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That makes it quite literally the Inversion of a cube.
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>i made myself the chad again
>Here I go again, on my own!
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Why is that shocking to you?
Music and theater are forms of manipulation/influence, enchantment and magic or sorcery.
It makes perfect sense, don't let the sick guitar solos cloud your discernment
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Not sure I heard that one, that shit is crazy though. I was almost kidnapped by a perverted old Shriner Knights Templar faggot when I was a little boy at a Shriner gathering. Guy was promising to buy me anything I wanted if I left my family and went home with him. I’m certain he wouldn’t have bought me shit and would’ve locked me in a cage or worse. The Supreme Court of Oennsylvania is aware of this Satanic pedophile cult and covers for them. I’ve survived attempts on my life since coming forward with this information over 3 years ago! They covered it up

You guys are joking about the anti-vaxx stuff, right?
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100% of people who take the vaccine will die.
There are several well-established vaccines that work. Measles, Polio, Tetanus, etc. We had hard science on them for many years, and they are effective. But the rushed, untested Covid "vaccine" did not prevent spread, did not prevent contraction, and came with serious side effects for perfectly healthy people in the demographics with lower than .01% risk of death (everybody under 45 years old). And that untested shit was forced on everybody under threat of loss of job (income), which can be the threat of homelessness and poverty. Fuck everybody who thought the Covid "vaccine" was needed.
Nope, I was deadly serious. Never tested, never vaxxed.
How long do you think vaccines need to be tested?
A traditional vax used to be tested for like 5 years before being given to people, but that's an old and established technology we know a lot about how works. mRNA therapies work on a completely different biological principle, so I'd say at least 10-15 years just to be safe.

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Would you live in a walkable city if it was racially segregated?
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Try chewing a fucking turd, OP.
no but I'd live in a walkable country side or townside.
I want 80% of the earths population eradicated. I do not fucking care about anything beyond that.
I'd segregate those tits with my cock, if you catch my drift
No, because it would not be segregated from government.

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Previous >>468530498

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>#Yemen: Al-Mayadeen correspondent: Initial reports about the downing of an American “MQ9” combat drone in the skies of Al-Bayda Governorate in the center of the country.
>#Iran: Head of the Red Crescent Organization: Our forces are now heading to a location where rescue teams announced a short while ago that they smelled fuel
>#Iran: Al-Mayadeen correspondent: Rescue teams were able to determine the location of the #Iranian president’s helicopter crash, but they have not been able to reach it yet
>United States of America: State Department Spokesman: We are closely monitoring reports that a helicopter carrying the #Iranian President may have encountered difficulties.


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1. Do you live in Glendale

>Civilization on the Armenian Highlands is older than yours or mine, older than Rome or even Persia
They stole/appropriated everything from the Urartians, including the name Armenia
Another fun fact. Where do you think that humans began?
>Hint: it wasn't africa. It was Babylon

Another fun fact: Who were really the first native Americans?
>Hint: It wasn't the east Asians becoming the native Americans we have today.
> It was Europeans 30k yrs ago
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Based Türk
>You know Israel's Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, the man in charge of Israeli law enforcement authorities? In 1997 he made Sinead O'Connor cancel a "pro-peace" concert in Jerusalem by sending her death threats.

> They stole/appropriated everything from the Urartians, including the name Armenia

Doesn't matter, the fact is that civilization on what we call the Armenian Highlands is still older than Rome or Persia. You can be the most ardent Pan-Turkic supporter who thinks it's always been Turks and this fact still stands.


> Another fun fact. Where do you think that humans began?

Again, this is irrelevant, I'm talking about civilization

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Yeah… no one survived that

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remember when "somebody" blew up erdogan's apartment palace area in the middle of the night but he was already in some secure bunker in a remote location?

or how hugo chavez knew there was gonna be a coup and couped the coupers mid-coup live on tv?
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>implying roaches make their optics
In the vid they switch to regular and it's on fire
So yeah, they're fucked
Turkey hasn't been sanctioned.
Hourly reminder that Russia,USA(israel),and China all have high resolution FLIR camera satellites pointed at the earth at all times. I don't think it would be hard to have a UAV just drop a large rock on the path of the helicopter.

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The taco bell menu from 1972.

I'm told even the Romans had their own version of fast food, which consisted of items sold at kiosks at markets on particular days. Maybe every civilization has its version of fast food.
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Now post the prices, kike.
Fuck you, post the in restaurant prices yourself, then and only then will there be end to the horror
my jewish dad was on the design team for these. the coin 'platforms' you were supposed to land on had a specially engineered divot that was almost impossible to see due to water distortion. when they coin dropped as it got close to it, it would create a pressure bubble underneath the coin that would make the coin fall off even if it looked like the perfect drop. the average tacobell profited something like $3.74 a day last time he told me about it.
Why do feds like these brazenly lie like this on the internet

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I recognize that I am an imbecile, a moron, a RW conspiracionist... but I can't understand what gravity is and what it consists in. Since I was a child I memorized the speed of 9.8 m/s and that bodies attract each other, but for what reason? And this theory governs our whole life.
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I guess that kind of makes sense, like massive galaxies take so long to rotate they look like they are not even moving, whereas something really small that is spinning looks like it spins super fast
>Why does mass have it or cause it?
it doesn't really. Mass, Collects, electricity in the electric universe, the more mass, the more electricity, and then, when the material collects the electricity, it transforms it into an electric magnet.
Electromagnetism is not gravity.
Magic anon, pure magic.
>Electromagnetism is not gravity.

Actually, I could make gravity with electricity, see it working at my website lambright.com/gravity

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If you are a white American man, you have already won the lottery of life.
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still not tired of wining...
Only if you're a deep south white American or Swedish-American.
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>You can't make us fuck
ftfy. Keep dropping those births!
Numbers don't lie. Posting edgy pictures doesn't negate reality.
Yeah its true
I know

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Javier Milei: “He has a corrupt wife, he gets dirty and takes five days to think about it.”

>Spain recalls ambassador after Argentina's Milei calls PM's wife 'corrupt

>“It is unacceptable that a sitting president visiting Spain should insult Spain and the Spanish prime minister, a fact that breaks with all diplomatic customs and the most elementary rules of coexistence between countries,” Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said.
>"With his behaviour, Milei has brought the relationship between Spain and Argentina to its most serious state in recent history," Albares said in a video statement.

What's wrong with Javier Milei? First he insult Lula (Brazil), now Pedro Sanchez (Spain) ...
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se te estan cagando todos de risa en el vox hermano, para un toque.
Vox IS kiked. Israel even spoke at viva24
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Most jews are commies. Estimated 85% of bolsheviks were commies. They are behind the destruction of white men.
He is not a jew, he infiltrated the highest jew circles to gain political advantages for argentina he is a mastermind, he didnt cut his dick for the jew god

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What will future generations think about us?
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He had pulled the same stunt previously. It was what he did when resisting arrest as a practiced responce. Probably thinking it would either get him a lighter sentence or a chance at a lawsuit.
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Future generations won't think. We may as well be mythical elves, an incredibly low population of wise beings that have either died off or retracted so deeply from the greater world that people are unsure if they ever existed at all. Future generations will raise their brown, mulatto features and look upon our crumbling, decaying works and, if they think at all, will wonder how such things were possible. Marvels such as complex transportation networks or public utilities, maintained by White professionals in our time, will be taken over by half-breeds who engage with such systems in the manner of a cargo cult. They will see the decaying water treatment plant and know that if they put X chemicals in and pull Y lever, the rotting pipes will be filled with some clean drinkable water for a time, but they will have no idea why. Their small poorly bred minds cannot comprehend it. Soon, even that will fail, and when the water treatment plant breaks down beyond the half breeds extremely limited capabilities to fix, it will be abandoned entirely. Its bubbling pools will not be used for their intended purpose, but rather to simply collect large volumes of rain water so that fat lipped nigger women can carry it home in clay pots carried on their heads. So it will be for every complex system we take for granted.

I'm almost grateful the White race will not survive to see the world in such a low state, just as I am equally grateful that the niggers and half breeds will be damned to a rotting, deteriorating hell of their own creation. When the 68IQ nigger child looks up at the face of a statue of the now long extinct White man, his little body in agony from a lack of food and consuming unclean water, I hope he can feel the White mans contempt staring back at him.
Kys boomer larper
>What will future generations think about us?
We wuz sum asmatik niggas
zoomers already rightfully call their parents faggots

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I don't like Iran or Israel.
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Agreed bro.

The only stance is to dislike both.
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I hate israel and am indifferent towards Iran
It's funny now, it won't be when literal cities are being bombed. On both sides.

Iran hates you for being American, or in the West at all. You should hate Iran.

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why do incels kill?

And zoomers will be ready. The competency crisis caused by millennials and Gen X will finally come to a close. People will work real jobs.
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Women wearing hard hats and high visibility jackets are so funny looking
I know this is agitprop, but OP whilst still a faggot, is correct that zoomers will inherit the boomers legacy.
What do boomers and zoomers have in common?
They are brain dead programmable drones that form a cultural monolith.
Ever tried to explain something in earnest to a boomer that falls outside of their worldview? The response you get will typically be a one liner non sequitor from a Hollywood action movie or a canned response they’ve memorized from a late night news show. They are incapable of thinking for themselves. All boomers have the same haircut, the same sunglasses, the same style, the same hobbies, the same taste in music and the same goals. All boomers had a house in the suburbs they payed 30 times the value of in a “mortgage”, a lawn, two kids, a car, an rv, a hot tub they never use, a deck, etc. With few exceptions no two boomers will have differing opinions on anything except red blue politics which are about as different as Coke and Pepsi.
Zoomers are exactly the same in that they are brain dead drones, only difference being boomers received their programming from television screens in the living room and zoomers get their programming from a screen in their hand. All zoomers have the exact same haircut, the same fashion sense, the same taste in music, the same dances, watched the same television shows growing up and have the same one liners boomers have although even more dumbed down. Ever tried to explain something in earnest to a zoomer? You will receive a “bruh” or a ”frfr” and they will retain no new information because it didn’t come from their authority, the phone screen. Zoomers are yet to enter the housing market but I assume much like boomers were conned into paying 30 years for a cardboard box and dragging everyone into hell with them, zoomers will be conned into paying 30 years for a soviet style commie block and dragging everyone into hell with them.
They're technically correct. A driven, ambitious and intelligent person can pirate almost any college material he wants and he can digitally borrow library books for free and he has access to history and documentaries. But how many people have the time or energy or intelligence to do that? My own schizo conspiracy theory is that the majority of people don't learn well from books, they need to be forcefed by a teacher or learn practically (learn by doing) so having humanity's collected knowledge in your pocket isn't as useful for society as we like to believe.
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frfr, we gen z be bussin, we taking over the work. GenX and millennials are mid af, no cap.
bro im a tradie and we have a lot of zoomer apprentices at my shop. more zoomies than milennials. it's just anecdotal evidence i know, but it supports the hypothesis posited by the OP.

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Iran should annex Azerbaijan in retaliation for the Raisi assassination. Completely eliminating and absorbing an Israeli client state is the only powerful way to respond to such an act of aggression.
No one is gonna go to war on behalf of Azerbaijan, and the world already views them with disdain for their actions towards Armenians. Only Turkey would seethe but they still wouldn't do shit.
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Seems legit
they can't Azerbaijan is with defense pack with turkey , turkey would join. Azer is selling it's oil and gas to Europe which is important now cause of Russian cut off. you basically start a nato war.
Russia should help a little bit, and only take territories Azerbaijan has recently stolen from Armenia. Then they can tell Armenia they can have it back if they close ties with France/GAYTO
Erdogan's entire voter base is the hardline Muslims in Turkey. Sure they like Azerbaijan, but if Erdogan goes to war to protect an Israeli client state he'll be lucky to get 4th place in the next election.
he could just use it like bibi to secure his postion because of war and rule longer, now that his party is losing local elections and there uncertainty brewing that even is he cheat he will win.
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>Erdogan's entire voter base is the hardline Muslims in Turkey
Based. The jihad is real.

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$100 barely fills one bag of groceries

How are people not rioting? Im an senior engineer and I feel poor
A day of food is minimum $60
Pantry goods at walmart
Meat at costco
Vegetables at Chinese / Mexican grocery store
Rioting means civil war, civil war means no more creature comforts. People will just bitch until they absolutely can not afford their beer for their sports ball games.
The warehouse wagies at my firm already can't afford jack shit And complain 24/7

The beaners are trying to sell homemade salsa and ceviche to put some money on the table, it's over
>How are people not rioting?
jews are sadly right about goyim.

WFH is the biggest swindle ever. The Federal Public Service has grown 100K since 2015 and services around the board have gone down the drain because these Ottawa fags want gibs for doing nothing all day at home.

Fuck 'em, don't like it - quit.

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Browns don't have guns here like yours do and they spend all the tax payers dollars on retarded bullshit, very easy to make money off them.
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Based Aylward is getting us full time work from home, another 5k raise and free ipads. Get back to work, someones gotta pay my pension lol.
Based and poo-pilled
Why aren't they in 5 days a week? Wasn't that the point of fully vaccinating all federal employees?
imagine wanting less comfy working conditions. boomer kike detected. only reason you dont demand it is you know youre a little bitch whose afraid of your boss

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Suggested reading:
Suggested listening: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zns4QiWRjOY

1 Corinthians 13:4 - Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

>Boy's body found in river as second teen 'critical'
>Woman held on suspicion of assault after launching 20-minute tirade of abuse at Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg while at a children's fair with his family
>'Direct threat': Russia and China's ties sending terrifying message to West
>IRA bombmaker claims he was behind Lord Mountbatten’s assassination
>Greater Manchester police chief defends decision to investigate Angela Rayner

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I know laa, I said for you its easy, being gay isn't the challenge that bi types such as asexual or pan or trans can be
Those things aren't real.
You aren't gay.
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Death to your nigger nans.

Enact a policy of total nan rape.

Rape every single grandma in the United Kingdom. I have raped 683 grandmas.

Was one yours?

Tell me, does the slut still cry?
This thread absolutely sucks bollocks.
Fucking shameful display
I'm /lgbt/ laa im queer as a spade

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Houses are averaging 1.2 million now.
Minimum wage averages $12 hour.
Hospital visit costs over $5,000 and you will get fired from work.
Pharmacies can charge $1,000 a dose
Food costs over $600 a week and government ended food stamp programs.
Streaming went downhill.
Infrustructer is crumbling
Arts going bankrupt.
Concert tickets over $1,000
Gaming is just remasters and subscriptions.
Night out is over $700

Cloudflare selling our data.
Social media apps read your dictionary.
Government is spying on everyone rather than improving standard of living.
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Zen Buddhism it is
Thanks for coming to the party newfag. There’s some room in the back. No more tendies though, and I hear the pool is closed.
You will own nothing and be happy

>become lawyer
>this is the type of useless shit that runs through your mind
>should I bring headphones or not please tell me reddit
This is the future of our country.

No, no, that sounds about right. Soon, they'll be complaining about having "all this boring shit to read," and stuff.
>should I bring reddit or not please tell me /pol/

I'm guessing this person wants to not look like an idiot by failing to bring something that everyone just knows you bring to the office just because. Yeah, it looks ridiculous, but benefit of the doubt I'd say this person knows the importance of impression and reputation. Then again it's reddit.

Who the fuck brings a charger or earbuds?

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The Mutts are really ostracizing themselves all over the world
>Western Right wingers hate you
>Chinese hates you
>Russia hates you
>Everyone hates Israel outside of the Mutts
This is the fifth African country that has rebelled against Mutt hegemony in this last year
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Push the tempo!
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>Iranian president dies from helicopter crash
>Keep shilling about niggers capturing CIA agents

They are trying to let the former pass
Zogbots deserve whatever.
Probably wanted to start civil unrest and cause a migration wave
Free rare minerals as a nice bonus
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There's 2 of them, white and black piggies trying to stir up trouble.
Those glowniggers are guilty without trial.
serves them right working for kikes

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