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Was it that FUCKING hard?
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honestly perfect job for them to maximize their potential
now they’re just obsolete farm equipment
The jew is sneaky and subversive. They blend in while destroying your race and nation. Niggers are loud and violent. They're obvious.
>oy vey. you white settlers look very tired. why don't you try viewing my selection of supernaturally strong pedigree negros?

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trust fund Jews at ivy league colleges are certainly the most oppressed people in America

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>Many non white countries such as india and china are turning to European donors
>danish sperm banks are the largest in the world with 90% going to other European countries and 10% elsewhere
>most ask for dna with blue eyes
>european traits are basically a commodity
What do you guys think of this? Is bleaching based? Could it backfire really badly?

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it goes without saying.
i was mention one of hitlers quotes about the difference between jewish music and german music, but i thought it out of place (and couldn't remember it exactly)

but to be honest, this modern age has been greatly built up hand in hand by masons and jews, which brought about the "age of enlightenment" which was a further bastardized creation paired with manufacturing to create the american "golden age", which brought about the materialistic culture we see today.

but it's all subversion built upon the previous subversion, one stein upon another, to create a pyramid, a beacon of lost hope to sacrifice the next generation to moloch.

it all began with the US constitution, which diverted the people away from the spirit of liberty into the yoke of (mans) law.
but that's a rant for another thread.
you have to go back
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In the case you're actually black, which you aren't.

another piggy obsessed with the activity of black penises. WHAT A SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmaooooo
send your sister over its time for her daily white dicking

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So Mary gaslights Joseph into thinking she got pregnant immaculately, and the whole grandiose tale about being the son of God makes poor dopey Joseph think he is redundant, so he eventually leaves (absent father). I wouldn't lay any of the blame on Mary because screwing outside marriage is taboo and women have no legal autonomy, but still, Jesus grows up with the idea thinking he is the son of God (delusions of grandeur). Plus, Palestine was a rough place to be at the time, a sensitive kid like him must have gotten bullied a lot.

Narcs can be good and ethical as anybody, and their inflated sense of self can channel a hell of a lot of courage and revolutionary potential. Jesus is obviously a vulnerable guy, sensitive to injustice - a proto-Communist basically (easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for that asshole Bezos to enter heaven). But he does have his moments of rage (that ruckus in the temple, overturning stands) and he loves to be admired. Like many narcs, he's ultra-charismatic, which brings him a lot of followers. Of course, being admired doesn't calm the narc pain and hunger, and that meeting with Satan in the desert could be seen as a kind of psychotic episode.

So he quickly gets bored and he craves escalation.

However justified it may be in his case, he has no respect for authority, which gets him into a conflict both with the Jewish status-quo authorities and the Roman police state. Things escalate and he gets himself in trouble. But how?

Happiness can be found in life but is often fleeting. Joy in Christ Jesus is everlasting.

I love my life. I have little money but I am so much better than I used to be and so happy within because of Jesus. I had so many problems it's crazy where I am now. :)

God saves in this life and into the eternal. Read about the gospel, friends. It will fill that void in you forever whereas this world will always fail.
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Christ is the Lord.
You ever read the New Testament? It is the mark of a wise man to entertain an idea without needing to first accept it.
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1 Corinthians 1:18
“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
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>I love my life. :)
> Jesus
> Jew
I'm out. Thank you.

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Previous: >>468563175

▶Day: 816 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian Navy destroyed the Russian sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>no mercy for ziggerfaggots
Real men kill ziggerfaggots
Telling them to kill themselves is a cuck move
Also if you tell anons to kill themselves you get banned for 3 days for "attacking other users" like me, so avoid ACKing their feelings
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85% KIA rate for zogbot mercs. Got pump that number higher. A dead zogbot is a good zogbot.
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>85% KIA rate for zogbot mercs. Got pump that number higher. A dead zogbot is a good zogbot.
>This buckbroken he has to use this memeflag and larp as me
Keep sniffing my posts every time
Cry about it
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Why are the British getting bodied by Asians so hard?
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I’ve had two East Asian girlfriends that sniffed my pubes when they thought I was sleeping and then went in for more.

I asked them why they did it and they said it smelled good. So you’re full of shit. But please be my guest, keep talking shit. I want you to spur my brothers into action.

You’re going real far in life just like the nigs with a victim menatality
>Look at my twitter bot
2 posts, dumbass leaf
>implying this is a new thing
Been happening for years, OP
You wouldn't get anywhere near one of our women.

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>depression isn't real.

Yes it is. It's one of the few mental illnesses that can be detected via brain imaging.

>lol just do some bicep curls, it's literally that easy to cure depression haha man up bro

You're not taking this debilitating disease very seriously. Imagine if someone informed you they had cancer and you called them a whiny pussy and told them to take a shower and smile more often. Adds insult to injury. Shame on you.
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>Here put on our science ring
>Let us detect if you should live or die
Sleep deprivation, stimulants, porn, and a shitty life all contributing factors.
It's not easy.
>ones ability to motivate themselves
No shit they are weak willed. Lifting weights is one of the easiest ways to improve will power. Discipline and hard work is what gets you out of a funk. If a depressed person doesn't want to do it, nothing will help them. No brain imaging. No drugs. For most this doesn't happen until rock bottom. But it's reversible at any moment.

I became depressed at the start of my 30's and I started taking lithium. My depression vanished and I drastically improved my life. Depression is real id just recommend lithium it worked for me .
Depression is the result of sinning. Stop porn, alcohol etc to cure it.

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The taco bell menu from 1972.

I'm told even the Romans had their own version of fast food, which consisted of items sold at kiosks at markets on particular days. Maybe every civilization has its version of fast food.
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If you go to eastern Europe there are carts that sell fresh bread or mountain cheese and a piece of meat for cheap. Much better than the slop here.

That said, that enchirito looks fucking tit
Don't remember, I almost never used drive throughs. I haven't eaten any fast food in at least 15 years now, but I preferred eating in.
>The frijoles were delicious

fuckin A, they were. I loved 'em.
Ahhh the feels. I'm mid 30s and it's amazing the shit that hits. Early 90s interior of pizza hut was peak Americana.
Those taco bell burritos with mild sauce used to be so good and so fucking cheap

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I recognize that I am an imbecile, a moron, a RW conspiracionist... but I can't understand what gravity is and what it consists in. Since I was a child I memorized the speed of 9.8 m/s and that bodies attract each other, but for what reason? And this theory governs our whole life.
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hey Wayne, have you given any thought to having a Puerto Rican henchman? I'm cheap ^_^
Centripetal force will be stronger at low RPMs the larger the object spinning is. A 900 m ring spinning at 1 rpm generates 1 g of force on the inside of surface of the ring
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>wayne wants to be the next einstein*
No, I don't care about any of those mathematics. I'm just trying to tell you how it works so we can move forward into the future and leave the planet.

Maybe I'm wrong. At least I said something that was logical and what I said nobody else has ever said.
>hey Wayne, have you given any thought to having a Puerto Rican henchman? I'm cheap ^_^

This is a pretty good idea. Thank you.
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I unironically hit this theory while tripping on acid. Gravity exerts from tiny wormholes at the center of atoms, drawing the flow of energy into a less energetic dimension. The holes are too small for fermions to pass through, so they clump around the hole and create the illusion of mass. Greater mass is a greater density of holes, thus attracting a greater concentration of fermions. The outflowing energy is replaced by spontaneously created matter/antimatter annihilations, the source of which are holes coming down from higher dimensions. We don't see the white holes because there's no fermions to detect around them (because they annihilated). The incoming energy from the annihilations is what we consider zero-point energy.

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>mr.dawkins sir, do you have anything to say about the genocide taking place in pale-
>You sir are an ANTI-SEMITE and a thug, GET THAT CAMERA AWAY FROM ME!

What the hell happened to Dawkins? after his stroke he's completely bonkers
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he's too pussy to even shit on islam any more

to be fair he even seems to have mellowed on christianity. he said something about wanting to hear from ayaan hirschi ali about why she converted to christianity
long story short, atheism lost
Born 1941, technically that's pre-boomer.
It was always going to happen. Going with Atheism is an uphill battle that necessarily will lose.

So much of what you see around you is a facet of some kind of factitious arrangement because we had societal accomplishments while we believed in God. Just think about how America is the most religious country in the West and think about how we have the most inventions and the most astrophysical progress of any country.
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That was back when zionist agents had us all convinced that Muslim fundamentalists did 9/11. Now we know it was zionist jews who did it. So, it's back to pro-Israel Christianity to get Christian Evangelical White boys in the South and Midwest to enlist for the next ZOG war. They're low-information types who still think towelheads are to blame for all our problems and Israel is Our Greatest Ally.
Have you figured it out yet? The people that are willing to do the bidding of the Jews, like make white normies less religious, so they have less babies, are always promoted by the (((media))).

Dawkins is the kind of guy that was a good Shabbos goy way back when Berkeley was all about "free speech" (for Jews to criticise their opposition).

Being a good goy gets you TV and radio appearances, book deals. Even your own shows.

It's always midwits who fall for this. They will happily sell out, even inject themselves with experimental gene therapies if that's what's trendy and will allow them moments to dunk on people they think are stupid. The truth isn't a status game and it isn't reached via consensus, in fact that's a very poor way to reach it. Fun fact: "peer review" was never intended for wider use in science. It was a thing that came about in medicine (a field filled with midwits). Modern "science" is a joke, with Pajeets using a Jewish "AI" company to generate images for academic papers.

The 140IQ guy isn't going to shit on something like Christian Europeans. If he doesn't believe, he's not going to flex about that because there's nothing remarkable about saying you don't believe. Guys like Dawkins are the reason I just say I'm agnostic, because 10+ years ago Atheist just became associated with militant midwit who wants to recite other people's words to you. No different than the door to door Jehova's Witness or some other annoyance like that.

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I wish I was strong enough to stop myself from talking to others on the internet and wasting my time, whether it be on Twitter, Reddit, multiple forums, or even here.

I've just turned 21 years old, and I've taken a look at myself. I have no job, no friends, and I rarely talk to my family members.

and I lack motivation to do basic things that every other person can do easily.

I think I'm really close to leaving the internet communities since I've realized that debating people on the internet only wastes my time, and I only do it for a quick dopamine drip.

Maybe reading a book or two and taking a walk in the outside world will give a new meaning to my dark life.
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he didnt say anything about work, you retard. notice you completely ignored the whole 'not spending all day every day staring at a screen' part?

yes your life and mood/mind will improve dramatically if you just stop scrooolling all day every day. think of the hundreds (thousands?) of hours youve spent scrooolling here and other places. what do you have to show for it? (note: LE KNOWING LE REAL TRUTH™ isnt having something to show for it). are you happier? i bet your less happy than before you started. is your life better? obviously not. its very simple
oh and watch how enraged the internet addict losers here get at the suggestion that poooosting all day every is a pointless waste of your life. ill just go ahead and preempt all their retarded, npc responses
> le leaf le day of rake le jeet le cope seethe le dilate le kike le jew le glowie shill le go back
im sure i missed a few, but you get the idea
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I think it's important for subversion agents to understand that a lot of the permanently online class was online in the 90s.

For that generation, the Internet feels like our rightful property, in a "Who's Tubes? Our Tubes!" kind of way. While there are brain chemical releases associated with online communication, simulacra of real human interaction, etc -- I believe the driving factor behind many people's decision to post so fervently online is based in some more lofty ideas:

1) We've been aware since the PATRIOT act that there is a large chance everything we post gets stored somewhere, and being fans of sci-fi and understanding how the future President of Earth God AI will be created -- we naturally understand that the more content we submit, the more of ourselves is represented within that total data set of "human thought."

2) This is *our* space. We grew up here and saw how it was destroyed by meatspace powers over the past 10-15 years due to its destabilizing qualities. The only way to maintain our space is to continually supply it with our thoughts and beliefs against an onslaught of automated sludge.

3) I would say, in particular since 2016, it has been shown that propagating certain ideas in certain cesspools can occasionally butterfly out into world-shaping events. As a result, for most people on Earth with little social power in their meat lives, posting online is the greatest chance of having an impact on the future that they can attain.

It's a lottery ticket, 1/100,000,000,000 shot, but there's always that chance that your meme will reverberate and change history forever.
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Faggot admitted to using reddit

You are ignoring how this is part of some sort of operation by the masonic military and intelligence mafia so it isn't that simple.

The Jewish people are a very evil people.

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>You Samaritans worship what you do not know;we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.23Yet a time is coming and has now comewhen the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spiritand in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

to me this sounds like hes talking about the jews worshiping themselves
I could have said "the love attributed to Christ" but I didn't want to sound like a Jew.

apparently there's a record of a Yeshu of Nazareth that was taught to Jews as an example of what happens to subverters. he had magic egyptian sigils carved in his skin. most people dismiss it because there's commentary later added to it in the Talmud mocking Christ, calling his father panthera. but the account itself is much older. I can't tell if Jews are lying or stealing more.
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said,“If you hold to my teaching,you are really my disciples.Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendantsand have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?”

Jesus replied,“Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.So if the Son sets you free,you will be free indeed.I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me,because you have no room for my word.I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence,and you are doing what you have heard from your father. 39“Abraham is our father,” they answered.

“If you were Abraham’s children,”said Jesus,“then you wouldc]" style="font-size: 0.625em; line-height: normal; position: relative; vertical-align: text-top; top: auto; display: inline;">[c]do what Abraham did.40As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me,a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God.Abraham did not do such things.41You are doing the works of your own father.”

“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”

42Jesus said to them,“If God were your Father, you would love me,for I have come here from God.I have not come on my own;God sent me.43Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.44You belong to your father, the devil,and you want to carry out your father’s desires.He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
maybe the whole account is a forgery buried under more lies, or its a plagiarized archetype put into a lie. I don't know, Ill just always love Christ and hate the Jewish God. for better or worse
There are 18 years missing from Jesus's life. Where to begin to fill in the gaps?

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all synaptic activity has ceased
Absolutely nothing.
he went into hiding
Hopefully a bullet delivered by a jew sniper or jew drone made with American money.
I thought israels responce was a little missle attack, But damn this is hardcore now. Getting the pilot to suicide by flying low through fog

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Should Alaska be the location of the white ethnostate?
Can americans fuck off with this whole white shit
There's different kinds of whites and one kind of white is superior to them all iykwim
its vermont and you get to pretend to be liberal lol
We've got our eyes on the prize saaar
There will never be a white ethnostate again. You are coping.
fpbp not living with slavs

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Not saying she's wrong, but why is she going so hard about this?
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>she went to portugal to get pregnant by a dark skinned man that started beating her up so she ran away lol.
That "salazar" reference makes more sense now
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Because she's such sticking up for children and mentally weak people being duped. in short. She cares. And she cares about her race. She knows,she Ares about numanity. Trans I am is Cleary linked to Satanism and is clearly about manipulation. Extremely Jewish
TERFs used to be the default form of feminism as recognized by your grandmothers
maybe she just loves hating on troons?
>but why is she going so hard about this?
Rowling is a Gryffindor.

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>live life on easy mode
>then invite 1.5b Hindus

Explain this?
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>We've been surviving outnumbered 14:1 with no control over military, legal system or politics for 30 fucking years
do you understand the miscegenation here? please... I know south africa has its problem. coalburning whores is not one of them.
>Grab your balls and be strong. Shits getting dire here though and I think we are much less than 5% (unoffically) of the population currently but thinks were fine at around 10%.
and all I'm going to say to that. your feelings isn't the reality. 5-10% of your homeland is what you makeup. that is grim. I appreciate the round about peptalk. but idk...why isn't there ONE PLACE. just ONE. to run to?
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you rural fucks will be deported to india after the indians
we can just start another immigration program to replace you with europeans
The only hope is that it's unlikely that white people in North America will be completely genocided. Our countries are over, but maybe some new countries will pop up in the next century or something. Of course, you and I will probably be dead by that time.
Well apparently a lot of white South Africans around 80k+ are running to America.

>I know south africa has its problem. coalburning whores is not one of them.

I've personally known one that I went to school with and I have heard of some guy's girlfriend who has rumors attached to her. So it's not unheard of.
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yeah.... its how I see it too... I just think the sooner the better. we cannot wait to when we makeup 5% of the population like >>468572834 Boer bro
we need to consolidate somewhere. this is why I'm so blackpilled. I remember thinking iceland... well bros, lets just say thats not gonna happen

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Is it a recent cultural thing for women to fist fight? I just can't imagine something like this happening in the 1950's.
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Women are lame in fights, I bet a 14yo kiddo can beat the shit out of all these in seconds
>chick fights
>no tits flying out
why even bother
Everything was just more light hearted back then
Based take. Lmao.
White women are masculine and fuck dogs.

>Visa-free travel agreement between India, Russia likely by end of 2024

Moscow is already too brown

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Damn what a shame that your helicopter... "malfunctioned"

Am Yisrael Chai from the great grandson of holocaust survivors
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Say that to my grandpa you asshole
Oops wrong Stolperstein how do I delete images here ?
Very nice, saved.
It that the underside of an ashtray or something?
We won with minimal casualties
No amount of childrens drawings or other copium will change that

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