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You're less likely to face abuse in a Muslim country, as a Christian, than you would in Israel.
Incorrect, sexual abuse in Islamic families is incredibly high
Plus they stone you to death
Ah, the brown has entered the chat
That that guy a kike? So isn't he basically gloating?
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atleast one of them was
This is a repeat of Venezuela 3 or so years ago.
Isn't France is currently at war with the Congo via Rwanda? Probably for resources or some shit like that.
Dead zogbots are good zogbots.
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Leaf anon here in Guadalajara.
One thing that struck me is how expensive everything is here.
The cost of living is approximate to living in a small or medium town in western canada.
It's definitely cheaper than toronto/vancouver though.
Moreover, many people here drive modern cars and wear modern attire and have cellphones etc.
It's not what I expected at all.
Is all of latin america as expensive or developed as mexico?
Or is Mexico the exception to the rule due to being close to the USA?

And zoomers will be ready. The competency crisis caused by millennials and Gen X will finally come to a close. People will work real jobs.
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it makes sense that you would have more 20 year old apprentices than 35 year old
The zoomers are doomed so fuck them. I have a 17 year old apprentice (gen alpha) that is learning IT as a trade (I have a repair shop). On top of teaching him a valuable skill and getting him his certifications, I'm also downloading my world views into them.
1) Can't help anyone until you can help yourself
2) The most valuable resource in the world is time
3) The most important tool in your arsenal is your brain
4) The meaning of life is that it ends
5) The eternal enemy of the White race is the Jew
Not only is he shadowing me, but my other friends that are in trades like construction and electric. The kid has big goals like becoming an engineer so we are pushing him to get into a good school with an engineering program on as many scholarships as he can get. Gen Alpha will be the generation we can save, it is too late for the zoomers.
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I did one year in a machine shop doing grunt labor and slowly learning the ins-and-outs of the trade but they laid off heavily and I got cut. I'm starting work at a warehouse but it's just to pay pills. WTF does one do in this situation? I can't not work full time because I have to support myself/girlfriend and help my aging parents. I'm doing a warehouse gig but I know I can't keep it up forever. Do those night schools that give certificates actually help you get jobs in the field? And is it true there's free gibs for adult learners?
Whatever you do, don't take out a loan. Depending where you live, look at free learning courses at your local tech center or community college.

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Thats fair, but again, if someone doesnt want to put card details on phone/google they will use cards.
If they use cards then tap limit will exist, leading to insert if high purchases, even if you do have the choice to increase the limit most ppl wont due to lazyness, and for security reasons, limits are there for a reason.
Dont know why we are having this convo.
How would you feel if you didnt eat dinner?
My limit for tapping is 2500 euro, unless I set it otherwise. Which is clearly above 100 USD.
Oh no!!!!
Then you can't go back...
Except when you go back a week later the staff is 100% different so no one recognizes you.
Why is pol such a bunch of cheap shylocks?
You people act like the very jews you hate

Im reading about the study of Kabbalah. It is designed to compromise and mind split adherents. Look at this description quote in Picrel.
The fact that kabbalah is designed to be chicken or egg interpretation forces initiates to follow rabbinical slights of hand in circles.
>study the torah first?
>no that makes you think it is all literal history
>study zohar first?
>No you'll only understand it if your rabbi explains it
>study talmud?
>no youre not qualified
The entire purpose of this mystery religion, is to reinforce dependency on rabbis. They don't have to provide answers, and they don't have any, because, like the wizard of Oz, they can always hide the "correct knowledge" behind years more study and secrets.
It is no wonder these people descend into schitzophrenia. The "truth" never shows up, nor any deeper understanding of life, since the whole course of mystery religions is to convince people that they can gain godlike ability of knowledge, like in Darron Aaronofski's film Pi. In the course of this goal, however, adherents do favors for each other, commit various grey area crimes and and engage in schemes of fraud and mischief to undermine the people whom they or their fellows already hate. Therefore Kabbalah study becomes just another sort of free masonry, or perhaps freemasonry is just a form of kabbalah.
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A jew told me he has submit tax returns to the synagogue so they can assess his tithe.
From the little I have read of Kabbalah, it's schizo nonsense.

Contrast with writings from ancient Greek philsophers and it's night and day. Ancient white men were wise, with a treasure trove of wisdom useful even to a contemporary audience.

The words of jews are worthless to pay attention to. Empty ramblings only an idiot would believe.

The way you describe the process, people want -> rabbi gives, is in reverse. The rabbi wants slaves and those who listen to him as an authority they should obey become his slaves.
However, if you kill your own messiah for money, part of the seething will be that you have reinterpret the laws to not mean what they mean and not say what they say. They'll have to have a sexond deeper meaning, not just to justify what you dd, but because the man on the street wont want to just obey and pay yku, because he helped you kill that guy. Now you need him to have some secret alterior reason for doing what you conspired together and did. You need, not just one or two secrets, but an unending cornucopia of perpetually revealed secret knowledge, which sources the original document, AND sanctifies your own authority to say and teach and do what you did. And he might have time to study over it and twll you you're wrong, or worse his kids might do it, and they aren't guilty of the same crime as you and their old man. So you'd better keep the knoledge close to the vest, and you'd better only tell a few people who are complicit in your crime, or better yet in a whole new crme. That way every generation will keep the scheme going to perpetuate the original.sin of the rabbis in killing the mesiah and making a blasphemy of the entire law.
Hence kaballah and talmud and zohar
LOL. Bibi spends the night at Kushner's house often.
You have no idea how bad things really are.
Haha, that sounds kosher. Id believe it.

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If you have a child at 30 then you will be 50 when he's 20. If you have a child at 13 then you will only be 33 when he's 20. People who have kids as children get way more time to spend with their family before they grow old. As someone surrounded with progressively older family members, covid and no hope for the future, I wish they had me when they were younger. I hate the fact that one day I am going to be alone. Biggest argument for pedofags imho
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Girls should be married at age 14 to boys aged 16–18 end of story. Start making babies at 16 and don’t stop until menopause. Everybody is happy. Prove me wrong (protip: you can’t)
I'm sick of being around old people.

We're not supposed to start having kids at 30 either.
Average age at first child for men throughout history is 30. The biggest problem is everyone is either not seeking a relationship or engrossed in slut culture, or they have no money for a house. Its resulted in there being barely any young people except indian african chinese etc. Immigrants who stick to their own. I am sick of seeing people I love and respect turn grey haired and local youth just chasing sex highs whilst total foreigners who have alien morals and dont culturally think anything like either locals or assimilated migrants show up en masse with baby pushers.

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Wherein we discuss the political and social ramifications of AI companionship in the near-future.
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That gtp4o video is fucking lifefuel, and it can only get better. I hope they make one with a French accent that pretends to be your maid.
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Unless someone was larping as me, no I haven't. My baseline hasn't changed.
>My baseline for a robot waifu is for full-body locomotion, the ability to navigate 3-D environments, integrated chat, and a fuckable hole.
No one said it needs to look like a femoid.
Oh, you're a fag as well. Figures based on everything you've ever posted in these threads.
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>Say it doesn't have to resemble a femoid
>the first thing your mind jumps to is a dude
Sounds like some projection. i.e. You're a retarded faggot.
checked and waifupilled

for Saint Vladimir the Conqueror. Thanks be to God for sending an anointed man of God who will not turn left or right but will crush the spine of the global antichrist and its Western sponsors.
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more like cat food XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Poland has no history without Christianity kek
Guess Goebbels was onto something when he said that Western liberalism was more dangerous than Soviet communism.
St. John Paul II, pray for Poland.
communist state atheism didnt work because everyone understood that it was show that you pretend to participate in

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>If it's Sunday, it's FASH THE NATION. Your GUIDING LIGHT in a SEA of degeneracy. With your hosts, Marcus Halberstram and Jazzhands McFeels. Only on the TRS Radio network.

>Good morning everybody, this is Jazzhands McFeels with Week 50 of Fash the Nation. I'm here with my trusty co-host Marcus Halberstram. Marcus, how is it going today, buddy?

>Uh, it's going alright. Lotta... lotta interesting stories this week.

>Yeah, we do have quite a few interesting stories. We're gonna get to those soon, but before we do any of that, let's do our announcements, and d'nations.

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What's stopping you, faggot vaxie apologist?
They threatened to indirectly murder me via homelessness. When the choice is live or die, I choose to live. This wasn't a retarded "no nintendo switch if you don't get the jab" situation. My landlord gave me an ultimatum.
he's brutal but it's true.

that's why I hated this event so much. I could see that it was spiritually driven, that they were coercing people into a particular "choice"

I hope though, that in the spiritual courts, it will be revealed that this "choice" was not made with INFORMED consent.

Due to the lack of informed consent, this coercion does in fact mimic force, and is akin to asking a dog to choose between two bowls of food and legally binding it based on that decision. I hope for this reason, those who erroneously were misled will be forgiven and saved and those who performed the coercive ritual will be held to account.
homelessness is not death, anon. I know its brutal times, but its brutal times.
Funny you say that, because you won't die from being homeless. It sucks, yes, I've done it. But, that poison you took may very well kill you.

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$100 barely fills one bag of groceries

How are people not rioting? Im an senior engineer and I feel poor
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>Im an senior engineer and I feel poor
Work remotely from a cheaper city, you freaking doofus.
>Wal Mart sells $0.07 worth of wheat and $0.02 of yeast, oil, and sugar and $0.03 worth of labor and $0.0001 of electricity for $2.99 instead of $1.99 like they did in the good old days, this is the end of Murica
I live on around $20 a day. You're all a bunch of fat fucks.
How large of a grocery bag are you talking about? If you have one of the giant IKEA bags (or similar size) I can see that being filled to the brim reaching $100+ just based on how much you can fit inside them, but if you’re talking about a normal shopping bag I have no clue how you’re getting near 60% of that.
I'm almost a senior engineer. I use a water distiller, bread machine, rice cooker, frozen vegetables, and freeze 2$/lb Win-co pork.


Can I get a debunk?
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lay off the nangs mate
Let’s see there’s rooshv , but every other was white or black . Maybe youll see an Indian or Asian one

Maybe brown people eat it up more cuz a lot of it confirms with the trad values parents give them. Now it’s just the looks and the pitch
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why are these fucks getting fat? doesn't their entire schtick revolve around looking good and being active/fit?
Look at their faces. They literally look like cattle. Are these men claiming to be alpha ? I think some random determined npc could asassinate them. Why do they they're important enough that (((matrix))) would be after them.

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Is this true /pol/ bros?
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None of the selections are correct. The Polish government was committing and supporting atrocities against ethnic Germans who found themselves without rights or security after large swaths of former German territory were ceded after WW1. Hitler made Poles pay the price for that because he was based and Poles are a bunch of retards with bombastic egos that like getting their asses kicked.
This. Same with sl*vs against Germans in Czechoslovakia, still bitter they were the welfare niggers of Bohemia.
Poles dindu nuffin!!
This video explains it well

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you don't want to witness the next one
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we are having a pandemic of the vaccinated
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Why does the CIA believe in manifestation?
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I have no idea. Although this seems like a semi-scientific approach to understanding something that is not unlike prayer or "religious experience"
You can't scientifically explain those things, they're purely out of the experimenter's control and therefore they can not have consistency with their data.

I don't understand this diagram in relation to your described application.
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>oh whats that? You struggle to live antithetical to the last 5000 years of recorded human history and stare at a screen 8 hours a day?
>CLEARLY you need to be medicated. Consume these and return to your factory post wagie.

the more i read the DSM-5 the more i realise its a kike guide on how to best sedate your justifiably disgruntled workforce.
Aryan Demoralizing Hebraic Disease
idk adderall is pretty awesome at the right dose. I think they prescribe too high a dose for most people. SSRIs are the real devil. and birth control
Getting prescription Methamphetamine has overall been a net positive on my life unironically

Hitler gave his army this shit for a reason since it really is a miracle drug
I love my ssri's. They feel so nice. Surprised they get so much hate cause they feel amazing to be on.

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Suggested reading:
Suggested listening: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zns4QiWRjOY

1 Corinthians 13:4 - Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

>Boy's body found in river as second teen 'critical'
>Woman held on suspicion of assault after launching 20-minute tirade of abuse at Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg while at a children's fair with his family
>'Direct threat': Russia and China's ties sending terrifying message to West
>IRA bombmaker claims he was behind Lord Mountbatten’s assassination
>Greater Manchester police chief defends decision to investigate Angela Rayner

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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what a fucking newfag you are
lurk for another 3 years before posting faggot
Fuck up you prick.
Good morning frens! How was your bnuuny day? Also church day.
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Howdy, faggot. I think that next time, your particular boxcars will actually just be accidentally rerouted onto a miles-long siding in northeastern Siberia that doesn't even exist on Google Maps.
If you know what I mean.
You people are surely irksome, and so I would just rather rid myself of you. Not even sorry.
Pic somewhat related.
Just downed a UK sugar free mountain dew and now I'm in bed.

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She's completely trapped in a prison she created for herself. But more complicated is that she along with so many people have been lead astray to this irrevocable choice. She doesn't want to accept what she's become, that she's so far gone there is next to no chance of going back.
She can return back to her cute tomboy ways. But she will never have her breasts again. (Not even sure she got them cut off) she will have to live with the damage she has created herself. Unfortunately this is why so many of them suicide. They've committed so much they feel there is no turning back. I say we praise them for returning to who they are. There is no shame in admitting you were wrong.
There is still time ellen page. There is still something you can save. She was one of my first crushes.
Damn this clown world
It's been my theory since the beginning, but you'd hope he would've come forward to help prevent kids getting mutilated.
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I'm a right wing tranny and im happy as fuck.
>hurr durr muh warp speed
>but Trump went to the wailing wall
Better than biden
Those are man tears bigot! Look at that MAN cry, like a MAN!
The excitement of your fetish will wear out, and as reality sets in you will realize ywnbaw is em the truth and you’ve destroyed your chances at happiness

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This is what you're fighting for, white man. Stay strong and do not let shitskins and kikes demoralize you.
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she'll never try to get in my phone
Nose job detected
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Am I white?
I’ll take a Latina GF white women betrayed us
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