeks ago.
That wasn't multiculturalism, ruling Aristocracy were Russian culture just as Ottomans weren't allowing non-Muslims to run things or Habsburgs were Austrians, that was a totally different system from the modern definition.
Indian Hindu could not become Prime Minister of British empire like he is now of Britain. Different system different time, Moldavia, you were part of that too.
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cope harder faggot
They were beaten, arrested and will potentially be executed. They were also paid by Ukraine and were fleeing to Ukraine border. That's the point with this neo-nazi/islamic terrorists, they are just useful idiots for destabilization of countries that are not run by CIA.
Why does the clock have 4 hands?

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>12% in 5 days
Are we fucked, if so how and why?
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>There's going to be an intense push for wind and solar and raw materials involved in it.
>The prediction is anywhere between 4-30 trillion in investment required for the field in the next decade
any stocks/companies you recommend? i got completely burned by crypto in 2021 and have borderline PTSD from it, but i need to start investing again. saving cash aint gonna cut it
>Problem with juniors is that they're 98% of the time crypto tier scams and they fail
>100x gains
So you'll come out ahead if you invest in literally every single company you can find. Genius.
you have to find one that doesn't look like it services meth heads. a decent place will give you 90% spot for gold and 85% for silver
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Whatever the yids tell you, don’t believe it! Buy things can actually touch and things they can’t take from you if the lights go out. In me personal portlio I make about 68% a year if you include appreciation. NEVER TRUST THINGS THEY CAN TAKE AWAY FROM YOU WITH A BUTTON
>please be smarter bros, if they’re are any White men left on this board
Otherwise, go ahead
>I hate them so much bros 1488
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Posted for posterity fuck the yids, fuck their games IF YOU WANT TO BE A REAL MAN BUY LAND AND START A FAMILY. You can even shoot guns on your back yard. Fuck ‘em. The swamps around here a deep and he got a lot of acid. Come at me.
>if you don’t own land you’re not a real Man.
Praise Jesus

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